When do you think the border will reopen?

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View attachment 512533
Scores of people held a party on Third Beach in Vancouver Tuesday night despite pleas from health officials to maintain social distancing protocols as the number of COVID-19 cases spike in B.C.

And I'm never going to get to Niagara Falls at this rate
View attachment 512535

A video shot on Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls shows large crowds and little physical distancing during the city's final weekend in Stage 2 of the provinces reopening plan.

So so so sad.!
The worst part of that video of Niagara Falls is that the majority of those people aren't even from Niagara.
Scores of people held a party on Third Beach in Vancouver Tuesday night despite pleas from health officials to maintain social distancing protocols as the number of COVID-19 cases spike in B.C.

And I was worried last weekend when we were waiting to put the boat back on the trailer, and myself and youngest ds were holding the boat at the dock, while patiently waiting for dh turn to park the trailer into the water, so that the ds could drive the boat onto the trailer, while I hopped into the truck to drive it all out. I was nervous that there were a handful of other families and other waiting all over the area. But it was NOTHING like that.

I couldn't wait to get out of the little marina with the amount of people that were there. Next time we will plan our day a little better, and be able to wait until it is quieter with people loading and unloading boats.

It's tending up here too in Alberta :sad1: We now have 9 ( I think ) active cases. We months we had zero. Those 9 are all related to someone travelling more south, and all nine have ties to that person's place of employment. But still. We have been VERY lucky here so far. I hope we can keep it that way. Once August is done, and summer vacations and travelling around are not happening as much, it will be much better. But it is still unsettling.
And I was worried last weekend when we were waiting to put the boat back on the trailer, and myself and youngest ds were holding the boat at the dock, while patiently waiting for dh turn to park the trailer into the water, so that the ds could drive the boat onto the trailer, while I hopped into the truck to drive it all out. I was nervous that there were a handful of other families and other waiting all over the area. But it was NOTHING like that.

I couldn't wait to get out of the little marina with the amount of people that were there. Next time we will plan our day a little better, and be able to wait until it is quieter with people loading and unloading boats.

It's tending up here too in Alberta :sad1: We now have 9 ( I think ) active cases. We months we had zero. Those 9 are all related to someone travelling more south, and all nine have ties to that person's place of employment. But still. We have been VERY lucky here so far. I hope we can keep it that way. Once August is done, and summer vacations and travelling around are not happening as much, it will be much better. But it is still unsettling.

I’m in a city in AB, and we’re seeing the numbers climbing again too. I think whether it gets better depends on what actually happens with school, come Sept. The government announcements about school plans (or a lack of plans...) don’t inspire any confidence to me.
I don't understand why people just. won't. wear. a. mask.? They tell me that there aren't many cases here in NL, which is true, but you don't know when someone returning from a hotspot will contract the disease and come home to cause a flare up. It can take two weeks or more before it is known that Covid 19 is back and at that point many people can be infected. Everyone wearing a mask would greatly reduce that risk. Just look south of the border and see the mess that they are in. That could be us here in Canada at any time - especially since most people (in NL at least) are acting like Covid 19 doesn't exist anymore.

WHY won't our government mandate wearing masks in public settings? exceptions can be made for those that cannot wear a mask. If everyone wore a mask in public, we could much more quickly get back to 'normal' and more safely reopen the economy. Isn't that what we all want?

People don't want to wear a mask and many will not just 'do the right thing' because they don't recognize the need.
Most people will not inconvenience themselves until required to do so.
Result 1 : continued unnecessary, excess Covid 19 spread. Result 2: needless suffering, economic loss and death.

WE now know that wearing masks, social distancing, washing our hands and reducing unnecessary contact works to control the spread dramatically. We also know that we need a strong government that will put the necessary restrictions in place.

Heaven help us all....
Yesterday we visited a small local zoo (Ecomuseum) and had lunch at a restaurant for the first time since March. My kids were super excited to get out of our neighbourhood for once! We now have a mask mandate for the whole province for everyone over 12 yo and I was positively surprised at compliance at the zoo. It's only required indoor and I haven't seen any adult not wearing one and most kids over 2yo were also wearing one, even though it is not mandatory for them. The zoo closed pathways and did a one-way tour. Everybody was very respectful of social distancing and we often heard parents tell their kids to wait for the family in front of them to finish looking at the animals before moving closer (me included). They did small presentations and had taped boxes on the grounds for families to stand in apart from each other. Even the gift shop was very good for social distancing with a path for those that wanted to exit right away and a maximum number of people at one time.

