when to start packing?


DIS Veteran
Sep 6, 2002
Ok I'm finally doing the 30 day countdown BOOGIE!:bounce: When do you all start packing? I have been slowly setting things aside as I got them. I want the kids to try on their summer clothes so I can take inventory of what they need and then I will go buy it and set that aside. BUT WHEN do I ask DH to get them there suitcases down from the attic???!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited????
...there were only 30 days to go until our trip! :rolleyes: We are going in December and I am already buying things and storing them for our trip! Not sure if I'll make it or not!

Have a blast on your trip! :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
We took our suitcases out when we hit the 30 day mark! I think it would be a good idea for you to do it any day now:bounce:
Hi Mom20f 2

Sounds like your leaving when we do 3/18, I finished getting out summer/spring clothes this weekend and taking an inventory of what the kids need. Shopped a little today. I was figuring I would take the next week to wash everything and start packing on the 8th, since they won't need the stuff before that. It was nice to think of summer clothes today while we are in the middle of a New England Blizzard. I am excited too. Mickey here we come:cool: :Pinkbounc
I was just wondering the very same thing.....we are leaving on the 16th (flying w/ our five kids) and staying at the PO Riverside.
We have NEVER been before and so we are sorta clueless really as to what to take, but I have gotten lots of great ideas on the boards.
So far I have gotten, rain ponchos, suitcase locks, film, snorkeling equipment (we are going on the DW Wonder the last 4 days of our trip) and watershoes. I know I"m going to forget stuff.
I need to get all of the suitcases out and make sure we even
have enough, my youngest have tiny pull suitcases.

We will be renting a van or a SUV while down there, should we just wait and buy most of the food down there or try and fill a
suitcase of stuff to take from Okla where it's cheaper?

What else do we need besides clothes?
I did buy some 2 gallon bags to put the kids clothes in ...at
least the younger ones.

It's so hard to pack for a cruise too....it makes it more complicated because we have to take nice clothing too.

I just feel like I'm totally disorganized and we leave in like 26-27
days I think!!

Debbie in Okla
Oh how I wish...
Listen to you... Ms. 300 days here...
I already have started putting things away and buying stuff for the trip like water bottles and things.

When it comes to stuffing a suitcase, I normally start about a week ahead of time. I am terrified of not remembering to bring something important, so I make sure there's plenty of whatever we'll need in there.
okiemomx5....we were in WDW over Thanksgiving through the first week of December. We have five grandchildren and since each passenger is allowed two pieces of luggage, I took advantage of that number, since the little ones only carry backpacks, and packed two good size boxes with snacks, juice boxes, coloring books and other stuff to keep them entertained at night and during down time. We took each along with us and checked them through as pieces of luggage (tagged with our name and destination) After ten days in WDW, the boxes were empty and disposed of and we were not as $pent where snacks were concerned. You know how kids can eat.....
Well we're under the 30 day mark too!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc And leaving on March 17th. So far I've been out (in the cold snowy weather ;) ) and bought some capris pants t-shirts and socks for our trip and I think I'll start making a list to make sure I don't foget a thing!;)
We are leaving this Saturday 2/22, and are already packed!!!!

We started packing abotu a month ago, and finsished 2 nights ago. It helps though that we live in a very cold winter climate so most of the clothes we are packing we are using right now anyway.
That is such a great idea about packing the boxes of snacks!
I had thought about filling a suitcase with them.......but with
7 people we might be using all of our luggage! :)
We are renting a van and so we were planning on going to
Walmart.......but on the 16th we don't get to PORiverside as it
is until after midnight and we only have 3 days at the park
and so who has time to be running to Walmart! Because then
we leave for our Cruise.......and so if that is the case we might not
want to pack a box.......oh geez......too many desicions!
The closer the trip gets the more overwhelmed I get , I keep telling people they just wouldn't believe all the planning you have
to do just to go to DW! I am trying to get in the mindset of just going and having a blast and watch my kids have fun!

To the person who is leaving on the 17th.........where are ya'll staying? We only had choice between 3 places since we booked it w/ our cruise, but we are looking forward to staying at Riverside.

AS for packing.......I need to get the suitcases out.......it's very
cold here and it's not like we are going to need the summer clothes before we go. I have bought several things already
though! This weekend I have a mission for our kids and that is to drag out the summer stuff and start figuring out what they need. I know my boys have outgrown a lot of things.
Gosh, it costs a lot just to get ready to leave! LOL!

