Why DVC Members Love Castmembers...

The reason I love the CMs @ DVC:

  • We returned "home" to SSR late one night in our car, as I was swiping my card the guard came out and waved at me as though we were old friends. I knew I was home and someplace safe.
  • Our guide, Bernard, called us at SSR to see how we were enjoying our stay. He knew we were home, he knew it was our first stay -- it was nice to know that he cared.
  • Danny, one of the front desk CMs at SSR, went through all our PS confirmations with me to make sure I understood each one, where to go, when to be there.

The CMs at DVC care about us -- and I care about them.
For 14 yrs the CM's have been very special too me and my family..........i thank them always............but i think i will go out of my way for those special CM's who put the whip cream and cherry on top for my customer service. WE do appreciate you and i am grateful for your kindness.
For every mad, rude, or just plain unhappy cast member there are many many more who I just adore.

The guards who give you your first welcome home! Even if they don't give me a welcome home they always give me a smile.

The valet guys at Boardwalk - they really hustle (and yes they get tipped for husteling for us).

The font desk clerks who always make checking in easy and efficient. Special kudos to the young man at Beach Club who got me a room (any room on a busy afternoon when I was dead tired).No it wasn't a non-smoking room but I told him that was fine - just wanted someplace to put our bags and drop for a while.

For everyone who keeps my DVC home looking so clean and beautiful. The grounds keepers, house keepers, everyone! Your often unseen work is greatly appreciated.

For all the DVC reps who work the booths in the parks and always have a smile or wave as we go by wearing our DVC apparel. The ones we met at The Merry Member Mixer were great as well.

For Member Services who are there to help, especially when they put in special hours like the Saturday morning for the Member Cruise.

Last, but not least, to Jim Lewis and his staff of talented and dedicated workers who are working to get us great events, super perks, and other things that make DVC stand out from any other mere timeshare!
I appreciate the CM's, all of them; for everything they do for us. They are always nice, go out of their way for us, make our stay magical. Like David, at BCV who let us stay in our 1BR another night during H. Francis for the same rate as a standard room, or the wonderful server at Cape May who worked 72 hours straight and still had a smile. Man, I felt for her! I just wanted her to sit with us and rest. The bus drivers are wonderful. I don't remember his name, it was a few years ago when we stayed at ASMovies and went back to our room about 2pm cause we got too wet on Kali. We were the only ones on the bus and he dropped us off at our building, Mighty Ducks. Which is way at the end. That was awesome of him! Or the nice bartender explaining to me a particular wine and how to purchase it. The people working around the resorts and parks, gardeners', cleaning crew; mousekeepers who make towel animals and mousekeepers that don't; they have always been helpful and nice to us. The front desk CM put us in a water view room and we didn't even ask for it! Wow, that was nice and unexpected. The CM's on the CRO and Member Services are always so helpful. I think the majority of the CM's are wonderful people just as most of the people going to WDW are pretty nice too. They're why I keep going back and personally, WDW is the only place I want to vacation at.
sheryl0521 said:
I would love to give the cast members at the DVC hotels a BIG :grouphug:


We are the way we are beacuse of the great DVC members that we get to meet everyday :) You are the magic :wizard:
as I had stated on another thread we love the CM's because of the little things they do for us and especiually for our kids like even the simplest thing like offering them a balloon when we are checking in. It is the attention to the little details that put WDW CM's at a level above any other vacation place IMHO.
I love so many different things about the CMs!

1. Kudos to Christopher at HHI. He let my ds(10) tag along after him last summer like a lost puppy, answering ALL of his many questions. When he found out how interested ds was in science, he went out of his way, and called our room to invite ds to help him put together the new telescope he had just gotten in! Where can you find something like this except at a place that treats you like "family"???

2. Kudos to the gate guard at BCVs (his name escapes me, but dh knows it, and I can recognize him by sight). He welcomes us home, and remembers us from previous visits - and he loves the idea that we're military members, because he's retired from the service himself. :)

3. Kudos to Art whom I've never seen without a smile, a warm word, and a snappy salute! We missed Art when he was on vacation during one of our visits (since it was for his honeymoon, we forgave him ;) ).

4. Kudos to the great staff at OKW who played along with us as we were playing a "game" with ds last week. He had to go up to each of them, and ask them a question, and try to get them to give him a specific answer to a question. They all played along, and no one acted like they were too busy or annoyed by his question. They truly created a magical moment that ds (and dh & I) will never forget.

5. Kudos to the OKW boat driver we had last week. If all CMs had her attitude, the world would be a better place. She truly seems to love her job, and we had a blast with her on the ride from DTD to OKW.

There are so many more wonderful CMs we have met over the years. Each and every one of them have helped us create magical memories that we will never forget... and they've made our DVC membership priceless.
Great thread! After reading the "other" thread. I was afraid to associate with other dvcers. I'm still a newbie. I want to get to know you all, but only if you're nice, okay?lol

I love when mousekeeping nestles my kids stuffed animals.

Or when a maintance person stops for a second and smiles at MY kids. (imagine)

How about when the bell hop smiles and says thank you for whatever tip he might get.

