What Time is the 4 o'clock Rain? -- Updates 11/2-4 -- Tim's surprise and Marco&Recap

Kathy, Thanks for the heads up that you had finished the TR! Yea for Tim's surprise...:banana::banana::banana: I NEVER want to go to Miami. LOVED the beach photos, so relaxing! :love:
We arrived, checked in and saw these guys waiting for food from someone:

And they are not shy about coming after whatever food one might have. Some of their great great grandfathers had my three kids pinned up against a wall one day many years ago as they searched for some lunch. :upsidedow

It was our last full day on Marco (we would be leaving early the next morning).

It's Saturday, August 31, and we are up early to go to breakfast at one of our favorite places before driving to Ft. Myers to see some of Mark's customers.

Our view from the balcony while I waited for Mark:

I could NEVER tire of that view.

It is so nice to look out and see water and palm trees. :cool2:

We then knew it was time to leave and say goodbye. And as those of you who have been following my TR's for awhile know, Nicki and I always end up in tears when we say goodbye. This was no exception. And no there are no pictures to prove it...trust me, we both burst out in tears.

I hate goodbyes. :sad1:
Awww Kathy - I am so sad to see your TR done! I've enjoyed all of it!

I loved your last few days in Marco - again - it looks beautiful! I wish that some day - I could talk DH to retiring in Florida... The sad thing is that he wants to retire in Northern MN - so we coulnd't be further apart in our retirement wishes. :(

I loved Nikki's sundress... Hmmm... She had two different pink ones - but the pink one with maybe some brown or black... Very cute! I loved your sun dress on your last day too - that was super cute! I dream of wearing sundresses some day!

I loved all of your photopass recap pictures - these were some of my favorites too!

Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us - it was a lot of fun and I look forward to following your PTR until your next TR. (((Hugs)))

Hi Kathy! Wow - you really wrapped up in a hurry.

Looks like your time in Marco was relaxing! I didn't really see much of Miami when we were there - but I'm not thinking it would be my first choice. As far as dirty, it is dirty here, too. Something I am having a hard time getting used to. There are some nice neighborhoods where it is cleaned up, but if you're driving around town - yuck! :sad2: I'm thinking they should put some inmates to work cleaning up the city, just my thoughts. :rolleyes1

Nice that you got to see Nikki and Todd, even if it was just for dinners. Oh, and great job getting he BOG ressies for Tim! :thumbsup2 Now that you are done with this one, maybe I can get caught up on your PTR. :rotfl2:
Thank you, Lisa. I don't think we'll be on Marco when we move...I'm thinking more Naples or Ft. Myers...but there are beaches and beautiful views there too.

those are both beautiful places too! love your recap! I could never go to WDW during the summer time, I'll keep to my spring and late fall!

we can't wait to meet up with you and Mark and everyone else during our trips! going to get my box packed up today and tomorrow! only doing carry on for the plane!
Another amazing trip. So sad you had to leave Nickiland but you'll be back.

Jill in CO
What a look of contentment there. :thumbsup2

He was; that man just zones out on the beach.

I have enjoyed your TR and it's with mixed feelings I have that this is coming to a close.

Thank you, Bob.

I'm sad because your trip reports are almost like a daily fix for me to feed my addiction for WDW. :lmao:

There's always our PTR to keep you occupied.

And I'm happy because you are so dog gone popular here on the DIs that it is easy to get behind in reading your reports. :rotfl:

Oh, I think you are just being nice. The DIS in general has been very quiet lately.

So that's why Michael has been quiet upstairs!! Congrats to your Bears. :goodvibes

Yes, and Michael was very quiet on FB too. I think he may be a little upset today as I just heard on the radio that his quarterback could be out 4-6 weeks. OUCH!

Kathy, Thanks for the heads up that you had finished the TR! Yea for Tim's surprise...:banana::banana::banana: I NEVER want to go to Miami. LOVED the beach photos, so relaxing! :love:

Thanks, Judy. I was so happy...especially for Princess Juliana...that I was able to snag that for them. I never want to go back to Miami. Yes, the beach was very relaxing.
And they are not shy about coming after whatever food one might have. Some of their great great grandfathers had my three kids pinned up against a wall one day many years ago as they searched for some lunch. :upsidedow

That must have been scary. I'll never forget the day we were at Silver Springs and Mark had a bag of nuts in his bag and several geese started chasing him and one kept biting his back end.

It is so nice to look out and see water and palm trees. :cool2:

Yes it is; a beautiful way to wake up in the morning.

I hate goodbyes. :sad1:

I hate them too; but I am grateful that we get to go back every year and spend time with Nicki and Todd.

