Will you all please excuse me if....


DIS Veteran
Nov 29, 2000
I make too many typos or seem not to make much sense today!

I had a tooth pulled earlier & the novocaine or whatever it was that the dentist used HAS NOT WORN OFF YET! I'm still slightly impaired, but feeling no pain - yet! :D I've been trying to correct the glaring mistakes as I go - and there have been quite a few of them, but I'm sure I've missed plenty.

At least I won't have a toothache any more!

So what I want to know is this - Does the tooth fairy still come to 50 year olds? :confused:
If so, I want tickets to go back to WDW! :D Or is that asking for a little too much? :confused:
From what I understand, the tooth fairy comes to all good boys and girls, no matter their age. So wish real hard, and before you go to sleep, shout out "PIXIE DUST!!" If that doesn't work, try doing it every 15 minutes throughout the night until Barry gets so tired of it he relents and gives you WDW tickets.

How's that? :D
Sending ~*~pixie dust~*~ Nancy. :( Hope you recovery quickly.

LOL Steve. :D
I like your plan, steve! :bounce: Only one problem though - I'm talking worse than I type till the numbness in my mouth wears off! I still have no feeling whatsoever on the right side, so anything I try to say comes out sounding really strange! :D OK, I'll try it anyway!

~*~*~*~PITHXIE DUTHST!~*~*~*~

There. How was that? :D


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