Where are you from?

Mariaºoº said:
We should all do a MD, DC, VA meet some time! I went to a few Disney meets from other sites before and they were loads of fun!

Sounds like fun! :thumbsup2 Just let me know when something comes up! :)
I Hi from Dallas, Oregon ( pronounced ORY-gun - not ORY-GONE).

Over the years I have lived in several states - Oregon (18 hour drive to DL), Washington, California (10 minute drive to DL) and Michigan (22 hour drive to WDW - in 1 1/2 days).
I'm about as far away as you can get from WDW :sad2: . We live in Pasco, Washington. It might not be Orlando but we are right on the mighty Columbia River. :thumbsup2
ah, the question I dread, lets see....

I was born in Balboa Panama, then we were in Louisiana, New Mexico, Illinois, Georgia and finally Toledo OH, where I am stuck at least untill I finish school. My dh has tried to talk me into Seattle and Orlando.

And we won't drive only because neither I or my husband drive.
makinorlando said:
Orlando - and yes - I do drive to WDW.... in under an hour!

It's Sea World this week though - trying to get our money's worth out of tix my mom and great nephew got on Saturday...... Today makes day #3 - it's been just too hot to spend long days there - my mom is 82.

Next week a day at MK.
I live in Orlando to but for school. Right now im in Hollywood. 3 hours south of Orlando. Ill be back in Orlando in mid august so Ill be at WDW that weekend I get back. :sunny:
Hi From Cork in Ireland! (Way down south!)

DH John pirate: DD Caoimhe and me! Moira...
Most of my life I have lived in Marblehead Massachusetts but have lived in Lynn Massachusetts for the last 2 years
Hi all, I'm located in the middle of corn and bean fields in Trenton, IL. We are 30 minutes east of St. Louis.


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