Who's gonna apply for Spring 06?

a bit of an update ... talked to someone from my college's financial aid office and discovered that I will still be considered a full time student when I apply for the program (yeah!), but I will NOT have my pell grant waiting for me when I get back. Which is such a bummer. I'm going through so much crap now just to get my pell, and I will have to do all this again next fall when I go back to school!!! :sad: Does this mean I'm not doing the program? HECK NO! I'm goin to Disney baby!! *hehe* I hope I get to meet some of you there! I hope we all make it! :)
If I do get in I think I'll be driving down there! I am so excited! I have been wanting to do this since I was in high school. I think I am going to apply for Merchandise, Hospitality, and Vacation Planner! Only 61 days until the presentation!!! :cool1: I hope to meet some of you down there too! Good luck to all! :cheer2:
I am applying for Hospitality and Merchandizing ammong other things. ^_^ I am so excited and can't wait till the presentation/interview!

~Snow White's Proteje
I wanted to be one of those people too!! I used to go to SFA in Nacogdoches. I really want to be in Vacation Planning, Hospitality, or Merchandizing. How do you find out about the apartments??

~ Snow White's Proteje
You won't find out where you'll live till you check in that morning. It will either be Vista Way (which I'm told is the party place, but has holes in the floor) or you'll be in Chatteum (I know I'm spelling that wrong). Chatteum is supposed to be the better of the two. I'm not sure if the Wellness Apartment is a different one (not the name, just what they call it, you will get put there if you are under 21) or just sectioned off of one of the other major apartments. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have anyother questions. (My brother is a CP alumi, thats how I know this stuff).
If you used to go to SFA, where do you go now? I don't go to school there, I actually go to TJC (in Tyler) but my brother is helping w/ that presentation, so I wanted to go to SFA.
I now go to San Jac Central in Houston (I moved home to be closer to my family). I know where TJC is a good friend of mine is from Tyler, and I used to go out there to visit her and her mom a lot. But how do you find out what all is available as far as apartments? Like which ones are there. I am such a newbie to all this... I don't even really know what to expect but I have wanted to work for Disney for a really long time. Seeing as though I want to work in the Travel/Hotel industry I thought Disney would look exelent on my resume and that Disney might be more willing to hire me onto their perminant staff when I graduate if I had done their CP.


~Snow White's Proteje
I am SO JEALOUS of you guys! I just saw the advertisements for our campus meeting, its on October 5th. I have to wait a whole YEAR to apply!! :earseek: I wish I was going, good luck to everyone!!!
I'm going to be applying for Fall 06 (I know, really far away). I'll be interviewing this Spring, and graduating in May, so that way I won't have to miss any school and worry about any of that mess. Looking forward to it for sure :cool1:
Andrew015 said:
I'm going to be applying for Fall 06 (I know, really far away). I'll be interviewing this Spring, and graduating in May, so that way I won't have to miss any school and worry about any of that mess. Looking forward to it for sure :cool1:

hey, im with you....gonna go to the meetings and get all the info and then come spring i will interview and see where it goes from then...cant wait tho!
I'm with both of you too. I went to a presentation and did an interview my freshman year but I turned it down because of fmaily reasons. I'm applying agian this spring for fall of 2006. I'll graduate in May as well. I like the fact that no school will be missed.
now i just have a question about this....i read somewhere in order to do the program u have to have 1 semster in college and 1 semester form graduating....anyone else here this?
I have heard you need a semester of college... havent heard about the graduation one though?

"To apply, students must be enrolled currently in a college or university and have completed at least one semester. Students must be in good academic standing (2.0 or higher). Participation in this program also requires unrestricted work authorization."

Thats from their site...
I called Disney and specifically asked whether or not you can interview in your last semester and go down after graduation. The answer was yes. :cool1:
Andrew015 said:
I called Disney and specifically asked whether or not you can interview in your last semester and go down after graduation. The answer was yes. :cool1:
I am so coming to visit you...and you have no say in the matter! ;)
I'm glad I read these boards because I thought all hope was lost until I read a post from Andrew a while back. I didn't know about interviewing during your last semester. I can't wait now!! Thanks Andrew ;)
Andrew015 said:
I called Disney and specifically asked whether or not you can interview in your last semester and go down after graduation. The answer was yes. :cool1:

thats good u called them! i went to their site to where i found that you cant after graduation and they changed the whole site. so i think when they did it, they removed that limitation, which works out perfect. now we should just make a group that will be applying for fall 06 lol
Simba said:
I'm glad I read these boards because I thought all hope was lost until I read a post from Andrew a while back. I didn't know about interviewing during your last semester. I can't wait now!! Thanks Andrew ;)

No problem, Simba! Glad to hear there's new found hope for you :banana:

Count me in on Fall 06'!!!
hmm for the ppl doing fall 06....what jobs r u looking into? i just printed the schdeule out and sooo lost lol. i work at tmy local disney store, so i was just thinking retail, but now do not know.... :confused3
Yay my first post here! I just got back from my presentation at Long Beach U in California... and I have scheduled my phone interview for Monday and I am sooooooooooo nervous!!!!!!! I want this soooo badly!!!!
I am hoping for operations but I will literally do any job they offer me! So here's hoping we all get in!!! :goodvibes
Maybe we can have some sort of meetup or something!


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