What time were you allowed out to and how far were you allowed to go as a kid?

I had to come home when the street lights came on and I wasn't ever allowed outside of our subdivision without asking permission first. But if we asked then we were allowed to go pretty much anywhere in the village (also lived in a village but I think it changed its designation to city at some point years later) but outside of the neighborhood there was a time frame involved, like, you can go fishing at the park, or go to the library, ice skating, etc. but you have to be home by 3pm or whatever.
as children my siblings and I worked as migrant workers in oregon ...so we never saw the sunset and come winter chores were completed long after sunset.

as for how far could we go , when we were ages 6-10 we could hike all day to the highest ranges in Joshua Tree national park....never knew if you could see disneyland from that tall rounded border....there where no peaks...just one boulder higher than the other.
Usually, we had to be home before sunset. We used to be out all day sometimes in the summer. We went everywhere-rode our bikes to the store, walked through “the woods”, or wherever. We knew to go home if we heard my dad whistle. I think we could hear him whistle from the other side of town.
"Be home by dark." It was always assumed I was at one of my friend's houses or the park, and my parents knew the parents of my friends. We often stayed for awhile at one house and then would go to someone else's house.
As a child I was only playing on my block and with the other kids that lived on it. When the street lights came on, my mom's voice was shouting out the pantry windrow for me to come inside. Once I hit about 11-13 (end of 6th grade until beginning of 8th grade though, I had a large timeframe where I rode my bike where ever all over town. My parents had no clue what I was doing!! I doubt I was ever gone more than 2 or 3 hours but I enjoyed every moment. It was a different time, then.
Never had reason to be more than a house or two away until I was a teenage. When I was 14 or 15, I could go anywhere by bike would take me. I had to be in the house at 7 pm, take my bath and be in bed by 8 pm. And all the other neighborhood kids still out playing at 8:30 pm during the summer used to irritate me. I put a speedometer/odometer on my bike, and right after I turned 17 my mom was horrified how many miles I was riding. I had a car with in a month
I'd be out all day. Not really given a time limit. I'd head home and check in every once in a while. Always home for dinner. It was a struggle for my Mom to keep me in the house to eat dinner. I didn't eat very much. Just wanted to get back to whatever I was doing. Different time back then....better times.
I don’t remember the exact time but I know it was earlier then most of the other kids in our neighborhood cause I remember whining to my mom that “the kids were still playing”.
I had to be home before dark. I was supposed to check in a few times either by stopping home, or calling from a friend’s house.

I was not allowed outside of our apartment complex, but I had many friends in the complex, so that was fine. I could only go into a friend’s home if my parents knew their parents, and I was supposed to call if I was there longer than a few minutes.
We were allowed to be anywhere on base that wasn't off-limits (flight-line, golf course, etc.). I remember being in 1st and 2nd grade and riding bikes to school, the beach, the BX. Home by dark.
I can’t say I actually remember the rules. When very young we stayed close by our home. Maybe also to a specific friend’s house in the neighborhood. A little older usually in our neighborhood (three streets basically), but we would also walk or bike anywhere in town or occasionally to places in neighboring towns. Older still, a bus to the mall, about five miles away.

I do remember being outside after dark, even in summer when the days were long. So I am going to guess we were usually home by 9 PM. Till High school that is.
In modern parlance...I think we were free-range. We took off on our bikes all day and returned for dinner. As teens, our mom said to be home by midnight, but she was in very poor health by then, so she went to bed and pretended she didn't hear us come in. We never got into any trouble. We knew when to call it a night.
We probably could've went anywhere as long as we were back when it started getting dark but we mostly stayed on our street. We lived in a poorer neighborhood so my brother and I were the only kids with bikes. We would actually share our bikes with the other kids so two at a time would be off riding(usually just around the block) while the rest of us do did other stuff. If we did need to be home earlier, my dad had a whistle we knew to we had to head right home. 😆
Come home when the street lights come on. It was never explicitly said, but we always stayed inside our subdivision. Wasn’t much close by anyway.
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Anywhere in the rather large neighborhood was fine until dark. The neighborhood was pretty stable. I think my parents knew, at least on a name basis, the families in at least every other house, and everyone kind of knew what kids belonged to whom. If a kid needed to call their parents, they could knock on pretty much any door and be known.

If I told my parents. I could go as far as my bike would take me within even broader parameters. I couldn’t go across the railroad tracks to the west, unless it was to the tennis courts, north about 3 miles, about a mile south (Port Everglades limited how far I could go), and east to the ocean.

This is probably especially noteworthy and trusting of my parents since I have a medical condition that’s known as one of the more disabling around- one fall and I’d have permanently lost the ability to walk, let alone ride a bike.
I had to come in when the street lights came on. I wasn't given a proximity after I was allowed to cross the street. I would either ride my bike everywhere or take public transportation to wherever I wanted to go. I explored a lot of the city before I even went to high school.

I think the farthest I went was from the beginning of the orange line in Chicago to the end of brown line.

I never really had rules abut bed time, and being home at a certain time, but I never gave the a real reason to. but of course a different time and place


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