When I take my puppy to the vet


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 2000
I think I'll leave my dd at home. She makes the vet lecture me.:o The first time it was because I kinda fed my baby some mac-n-cheese (don't feed that to puppies:o ). I can't remember what she said to get me yelled at the last time.:confused: But this time, she told the vet Boo likes chicken. The vet told me not to feed my baby table scraps anymore. I came close to telling him they weren't table scraps.:teeth: But my mama didn't raise any dumb dd's.;)
They aren't scraps, they are full portions (for a dog) :)
That's what I think too, Carol.:teeth:

LOL! Good point, Jason. If the food is good enough for me, it's good enough for Boo too.:teeth:
I found out today that Max like carrots. He bit into one and part fell on the floor. Skippy moved in and ran with it! :teeth: He apparently likes carrots also. :rolleyes:
Believe it or not but dog's digestive tracts are very sensitive. Please don't give ham to a dog. That is one of the worst things. It actually killed my friend's chihuahua. He ended up vomiting/diarrhea with blood. was in the animal hosp for 4 days on iv's and such and they could not get it under control. We ended up euthanizing because of the devastating effect it had on him.

Raw carrots and vegetables are fine for your dog. They are a healthier treat for them.

Please be careful with any table food you give to your dogs. I did work in an animal hosptial for 5 years and I saw how bad things can get.

Not to mention the weight gain on all these animals.

Try to get your pet to lose weight! Our dog is 20 lbs overweight because the neighbors like to go to the deli and buy him his special meats! Very hard to get people to listen.

Sorry about preaching. Just a concerned pet owner.
My dog gets sick when we feed her table scraps. There are a few people things she can eat, but most of the time she just gets her dog food.
She's happy as long as we have her milk bones and we give them to her when she asks. :rolleyes: :D

Be careful with the people food with your doggie. Many dogs have a hard time digesting poultry, especially turkey. Chocolate, of course, is toxic, and so are onions.

For people food, I give my dog carrots, apples slice, and a small bit of hard cheese.

I agree anything we can eat our dogs can eat to. I'm sure if the vet had a dog he would feed his dog table scraps.
I knew about chocolate being toxic to dogs, but I didn't know onions were, too! Some onions fell on the floor when I was making dinner one day and our dog sniffed them but didn't eat them.

And what's this about ham? We always give our dog the "edge" from the ham and haven't had any problems. Our old dog and our parents' dog all had ham with no problems. Were we just lucky?
Table food is a bad idea for dogs. A small piece of something as a "treat" isn't going to hurt, but a steady diet of "people" food will mess up the dog's digestive system as well as be a poor diet for him. Dog foods are made to be easily digested by the enzymes in a dog's gut. Fresh veggies like raw carrots and apples are good for a dog. Carrots are actually a natural wormer!
I'm posting a link which lists foods you should not feed your dog. While common sense should dictate what is in a healthy, well-balanced diet, some of these things may surprise you. I know grapes/raisins surprised me!

Foods to Avoid for Your Dog
Thanks for the list, MinnieMe

Some surprises on that list. Never would have guessed mushrooms were bad for pets.



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