What was the strangest interaction you ever had with a character?


DIS Veteran
Nov 28, 2005
I went to Disney for the first time with my then 4 year old son, my sister and her 6 year old son. This was about 19 years ago. We were at a charactor meal...I cannot remember where. As we ate, several different characters came around. The most memorable was Capt. Hook. My 6 year old nephew was misbehaving a bit at the table, and my sister was trying to correct him without causing too much of a commotion. Then, Capt. Hook came over to the table, and started playfully bopping him around. We were cracking up. Then...he pulled him out of the booth, onto the floor, and stepped on him! He didn't hurt him, but if you ever want to make a 6 year old boy behave...try using Capt. Hook as a disiplinarian! What a little angel he was the rest of the meal!
Last October, we were at the Princess meal in Epcot. My son was maintaining, but not really enjoying himself. When Jasmine came around, she talked to my daughter, then turned to my son and commented on his shirt. He was wearing a Kingdom Hearts shirt I had made him. Turns out that Princess Jasmine likes Kingdome Hearts. Anyway, they talked a bit and then she left. As she was getting ready to take her break, she walked by us and my son called out to her to ask a question about how she had beat the game. They wound up talking Kingdom Hearts for about 10 minutes. I asked him if he had found his dream girl. He agreed that he had, because she knew video games and she was hot! :rotfl2:
This isn't that strange, but I hate when the characters make the "kissing" sound. It really creeps me out. :guilty: Goofy and Chip both kissed me and all I could think was Oooo, Yuck! I would perfer that they didn't say anything.
One time at the character dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern, I was sitting by myself at the table as everyone else had gone to the bathroom. Either Chip or Dale came over, sat down across from me and started piling mashed potatoes and mac and cheese on my plate. He piled it up so high that it was falling over on to the table! He left after about 5 minutes, never made a gesture or anything .. it was bizarre. And of course, my young nieces didn't believe it!
When I was like 6 years old I had my picture taken with Donald Duck...When he went to hug me, he ended up trying to eat my head...It was very strange. :):):):)
weirdpaintballr said:
When I was like 6 years old I had my picture taken with Donald Duck...When he went to hug me, he ended up trying to eat my head...It was very strange. :):):):)

I had a rather traumatic run-in with Donald Duck at Disneyland when I was 3. Donald was trying to be gallant, and he leaned over and kissed my hand. Now, I don't know what the duck's beak is like now, but in 1976 it was made out of something hard - probably plastic, but when he misjudged and gave a very hard peck to my 3 year old hand, I would have sworn it was steel and concrete and my hand was broken! I remember it to this day - I cried for quite a while! (then, not now) I've avoided the duck ever since.

My daughter has had her picture taken with Donald, and fortunately he's never tried to kiss her hand.
I had Mickey "propose" to me in front of the castle! I have a picture of that.
Not really "strange" but things I thought were funny -

1) we were at Cape May for breakfast one morning, and patiently waiting for Goofy to come visit us. A family of about 10 decided that they could not wait for him to get to their table any longer, and practically tackled him on his way (they had talked to the CM about their need to leave - which was fine with me - but they should have waited for him at their table) - Once Goofy got to our table, he sat down in the seat next to DD, and picked up her pen, and wrote on the paper table covering..... It's tough to be so popular!!!! I thought that was funny.

2) DD and I went to CP for my birthday dinner last month, and Tara had on a shirt that had pink and red stripes, and her pink crocs. Well Piglet proceeded to point to her stripes that they matched his, and when I pointed down to both of their "big pink feet" - he also made motions like - Oh my..... we took a picture of their matching feet.

On that same day DD had green and purple hair - they had crazy hair day at school, and several of the other characters fiddled with her hair due to the unique colors!

It is funny the things they pick up on!!!!
A few years ago, my Mom and I were having breakfast at Chef Mickey's. We had just sat down with our plates when Minnie strolled over. My Mom, in a teasing way said, "Buzz off Minnie, we're hungry." Minnie put her hands to her mouth in the 'shocked' pose... and then proceded to look around in a sly way... and then flipped Mom the bird!!! We were laughing hysterically!!! Then Minnie gave us a quick wave :wave2: and was off to the next table!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl: We still laugh about how Mom brought out the worst in Minnie!!!
Our strangest was also the best ....! :teeth:

Back in Jan 2002, Me, my brother, his wife, and my nephew Ben were in Fantasyland and we see Jafar and the Snow White Queen meeting together. Ben got scared so his mom took him to a bench a bit aways. I went up to the characters for autographs, my brother with me. While meeting them, I told Jafar and the Queen that I was getting autographs for my nephew, since he was too scared to meet them.

Oops! Major mistake!! Boy did that triggered some reaction!!! The Queen demanded "Bring us the child!!!" I thought they were kidding but she was serious!! I tried to politely say that we weren't exactly sure where he was sitting, but no matter - she commanded Jafar to go with me to find Ben!!!! :eek: So then me and Jafar start walking together through Fantasyland, much to the surprise of passing people! I tried to make small talk with Jafar, commenting on his shoes, as we walked. (Well, what do you say to Jafar to pass time??) :teeth: My brother wisely decides to run ahead and find Ben, who was nearby, and brought him over to me and Jafar. Ben was very surprised - what a nice family we are, we brought an evil villain over to him!!! :teeth: Jafar takes Ben's hand and they walk back to the Queen. I thought Ben would cry but instead he was happy!

