Why can't I find the parade times?

Mickey Nut 50

<font color=blue>Loves to find Hidden Mickeys<br><
Aug 23, 1999
I know I'm tired, and old, and probably not clearly thinking tonight - but why can't I find the parade times on our "other page" wdwinfo? I found the park hours, but can't seem to find the parade times during DIS CON II. I'm trying to finish up my itinerary tonight while I have the house and computer to myself. Help!
Hey Sherrie - I can't find them right now either - but try here


when the calendar comes up - click on entertainment
Thanks, Marla. Looks like we'll miss Spectromagic, as it's only on during our group dinner. Oh, well! I've seen it. At least we'll get to see the MVMCP parade on Sunday!


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