Why Do I Cry... Does Any Body Else???

I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that gets emotional at Disney World! Everytime we are on the ME and get to the "Walt Disney World" sign I get really emotional, not to mention at the fireworks show, oh and I always cry at the Nemo show at AK!
I cry every time I watch Dream Along with Mickey on the Castle forecourt stage...for me, standing there, chanting "Dreams come true," my throat tightens up and I find the tears running down my cheeks.

Why? Well, for me it's because it represents the chance for me, as a 37 year old woman who has to be responsible for everything, be pragmatic, be realistic, to stop and admit the hope I'm afraid to acknowledge. I want dreams to come true...but we're told as adults that dreams don't come true and we have to deal with it. To stand there, hearing the people around me putting that simple faith of childhood into words - in spite of everything we're told - moves me so deeply. In that moment, I can forget about what I'm "supposed" to be and I find the faith and wonder I so often have to put aside. That return to innocence, that wild hope is so amazing and so wonderful...I can't help but cry. Every darn time.
Don't feel bad, I cry sometimes during Wishes. Talk about waiting for a wish to come true, it has because I am stading in the Magic Kingdom when I hear that!

I cry a lot at the end of Beauty and the Beast. It is my favorite Disney move, I just love it.

On our last day of WDW vacation, I tend to weep all day. This past September it took me about 2 hours to gather myself. I hate leaving Disney. Each time I go, I feel like a piece of my heart gets ripped out of me.

Hopefully, someday, I can move to FL and work for WDW. That would be an incredible dream come true, then I wouldn't have to worry about crying anymore, I would never have to leave.
I cry every time I watch Dream Along with Mickey on the Castle forecourt stage...for me, standing there, chanting "Dreams come true," my throat tightens up and I find the tears running down my cheeks.

Why? Well, for me it's because it represents the chance for me, as a 37 year old woman who has to be responsible for everything, be pragmatic, be realistic, to stop and admit the hope I'm afraid to acknowledge. I want dreams to come true...but we're told as adults that dreams don't come true and we have to deal with it. To stand there, hearing the people around me putting that simple faith of childhood into words - in spite of everything we're told - moves me so deeply. In that moment, I can forget about what I'm "supposed" to be and I find the faith and wonder I so often have to put aside. That return to innocence, that wild hope is so amazing and so wonderful...I can't help but cry. Every darn time.

Ok... what you wrote made me cry! :sad: Seriously, it really did speak to me and I think you hit the nail on the head! You put it beautifully!
Why? Well, for me it's because it represents the chance for me, as a 37 year old woman who has to be responsible for everything, be pragmatic, be realistic, to stop and admit the hope I'm afraid to acknowledge. I want dreams to come true...but we're told as adults that dreams don't come true and we have to deal with it. To stand there, hearing the people around me putting that simple faith of childhood into words - in spite of everything we're told - moves me so deeply. In that moment, I can forget about what I'm "supposed" to be and I find the faith and wonder I so often have to put aside. That return to innocence, that wild hope is so amazing and so wonderful...I can't help but cry. Every darn time.

EXACTLY! I agree
You all have me crying just reading about all the tears. I remember the 1st time I saw the castle and WDW at Christmas. I just stood their tears rolling down my face. Couldnt help it or stop it. It was just so beautiful. I also she a few tears when I am leaving. It feels like I am leaving a good friend.
Looking at the tv commercial with one republic and "Good Life", and seeing Cinderella and other characters with families-that definitely puts a lump in my throat.
Not Disney-related but what got me last night was the commercial during the Olympics that was dedicated to the moms of the athletes.
It just choked me up. :sad1: Sure, it's partly due to PMS but I couldn't help it.
I knew ahead of time the Olympic results but watched in primetime and still cried! :wave2:
I cry a lot at Disney. The first time we checked into Pop back in 2005, I was blubbering so much that the CM though something happened. I explained that I never imagined as a child that one day I'd be checking in, staying, visiting WDW. Now, here I was, checking in with my own children, making memories....(tearing up right now...)