Or the bus driver makes jokes. (or just laughs at DH corney joke)

I love that I never have to wonder is the bathroom clean?

I love that I know if my do not disturb is up noone will disturb me.

When staying at dvc properties before purchasing, I love the other smiling happy people.
I am guessing that naming names here is a NO NO and I won't. My wife and I just joined the DVC in November and look forward to our first trip down as members in December. That being said, we were picked up from our hotel by the DVC van and driven to SSR by a VERY friendly and warm older gentleman who just made us feel really welcome. Our DVC rep. couldn't be more sweet and never did we feel the slightest bit of pressure to buy. After we signed our contract and gave over a large check ;-) for the down payment we were driven back by another older gentleman who told us he was once the bell captain at OKW. During our drive back to our hotel he stopped twice, got out of the van, greeted and huged guests waiting at bus stops. It was as if he was greeting family members. Each time he got back in the van and told us how he knew them from working at OKW for years and had established great friendships. He told us about them like he was speaking about family and with the same pride. I have to tell ya, it was a crack up! This gentleman was so down to earth and friendly it made our day. When he dropped us off at the hotel he got out of the van and walked around the van and hugged my wife and I and welcomed us to the family. I'll never forget that and I'll never forget him. When I see him, and I will see him, he's getting another hug.
While checking in at BWV my DSIL told the CM of the trying start to their vacation. The taxi they had ordered for the very early pick up never showed up and they had to drive themselves and self park at the airport with very little time to spare. Once they arrived at MCO the limo they hired never showed and after repeated phone calls were told by the limo service to take a taxi thus losing the grocery stop. They were not feeling any Magic on their First trip. My 7yo nephew was worried that the trip wouldn't get any better. Later when they got to their room Mickey had sent balloons and a note wishing them a "Magical" stay! My nephew was thrilled that Mickey knew he was there. When my DSIL saw the CM later in the trip she thanked him and he said he just wanted to put the magic back. :wizard:
We are proud new members at saratoga and our first stay was made so special by the wonderful cm at the front desk. We didnt request a view or anything, we requested a studio the first night because we had friends staying over at okw and we were trying to conserve points, but the cm took one look at us and suggested we change our reservation for our own convenience. He put us in the perfect location with the most beautiful view in a one bedroom so we wouldnt have to go through the trouble of switching the next day. It was the best!!! I willl jot down the names of cm's from now on when they are as helpful as that and I will send a note of thanks plus emails. :love: Our whole experience was made magical because of the friendly cm's at saratoga and around wdw. We are greatful.
First off, thank you for starting this thread and I hope it gets much longer than "the other thread".

I love cast members because:

1) Art the Greeter is always there with a salute and a smile to welcome us home.

2) the wonderful bell men who happily bring in our luggage and ask us if we have any questions. One in particular last trip was Arniel who always gave us a smile and hello the rest of the trip when he saw us in the hallways.

3) the housekeepers who always do a great job of cleaning our room and also have a smile and hello when we pass them in the hallways.

4) A CM who I met on my very first DVC trip who now makes every trip special in some way and whom I consider a friend. We now keep in touch even when I am not a WDW.

5) several Beaches and Creme CM's whom remember our family from vacation to vacation and make it a point to stop by our table to say hi even if they are not waiting on us.

6) after I had a gift basket sent to my parents for their 25th anniversary, the CM's must have made a note of it and sent my parents a balloon and signed card from Mickey.

7) of course those front desk CM's who always start out our vacation great by giving us a wonderful attitude and of course a smile.

8) all the other wondeful CM's in the resorts and parks who keep a smile on their face thoughout the day even though you know they have met some difficult people throughout the day, lets not forget the characters who get pulled at and tugged on and still happily act out their character.

Okay, now I want to go back to WDW and see all these wonderful people again!
I sure can't remember names. I think I'll take a notebook with me in June so the proper people get the right kudo's. But, even without names, I'll say some 'thank-you's'. Caleb at BWV...don't think you're there now. You're probably back in school. But thanks for taking us to ChefMickey's,even with the wrong turn!!! It was fun. Alfredo, BWV manager...thanks for the terrific service. You went way past what was expected. And with a huge smile. You made a great start to our trip.

To all the 'kids' at the Community Hall at BWV. Could it be Jeff? If so, thanks. You gave my dd, Katie, a wonderful time. Her visits to Community Hall were a high point for her. Making Memory Books with Jeff was a hoot!!!

To all the MouseKeepers at BWV....thanks for the 'Welcome Home's' and the 'Good mornings' each day. Your smiles are wonderful to see. Even the painters in the hallways were pleasant!!!

To all of you in the lobby area...thanks for all those nice greetings. We got more 'have a great day', 'are you having a magical time?' , 'welcome home', 'hi there' comments then I could possibly hope for. And most were just in passing by.