Well, I don't think there is a set time for when to start packing. It's kinda like, you pack, but then you buy something and want to take that instead. Anyways, basically, after I have everything (which I try to do at least by two weeks before I leave) I do a "runthrough" packing. Make sure everything fits, especially since I bring every shoe I ever own and like enough clothes to last me a month (not that I'm going to wear it all), but I'm a girl I need varity. Usually I have to unpack because I pack somethings I need (contacts, solution, glasses, razer, etc), but I usually do my actual packing about 2 or 3 days before I leave, and then make sure the night before I have my carry-ons packed. But I also keep all my items I'm bringing seperate from everything else and if I take something then I write it down on a piece of paper and stick it to my computer monitor, that way I know I wont forget it. Anyways, (I know I talk a lot :D ) good luck and have fun!
okiemomx5.........don't bother with the luggage locks since they open up so much luggage now a days or they will get cut open....
Hi Debbie!:wave: We're actually going to 3 resorts in Florida.....Cocoa Beach,Fort Myers and then 13 days at Cypress Pointe Grande Villas. We are so fortunate to be able to have a reunion with my family from the UK and they are owners at CP so we stay with them at all these lovely places. We're so blessed to have them invite us as we'd only be able to stay a week or so in any resort.:)

I'm really starting to get excited and so looking forward to getting away from all this snow and cold!:bounce: :Pinkbounc

Hope you all have a fantastic holiday Debbie!:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Since we have been going every year, I made a packing list for everyone on a word document and print it out every year. It is very helpful to have it written down so that you don't forget anything. I packed my son's clothes last Saturday, and plan to finish up my stuff this weekend. I usually just give the list to my husband who packs his own stuff usually the night before we leave! It drives me crazy!
Cindy -- we are staying the last day (after the cruise)
at Lake Cecile Suites in Kisseemee.......your trip sure
sounds fun! I like those family reunions at time shares!
We have one next year in STeamboat springs CO
and we just went to Hawaii last year w/ my in-laws
to their time share!

I bought a bunch of snacks today at Wallyworld,
gum,more film and some dis. cameras for the kids,

I told the kids start getting the summer clothes out!
It's hard to do that when it's in the 40's currently.

Charlene -- your idea to keep the list on Word is a good idea!

Taddy -- WOW -- you are leaving tomorrow! HAVE FUN!
I wish I were leaving tomorrow, well, no I don't ...I'm not
packed yet!

Debbie, we're planning on going to Playa Car, Mexico with my DB and SIL to their timeshare next winter but are you ever lucky to go to Hawaii! I would love to go there!:bounce: :Pinkbounc

Taddy,hope you have a safe and wonderful trip!
;) :D
Since I am single, i usually start packing 1 - 2 weeks in advance. It sounds like most of you have multiple people in your family to pack for, so starting earlier is better. Do a little here, a little there....

One thing I discovered last fall were these travel/storage bags taht I got from QVC. I store my off season clothes in my suitcases in the attic, and these bags really help. you up your clothes in them, then roll out the excess air. it really does make a difference. I took some of them with me to WDW last October and it was great! With the Airport Security looking thru more bags nowadays, this makes it easier all around, and nothing will get lost.

You can get these bags at lugage stores, your local AAA office, and I have also seen them at Bed Bath & Beyond. Places like Wal-mart might have them too - just ask. I highly recommend them.
Depending how you look at it, I'm either really good about packing, or really bad. I always try to get by with one rolling suitcase (checked, but it's carry-on size) and my backpack for a six day average trip. Since that can get kind of tricky and it's usually been a while since I used my summer clothes, I do a "practice run" well in advance of my trip. I don't like to find out that my shorts don't fit anymore, or my favorite t-shirt has a stain, or that one of my microrfiber socks is missing with less than two weeks to go. Advanced planning saves time and stress. If I know that I'm missing something, I substitute it with a similar item for the practice run. Then when I've got everything together, I pack it up again to make sure everything still fits in my suitcase. I've been getting a little less strict about this as I've made more trips, but the first time I went to Disney as an adult, I first packed for my July trip... in February! Yeah, that was a little insane.
We started packing today (friday) and we are leaving on tuesday!


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