Then Ben meets them both and does photos and autographs and then waves goodbye. Afterwards, we were all quite stunned (and delighted!) that the characters would actually follow you through Fantasyland just to meet one little boy! They probably spent over five minutes with us doing this! We still talk about this character interaction to this day!!! :)
One day we were walking into AK and it was pratically empty... all of a sudden we looked up behind us and turk was running towards us... I moved out of the way and turk jumped on my boyfriends back and he gave her a piggy back ride.... I wasnt quick enough with the camara and dh was a good sport but I thought that was strange :rotfl2:
HugsForEeyore said:
Our strangest was also the best ....! :teeth:


That's a great story... no wonder he loves the autograph "thing" so much!!!!
Not exactly strange, more a funny coincidence -

DD has very long hair - she can sit on it. Every day on our last trip I braided it in 2 braids high on each side of her head. Practically every single one of the characters (and we got over 50) held her braids out when posing for the picture.

DD didn't see the humor in it. :) Why do they keep doing that???

Made for some cute pictures though -
Pluto was eating a braid
Goofy held out one of his ears to compare the length
Captain Hook wrapped it around his hook
Jafar attempted to tie them knots
Tweedle Dee & Dum made motions that they wanted to jump rope with them
More odd then anything. My son loves characters, any stuffed ones he'll go right up to and hug and gets so exicted. The face characters like the princesses, he gets shy but ends up loving them and hugging them. Except for Aladdin! This kid screams and hollars every time we go to see him. The first time I got him out of the stroller to go see him and the baby started screaming at him. But Aladdin was oddly relentless. He went up to the baby (17 months at the time) who was hiding behind me. He proceeds to pick him up and was talking to him. All along the baby is screaming even harder but it took Aladdin a good 5 minutes before he would give him back, and yes he was still screaming. I thought it was very weird!

I still am not quite sure what this was all about, made for a strange picture..

makinorlando said:
That's a great story... no wonder he loves the autograph "thing" so much!!!!
Yes, thinking back, I think that's what got us started!! We started paying heck of alot more attention to characters after that!! :teeth:

The other reason we love those characters is probably because Ben is a "special" child - he has a rare syndrome which caused his head to form improperly and other health anomalies. I think he can be mistaken for having Downs Syndrome, though he has something different. But either way, the characters are just WONDERDUL with special kids, and it absolutely makes his day. Though on recent trips, my five nieces love to meet characters as well - it spread to the entire family!!! :sunny:
Mickey hit on my Husband LOL .. the first time he had ever been to disney and we took our kids into where Mickey and Minnie are and my husband was standing there and he was literally hitting on him trying to hug him and motioning with his hands about my husbands hair and doing silly flirty things! I laugh my butt off walked out and said to DH I hope that was a girl playing mickey today or you have a boyfriend hehe.... also that same time the queen of hearts went up to my son and went on her knees and stuck her hand out for him to kiss it he turned and looked at me scared to death and I laughed and told him he better do it she looks mean LOL so he did here is that pic
MickeyMouseGal said:
A few years ago, my Mom and I were having breakfast at Chef Mickey's. We had just sat down with our plates when Minnie strolled over. My Mom, in a teasing way said, "Buzz off Minnie, we're hungry." Minnie put her hands to her mouth in the 'shocked' pose... and then proceded to look around in a sly way... and then flipped Mom the bird!!! We were laughing hysterically!!! Then Minnie gave us a quick wave :wave2: and was off to the next table!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl: We still laugh about how Mom brought out the worst in Minnie!!!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Oh my gosh, that is hysterical!
MickeyMouseGal said:
A few years ago, my Mom and I were having breakfast at Chef Mickey's. We had just sat down with our plates when Minnie strolled over. My Mom, in a teasing way said, "Buzz off Minnie, we're hungry." Minnie put her hands to her mouth in the 'shocked' pose... and then proceded to look around in a sly way... and then flipped Mom the bird!!! We were laughing hysterically!!! Then Minnie gave us a quick wave :wave2: and was off to the next table!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl: We still laugh about how Mom brought out the worst in Minnie!!!

That is one of the funniest stories I've ever heard. :rotfl2:
My strange interaction was a rarity at WDW. We were eating at Liberty Tree Tavern prior to the Christmas party this past year. All the characters came visit and of course Minnie was last. When Minnie came, my 2-year old had to get out of his high chair and sit next to her on the bench.

They sat there and I took a couple of pictures. Minnie got up to go to the next table and my little boy is holding on to her. Well, she stands up and my little boy goes south, face first into the floor. Of course, it scared him more than hurt him and he started screaming.

Minnie came rushing back, hugging him and pointing to her heart over and over. He busted his lip and I think the whole situation just really scared him. While we were tending to him, Minnie leaned over and whispered in my ear "I am SOOOO sorry." I told her it was not her fault and that we just loved that she sat with him to take a picture.

I have heard very, very few stories of cast members breaking character, but I guess in this situation Minnie just felt really bad.

I didn't fault her at all. I've been in a mascot uniform before and I know that it's so hard to maneuver around with that big of a suit on.

I felt bad for her, because she hung around our table for a good five minutes before moving on. And she came back after she had made the rounds to give our little one one more kiss on the cheek.

Here's the pictures we got before the spill:


and a kiss:

Several years ago during my kids first trip to WDW, we had an incident with a character. We werer over at POC and Captain Hook and Mr. Smeed was over there so we decided to let the kids get their picture made. Captain Hook stayed in character by being the villian. He first acted like he was going to put one of our bags into the fountain and my Aunt had to stop him. Then, during the posing for the picture, he gently put his hook in front of my son and was going to act like he was going to "hook" him. When he did that, he actually did hook him in the sense that the hook went in my son's nose. Honestly, I got mad about the situation because now my kids don't want to have anything to do with those two characters even til this day.


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