Which way to Disneyland? TR (comparison update 7/26)

You didn't feel safe at USH? I never felt that way at USO. I actually like it over there but prefer Disney. We haven't been to USO/IOA since '07 I think. It's been a while. That woman in your Dora pic just looks snooty. Gosh. The look on her face. I would be cropping her right out of my picture! :headache:

WDW and DLR :thumbsup2 for the organization!

So you guys have a collector bag! It's really cute. Sidney would love it. I'm not gonna show him though if they no longer sell it. :goodvibes You really didn't care to go to Disney!? Now you're somewhat addicted. How funny is that? I was thinking....maybe we should do a cruise at the beginning or end of our December trip. I could bring my parents and give it to them for Christmas. PM me info and prices if you will.

Here is the link you asked for...to the snack thread.

Great pics with Shrek and Fiona! ADORABLE how they are both looking up at them in the last one. What a great memory:goodvibes
I'm really loving this trip report. :) You have a great way of describing everything and your DD's are so cute. I'm headed up to California in few days :-)banana:) and we're doing almost the same exact tour as you guys. It's really helped me cuz I haven't been to any of the other parks (other than Disney) in over 10 years. Can't wait to read more!
So glad I heard your take on Universal. That's gonna be a huge pass for us.

We are not into the Simpsons, Shrek, Dora or just about any of those characters. If Stitch would somehow make his way over there I would be thrilled! LOL! And that pushing and disorganization to get photos with the characters...that is just ridiculous. They should be controlling that.

And what's the deal with the woman crowding out your kids and sticking herself in your photo anyway? Geeesh...if you are gonna stand there and get in the photo at least have the decency to smile!:rotfl:

Thanks for reminding me why I love Disney so much!:goodvibes
The pictures with Shrek and Fiona are great! Thanks for another great installment. :thumbsup2
oh boy, can't wait to read what happened.

cute Shrek pictures


Yes, Shrek pictures were fun! Working on next update.:goodvibes

No problem :)

I can't wait! By the way, what did ur hubby think of The Mummy ride?

Oh, thanks for asking. He loved the Mummy ride! He tried to get me to go on it but for some reason I wasn't in the mood. I think he really enjoyed it.

Oh my!! I think those character meet and greets would STRESS ME OUT!! How scary that you lost Faith! Glad it didn't take too long to find her! Shrek and Fiona look like sooo much fun!!

Yes, the character meet and greets are just strange and so disorganized. You'd think they'd learn a few tips from Disney.:confused3

Finally caught up again. Whew!
That Davey Crockett hat is SUPERTASTIC!!!!
I can't believe the crowd levels for the fireworks. Holy cow! Standing room only??
I'm looking forward to reading about your cruise plans. Hopefully I'll be a better follow a longer on your next report.
The girls Tink dresses were cute.

I'm getting super excited for the cruise and come December know I will for sure be in need of it! I can't wait.:banana: We're also planning some fun stuff in WDW after the cruise.

Just caught up everything looks so fun. We are away on vacation we have been gone since 6/30 went to WDW for eight days and are going back to WDW on 7/24 thru. 7/27 then I guess we will head back home.

Wow, a month worth of vacation! Now I'm jealous. Thanks for stopping by while on vacation.:thumbsup2

You didn't feel safe at USH? I never felt that way at USO. I actually like it over there but prefer Disney. We haven't been to USO/IOA since '07 I think. It's been a while. That woman in your Dora pic just looks snooty. Gosh. The look on her face. I would be cropping her right out of my picture! :headache:

WDW and DLR :thumbsup2 for the organization!

So you guys have a collector bag! It's really cute. Sidney would love it. I'm not gonna show him though if they no longer sell it. :goodvibes You really didn't care to go to Disney!? Now you're somewhat addicted. How funny is that? I was thinking....maybe we should do a cruise at the beginning or end of our December trip. I could bring my parents and give it to them for Christmas. PM me info and prices if you will.

Here is the link you asked for...to the snack thread.