Awww Kathy - I am so sad to see your TR done! I've enjoyed all of it!

Thanks, D.

I loved your last few days in Marco - again - it looks beautiful! I wish that some day - I could talk DH to retiring in Florida... The sad thing is that he wants to retire in Northern MN - so we coulnd't be further apart in our retirement wishes. :(

Oh there is no way I could retire in the same state or the same section of the US. I'm sorry (you could come visit us).

I loved Nikki's sundress... Hmmm... She had two different pink ones - but the pink one with maybe some brown or black... Very cute! I loved your sun dress on your last day too - that was super cute! I dream of wearing sundresses some day!

She has the most adorable of clothes. Thanks...that was my favorite that I purchased on this trip.

I loved all of your photopass recap pictures - these were some of my favorites too!

We had a lot of fun ones.

Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us - it was a lot of fun and I look forward to following your PTR until your next TR. (((Hugs)))


Thank you for reading along, and for the meet.

Hi Kathy! Wow - you really wrapped up in a hurry.

It dawned on me we leave in four weeks and we are out of town next weekend, then painting two rooms in the house and then Thanksgiving is here. So I needed to get this wrapped up.

Looks like your time in Marco was relaxing! I didn't really see much of Miami when we were there - but I'm not thinking it would be my first choice. As far as dirty, it is dirty here, too. Something I am having a hard time getting used to. There are some nice neighborhoods where it is cleaned up, but if you're driving around town - yuck! :sad2: I'm thinking they should put some inmates to work cleaning up the city, just my thoughts. :rolleyes1

Thank you, Tammie. I know it is dirty in a lot of cities (Chicago, included), but this just screamed dirty and not nice to me.

Nice that you got to see Nikki and Todd, even if it was just for dinners. Oh, and great job getting he BOG ressies for Tim! :thumbsup2 Now that you are done with this one, maybe I can get caught up on your PTR. :rotfl2:

We always get our shopping day. They are hoping to take a whole day off next year to spend with us. And I'm still hopeful that Nicki may pop into DW in June when Mary, the girls and I are there.

I was so happy I could do that for Tim. The PTR should start moving again tomorrow.

those are both beautiful places too! love your recap! I could never go to WDW during the summer time, I'll keep to my spring and late fall!

There's really not a "bad" place in Florida. Unless Mark ends up working for Disney, we will stick to the Nicki area. We've gone in August before, but just not that early in August; hoping not to have to do it again. Spring doesn't work for us because of baseball.

we can't wait to meet up with you and Mark and everyone else during our trips! going to get my box packed up today and tomorrow! only doing carry on for the plane!

We are looking forward to seeing you too.

Another amazing trip. So sad you had to leave Nickiland but you'll be back.

Jill in CO

Thanks for reading along Jill. It was sad we had to leave but we will be back and hopefully some day permanently.
I think you guys are definitely Floridians at heart! I bet it won't be too many years before you make the move permanently! Hey, maybe Mark could get a job at Disney as Official Hat-Tryer-Onner. :)
This woman did NOT leave the water for the three hours we were there...she stayed in that exact spot the entire three hours:

Hmmm....sounds like Disney's animatronic sleeping lion. Probably the same technology.

Pool time (after we went to Starbucks, of course):

Wouldn't it be easier for Starbucks just to open a counter in your living room?:confused3

We, obviously, stopped at Starbucks after dinner for coffee and dessert.

No, seriously. You'd never have to leave.:rotfl2:

Our view from the balcony while I waited for Mark:

Very nice!!

Can anyone guess where we ate?


Now THIS is a quality establishment!:thumbsup2

Our new tradition after dinner is to go to Cheesecake Factory for dessert rather than Starbucks for coffee (although we still have coffee anyway).

:eek: No Starbucks?!

That's ok...Cheesecake Factory is pretty awesome.

It gets harder and harder to leave each time. Not only because we love Nicki and Todd, but it is just so peaceful and serene on Marco.

I can believe that, certainly.

Great report as usual, Kathy! Sorry there was so much rain, but somehow I knew you guys would push through and have a great time anyway. I'll always remember that PP shot of you guys with the fireworks--it says so much about you guys all in one picture!:thumbsup2
It was now Thursday, August 29. While the kids were on their honeymoon on Marco Island, they had done the evening cruise on the Marco Princess (a more expensive cruise as it included prime rib, etc.). Mark and I decided to do the lunch one which was less expensive.
The cruise looks like a lot of fun. Lunch and dolphins... great way to spend a few hours. :thumbsup2
The owner makes THE best cappucinos on the planet
:faint: Even better than Starbucks?????