So...a huge 'THANK-YOU' and a big ole :grouphug: . You guys are terrific. Hopefully there are more nice DVC'ers than naughty ones.
Unbelievable that this thread has me all choked up and weepy (you think this is bad, you should see me the first time we hit Main Street each trip back... *rolls eyes*), but it's this kind of magic that makes me never EVER for a second regret a single penny we spend on DVC. No where else are you made to feel that it's all done JUST for you - millions upon millions of other people around (or so it seems at times) and yet this is all done for you.

You know my favorite? Walking around the resort, and getting a smile and wave from EVERY CM that passes by, be it in a golf cart or on the stairs, anywhere - they smile, they wave, like they're SO glad to see you again, and it's just so amazing how sharing a simple gesture can make me feel so WONDERFUL.
When we joined DVC, it never occurred to us that we'd be treated better than regular resort guests. In the past we were always treated wonderfully at the resorts, and we simply expect the same now. (We do enjoy "Welcome Homes" but don't demand them.)

At a regular first-class hotel, we don't expect a particular view unless we've applied for it in advance and agreed to pay the extra tariff for it. At a regular first-class hotel we don't expect the staff to kiss our butts while we throw tantrums unless we've paid extra for concierge service. Our expectations are exactly the same at DVC: the usual high standard of Disney service. We understand that DVC is not a cruise ship with a 2-to-1 staff ratio. We bought DVC in order to get roomier and slightly more luxurious appointments, not to turn the staff into our personal servants.

So we're baffled by the "I paid for it so it has to be lined with mink" attitude that some (not all) DVC members exhibit. But you know what? Every group has a few prima donnas. It's usually a good idea to single them out so the rest of the group knows where the line between civility and brattiness lies, and who doesn't know how to behave like a grown-up.

We have always gotten excellent service from both the regular and DVC resorts. I think there's often a connection between our good attitude and the good attitude of CMs.

Excuse me for a moment while I readjust my halo...
Thanks to all the magical CM's I have dealt with in my many stays at DVC properties.

Thanks again to Richard at the Beach club, for going out of his way to be kind and professional when problems arose.

Thanks to Lorenzo at the Boardwalk who has checked me in many times always pleasant, always a great way to start off my trip. 2 years ago one of my twins had an accident with a straw and the straw won. :earseek: I had preordered a Birthday cake for the boys to be delivered. We canceled the cake the morning before as we were at the Doctors etc... When I came back in from the Doc's on the 2nd day. Lorenzo made a point to ask me how my son was. When I got up into the Villa. Not only was there a cake for EACH child but a complete Birthday party.... refillable stitch mugs, balloons streamers napkin fans. service for like 8 people. total magic when I needed a big lift!

Lauren and Camille on my last trip who worked out some problems with my SIL's ressie and could not have been sweeter. Joy at Member services again a real pleasure to talk with and went out of her way to help. Even called Back to check on us after she had reallocated some points for us. :flower1:

AS for the Manifesto writer... I too think Boardwalk and I think I may know who he is :rolleyes: as well.
I can in all honesty say we have NEVER had a bad experience with a cast member anywhere at wdw. Thanks for starting this thread.
Rob & Jan
I am new to DVC and have not had many dealings with DVC area cast members, but the ones we have met along the way have been fantastic!!!

So have all the ones at the parks and other areas associated with our wonderful Disney stays.

Al comes to mind. Our very first trip to Disney. The first stop we made was to purchase a Pal Mickey. Over to Tomorrowland we went to ride Buzz (which our 4 year old was DYING to do) and when we got off the ride, no more Pal Mickey. Just the little clip attached to hubby's pants. I was so sad. Al was the CM that I met when going back into Buzz to see if our Pal Mickey had been turned in. No one had seen him and so he lead us over to Star Traders and got us a new one!!! I was shocked and amazed and so thankful. I am not much of a letter writer, but I made sure that Disney knew that he made our whole trip special.

People like this are why we bought into SSR sight unseen this past year. I cannot wait until April for our first DVC trip! :love:
I only remember the names for awhile, hopefully long enough to mention them in the post visit survey that usually comes. We've had great checkin experiences at OKW and SSR. Art the Greeter at BCV is so enthusiastic, I smile just thinking about him. Our server at WCC made DH's 60th birthday meal extra special.

Thank you for starting this post.

Bobbi :D
rocketriter said:
So we're baffled by the "I paid for it so it has to be lined with mink" attitude that some (not all) DVC members exhibit. But you know what? Every group has a few prima donnas. It's usually a good idea to single them out so the rest of the group knows where the line between civility and brattiness lies, and who doesn't know how to behave like a grown-up.

We have always gotten excellent service from both the regular and DVC resorts. I think there's often a connection between our good attitude and the good attitude of CMs.

Excuse me for a moment while I readjust my halo...

I very much agree with these statements and I loved the final statement, LOL
:earboy2: I sometimes tease DH and tell him his halo is shorting out :D

When we visited home (OKW) for the first time this past October, we were treated very well! We had a great front desk person and many other CM's that helped make our trip just wonderful. The manager at the OKW General Store even helped my Dad find a special Mickey pin and then gifted it to him :cloud9: We can't wait to go again...

Lisa :flower:


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