What To Do In Orlando Between Meals 5) How many CMs does it take to change a li


Jul 2, 2002
5) How many CMs does it take to change a lightbulb.

The two Saturdays we were in Orlando were the only days of the two weeks Spectro Magic was scheduled. So this first Saturday was to be a 'Disney Day'. If Spectro was cancelled we'd still have one more chance of catching it the following week. Thinking about Spectro led me, not unnaturally to think about light bulbs. How many light bulbs must there be in Disney? Has anyone ever seen one out? I haven't. Who changes them? There must be a whole department. The Department Of Illumination. Maybe with it's own vice president and everything. Maybe there's a control room with all the light bulbs mapped and cross referenced. Astro Orbiter leg 6 bulb 4 orange -afgt463815384- and so on. CMs radioing in from Tommorowland. "Flicker Report. Repeat Flicker Report. Bulb Reference afgt463815384. OHMIGOD it's extinguished Repeat Extinguished. I'm going in. Send back-up."
Anyway our dilemma was which park during the day. We settled for MGM Studios. We had a really excellent breakfast at Cracker Barrel Country Store and noticed that it opened at 6.00am. Handy for anyone with early flights. We went back to Cracker Barrel a few times and we both thought the food quality was better than a lot of other chains.
Once again we were nice and early for the park, let through the turnstile and held at a rope. Even with the crowds being light up to now this was Saturday so we didn't know what to expect so the boys and I headed for R&RC straight away. As we came out of the pre show after the manageress had ordered us a limo there was an empty car at the start point waiting to leave. A screech of brakes came over the sound system and whoosh, the car was gone. Connor and Daniel looked at each other in disbelief. I did a double take. Where did that go? There was a real car there a micro second ago wasn't there? I'm not wearing 3D specs am I? I rode this ride several more times and I never again saw the previous car leave. I think the car is not supposed to leave until you are around the corner out of sight at the loading bay. Maybe as it was the first ride of the day the timing was out or something. If you don't see the car leave then the acceleration is a big shock to you, but if you do see the car leave than you must be extra apprehensive. Which is better? Don't ask me. When you're as frightened as I was degrees of terror are somehow not important. We boarded our car and proceeded to the red light. Steve Tyler screamed "Three, Two, One" and we were off. Later I read that you reach 60mph in two seconds. Great ride. Next was ToT and we still had time to do Star Tours and meet the girls for the 10.00 showing of Ariel. The show was well done and it was nice to sit down in some air con for half an hour after such a hectic start. We all went an GMR next and Rachel got a bit scared during the gunfire sequences but she was calmed down by the munchkins. As usual I especially enjoyed all the classic clips at the end. Muppet Vision 3D was next and we all enjoyed the preshow on the three TVs. Years ago Muppets was my first 3D show and remains a favourite. We saw the Beauty and the Beast show and as that theatre isn't too far from R&RC we had two more quick goes. We knew we definitely had to have a break today as we were going to be out late for Spectro so it was back to the villa for snacks and a swim and a rest. Due to the unexpected light crowds we had done loads in half a day.
At the 7-11 we bought drinks. Have you noticed the different cup sizes. There is a 'Gulp' which I think is a biggish drink. Then there's a 'Super Gulp'. OK it's hot in Florida and we all need to take in more liquid. Then there's a Double Gulp'. Now this must be for sharing right? This is too much for one person at one time surely, even in this heat. But then. while you are shaking your head at the size of this one, you notice, out of the corner of your eye, a cardboard dustbin with the legend 'Super Double Gulp'. It's a joke right? Come on. That's not a drink. That's a pool. I would have bought one just for a laugh if I'd have had a bigger car.
We arrived at MK car park just in time for the rainstorm. the clouds were moving quite quickly through the sky and I was convinced that it would stop. The trams returning people to their cars got fuller and fuller. People obviously thought it was here to stay. Babs figured the more people leaving the easier it would be to get a good spot for SM. The kids though didn't share our optimism, Rachel in particular had a face longer than ET's phone bill. Eventually after about 50 minutes the rain stopped. We caught the tram and ferry boat and were soon on Main Street. As we had been so patient waiting and waiting for the rain to stop so we wouldn't get wet the kids naturally wanted to go on Splash mountain. I got soaked by a passing boat as we passed the drop bit and so secretly hoped it would rain on everyone else, particularly the kids.
After Splash we were able to ride BTMR with only a short wait and then it was off to Fantasyland so the girls could ride all the nice rides. Fantasyland was absolutely chocka. We had trouble just walking around. Everything had a minimum 45 minute standby line. The only thing without a line was IASW so the girls and Connor went on that. I wandered over to Tommorrowland and got FPs for Space Mountain but as the window opened 10 minutes before Spectro we didn't use them. The rain returned intermittent. My fault for wishing it I suppose and the place was crowded. We tried to stake out a couple of spots for the parade but the crowds were getting pretty uncomfortable. We ended up right back in frontierland.
So, this is the scene. We've waited in the car for an hour. Then we've had to do the tram, ferryboat thing. Then after being soaked we wandered from ride to ride and went on nothing except IASW. Then we've searched and searched for a spot to watch the parade. Then it's started to rain again. Then you start to realise that you're hungry and a bit tired too. And then. Just when you're wondering if its all worth it. That's when The Walt Disney Company give you Spectro Magic. And boy is magic the right name for this parade. It is absolutely stunning. Suddenly you're not tired anymore or hungry and you don't care if you're wet you just watch the parade and let yourself be amazed. Wow.
We lingered in Fantasy land and let a few people disperse and as we approached the Lberty Tree Tavern I realised I had a fine view of Tinkerbells wire. I hadn't told the rest of the family that Tinkerbell sets off the fireworks so I just pulled them all up and said we would watch the fireworks from here. We stood for a while and then suddenly the fireworks started. No tinkerbell. It must have been because of the weather. And the Liberty Tree tavern might be a good spot to watch Tinkerbell but believe me it's lousy for watching the fireworks. we could only see the ones that flew really high. It was a bit disappointing having waited around for it but everyone felt that Spectro made up for it. It took us ages to get out of the park and do the ferry/tram thing again and we were glad to see the inside of the car.
I was by now hungrier than the hungriest person in Hungryland on Hungryday and the kids were dog tired so Babs suggested take away food. Some wanted burgers some wanted chicken so after picking up some KFC near Old Town we crossed the I192 to the MacDonalds Drive Through.
For those of you who have never used a drive through let me give you some advice.
1) Read the menu and know exactly what you want.
2) When a voice says to you "Rarl, Tarl, Barl, Sharl" tell them what you want.
3) When the voice says "Rarl, Tarl, Barl, Sharl," say "Yes please."
4) Drive around to the window and pay for your food.
5) IMPORTANT Do not drive away until they have given you your food. And if you do drive away do not blame your wife for distracting you.
We did a U turn on the I192 and returned to MacDonalds. The Manager brought our food over to the car. He grinned. I grinned. Barbara didn't grin.
After food and hot showers we were all friends again.