At the restaurant, the kids really wanted to eat indoor in the AC and because I knew it's huge with a high ceiling and not very popular for lunch, I agreed. We wore our mask while moving and our server was wearing a mask and a shield (I also wore my mask when ordering for everyone). Cooks in the open kitchen were wearing a mask and gloves. They had a sanitizer distributor to clean our hands before entering the restroom and signs telling everyone it was mandatory to wash your hands before going back to the restaurant (before COVID-19 the sign was only for employees). All toilets seats were up if disinfected. I'm not ready to eat at restaurants every week but for special occasions, I will probably go back (yesterday was my youngest daughter birthday).
Most people will not inconvenience themselves until required to do so.
I wish more would realize that this is our World War. Our Home Front. Our mobilization. We face a terrifying challenge to our way of life unless we smarten up and walk the line. Our great grandparents sacrificed for The Great War. Our grandparents for WWII. We can't be bothered to pull on a paper or fabric mask and stay at home. Our ancestors would be deeply ashamed of us. Sadly, many of my generation and younger generations don't even know what mobilization means. Or sacrifice. We just want to party. Drink. Pig out and eat like gluttons. And lounge on the beach. Sometimes I wonder if the brave who served on our peacekeeping missions and coalition deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan could speak up and shame the rest of us into some common sense. Maybe they've already given too much and can't give more. I know our essential workers have given their all. Come fall and winter, they will have to give even more. Why the rest of Canadians can't do even a little to save others is shameful.
I wish more would realize that this is our World War. Our Home Front. Our mobilization. We face a terrifying challenge to our way of life unless we smarten up and walk the line. Our great grandparents sacrificed for The Great War. Our grandparents for WWII. We can't be bothered to pull on a paper or fabric mask and stay at home. Our ancestors would be deeply ashamed of us. Sadly, many of my generation and younger generations don't even know what mobilization means. Or sacrifice. We just want to party. Drink. Pig out and eat like gluttons. And lounge on the beach. Sometimes I wonder if the brave who served on our peacekeeping missions and coalition deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan could speak up and shame the rest of us into some common sense. Maybe they've already given too much and can't give more. I know our essential workers have given their all. Come fall and winter, they will have to give even more. Why the rest of Canadians can't do even a little to save others is shameful.
This should be plastered everywhere that someone can read it.

People don’t seem to realise how big this is. This morning I had the same thoughts, but you’ve articulated the sentiment so well. Everyone wants everything to be normal, but there is no normal right now.

A friend asked me early on. “How long can we stay locked up like this? How long can you keep your children home?”

I told her that people sacrificed for nearly five years during the world wars. I told her I’d stay home as long as it takes. We will make it through. Hopefully without getting sick, or worse.
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A friend asked me early on. “How long can we stay locked up like this? How long can you keep your children home?”

And the thing is - people wouldn't HAVE to stay locked up, or home, if they could just follow the new rules of common decency. Wear a mask, stay 6' apart, and avoid busy locations as much as possible. So, if the beach is packed, go somewhere else.

At home in our day to day life, we order our groceries or do parcel pick up. We shop online as much as possible. We only go inside a store if absolutely necessary, and every single time we step foot in a public indoor building, we wear a mask. Even though venues like bowling alleys and swimming pools have opened back up, we don't go. However, that doesn't mean the kids are stuck with nothing to do. Our son has resumed his trumpet lessons - they now do their lessons (one on one) outside, spaced well apart from each other. Our daughter has resumed her riding lessons, which take place in an outdoor arena with a (tiny) maximum class size, and all students are distanced not just 6' apart, but 20' apart from each other in a huge indoor arena when tacking up their horses. All equipment is sanitized between classes.

As far as seeing their friends, we bought the kids tablets for Easter, and so they are able to connect online every day with video chats etc... We have a small circle of friends whom we know well (as in their exposure/risk) and trust, and have bubbled with. They have occassional outdoor play dates. We still visit our immediate family, but we are smart about it. We try to stay outdoors as much as possible, and if that's not possible, we don't crowd right on top of each other. We distance as much as possible in the house. And again, it's not a regular thing.

We are going on "vacation" in two weeks. We rented a cabin at a campground, and are bringing all our own groceries. No worrying about crowded lobbies, running into people in hallways of hotels etc... We will explore all the great outdoor venues like gardens, beaches, historic sites, go whale watching and/or hiking, roast marshmallows at night at our camp fire etc... Basically, we'll stay away from people as much as possible.

