whats going on

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Is it because Larry has compiled a bunch of stuff?

What is you people's beef with Larry anyway?? I mean for crying out loud. What has he done to you other than talk about how he tows a trailer???! Who cares? If you don't like what he says, ignore him. Leave him alone. What do you people get out of attacking him? Really??? If he has reported you for harrassing him, good for him.
Come on KittyCat, I want to go to bed. Everyone else is posting under their original identity...................who are you, man/woman up!!!????

Don't hide, I can promise you no one posting tonight is "tattling" so that you get banned! Just fess up, Really!!!! As you would say, Really!!!
Don't hide, I can promise you no one posting tonight is "tattling" so that you get banned! Just fess up, Really!!!! As you would say, Really!!!

Don't take the bait. This person isn't worth your time.

Totally unrelated. Have you ever noticed in nature how the weasel pokes their head out out of their hole only for a shot time, then ducks back in to hide in anononimty.
Don't take the bait. This person isn't worth your time.

Totally unrelated. Have you ever noticed in nature how the weasel pokes their head out out of their hole only for a shot time, then ducks back in to hide in anononimty.
Who are you? From another board? You aren't from around these parts. Tell me what size TT do you pull around?
In response to the title of this thread "What's going on?" it's very clear what's going on: The administrators of the board are re-establishing order over an Internet forum that a clique of 10 or 12 snide, sarcastic people have somehow come to dominate. The place is full of silly, unfunny inside jokes and rude secret code.

It's simple, really: The Dis Board is an Internet forum about Disney World. It exists for one purpose, and it's not your perceived "community," it's to make money from advertising. Period. End of story.

Rude behavior, inside jokes, snarky comments, and crude language discourage new members from posting, which cuts into the Dis Board's business model. So guess what? You people need to go. Take your little "community" over to Facebook or some other private venue and make your dumb jokes about cupcakes. Let this place be for normal people who want to talk about the subject matter and ask the occasional normal question and get a respectful, helpful answer. Or how's about this: Go start your own forum. PHPBB is free. You can have a whopping membership of 15 and can post any rude thing you want. This place, meanwhile, can get back to what it's supposed to be.

My point exactly. Do you not get it? Do you not realize how sad it is that you had to ask to be "let into the fold"? It's a free Internet forum, not a country club or an exclusive socialite club. The people who run this place want dozens of people to join each and every day and just start posting. They don't want people to feel that they have to be "let into the fold" by other nobody members who paid nothing to become members themselves. If your forum has that kind of an air about it, as a forum operator, you have a serious problem. It's like a bar. You want as many people as possible to come in and buy drinks. You don't want a small band of thugs scaring people away with their high school whispering and giggling and only welcoming people in if they're "in the fold."

Evidently not. The administrator came on and hit the nail squarely on the head. Order needs to be restored if they want to keep the place profitable.

Really? Misguided? Really? No, the moderator understands the problems oh too well. It's just sad that she had to be put into such a position that she had to lay down the law. Grow up.

See ya!

Exactly. That's the idea: An Internet forum, not a private stomping ground. Go to Facebook for that. It's all you.

For every one of you that leaves, there will be 1,000 that sign up.

I hope the administrators stick to their guns and continue to break up the disruptive, abusive clique that has unfortunately congregated in, of all places, an Internet forum dedicated to a fricking amusement park.

...and a follower of a bunch of bullies. Wake up call: High school is over. You don't have to ask permission or get approval to join a stupid Internet message board.

I am disappointed in how things are going :sick:. This is a public forum that has gained significant popularity in the years that I have been a member. To see so many of your regulars, who I might add have brought to you an exponential number of new followers :worship:, are being banished for very unclear reasons :eek:. I myself have introduced many friends to your boards for the wealth of information that it provides :teacher:. Not to just the camping boards either. Yet this poster :clown:, and I use that term lightly, can come on and spout horrible insults and is still here! Personal insults, completely unaware of the full story and out just to make trouble :sad1:.

As for the Camping Board, All OP questions on the board are answered with skill, experience and yes humor. Once a question has been answered, is it necessary to beat a dead horse and repeat the same answers over and over :surfweb:? Why not have fun? :woohoo:

Do you not represent the "Happiest Place on Earth?" :smickey: I don't see Disney being as successful as it has become if it had taken the path that some of power that be here have taken. Look at your business model and surely you will see that this is NOT what you intended. To make one customer happy at the expense of soooo many :confused3? Not in any business plan I ever studied.

Fort Fiends are Fort Friends just in case some are not able to understand the twist on the word. Friends who share a love for camping and for the most of us the love of Disney. :hug:
Yep, at least have the "cupcakes" to come out with who you really are and what you are really about!!

I only saw AuburnJen's post because of the s/w failure I have mentioned before that let's folks on "MY LIST" show up when others not on "MY LIST" quote them so just let me say "I AM NOT BIGWIGFATCAT" and invite the mods/admins to confirm that and post that fact here just to show just what sort of prejudices, misguided and mistakened opinions a lot of folks have about people not on the "inside".

Oh, and no need to try and chastise me for not reading all 10 or so pages but only up to this post before posting this reply ... it didn't work the last time and won't in the future.

ON EDIT I forgot to make it clear that I am the only one in my household that posts here and would never consider posting under a phantom account out of fear or whatnot. Oh, just for the record I have hit the "triangle" probably 5 or maybe 6 times in the past almost 4 years and about 1/2 of those were for either advertising or appearing to sell something on the boards. One IIRC of those was in the last week ... for calling a member by name a sociopath and in the same post telling that same person and an administrator to 'Kiss his xxx' and used a hyphenated word to actually spell out the forbidden word. To be honest I can't even remember who the poster was since it doesn't matter but was serious enough to be reported.

You really think you're that important??? Really? You're just a number. You should write a letter to your Congressman to get your fellow fort fiends reinstated. Call the president!!! Take it to the Supreme Court!!!

No one cares. It's over. Goodbye. No one will miss you. Not really. You leave, someone else replaces you.

Wow! Just, WOW!! All this from a person who is a "newbie"?? Ever hear of the singing group "The Eagles"? I really like their song, Lyin' Eyes, and in particular these lyrics:

You can't hide your lyin' eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin eyes

Well, their ain't no way to hide behind your pseudonym. It's a thin disguise, dear. And, we've devoted threads in search of people who are missing. Unlike other boards, we have come to know each other and care for one another. Unlike your sentiment - lots of people care & it's not over until me and Kahlah sing.
GOOD GRIEF!!!!!:confused: Who peed in BWFC's Wheaties this morning?

I've mostly just been a lurker on this board but whenever I've had a FW question, it's been answered quickly, thoughtfully, and in a kindly, friendly fashion. I want you to know how much I have appreciated that (as well as the silly stuff :)) over the years.

Many of the people on the board where I used to post regularly HAVE migrated to FB. It has its plusses and minuses compared to the DIS boards. We still have lots of fun though.

For what it's worth, I doubt very much that "thousands" will take the place of every "one" that leaves here. Every "one" that leaves will be taking their unique repository of FW knowledge with them and that will make this a duller, less helpful, more generic place. :sad2:

Anyways -- Thanks again for your help (and the frequent giggles) over the years.
Please, all this bitterness and hate won't bring back the beloved king of pop Michael Jackson. Let us pause and give a moment of silence, to which mere words cannot express.
Please, all this bitterness and hate won't bring back the beloved king of pop Michael Jackson. Let us pause and give a moment of silence, to which mere words cannot express.

I know one word that can express MJ....

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