Oh, thanks I ended up finding the snack thread link on the sticky in dining thread. We are thinking about doing the Deluxe dining plan since we will only be in WDW for three full days after the cruise. I'm getting so jealous of all these people getting pins for free dining during December.:snooty: I'm still crossing my fingers.

I think the crowd at CA Universal is completely different than that in Orlando.

Great pics with Shrek and Fiona! ADORABLE how they are both looking up at them in the last one. What a great memory:goodvibes

Yes, we got some cute pics.:goodvibes

I'm really loving this trip report. :) You have a great way of describing everything and your DD's are so cute. I'm headed up to California in few days :-)banana:) and we're doing almost the same exact tour as you guys. It's really helped me cuz I haven't been to any of the other parks (other than Disney) in over 10 years. Can't wait to read more!

Oh, have a great trip!! I love it when people tell me my TR has helped them with planning. I'm sure you'll have a fabulous trip. Let me know how it goes.:goodvibes

So glad I heard your take on Universal. That's gonna be a huge pass for us.

We are not into the Simpsons, Shrek, Dora or just about any of those characters. If Stitch would somehow make his way over there I would be thrilled! LOL! And that pushing and disorganization to get photos with the characters...that is just ridiculous. They should be controlling that.

And what's the deal with the woman crowding out your kids and sticking herself in your photo anyway? Geeesh...if you are gonna stand there and get in the photo at least have the decency to smile!:rotfl:

Thanks for reminding me why I love Disney so much!:goodvibes

Ha, you're funny.:laughing: I don't think I noticed the woman in the picture until afterward. I was too busy trying to take a picture before more people crowded in.

I love your trip report. It is so good and all the pictures are great.:)

Thanks so much.:goodvibes

The pictures with Shrek and Fiona are great! Thanks for another great installment. :thumbsup2

Thanks, Shrek is fun isn't he?:goodvibes
Last we had left off at our day in Universal Studios Hollywood. DH and Papa were off riding Mummy and viewing Terminator 4-D. The girls had greeted. Dora, and Shrek and Fiona.

After that I had them change into the swimsuits I had brought for them and we made our way to the Curious George Splash Park.

I had watched videos of just how soaked kids got here so I knew to bring their suits. The girls played in the steam area a while but it was not hot enough for them to want to get drenched.

Then they checked out the ball room.

I despise these type of play areas but the children love them. Too bad DH wasn't with us he would have joined in with the girls throwing balls everywhere. I stood as a lifeguard keeping my eyes on the girls and got hit in the cheek so hard it felt like I was being slapped. After a while a teenage boy came and apologized. It really did hurt.:rolleyes:

After a while I had the girls get dressed and we headed to the Animal Action show. Here is where our somewhat scary event occured. As you can see we were sitting toward the back.

There was a man on stage doing some pre-show tricks with a dog. Nobody was really paying much attention. Suddenly I heard the audience gasp and my initial reaction was to look on stage. I saw both the dog trainer and trainer jerking in reaction to something in the audience up front. So I then searched the audience upfront. I saw two men standing with their arms in front of them as if they are about to fight. I can only assume I missed a couple punches. That is all I saw because immediately the ENTIRE audience stood to it's feet to watch the men fighting in front. The reaction of the audience is really what struck me more than anything. The girls thought they were missing part of the show and I was so caught off guard I just kept telling them to not stand up, they are not missing anything. They were so confused. I stayed seated with the girls to not alarm them.

I felt for a moment like I was in a foreign country surrounded by an aggressive hungry audience watching a boxing match. I searched around desperately looking for a mother sitting down comforting her children like me but there were non. Those with children were allowing them to stand and watch as well. I looked around for someone to ask what was going on but there was not a single person within ear shot speaking English.

After what felt like 15 minutes the audience slowly started sitting down and I saw a couple of men being escorted out by weak looking Universal workers. Where is their security?

Anyway, the show itself once it got started was awful. I don't know if perhaps the workers were a little off key because the pre-show disturbance or if it is always that bad. There really were almost no tricks. There was information given on what they have been able to get animals to do for movies but pretty much every attempt they made with an animal to do a trick failed. I've seen better animal shows in my local mall.

