When would you go to DL for the 50th anniversary celebration?


<font color=teal>DC DISer<br><font color=red>pick
Oct 22, 2002
And I really do mean when as we're very flexible with our dates. I definitely want to get out there sometime before the end of the celebration, but would like to go at the least crowded time, when the weather is still good (which to me means just not really chilly all the time). It will be me, my husband, and our daughter, will will turn 1 on 2/26, so her age would vary depending on when we would go. We took her to DL the last week of August when she was 6 months and she loved it, and she's been to WDW 3 times at 3,4, and 9 months, and we're headed back for her 4th trip in April (she'll be almost 14 months).

But as she gets older, I know it will be harder to wait in lines and things like that, which is why I'm wondering when we should go. Initially I was thinking 2nd week of November because we're headed to Hawaii the 3rd week and I thought it might be nice to fly halfway-take a break, then continue on. We'd probably stay for 4 or 5 days (park days that is) cause I like to go at our daughter's pace. Is this a good time to go? My husband has to take his board exams in December, so if he decides he'd rather not vacation for 2 weeks in a row then, when would another good time to go be?
generally, avoid weekends, if possible. or at least saturday! and it seems like you can go anytime, so try to avoid "school holidays". have fun! :flower:
Are weekends bad year round? We would like to avoid school holidays as I went to WDW once during President's week and it was packed. Yeah, luckily we're still pretty flexible since our daughter is so young, my husband just has to be sure he can get the time off, but it shouldn't be a big problem.
ChrisnSteph, we're practically neighbors. I'm in Murrieta.

If you are at all interested in Space Mountain, you'll have to wait for fall anyway (maybe as late as November), as Space Mountain isn't slated to open until then (might open in July, but I wouldn't bet on it).
My husband would be interested in it, which was my initial thought for going in November. Mid-may of 2006 was another thought, but wasn't sure how the crowds are then.


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