Why Castmembers Hate DVC Members!

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Dean said:
A few days ago I was reading through a cruisecritic post about sex on the cruise ship balconies and getting caught. So maybe doing all these things on the balcony isn't such a good idea. And if I am near by with my super soaker, I can use it to control several of the items. Those twinkies aren't very good when they're soaking wet but if I load it with milk it might fit in very well.

Oh, I don't know, Dean. A little water in Scotch might be just the thing! I'm not sure I would mind the soaking twinkies so much then. :)

I bet we BOTH end up on the "naughty" list for that! :smooth:
Villa with a Boardwalk balcony - $400
Willing partner - $200
Bottle of Scotch - $20
Pack of smokes $5
Box of Twinkies - $4

Milk filled Super Soaker in the next unit ready to spoil all the fun - Priceless
Beca said:
You mean they're not??!!!! Wow!!! Disney will be TWICE as much fun on my next vacation!!!!!



P.S. Can you use all three at the same time??

Hey Beca I see we will be there at about the same time. That sounds like one party I wouldn't want to miss, I'll even bring my own twinkies! :rotfl: :goodvibes :banana: :rotfl2:
P.S. Can you use all three at the same time??
:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Okay, Beca. Now you have spoiled your pristine image, which I have come to treasure. Of course this opens up a whole new wonderful world of possibilities...
rinkwide said:
Yep, and while they're at it they could outlaw liquor, sex and Hostess Twinkies.

The reason I would love Disney to outlaw smoking in the rooms is because some smokers (not all) have no clue on how bad the smoke smell is to nonsmokers. Quite frankly, there are some (again, not all) smokers who are inconsiderate to this fact and will smoke in a non-smoking room. The next Family gets to smell this stench after the jerk is gone. (Go ahead smokers, flame on, I really don't care.)

Not to mention both my wife and I get extremely ill from smoke.

I wonder how many smokers would mind if I (or a bunch of other chewers and dippers) would chew Red Man or Skoal and spit all over the floor, the sheets, the wall, etc. so that they could come in a room and meet that stench and spit stains after it set in for a few days. I bet money the smokers would complain.

In all honesty, I really don't want to infringe on anyone’s rights, smoke all you want, heck, smoke some dope too while your at it. This is the USA and we all have freedoms. I really don't care and frankly neither I nor anyone else has any business telling someone how to live their life but I have no intention on letting some inconsiderate person getting me or my wife ill.

I just wish they (Disney) would be able to always give non-smokers a non-smoking room as well as always give smokers a smoking room.
I know my husband smokes, and I HATE smoke. He doesn't do it in the house car on our property or around me. But when we were in Atlantic City there was someone smoking a cigar. He thought it was the most horrific smell. I explained to him that this is how us non smokers feel when we are around smokers. Finally an analigy he could understand after all these years.
Boy this thread goes touches on pretty much every issue.

In a way I agree that I wish DVC would outlaw smoking in all the rooms but I think this might be a case of be careful what you wish for. If there were no smoking rooms I'll bet we'd be getting lots of posts about people walking into a non-smoking room only to find that they had been smoked in. I know in my heart that there is a percentage of smokers who would say: if they won't give me a smoking room I will smoke in the non-smoking room.

I've never gotten a smoking room so for me it hasn't yet been an issue. If I ever got a smoking room I would do the following:

1. Try to get a non-smoking room (begging would be a tactic.)
2. If 1 fails, I would have them bring an ionizer to the room, then make them change all the linens in the room from the bedspreads to the blankets to the sheets to the towels to the pillows. Even the towels and blankets in the closet.

We've been through that drill before in a desperate situation and it really worked. You would never know the room had been smoked in though it stunk like a sewer when we first walked in.
Well, tarnation y'all. This here thread is the biggest bunch of horse puckey I done ever heard. The family and I have been with this here DVC club since young Bubba missed that racoon with his shotgun and we found black gold.

Ya damn right I won't be tippin them city-boy whipper snappers unless the trailer is parked just right.

I'm not too edumacated, but when I says NON SMOKING rooms - I means it.
Damn right I'm gonna give that Missy or Mac at the front desk fire and brimstone when the temporary homestead just aren't right.

If'n those Cast Memburs don't like it - they can go prepare cow patties for that clown and his yellow M.