Life during Covid doesn't have to stop, it just has to adapt. Just like our grandparents and great-grandparents did when faced with challenges like pandemics, wars, massive droughts and depressions. They didn't stop living, they just changed how they did it.
And the thing is - people wouldn't HAVE to stay locked up, or home, if they could just follow the new rules of common decency. Wear a mask, stay 6' apart, and avoid busy locations as much as possible. So, if the beach is packed, go somewhere else.

At home in our day to day life, we order our groceries or do parcel pick up. We shop online as much as possible. We only go inside a store if absolutely necessary, and every single time we step foot in a public indoor building, we wear a mask. Even though venues like bowling alleys and swimming pools have opened back up, we don't go. However, that doesn't mean the kids are stuck with nothing to do. Our son has resumed his trumpet lessons - they now do their lessons (one on one) outside, spaced well apart from each other. Our daughter has resumed her riding lessons, which take place in an outdoor arena with a (tiny) maximum class size, and all students are distanced not just 6' apart, but 20' apart from each other in a huge indoor arena when tacking up their horses. All equipment is sanitized between classes.

As far as seeing their friends, we bought the kids tablets for Easter, and so they are able to connect online every day with video chats etc... We have a small circle of friends whom we know well (as in their exposure/risk) and trust, and have bubbled with. They have occassional outdoor play dates. We still visit our immediate family, but we are smart about it. We try to stay outdoors as much as possible, and if that's not possible, we don't crowd right on top of each other. We distance as much as possible in the house. And again, it's not a regular thing.

We are going on "vacation" in two weeks. We rented a cabin at a campground, and are bringing all our own groceries. No worrying about crowded lobbies, running into people in hallways of hotels etc... We will explore all the great outdoor venues like gardens, beaches, historic sites, go whale watching and/or hiking, roast marshmallows at night at our camp fire etc... Basically, we'll stay away from people as much as possible.

Life during Covid doesn't have to stop, it just has to adapt. Just like our grandparents and great-grandparents did when faced with challenges like pandemics, wars, massive droughts and depressions. They didn't stop living, they just changed how they did it.
Well said. We are basically living the same way. Only seeing people outside though. We won’t vacation this year, but we are making the most of our wooded yard and pool. Your trumpet lessons sound like a dream. My kids play drums so outside is out for that. They do miss their lessons.

We are busy and happy and are truly enjoying the summer. It doesn’t have to be all bad. I am worried about what the coming months hold.
My kids play drums so outside is out for that. They do miss their lessons.

We are busy and happy and are truly enjoying the summer. It doesn’t have to be all bad. I am worried about what the coming months hold.

Haha, yes my mother is a drummer - you're not tearing down and setting up a kit each time you get the whim to play outside. Nor are they staying outside!

I agree, I am a little more worried about the fall/winter months. I do expect it will be more like this past spring - full lockdown again, no visits, no activities. Unless people can start controlling themselves now.
Life in Covid times, eh?

How we respond and adapt determines if we ourselves and those we love will have a life to live. Need to keep that at the forefront of our minds. We are privileged in so many ways and it is easy to forget that we need to do our part.

Masks. Hand washing. Distancing. Here’s hoping our governments find the fortitude to help us with the unpopular choices when necessary.
I’m in a city in AB, and we’re seeing the numbers climbing again too. I think whether it gets better depends on what actually happens with school, come Sept. The government announcements about school plans (or a lack of plans...) don’t inspire any confidence to me.
I was very disappointed that they have said school will be starting back up again with what seems very little precautions. I'm hoping that they will be able to safely social distance the kids, group kids with their social circles. I was VERY surprised that they are not mandating masks. I already told the son he will be wearing a mask and be carrying hand sanitizer around all the time with his binders. I was really hoping for them to split the classes and have group A come on Monday, Wednesdays, and Group B come on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Fridays would be done through google classroom as they were doing before. I guess it's fluid and I'm sure it will be changing. I just told ds that he will have to roll with how this school year goes. For a kid who doesn't like change, it's a struggle for him.

I'm with you that is it worrying that the numbers are climbing, and that hospitalizations are also climbing here. Hopefully people will double think when going out to places where social distancing can't be done. We are trying to be as safe as we can, we are keeping our social bubble very small, only go shopping when it's quiet in places, no vacations, except for fishing in our boat on the weekends. We might pull the camper out yet to do a little camping, but that is the extent of our vacationing. We are just trying to find a little normal while being creative in where we go to stay away from groups of people.
Our board here (GECDSB) hasn't stated what exactly they plan to do yet, because, they still don't know. But they did send around a survey, and have published the results of the survey. Basically, about 62% of the parents want the kids to go back to school, 15% don't want the kids to go back at all, and 23% were undecided, and those opinions seemed to hold consistent across all the various models they presented in the survey.

