When you ground your teenager...

I usually ground her from things. Telephone, computer, tv, visitors. The time limit varies.
I have given in on occasion. I wish I never did. I had my reasons at the time, and at the time I thought they were good reasons. But I regret them now.
I deliver the grounding like Serena. As far as giving in, sometimes I will give them an opportunity to earn some time back. For example, grounded for 2 weekends, but if you do extra credit work, raise a grade, etc., then I will remove 1 weekend. Of course, it all depends on the reason for the grounding.

Parenting books stress consistency. And that's good. But as parents, we're also human. ;)
It's a rare occasion when I have to "take away" something from DD or DS. I never really use the term ground. If DD does something really terrible like lying or not studying when she should I usually take away the one thing that means the most. AOL . . .usually a week . . .but after the 4th or 5th day I usually give in, depending on the behavior and attitude and if she really learned something in the process . . .
I take away the internet. I've learned to be careful how much I ground her, so I don't have to give in. My daughter's friend's mother grounds her at the drop of a hat and then gives in after one or two days. The kid has learned that gounding is meaningless.
If I were to have to "ground" someone it would mean that literally-you may not leave the grounds of our house and yard-except to attend school and only during the scheduled school day. you have no priviledges for phone, internet, tv, or stereo, and, if you have your drivers license, you may not drive. and no I will not "give in" the punishment generally should fit the crime and if a kid is grounded they have commited a severe transgression-the last time I had to do this my 17 year old was in 8th grade. They toe the line pretty carefully since it would mean missing sports practices. Generally we remove only a part of their prividledges for a specified period. i have never "given in" and reduced that period of time


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