This woman did NOT leave the water for the three hours we were there...she stayed in that exact spot the entire three hours
Well... I guess she must have been happy there... :confused3

We, obviously, stopped at Starbucks after dinner for coffee and dessert.

And as those of you who have been following my TR's for awhile know, Nicki and I always end up in tears when we say goodbye.
::yes:: Just like we know you like to go to Starbucks.

(well, she is gone now, but she was there when we got back from our trip).

It gets harder and harder to leave each time. Not only because we love Nicki and Todd, but it is just so peaceful and serene on Marco.
So... what is the real estate situation there? :rolleyes1

We made what seemed like a very long ride back to the airport (we did not stop at Epcot as Mark had offered...I figured we'd be back in December and we could do SE then).
I don't think I'd have had the will power. I mean if there is even the slightest offer to stop at a Disney park, even if only for a few hours... :wave2: :hyper:

And before we knew it, we were leaving "home" to go home.
See... you need to go house shopping.

Our best moments and our least favorite moments. Luckily, there were more "best" moments than their were "least" favorite moments.
Isn't that always the case? Otherwise you wouldn't go back. :thumbsup2

1) Our numerous and wonderful DIS meets -- Brenda and Em, Marilyn, Brenda and Em, Suzi, D, Brenda and Em, Brenda and Em :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Is this an official count? Seems like you're leaving a few out, to me. :rolleyes1

2) The passing of the balloon in my dad's memory
Always love this! :thumbsup2

5) Mark and Rapunzel
Seriously??? This is number 5? Come on! That is the best Disney picture in the history of Disney pictures!!! :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

I hope you'll come back for the next TR after our December trip (the PTR is currently underway).

Always fun to read your TR's.
Well what can I say Kathy?
What a wonderful and fun trip report, I have enjoyed every second :)
Thanks for bringing a little bit of Disney to rainy old England every day !
You photos always make me smile because you and Mark always have such HUGE smiles on your faces :)
Hope you have a fab trip in December - if I spot you in the parks you will hear an excited English accent shouting hello!
Lovely pictures from Marco Island, what a great way to wrap up your trip. I am getting hungry looking at all of those delicious food pics! You got quite a nice tan with all of that time in the sun too :)

Great report as always, I enjoyed it. I am glad that you had more positives than negatives to your trip and all of that rain didn't get you down.

Can't wait for the next one!
i am caught up again... ya know AT THE END!!! :furious:
SO... The cruise? did you like the lunch? was it as good as the kids thought?
ohhhh love seeing dolphins and manatee! all the stuff that you just don't see here... we just have floating bodies and Asian carp. :lmao:

you almost have me sold on MARCO (polo) Island.. I think i need to read a few more of your reports... :rolleyes1
you all look wonderful together. Like everyone saying goodbye stinks to it's SEE YA REAL SOON!!!

how was your starbucks? and rain? :lmao:

going to your PTR now.. which is going to confuse the daylights out of me now...
Great TR! Looks like you had a wonderful anniversary trip! I wish you another 30+ happy years! The views out of the window at sunrise are just breath taking! It must take great strength to get up and leave there! It is how I feel when I have to leave Newport Beach CA for Boston. Boston will always be my home but it doesn't have the same feel as So Cal!
Thanks for sharing your trip! Looks like you had a great time. I'm sorry you had so much rain. Now I'm scared for our trip next August :-( Looking forward to your next report.
Boy! Was I ever behind... All caught up now, so I have lots to say!! :rotfl2:

Minnie is a cutie! I could understand not wanting to leave her but I would think that as tiny as she looks, Nicki would be able to sneak her into the parks in her purse! :rotfl2:

You are so sweet for getting Tim his BOG ADR! So glad that it was a nice time for them.. The picture looks great!

We have been to Miami twice... both departing for cruises from the port there and then spending some time in Miami... both before kids. I have to tell you, I would never take me kids there! Miami was very dirty and you really needed to be careful of where you were within Miami. Didn't leave me feeling very safe and I was there as an adult! Can't imagine raising a family in that area. :sad2:

Yaaaa!!! You hit it big at the casino. I am guessing that Starbucks saw most of those winnings! :rotfl:

The sundress you found is beautiful and very flattering on you... think it will be warm enough in December to need to pack it again... I HOPE!!! :) Ok, maybe not that warm, but a nice solid mid-70s!

So sorry to see this TR wrap up... but that just means that DISNEY is coming for all of us!!! Can't wait! Now, over to see if I have catching up on your PTR to do.


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