After the show I tried to call DH but did not get him. We found out later that one of our phones was not getting service. They enjoyed both The Mummy and Terminator 4-D.

The girls wanted a snack so we went to this joint, got some cookies, and refilled DH's huge Homer mug for a dollar.

After our snack we found Sponge Bob dancing, so once again I shoved the girls in for a picture.

There is an area with all kinds of carnival games to win little stuffed animals. DD8 really wanted to do this. Since Granita left each of the girls with a little money I told them if they wanted they could do a game or two but not to expect much. We searched for something age-appropriate and found a water target game. There were 3-4 kids pretending to play but nobody paying to play. I talked to the clerk and she said if my two daughters played one would be guaranteed to pick from the smallest stuffed animals. Okay, well at least they'll get something. So I paid $3 each for the first game. Of course DD8 won and picked out a purple teddy. Then I paid another $6 for a second game and told DD8 to let DD5 win which she did. DD5 picked out a green fish. So, the girls got to play some games and got to get a prize. (Works for me.) I didn't take pictures of this because it went so fast but DD8 is holding her purple teddy she got in the picture with Sponge Bob.

At this point I still hadn't heard from DH so we made our way back to the play area. Not five minutes after returning to the play area DH and Papa appeared. He had been calling me and thought I wasn't answering but we checked my phone and I had no missed calls. Anyway, I was glad to see him and told him we will not be seperating the rest of the day.

We went on the Hollywood Backlot Tour. It was pretty impressive. These cars came zooming at us then danced to music.

Then we experienced a flood.

Then a subway tram crashed right next to us.:scared1:

It was neat to drive through Wisteria Lane from Desperate Housewives.

I think this is leftover set from The Grinch.

War of the Worlds.

There was even more to the backlot tour that I did not take pictures of like the shark attach and when they ran the tram through a tunnel where the walls revolve. That really got me. I really did feel like we were turning ourselves. We enjoyed the backlot tour.

After the backlot tour DH, DD8 and I decided to ride the river based adventure ride Jurrasic Park. We all loved it. DD8 is scared of the drop on Splash Mountain but seemed to tolerate this drop better. The dinosoars were great. I loved it!

We decided we'd done just about everything by about 5 p.m. so we headed back to the rental van to drive back to Anaheim. We took these pictures on the way out.


Overall, what can I say about Universal Studios Hollywood.:rolleyes1

We did have some good times. We are glad we visited it once. DD8 LOVES the Simpsons ride. DH enjoyed The Mummy. I enjoyed Jurrasic Park and The Backlot Tour. I don't think we'll ever need to return.

The character meets were insane and the crowds were not Disney folk. I do think when youngest DD gets closer to middle school we will visit Universal Orlando.

Up Next: evening Disney fireworks from balcony, early morning walk to Disneyland Hotel and flight home. Also, comparison between WDW and DLR.:goodvibes
Wow! A fight at an animal show. Are people out there freaking crazy or what!? I can't believe the things people do, especially at a theme park! :eek:
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the place. I don't know that I'd want to visit that one after your experiences though. The backlot tour looks like the best thing there. If Jurassic Park is like the one in Orlando I'd like it too. That was a great ride! I'll tell ya this much...security is EVERYWHERE at US Orlando! That kind of mess would never fly there. I'm sure you would enjoy that one a lot more.

Looking forward to the comparison & the Disney resort visit!
Oh dear - that's awful. I am glad you enjoyed your day, and the pictures with all the characters are lovely. :)
My goodness! I guess (at US) we're not in Disney anymore. That fight sounded really frightening.

Can't wait to hear about your comparisons.
OMG - that fight would have been a little scary. Not so much for the incident itself, but just realizing how ill equipt Universal seemed to deal with it.