Then, last year, I finally convinced my sister and her family to make it to Disney world. While standing in front of the castle watching Wishes, all of the Sunday nights we sat in front of the television watching The wonderful World of Disney and "Wishing" we could go came flooding back. When the ending fireworks began and the little girl began to sing "Wishes" we clasped hands and I felt like we were little girls again. Tears streaming....Priceless....
My first time at Disney I was 32. Of course, we first went to MK. I was crossing on the boat very quiet, kind of in shock. Everything was so surreal!. Then, we saw the opening parade... That was enough! By half way I was in my husband's arms crying... Still do when thing about it. And since then, we've been there 15/20 times...
Oh... I'm crying again... :blush:
After every trip no matter how long (1 night or more) at a DVC Resort she cries. It is special, as we are driving out of the parking lot to look over and see her face. What joy that we are able to share during each and every trip.
I enjoyed reading the responses to this thread. I feel great comfort in knowing there are so many of us out there who get choked up by all things Disney.

I always thought the strong emotional reaction I get from Disney is because it reminds me so much of childhood. As a kid, a visit to Disney World was like stepping into that place that you never thought was real.

I am a blubbering mess at Disney World or any place that happens to have anything to do with Disney/Pixar. Back in 1996 my husband and I did our first "adult" trip to Disney World. As we drove up to the tolls booths to the MK parking lot I burst into tears. It was all down hill after that. On our last day, I decided to visit Mickey (who used to be over by City Hall) to say good bye. Biiiiiiig mistake. I got to Mickey and burst into heaving sobs....Bye Mickey...sob sob sob...I'm leaving...sob sob sob...I love you...Poor Mickey wasn't sure what to do except give me a big hug and lots of kisses. As my husband dragged me away, a lady who was in line grabbed me and said, "Mickey is trying to get your attention". I turned and Mickey was throwing me kisses. Awwww Mickey, that is why you will always be my boy friend!

I now live in Florida so I can get my Disney fix several times a year but don't think it is any better. As soon as we approach the entrance to the resort, the waterworks begin.

Now don't get me started on UP or Brave or Toy Story 3...how does one hide their heaving sobs in a movie theater?
I am also glad there are others like me. I got teary eyed after making our Dec 2013 res the other day and it will be my 6th trip. I am an adult in my 30s with no kids and a wonderful husband. I cry close to when we leave for DW just thinking about the upcoming trip and all through the trip. I am a big animal person and I get emotional at zoos/aquariums seeing my favorite animals.
I also cry at different types of movies due to sad or happy parts and TV shows as well.
I got teary eyed @ Illuminations when I went my first two times with my high school marching band. But being with friends and being a teenager I didn't Let anyone see. DH and I just decided to go next year and I know I will totally lose it at every turn. DH will laugh at me but at least I know I won't be alone. I just got the sniffles from reading this thread! lol
I'm wondering if I'm alone here... I am a 35 year old woman who still gets emotional over all things Disney! Does anybody else? I cry and get all choked up and yet I can't put my finger on why. Before we go to DW my DH and I watch YouTube Videos of other people's vacations or cute videos of parents surprising their kids with a trip. Then my husband looks over at me and I'm crying with no reasonable explanation as to why. I mean, they aren't tears of sadness, but I just get all choked up! I cry at Fantasmic, I cry at Festival of the Lion King...I cried the first time we walked in to the GF to check in. I really cry when its time to leave. Granted, I'm not sobbing or anything... but there is definately sniffling at the very least. Am I crazy... do I need therapy ( my parents think its wierd... my DH thinks its funny)??? Does any other, normally reasonable adult, experience this phenomena?

I'm crying reading your post! I'm exactly the same way....i fully expect dh to carry around a few tissues for me on a daily basis when we are there in december!
I always get a tear in my eye the first time I see the castle each trip and I have been over 30 times!!!! Glad I am not alone!
I think that, for me anyway, WDW makes me cry because that innocence, that joy, that magical world is the way I wish the real world could be. Being at Disney is like being a small child again, with no worries, and for whom the world really is a place of magic and mystery. When there might be monsters under the bed but your favorite teddy bear keeps them away, and a white bearded man in a red suit rewards you for good behavior by showering you with gifts every December (even if you really don't deserve it).

I remember riding BTMRR early one morning, and all of us on the ride, adults and kids, would get off at the end and run laughing back onto the ride again because there was no line. It didn't matter if we were 3 or 99, we were all just kids having fun. It's that feeling, that unbridled joy, that willing belief in the magic, that makes me get choked up just sitting here typing.


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