Who here is not in the "clique" like me?

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I qualify!!!

I'm always roundly ignored whenever I attempt to jump in. No worries though, someones gotta be the wallpaper.... :wave2:
Cliche - something that has become overly familiar or commonplace
Clique - a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons; especially : one held together by common interests, views, or purposes

Here's my corny suggestion - cliqueche or since I don't remember my English rules to know if the middle "e" should be omitted, we could change the spelling to clickche.
Not only am I not in a clique, I keep PMs in my box from 2 years ago, just so it doesn't look completely empty.
:bounce: Hey this is me too!! what I can't figure is if some of you have made over 2000 posts ....

My input: when it comes time to see if you have missed anything here you can do a CLIQUE CHEQUE (canadian here -- sounds like check)

Tinkerbell_Girl said:
I like Clique This! I guess the reason I don't belong to any is because I'm quiet and not very witty. I guess that's why I'm tagless too. :(

No cliques for me and I'm very outgoing. (IRL I'm told I'm witty, but that's not the case on the DIS because I don't share the same humor as many here - especially the clique groups.)

I'm guessing that, like me, most that aren't a part of a clique simply don't want to be! For that reason, I respectfully forgo membership in an noclique clique. (Though I have to say I love "take this clique and shove it!")
I'm not in a Clique. But this thread is 5 pages long in an hour & a half so you guys are on your way to becoming a clique. :dance3:
wheeler1 said:
I qualify!!!

I'm always roundly ignored whenever I attempt to jump in. No worries though, someones gotta be the wallpaper.... :wave2:
::yes:: That pretty much sums me up, too. :thumbsup2
No clique for me either, I just don't have time to 'catch up' on hundreds of pages.....so add me to this "clique" and I promise that I will keep up on the thread! :)

p.s. I have only a couple of pm's that I have kept, so I dont feel totally lame!
shamrock30 said:
Not only am I not in a clique, I keep PMs in my box from 2 years ago, just so it doesn't look completely empty.
:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao:
hey, i'm not part of a clique either but that does not mean we are not COOL :cool1: ..because we are! :cool1:
MAKmom said:
But this thread is 5 pages long in an hour & a half so you guys are on your way to becoming a clique. :dance3:

Oh yeah? Well, clique-this. :banana:

MAKmom said:
I'm not in a Clique. But this thread is 5 pages long in an hour & a half so you guys are on your way to becoming a clique. :dance3:

That may mean I am no longer a clique virgin!
No clique but I would never describe myself as quiet! :crazy: I definitely don't have the time or inclination to keep up with clique threads and don't get the appeal. :goodvibes

nope we had a "HI" thread a while ago but that was as close as Ive come LOL
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