When does Christmas start this year?


Earning My Ears
Sep 8, 2005

Newbie to this boards here, but NOT to Disneyland.

We've been marooned on Oahu for a bit and are now back on the mainland!

We are planning our Thanksgiving trip to Disneyland, along with 10 other family members....yay!!!

However, WHEN is Christmas to start? I never remember the dates and what not or even WHEN it is. So, anyone have a date for me? Is it up over Thanksgiving? The last time I was there over Thanksgiving was for the 40th...wow, where did the 10 years go?

K :wizard:
mommytobees said:
However, WHEN is Christmas to start?

Christmas starts December 25th if you are a Christian and November 1st if you are a Hallmark executive. :sunny:

I think you can count on decorations being up at Thanksgiving.
yeartolate said:
Christmas starts December 25th if you are a Christian and November 1st if you are a Hallmark executive. :sunny:

I think you can count on decorations being up at Thanksgiving.

ROFL!! Well, I guess than I was asking when does Christmas start for Disneyland LOL!!!

I'm a Christian, though the majority of my family could be catagorized as Hallmark executives!!

I believe that the decorations are up well before Thanksgiving, but definitely by that week.
I asked this question a while back and was told that they should go up the first weekend in November. We're going Nov 11-16 and hoping that they will be up by then. :cool1:
Hit Disneyland the week or two after Thanksgiving. The Park is beautiful and the crowds are down.
We have been there the 7th of November or the week after several times, and it has always been decorated for Christmas!


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