Whatever you do, don't carry a bag to Universal Studios!

Fabio's accident was at Busch Gardens/Williamsburg when they premiered the Apollo's Chariot roller-coaster. A Canadian Goose flew into him.

If the Universal suits ever did an honest appraisal of the present lockers, especially the one near The Mummy and they figured out how much park-time was being wasted in this non-productive activity (ie, that generates no funds into the company coffers, these locker-lines)?... I am certain they would put a better system into place - one that would keep customers safe/happy and not waste as much time. In the meantime, they don't see the need to fix something that they don't regard as broken. It works. Yeah, not *well*, but it works.

PS - Other than that, maybe they should just come up with a new 'land'... "Line-land" Or "Waiting-land".
"We don't have rides, just themed queues and lines. Lots and lots of lines!" :teeth:
Uggh, I hate those lockers by the Mummy. Those are the only ones I've ever had problems with... and it seems like everyone else has problems there too.

The one everywhere else are fine thoigh. I've never had trouble w/ those thank God.

I would not bring a backpack but I have to bring one in order to pack my lunch and dinner because I don't feel like spending $90 on expensive Universal food :headache:
I'll throw in another voice for just getting a fanny pack and being done with it! I dunno about those who claim to have been forced to take their fanny pack off, but mine is big enough to hold gear for a trek up Mount Everest and I have never, ever been asked. I'm talking dozens upon dozens of times too, since I am a Premier pass-wielding local. The most they've ever done is asked me to turn it sideways, but I tend to do that out of habit now so I get no comments at all.
I rode the mummy in june and from personal experiance since I wear ball caps and turn them backwards on my head so they wont fly off but this time my cap was a loose fitting one it flew off and since we were in front it flew off and the couple behind us caught it and lucky it wasn't something that would have hurt someone.
so when ya complain about having to put stuff in a locker just sit and think if you had something heavy that could seriously hurt someone then petty things like trouble with locker seem a little silly doesn't it.
so when ya complain about having to put stuff in a locker just sit and think if you had something heavy that could seriously hurt someone then petty things like trouble with locker seem a little silly doesn't it.

Fabio's accident was at Busch Gardens/Williamsburg when they premiered the Apollo's Chariot roller-coaster. A Canadian Goose flew into him.
Yes...I remember that and Apollo's Chariot is an awesome B & M coaster!
Thanks for the info! We're going to Universal Sutdios for the first time and would have probably brought two bags! You saved us a lot of hassle. :thumbsup2
We ran into locker issues several times during our last trip. It wasted alot of time dealing with them.

I had decided next time we go, I'm going to find some Cargo shorts that fit me and a safari vest so I'll have what we need without having to deal with those horrible lockers.
We first visited Disney and rode Space Mountain with our little girl who was 8 yrs. old. She had a huge beautiful red clip-on bow in her hair. It flew out on Space Mountain and we never saw it again. We asked the cast member and he said that every night the floor is full of things like sunglasses, hair bows, etc. He never mentioned bags. Our "little" girl is 27 now and a Doctor, so that first trip to Disney was 19 yrs. ago, and I imagine the floors are still littered with many lost articles. So if it's been going on for 19 yrs., I doubt Disney will be getting lockers.
Most people who take a purse or bag, hook it over their arm or leg. Things in that bag are precious and very needed to continue the vacation (cash, tickets, credit card.) I put my leg through the shoulder strap and the strap hangs on my thigh. That way I know it will never fly out. The worst it could do was hit under my own thighs. Even on Tower of Terror, which I've rode probably 50 times, things go airborne and I've never seen anyone complain. Most are laughing about it. I've even seen some kids hold pennies in their hands and watch them float up and down.
Read this:

9/10/1998 - Submitted by Name Withheld on 3/7/2002

A guest of WDW occupied a rocket car on 09/10/98 within space mountain. When he got on the ride he was a healthy male who worked as a doctor. At the end of the ride he was discovered slumped over in the rocket car unconcsious suffering from a laceration and contusion to the head. The police were called due to the seriousness of his injuries and the ride was closed. An investigation of the inside of the ride revealed that there were at least two items which were believed to have fallen out of cars while guests rode the ride and fell from the tracks through the ride and ending up on the floor of the structure. Disney employees walk the floor of the ride on a daily basis and find items which were not appropriately secured by patrons and fall out of the cars while the ride is in operation. The force of the accident caused the park guest's new sneakers to be almost ripped apart at the seams. The patron was taken to the local trauma center via helicopter and while released after a period he is now suffering paralysis to his left arm, pain in his legs, brain damage, memory loss. The individual is represented by David Fussell of Horwitz and Fussell, P.A. Orlando, Florida

