What was the strangest interaction you ever had with a character?

Super Momma said:
My experience was more embarassing than strange. My DH and I were in Tokyo Disneyland. We were walking along a back path when I got jumped by five of King Louie's monkeys. They came out of nowhere! They made a monkey sandwich with me as the filling. :grouphug: They got pretty "friendly" with their hugs. I think I got monkey bumped a few times as well. :rolleyes: My DH almost wet himself from laughing! Thank goodness there wasn't anyone else around to see my very red face. :blush: I have never looked at monekys the same way. :teeth:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
We were at WDW in the late 90s. Took the kids to see Mickey in Toontown. We were getting a family picture with goofy. I was wearing my John Elway Denver Broncos Jersey. Goofy pointed to it and shook his head "no". That is the most we have ever seen a character "get out of character". I thought it was funny.

:yay: I LOVE THIS THREAD!!!! It's getting me even more excited about going back to Disney. Let's keep the stories coming. :rotfl: :rotfl: :banana: :rotfl: :rotfl:
At Chef Mickeys many of the characters were great!...Howevor a certain Pluto put his "mouth" around my DDs head (REALLY funny picture...everyones laughing) but she said he burped when he did this! Maybe thats why shes laughing harder? We just shruged it off as funny.
We were sitting across from POTC waiting for Peter Pan to come out for autographs. Captain Hook & Smee were out already. I had my back to POTC. The next thing I knew Smee was behind me and he was pretending he was going to steal my wedding ring. My DH and DD's thought this was quite funny. My DD's were 16 & 18 at the time.
One time I went to the MK....me and another guy, and two of our gal friends.

I went to get a picture with the Queen of Hearts, and she beckoned for my other male friend to come too. She was being very flitartious with us, kissing us and such.

I tried to get my female friends over and the Queen got jealous and pushed one of my female friends (in a playful kind of way) but my friend lost her balance and fell over backwards and scrapped her arms.

The Queen blew us guys kisses, and took off. :confused3
Okay,this isntr that strange I guess but I was at Ohana chracter breakfast with my sister,mom,and brother.And Stich came over and like pretended licked me,the chracter even made the licking noise....kind of creepy..lol
MickeyMouseGal said:
A few years ago, my Mom and I were having breakfast at Chef Mickey's. We had just sat down with our plates when Minnie strolled over. My Mom, in a teasing way said, "Buzz off Minnie, we're hungry." Minnie put her hands to her mouth in the 'shocked' pose... and then proceded to look around in a sly way... and then flipped Mom the bird!!! We were laughing hysterically!!! Then Minnie gave us a quick wave :wave2: and was off to the next table!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl: We still laugh about how Mom brought out the worst in Minnie!!!
:rotfl: i love the thing in your sig about jon carry. that is the background on my computer. cute dogs. hysterical story! your poor mom!
I also ate at the Character Breakfast that had Captain Hook and Mr. Smee. My now 28 yr old daughter was then 3 years old - How time flies. It was on a ship in what is now Downtown Disney but at that time was Buena Vista Shopping Village. Mr. Smee walked over and pretended to eat some of DD's scrambled eggs. 25 yrs later she still remembers that "That pirate stole my eggs." which is what she said when it happened. We have adorable pictures of Mr. Smee holding her fork.
I forgot about this one...
When my youngest DD was 3 we were at WDW. Donald came out and she was literally the only child there waiting to meet him. She was wearing a Daisy hat that squeeked when you squeezed it. Well Donald took the hat being playfull and forgot to give it back. We didnt even realize that the hat was gone untill later in the day when my DD wanted her hat back. We had to go to customer service and wait for "Donald" to give her hat back. I have no idea if it was the same Donald or not, but my DD was very happy when he returned her hat to her.
When I was younger, I remember Tigger made me take off my Donald Duck hat before he took a picture with me.:rotfl:

It's been quite awhile since I've really gone up to any characters. This last trip the only character I went up to was Jack Sparrow. The entire time I spent with him was pretty strange. But the funniest thing was when he went up to my 16 y.o. brother who was taking the picture. He started asking him questions and was all over him. I swear Cap'n Jack was hitting on my little brother.:rotfl2: My brother who is shy, answered his questions, but was just standing there like "please go away now" the entire time.:lmao: Jack eventaully left him alone and came back over by me. The rest of the night my Grandmother and I were teasing him about that.:rotfl2:
When my dh and I were at Epcot in september of 2000 on our honeymoon we posed for a picture with Donald Duck in Mexico. Donald stood in the middle and as someone took our picture Donald GOOSED ME!!!

