Wild Turkeys and Dancing Banana Heads Cruise 11/25/06

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Worked today-so was in bed way before the ball dropped-lots of fireworks in the neighborhood though-so only got about 5 hours sleep-going to bed early tonight-work again tomorrow--must save save save for next cruise :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
We were at the bottom of page 1, so I decided we needed to be bumped up.

I have loved all the trip reports, but a few of you still need to finish them!!
Come on people, lets get them done!! This is the only NICE begging I will do, after this, it is the whip!!

morning all well I am off today and tomorrow....DD and I have some running to do today....then I'm going to take down my tree..... so gotta get movin
talk with ya all later

Happy New Year to my DIS family!!!

We had a busy December:

The cruise and meeting all of you. What a fun bunch we are!

Celebrating Christmas at a hotel with an indoor waterpark with our Michigan kids and grand kids was awesome. We voted to do that again in 2007.

Celebrating Christmas in Morgantown, WV these past few days with our WV kids and grandkids was great.

Getting sick for almost 2 weeks was not fun at all.

Working full time and in the legal field in December is certainly not fun at all.

Lynn: Hope DH is feeling better.

Kathy: Loved your Christmas pics!!! The lamp is going to be your "conversation piece" in your home.

Denise: Glad to hear that your daughter is coming back. :cheer2:

Wendy and Emily: Happy Birthday!!! :cheer2:

Dave and I are heading to the grocery store today, doing laundry, and taking down Christmas decorations.

Hey, it finally happened. As I was driving down the street a neighbor flagged me down and said she LOVED the lamp!! She said when she saw it she ran inside and drug her husband outside to show him. They both thought it was great!!!
I am still turning it on at night with the drapes open.
Hopefully others will notice it too.


:banana: :banana: :banana:
Hey All :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: ,
DH is back at work and feeling much better. We took our Christmas Tree down and our house looks very bare. Well just wanted to check in and say Hello. I want to get some wash done and folded before my show at 3pm.
Hello all its actually Denise....I was just updating Wallys signature and thouht I would try it out......

Had a nice morning....did some running with Daughter, now her and my son are at the mall shopping. I'm here with the dogs....ummmm whats wrong with this picture????:confused3 Oh well.....I'm glad that my kids get along so well.

Well gotta go I have things to do...

Later Denise:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:bday: party: party: :bday: To Emily!!!
Hope she has a wonderful day.

Page 2 is not acceptable at all!!!

Everyone has to stop by and say Hi at least once a day so that doesnt happen again. Even if you only have time to type the word HELLO, that will keep us bumped up!!

We have sprinkles this morning, but suppose to clear up soon.
Going to be in the low 80's the next few days.

Anybody got snow??

Hi Everyone, Hope you all had a great New Years. We had a party here. It was a lot of fun. Played a lot of fun games and just talked with our friends. We were up until almost 4:00:faint: Needless to say I was pretty tired the last couple of days. Yesterday I got called into work. I only work if one of the other hygienists are sick or need the day off.

Wendy-Happy Birthday a day late:bday: I hope you had a good day. Did your kids get home yet?

:bday: to Emily too!!

Linda-Hope you are having a great vacation!

Lynn-Glad DH is feeling better

Jan-Great to hear from you. I am glad you are feeling better and had a nice visit with your family.

Today I am taking down Christmas decorations. Tomorrow I will undecorate the tree. The kids are back in school today, so I guess life is getting back to normal.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Lorna:banana: :banana:
Kathy-Forgot to reply to you. No snow here in Michigan. It is going to be 50 today. I think it is going to be above freezing for the next several days. Today I am going to go on a walk and soak up the sun and warmth:goodvibes

Lorna:banana: :banana:
:bday: party: party: :bday: To Emily!!!
Hope she has a wonderful day.

Page 2 is not acceptable at all!!!

Everyone has to stop by and say Hi at least once a day so that doesnt happen again. Even if you only have time to type the word HELLO, that will keep us bumped up!!

We have sprinkles this morning, but suppose to clear up soon.
Going to be in the low 80's the next few days.

Anybody got snow??


So far so good on the birthday for Emily. She woke up this morning and was standing up in her crib and I went in and said Happy Birthday and she gave me a smile that melted this daddy's heart. She goes to "school" (daycare) today and gets to have a party with all her school friends this afternoon. Mina, Elizabeth and I will be there too as they plan it for a time that older siblings who are in real school can get there. Then out to dinner to her favorite restaurant and gifts at home. On Sunday the REAL party happens with some neighborhood friends and family. This after holiday birthday thing is hard but by the end of it all we'll need a vacation. Hmmmmm. Wonder where to next...

No snow here Kathy. Saw a 2 week forecast last night and the lowest "high" temp is 37 in that period and most days are in the 50s. I'm lovin it. With every week we have like this, I feel like we have dodged a week of winter which I absolutely hate.

Have a great day all! And thanks for all the well-wishes for Miss Emily's third birthday.
Wendy! Happy Birthday!:cake: :bday:

Have a great day everyone. Will try and post more later.
:bday: party: party: :bday:


Denise:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Happy Birthday Emily!!!

Happy Birthday Wendy!!!

You folks are drivin me :banana: bananas:banana: with all these different boards(I cant remember which I posted...which I didn't)....I may have to think about cancelling one of the cruises just to keep a reasonable number of posts going---geez.

Now you know how i feel when I count your spinning bananas!!:lmao:
i cant seem to remember where I am or what I was doing after looking at them!!

As far as you getting confused, my husband would say,

Of course you dont see him posting on all the threads:rotfl2:


:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
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