To be continued...
Originally posted by Kenbar

For those of you who have never used a drive through let me give you some advice.
1) Read the menu and know exactly what you want.
2) When a voice says to you "Rarl, Tarl, Barl, Sharl" tell them what you want.
3) When the voice says "Rarl, Tarl, Barl, Sharl," say "Yes please."
4) Drive around to the window and pay for your food.
5) IMPORTANT Do not drive away until they have given you your food. And if you do drive away do not blame your wife for distracting you.
We did a U turn on the I192 and returned to MacDonalds.

Love it.
I bet your not the only one to have done this.
And as per usual I look forward to the next episode:bounce:
:D :rolleyes: :D LOL, Ken. Your reports are just SOO funny.

Hurry up with the next one, please:D
You never cease to amaze me Ken with your dry and wicked sense of humour, keep them coming as many as possible please before I go on Friday:smooth:

I enjoyed this too Ken - especially the lightbulb scenario! We thought pretty much the same and one of my lot even asked about how many on one of the floats - I cant remember the answer but there is actually a book published with all those natty little facts in it!!

Great report - eagerly awaiting the next instalment?

:D :D :D :D :D :D
Brilliant Ken - so funny to think of you driving off without your food!
Oh your description of drive through's is so accurate. It is an art we have never mastered, and what ever food we get remains a complete mystery until the moment we get it. It always bears no relationship to anything that we have ordered. We usually do pick up something though!!! LOL Carolyn
Absolutely brilliant, Ken - enjoyed every one of your reports!
Can't wait for the next one...
........... yep! Another great report :) ! Thanks Ken :teeth: !


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