It was the funniest thing and my dh and I still laugh about it till this day. :rotfl2:
I was at MK with my friend and her family. We were the last ones in line to see Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. I walked up to them and one of the Tweedle kept pointing to his cheech to give him a kiss. I thought it was a little werid kissing the costume, but anywho we did. The next thing I know Tweedle gets on he knee and pretends like he's proposing. This little stunt went on for atleast 5 minutes. It was a riot, but it was a little goofy. Our guess was that there were 2 teenage boys in the suits, but who knows.


Mine are hugely funny but we've had some fun times.

I think it was our first trip with the kids, and they were 11(DS) and just turned 6(DD), and DD was in LOVE with Pluto. So one night we were there late just before the park closed and we saw Pluto and Goofy and they spent so much time with her!

And we were in Ohana that same trip, and having a great time. It was our last day, and DD had on a pink princess hat with the scarf, and they all had fun with that. Then Chip and Dale came over and really focused on my 11yr old DS who was much more quiet and didn't really interact with the characters, and they put the princess hat on him, then Chip proposed, and they got one of the paper napkin rings and put a ring on his finger, and DS was grinning from ear to ear.

Our 2nd trip was the first time we ran into any villians and didn't know how they behaved. DD was still only 6, and she wouldn't even get near Jafar, and then we stumbled across Cruella De Ville at MGM, and DD got in the circle to watch her, and Cruella looks over at her and says, "You, Tinkerbell, get over here" DD was scared to death and I got some really fun photos of her looking terrified.

The last one isn't a character interaction at all, but was one of the great Disney moments with your kids. It was our first trip, and DD was barely 6, and she was just getting into the autograph thing. We were waiting for the Electric Light Parade, and she had chatted up the man sitting next to us. He had invited her to sit in front with him and was asking her questions, she was wearing her princess hat and he asked her what her name was and she told him she was "Princess WannaWanna from the Planet GimmeeGimmee". I just busted out laughing because I had never heard her say that before. He thought it was hysterical, and was even more thrilled when she asked him to sign her autograph book. He left her a really nice note.

Always ;-)
Most interaction with characters seem to be the usual hug, autograph, and photo except my DS (age 5 at the time) and the dwarfs. While waiting and waiting for Snow White and the dwarfs to appear for autographs, my DS strolled over to a park bench and waited. Sleepy entered first and walked over to my son and sat with him on the bench...no, technically he laid on the bench with him. My son looked at him in amazement, wondering why he wasn't talking to him. He then leaned over the sleeping dwarf and bopped in on the head and told him to wake up it was time to take and picture with him. Sleepy drowsily sat up and bopped him on the head and gave him a hug. Warning...let sleeping dwarfs sleep.
This interaction wasn't with a character but with a CM - our server at Liberty Tree Tavern was a sweet middle aged woman & she was very nice. At one point during the meal she told my sons that she would show them what she drove when she came back to the table. I assumed she'd show them or tell them about something period from Liberty Tree Tavern - she comes back & from her order pad whips out a photograph of her in black leather standing by her Harley at her house. It was SO out of character that I was speechless. The kids thought it was cool but DH & were like "huh?" We weren't discussing transportation or anything, she just brought this up out of the blue. We thought it was a bit odd! To me a CM is 100% Disney when they're on the job - I know they're real people with real lives but when I'm in WDW I don't want to know what they look like in their black leather motorcycle gear!


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