I tend to visit rides first and then as I am ready to leave the park I buy what I want on the way out or on the last day I will do all my shopping. Netting is great, but think of the number of times we read on these boards how upset people are when they realize they left their expensive camera or bag of souvies in the netting after they left the ride- only to never get it back? That too can slow the enjoyment factor of an entire trip.....not just add a few minutes of frustration. I think riding now and shopping last is the best solution.
ITA.... several times a week there are complaints on the theme parks or comunity board about items left behind on a ride never to be seen again.
USO offers free lockers to cut down on theft and to prevent injury to its guest, yet people want to complain about what a hassle it is.

As for people not seeing how someone could be injurred..... I remember datline or one of those siomilar shows showing the type of damage that unsecured objects could cause in a 55MPH auto accident. Something as light weight as a tissue box can break a nose and seriously injure an infant or toddler.
You spend a lot less time waiting in line for the ride with the free lockers. How many of you remember when MIB had the mesh storage bags on the cars? People would spend a considerable amount of time just stowing their items in those mesh bags. Then when they got off the ride, they would have to spend time getting the items out, or if they forgot, they would run back onto the ride to get it. Now when you get on MIB, the ride loads quickly, usually in 15 seconds or less and the unload is quick also. The ride now loads many more people a day.

Also I remember many down times on MIB because of items that had fallen into the track. I remember a few years ago when the ride was down all day because of someone's towel falling on the track and tearing up both the track and several cars' wheels.

A few years back, someone was hurt pretty badly by a flying camera on Space Mountain. Stowing items before riding protects you from flying objects, protects the ride from lose objects (less down time), and increases the number of people who can ride in a day.
Yes, Im happy to take this risk.
You are taking far bigger risks of getting hurt when you drive in your car than any theme park ride you will ever ride!!!
I'm sorry Bob. This one I am going to sit out on. And if I do wind up on a ride near you, I will get off it, because when you HURT SOMEONE ELSE WITH YOUR CARELESSNESS, I don't want to be the victim.
Yes, Im happy to take this risk.
You are taking far bigger risks of getting hurt when you drive in your car than any theme park ride you will ever ride!!!
Pitiful! I would like to know what you would say if someone in your family were injured by some flying object. I guess you would say something like...that's too bad I broke my nose but I took the risk so I can't really complain. :sad2:

I'm sorry Bob. This one I am going to sit out on. And if I do wind up on a ride near you, I will get off it, because when you HURT SOMEONE ELSE WITH YOUR CARELESSNESS, I don't want to be the victim.
I agree...just make sure Bob tells us when he's going to be here so I don't end up riding with him.
Pitiful! I would like to know what you would say if someone in your family were injured by some flying object. I guess you would say something like...that's too bad I broke my nose but I took the risk so I can't really complain. :sad2:

I agree...just make sure Bob tells us when he's going to be here so I don't end up riding with him. [/

Yeah I agree too and when I posted about loosing my hat on rotm and how the couple behind me caught it and I know that if the bill of the hat had hit one of them in the face and hurt them I would have felt awful and not like oh well its not that it killed them only a broken or bloody nose and even though nothing happen which I thank my lucky stars and I still appoligized for it.
I must be real lucky as far as the lockers at the Mummy go. This past October we rode the Mummy at least 12 times and used the lockers every time because I always had my new camera (case, lenses, ect..) with me! I did not have one problem with those lockers, a few minutes to put my stuff in, and they always worked on the first try to get the stuff out. Maybe I just jinxed myself for our trip in May :rotfl:

Also, I always wear cargo shorts, where I keep my small camera (Canon Digital Elph). Heck, I've even kept a drink refill cup in those things :scared1:
I ran into this the first day we did IOA. It was very inconvenient to have to put my bag in locker in order to ride. And we rode all of the rides that required lockers.

So the next day, I made sure I carried my fanny pack instead. Never had a problem and was never asked to put it in a locker.
I ran into this the first day we did IOA. It was very inconvenient to have to put my bag in locker in order to ride. And we rode all of the rides that required lockers.

So the next day, I made sure I carried my fanny pack instead. Never had a problem and was never asked to put it in a locker.
See? It's not hard once you learn! :thumbsup2 :teeth:


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