Can't wait for your final trip reports and comparison of WDW and DL!:)
Oh my word! I can't believe a fight broke out at an animal show! That's INSANE!! It sounded scary! I can't believe the other moms were just letting their kids watch. Sorry you had to endure that! But I'm glad that you enjoyed the Backlot Tour--that looks really neat!! Can't wait to hear your comparisons!
That fight would've been very scary, glad you were toward the back at least. Love all your pictures, and that is so great that each girl got to win a prize:cutie:

The backlot tour at US is GREAT, I do remember that, and they are always adding things. It's been so long since I have been, but that use to really be the only ride way back when I was a kid.

My kids would love spongebob and curious george, but that would be about it I think, we are gonna try and do a day in Universal Orlando to see spiderman

Can't wait to see your WDW & DL comparison popcorn::
I just read your trip report - I loved your pictures! Glad to hear you had such a wonderful time!
Wow, can't believe that about Universal. I have heard better things about the one in Orlando. Hate the TR is coming to an end, but I guess you'll be starting a Pre Trip Report for December? ;) Can't wait to read your comparisons.....
WOW...I can't believe that incident at US!:scared1: What's wrong with people?!! And I can't believe people were there just watching and letting their children watch, too!! :confused:

Sounds like you had an okay time, but definately NOT Disney! How can anything compare though to Disney, right?!!;)

I can't believe this is coming to an end..are you doing a PTR for your December trip to WDW? I HOPE!!!!:banana:
Wow! A fight at an animal show. Are people out there freaking crazy or what!? I can't believe the things people do, especially at a theme park! :eek:
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the place. I don't know that I'd want to visit that one after your experiences though. The backlot tour looks like the best thing there. If Jurassic Park is like the one in Orlando I'd like it too. That was a great ride! I'll tell ya this much...security is EVERYWHERE at US Orlando! That kind of mess would never fly there. I'm sure you would enjoy that one a lot more.

Looking forward to the comparison & the Disney resort visit!

The backlot tour was impressive, Jurrasic Park was neat too. I think it will be fun in a few years to visit Universal Orlando. It does sound much better.:thumbsup2

Oh dear - that's awful. I am glad you enjoyed your day, and the pictures with all the characters are lovely. :)

I was glad there were some characters for the girls to meet. DD5 absolutely LOVED meeting DORA!
My goodness! I guess (at US) we're not in Disney anymore. That fight sounded really frightening.

Can't wait to hear about your comparisons.

Definitely not Disney anymore.:goodvibes

OMG - that fight would have been a little scary. Not so much for the incident itself, but just realizing how ill equipt Universal seemed to deal with it.

Can't wait for your final trip reports and comparison of WDW and DL!:)


Oh my word! I can't believe a fight broke out at an animal show! That's INSANE!! It sounded scary! I can't believe the other moms were just letting their kids watch. Sorry you had to endure that! But I'm glad that you enjoyed the Backlot Tour--that looks really neat!! Can't wait to hear your comparisons!

There were for sure things we did enjoy about US.

That fight would've been very scary, glad you were toward the back at least. Love all your pictures, and that is so great that each girl got to win a prize:cutie:

The backlot tour at US is GREAT, I do remember that, and they are always adding things. It's been so long since I have been, but that use to really be the only ride way back when I was a kid.

My kids would love spongebob and curious george, but that would be about it I think, we are gonna try and do a day in Universal Orlando to see spiderman

Can't wait to see your WDW & DL comparison popcorn::

I bet you will enjoy Universal Orlando.:thumbsup2

I just read your trip report - I loved your pictures! Glad to hear you had such a wonderful time!

Thanks for reading and posting!:banana:

Wow, can't believe that about Universal. I have heard better things about the one in Orlando. Hate the TR is coming to an end, but I guess you'll be starting a Pre Trip Report for December? ;) Can't wait to read your comparisons.....

I CAN'T wait to start my TR for December. I am getting sooo excited.:cool1:

WOW...I can't believe that incident at US!:scared1: What's wrong with people?!! And I can't believe people were there just watching and letting their children watch, too!! :confused:

Sounds like you had an okay time, but definately NOT Disney! How can anything compare though to Disney, right?!!;)

I can't believe this is coming to an end..are you doing a PTR for your December trip to WDW? I HOPE!!!!:banana:

Oh, yea!!! I hope to start my December TR very soon!:santa:
Alright so I left off after our day at Universal Studios Hollywood. On the drive home we called Rainforest Cafe to see if we could get evening reservations but they were all booked. We loved going there so much our first night we thought it'd be fun to take DH and Papa.