I for one, need my kids to resume 'learning'. It doesn't need to be physically present at the school, but it does need to be back to how it was during school. I need the teachers to be presenting the curriculum, and working with the students to reinforce it. What we had during the closure was just them assigning homework, and hoping the kids picked it up, and it wasn't working. I fully understand why it was that way to start, the infrastructure wasn't in place, people weren't prepared, etc... but it can't be the go forward plan. If our board decides that's the way it's going to be, then I'm gonna have to pull my kids from there and go to a different board. The extended family's kids are spread around the different boards in the area, and I know the other boards in the end were back to doing full classroom participation via zoom, google or other technologies, so I know what they're capabilities are going to be if we have to switch. I don't want to, as I'd prefer to keep the kids were they're at, and interacting with the people they know, but in the end, their ability to get an education is going to win out.
I for one, need my kids to resume 'learning'. It doesn't need to be physically present at the school, but it does need to be back to how it was during school.

I think parents who have children in school need to realize that even if they go back to school via Zoom, it (their learning) is NOT going to be anything close to how it was during school, and the outcomes will not begin compare.

Personally, I think all schools would be better off to just scrap the year. One year off will not hurt the students or matter in the grand scheme of things, and the money saved could be redistributed to assist with extra daycare/food costs etc...
I was very disappointed that they have said school will be starting back up again with what seems very little precautions. I'm hoping that they will be able to safely social distance the kids, group kids with their social circles. I was VERY surprised that they are not mandating masks. I already told the son he will be wearing a mask and be carrying hand sanitizer around all the time with his binders. I was really hoping for them to split the classes and have group A come on Monday, Wednesdays, and Group B come on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Fridays would be done through google classroom as they were doing before. I guess it's fluid and I'm sure it will be changing. I just told ds that he will have to roll with how this school year goes. For a kid who doesn't like change, it's a struggle for him.

I'm with you that is it worrying that the numbers are climbing, and that hospitalizations are also climbing here. Hopefully people will double think when going out to places where social distancing can't be done. We are trying to be as safe as we can, we are keeping our social bubble very small, only go shopping when it's quiet in places, no vacations, except for fishing in our boat on the weekends. We might pull the camper out yet to do a little camping, but that is the extent of our vacationing. We are just trying to find a little normal while being creative in where we go to stay away from groups of people.
Our board said no masks as well claiming that Public health said they weren’t necessary. Last night Regional council passed a mandate that masks must be worn on all Niagara transit and in all indoor spaces. Last I checked the schools in Niagara were indoor spaces so it looks like masks will be mandated afterall. At least everyone has stopped playing hot potato on the mask issue and we have a region wide decision.
I can’t imagine schools being exempt, but my 16 year old son will be wearing a mask. It‘s my job to raise socially responsible humans who don’t think they are the centre of the universe and who realize that their actions affect other human beings. He was already in agreement but a mandate will make it easier to get all of the kids to comply.
To be honest I feel like it will be about November before we are all back under stay at home orders again. I will be surprised if bringing the kids back doesn‘t lead to another surge in cases.
Our board said no masks as well claiming that Public health said they weren’t necessary. Last night Regional council passed a mandate that masks must be worn on all Niagara transit and in all indoor spaces. Last I checked the schools in Niagara were indoor spaces so it looks like masks will be mandated afterall. At least everyone has stopped playing hot potato on the mask issue and we have a region wide decision.
I can’t imagine schools being exempt, but my 16 year old son will be wearing a mask. It‘s my job to raise socially responsible humans who don’t think they are the centre of the universe and who realize that their actions affect other human beings. He was already in agreement but a mandate will make it easier to get all of the kids to comply.
To be honest I feel like it will be about November before we are all back under stay at home orders again. I will be surprised if bringing the kids back doesn‘t lead to another surge in cases.

I believe most mandates are for indoor spaces open to the public. Since schools aren’t open to the public I don’t think they fall under the mandates. We have heard masks will be mandated on school buses in our region but I haven’t heard about the actual schools. But I think for elementary they won’t be making masks mandatory.
I believe most mandates are for indoor spaces open to the public. Since schools aren’t open to the public I don’t think they fall under the mandates. We have heard masks will be mandated on school buses in our region but I haven’t heard about the actual schools. But I think for elementary they won’t be making masks mandatory.
Ugh. That’s what I was afraid of. How can they possibly stick a bunch of teenagers indoors and try to convince us that masks aren‘t necessary ? They don’t want to police it, and they don’t want to provide the masks. That’s all it is.
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