Bubba Smith
NE States of America
DVC Member since 2002

rinkwide said:
Yep, and while they're at it they could outlaw liquor, sex and Hostess Twinkies.
ahhhh..... some kinds of smoker's rationalization I see. Doesn't seem like any of those three things listed poison the room for the next guest. Smokers have a right to poison themselves and shorten thier own lifespan, it would just be nice if they didn't try to ruin others vacations by smoking in non-smoking rooms.
True, but some folks seem to assume that all smokers smoke in non-smoking rooms.
DrBond007 said:
...Doesn't seem like any of those three things listed poison the room for the next guest...
Apparently you've never seen a three-year-old Twinkie eater smear chemically engineered cream filling all over a brand new couch.
i totally do not understand some people who goto disney for a vacation and just be such a misserable person. i was there this past september and i saw alot of people who would just scream at their kids. why would you do that. they are going to be excited. they don't have control over it(pending on their age). why go. why put your kids through your horrible temper. and as far as treating the CM's working the check in politely. think about i this way. put yourself in their shoes. think of all the different people they have to talk to eveyday. they probably put up with the most cpmplaining out of and Cm in disney. even if they are in a bad mood i am still nice to them no matter what. if you are going to mistreat them expect the same back.
I for one take my kids to enjoy the whole Disney experience. I don't yell or scream at them. That said, I do see some stressed out parents that seem to be impatient at times. I can't say that I have ever witnessed anything too bad or disturbing such as yelling or screaming.
a couple of issues.

1) inherent in the whole DVC set-up is a built in feeling of entitilement....this is due to the fact that unlike your run-of-the-mill guest, a DVC member has made a significant investment, and does (wether cast members want to know this or not) have an ownership interest....this does not excuse any fool who is rude to staff and is classless enough not to tip.

My experience is that these people are the exception to the rule. This is also why generalizations are a very dangerous thing. Yes people can be rude, but there are over 60,000 members, and i take it the "jerk" list does not have 60,000 names on it.

2) there is also the issue of familiarity.....most people staying at DVC resorts are repeat customers....they have a set expectation, and are more likely to point out deficiencies that they see. Most first time tourists may not know that something is even amiss....peopel who have familiarity are much more in tune, and expect the same level of "magic" per se then your average customer.

Therefore there ought to be an expectation that a DVC customer will be more high maitenence then a regular customer (again, not excusing the zipperheads).....However i would tend to guess that DVC customers are probably very reflective of the rest of the poulation, and due to these circumstances listed above, may seem to be more demanding!!
gmboy95 said:
a couple of issues.

1) inherent in the whole DVC set-up is a built in feeling of entitilement....this is due to the fact that unlike your run-of-the-mill guest, a DVC member has made a significant investment, and does (wether cast members want to know this or not) have an ownership interest....this does not excuse any fool who is rude to staff and is classless enough not to tip. emphasis added with greenban

My experience is that these people are the exception to the rule. This is also why generalizations are a very dangerous thing. Yes people can be rude, but there are over 60,000 members, and i take it the "jerk" list does not have 60,000 names on it.

2) there is also the issue of familiarity.....most people staying at DVC resorts are repeat customers....they have a set expectation, and are more likely to point out deficiencies that they see. Most first time tourists may not know that something is even amiss....peopel who have familiarity are much more in tune, and expect the same level of "magic" per se then your average customer.

Therefore there ought to be an expectation that a DVC customer will be more high maitenence then a regular customer (again, not excusing the zipperheads).....However i would tend to guess that DVC customers are probably very reflective of the rest of the poulation, and due to these circumstances listed above, may seem to be more demanding!!

I must respectfully take exception to the classless RE: tipping remark. While I freely admit to (and most other members on this board will attest to) being classless, it has nothing to do with tipping.

A tip is an optional expression of gratuity. The CM (waiter, etc) must EARN it.

Poor service = no tip and a complaint to management on my way out with the individuals name. If the manager does not take my complaint seriously (I don't mean a free meal or 'comp'. I mean actually 'listen' to me, then both the manager and the employee get mentioned in a letter to corporate.

Fair service = a small tip (10%ish)

Good service = an average tip (15%ish)

Very Good Service = a good tip (20%ish)

Great Service or Exceptional Service = (25-45%ish tip), and a mention of your name to management on the way out. Exceptional also gets a written letter to corporate headquarters)

I tend to only go back to VGS and GS/ES establishments. My time. money and family's enjoyment are all quite valuable to me. I honestly don't believe this is what makes me classless!

greenban said:
I honestly don't believe this is what makes me classless!


What then, pray tell, does make you classless???

Just kidding... taking what you wrote literally, though I'm sure that's not what you meant.
3DisneyNUTS said:
I take offense to this and just because you wrote such a biased post I am glad you feel you are not like other Northeaster's. I know here we do not classify people according to their region. Jerks can live in any part of the world. Please don't continue to give credit to a ridiculous stereotype. It is ignorant to believe that regionality leads to a "type" of person. JFYI you will probably see more "northeasters" in Florida than you can imagine.

When I moved from Upstate NY to NJ I remember thinking that folks from NJ are just a little tougher, but equally kind! I have now lived here since 1998 and I have really come to appreciate how direct and straightforward folks here can be and I have met so many kind, warm and caring people. I also love how diverse the area I live in is.

I also do not appreciate the stereotypes that folks put out.
TCPluto said:
What then, pray tell, does make you classless???

Just kidding... taking what you wrote literally, though I'm sure that's not what you meant.

actually, i think greenban did mean that literally ("...While I freely admit to, and most other members on this board will attest, to being classless...")

no matter, classless or not it was an excellent response :)
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