What's for dinner thread

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<font color=blue>I must have a funnel cake when I'
Mar 16, 2003
Following on from the "whats your favourite home made meal thread" On some of the other sites here have a Whats for dinner thread where everyone posts what they are having that night, giving inspiration to others etc. If there is something that you particularly like the sound of then you can ask for the recipe.

Is anyone interested in this? I know I find it hard to think of things for dinner every night so maybe this could help :) :) :)

I will start:

Tonight we are having braising steak, onion and mushrooms in the slow cooker with roasted veggies, gravy and yorkshires - seeing as the temperature had dropped to 6 degrees I was thinking we needed some wintery comfort food!
That sounds like a good idea Gemma. :thumbsup2

Not a great meal for us tonight as my Sister, BIL, Nephew & Niece are coming over so I am cooking a few pizza's and garlic bread to go with our wine! :lmao:
we are having liver & Onions mash potatoes and veggies
I thought about making some dumplings to go with this crock pot dinner tonight - have you got a recipe for them? I used the Aunt Bessies ones once and they were ok - but not as good as home made!
Hi Gem this is the one i used for dumplings it's from an old cook book of mine.
8oz s.r. Flour
3oz Suet
salt & pepper to taste
1/2 chopped onion (optional)
1/2 tea spoon chopped parsley (opional)
Have corned beef in the fridge that needs using up so it's corn beef hash tonight with eggs and peas & pudding is vanilla cheese cake.
Hi Gem this is the one i used for dumplings it's from an old cook book of mine.
8oz s.r. Flour
3oz Suet
salt & pepper to taste
1/2 chopped onion (optional)
1/2 tea spoon chopped parsley (opional)

Lovely thanks- we shall pop over to the butchers to get some suet in a bit, they don't take long do they, probably half an hour in the slow cooker?

I need to go and mix some gravy up to shove in there at 3pm too, the slow cooker makes the best gravy in the world!!! I am looking forward to this dinner tonight - can you tell! :dance3:
Gem - Your dinner sounds lovely....a real winter warmer.

Jill - chopped onion in dumplings, never done it, but will def try that next time - sounds delish....mmmmm...

Tonight we are having Penne with fresh tomato and basil sauce (I have made it from the excess tomatoes grown in our garden:thumbsup2 ) fresh parmaesan, Pizza Express dough balls and rocket salad - DD has a school friend home for tea. We will probably have Mackey's ice cream for pudd - and they will be decorating gingerbread men too (no doubt I'll sneak one too:thumbsup2 ).

Great thread....
Chicken caesar salad, or steak with jacket potato.:)
I have prepared a Lasagne for tonight,which we will be having with salad,cheesey garlic bread,onion rings+garlic battered mushrooms.x.

Jill-i also add onion to my dumplings+diced bacon.x.
Have corned beef in the fridge that needs using up so it's corn beef hash tonight with eggs and peas & pudding is vanilla cheese cake.

I've never tried Corned Beef hash but it sounds nice.....how do you make it Jill? :flower3:
Well the dumplings were a great sucess, my mom made them while I sorted the veg - it was all very yummy! :)
I've never tried Corned Beef hash but it sounds nice.....how do you make it Jill? :flower3:

Hi Claire,
All i do is mash some potato's then mix in some cornned beef , onion can be added also but we prefer it without.
It's abit like making bubble & squeak.
Put this mixer in a frying pan when one side is brown start to turn it over to brown the other side and thats it really.
Little tip is not to make the mash to smooth or creamy.:thumbsup2
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