So, we ended up getting fast food and taking it back to the hotel. I regret not getting any pictures of the room DH and Papa had. It was the same size as ours but on the top floor of HoJo. It a very high ceiling with tall windows. It overlooked DLR. We took our food up to there room and ate while we waited for DLR fireworks. This was one of the simple moments that come as a surprise on vacation and create wonderful blissful memories.

The four of us: DH, me, and the girls all went out on the balcony. You could even faintly hear the music playing during the firework show and we had a perfect view from the top floor of HoJo of the DLR fireworks across the street. It was beautiful and a whole different experience. We liked that we had already seen the fireworks so knew what was going on during the show. I am so glad we got to experience this last bit of Disney magic before heading home in the morning.

We did take video and I wish I could share it but I've done something to my media player that needs fixed first.

Granita and her friend spent most of their day in LA at a museum but did make it back to DLR in time for the fireworks. She was in the park at that time.

The next morning we all got up and starting packing our bags.:sad2: Most everyone headed to Mimi's Cafe for breakfast but DD8 and I were not hungry so we decided to do one last walk through DTD. Now that is one great thing about DLR. Even at a value hotel we can just walk right over. At WDW this would not be possible as we'd have to spend probably an hours time riding there and back on the bus system.

We found all stores in DTD to be closed so we kept walking and decided to check out Disneyland Hotel.



While we were out by the pool DD8 insisted she'd seen Pluto come out onto a patio dining area where no-one was sitting then go back in. So I watched with her and a moment later Goofy came out! He really was right in front of us and no one else was anywhere around. It was just him and us. (And of course the hundreds of diners waiting inside "Goofy's Kitchen".) DD8 called out to him and he stopped and waved. We stood there a few more minutes and saw a couple more character come outside, then go back in another door. They must have to use that door to get to another area of the restaurant.

We enjoyed checking it out and looked around in it's shop a little. DD8 bought a Disneyland pin!

Finally we made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare. The girls and I entertained ourselves by counting Starbucks coffees that walked by in people's hands. This was fun because some had McDonalds coffees so you couldn't call it until it was close enough to be sure it was Starbucks. The Orange County airport doesn't have a lot in it but there is a Starbucks about every 100 feet.:rotfl2:

We really must have gotten there early. Later the girls entertained themselves by riding on DH's feet.

And finally we were off.

DD5's Sleeping Beauty Castle did not arrive to our house until about 4-5 days after we returned home. She was very anxious but so excited when it finally arrived.


What a cheap piece of junk that thing is. The stickers it came with for the flags never would stick on. The plastic pieces are so cheap. We have several broken pieces already. I had hoped to collect Sleeping Beauty's Castle, Cinderella's Castle, Epcot, and the monorail but after seeing the overpriced cheapness I think NOT! She did use her birthday fun card but I think we paid an additional $30-$40 to cover extra cost and shipping it home. Oh well, she enjoys it but it will not last long.
Overall, we had an amazing trip. The Southern California City Passes turned out to be a great value.:thumbsup2 We enjoyed venturing out of Disney a little and Southern California was a great place to do it. We really enjoyed our day at Sea World. Coronado was absolutely beautiful and we definitely will make it back there some day.

This was a great filler trip while waiting for our December trip! I am glad we got to do it but WDW will always be our favorite!! Being in the west I'm sure we will visit DLR again in 3-4 years. Perhaps we will drive there. I think it'd be fun to go there Christmas time. I'd also love to see California Adventure once all the updates are finished. We never got to see Fantasmic there which I hear is better than WDW. And I am so excited Disney Cruise Line is coming out to Southern California in 2011 too!

Stay tuned for my WDW / DLR comparison.

And of course, my Christmas 2009 PTR will be started very soon.:santa:

Edited to post link to new PTR: Mickey's Very Mery Vacation Land/Sea!


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