~WISH Away The Pounds~ AMAZING APRIL 2014 Challenge! *All Welcome!*

TRACKING and PLANNING is what get's me going again..

Seems like that is key for a LOT of us!!

Oh seems I missed a board when I was updating - my gram finally passed (for the good of all) on 4/5 .. we had the services last Wed 4/9..

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope she didn't suffer. How are you doing with it?

Hubs and I live in a nice mobile home park and so we have a great place to walk so it's likely we'll cancel.. soon..

I am lucky enough to live in a great area for walking as well. Just hilly enough to get your heart rate up, but not crazy (unless I go for more mileage.... then it gets really hilly!).

Managed to have a good weekend - tracked the whole time and I squeezed in 2 5K walks.


I have the weeks lunches and dinner planned out already so that should go pretty smoothly as well. Spending the day shopping with the ladies on Tuesday, but I know what restaurant we will hit, so I have already checked out the points and I know what I am going to order.

Good job, thinking and planning ahead like that!

I wish the weather would co-operate. It has been between 14-20C (I think that is about 62-72F) for the past couple of days. Tomorrow - dropping below zero and 10cm of snow! IS IT EVER GOING TO END????? :eek:

Sounds like our weather as well! Near record high temps here yesterday (upper 70's F), but rain today and possible light snow tomorrow!! :faint: Mother Nature is just a big TEASE!

Wow! You must feel ready for this week coming at ya? :( sad and rather frustrating about the weather. Frosty here in Shropshire for us tonight, but it is due to clear skies and full moon :rotfl: we will probably have around 11 degrees tomorrow. But it makes such a difference when it is a bit brighter and warmer doesn't it? SNOW :scared1: are the little ones fed up of building snowmen? (And now I can't stop thinking about that song from frozen :happytv:)

"Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman." Okay Anna, then let's make it a SAND CASTLE!! :beach:

Sounds like we can plan, but the weather is still take it as it comes, it will all be ok I think :thumbsup2

Wish we could PLAN the weather!!


Morning all! SUPER BIG apology for not getting page one updated yesterday, as promised. I have NO good excuse other than the fact that I forgot about it until this morning.

Working 2nd grade today. I brought my sneakers in the hopes of squeezing in a walk during my break, but it is pouring rain out now, so that won't happen. Working both jobs today, so that was my only opportunity, since I didn't do it this morning.

Anyone see the lunar eclipse last night? I live in a good viewing spot, but the cloud cover was too thick. I did actually get up and go out into the driveway in the middle of the night in my pajamas and bare freet (it was nice and warm!), but saw nothing but darkness. oh well.

Green smoothie again today. I am actually growing to enjoy a smoothie for breakfast! I bring it along with me and try to drink it slowly and it definitely helps keep me from getting hungry so quickly. Today was almond milk, power greens, pumpkin, fresh ginger, cinnamon, a dash of stevia and just a splash of DS's green juice (Green Machine) for some sweetness. I would have liked it a bit sweeter, but overall it was okay. It was a LOVELY bright green, compared to yesterday's muddy green (because of the berry juice). And I was more patient with the blending today and the greens were much smoother.

Any one want to share a smoothie recipe??

Pam -- when you say you eat low-carb for a few days or week, do you have a specific ratio of carbs/fat/protein you aim for? or a carb count you stay below?

Tuesday 4/15/14 QOTD -- Happy Tax Day! Anyone using tax refunds to support your healthy lifestyle?

sadly, tax refunds here are going into the college fund :thumbsup2 that's good, but not anything fun or motivating!

well I can report that I did get back on track yesterday and journaled every bite and stayed in range. thanks for the accountability

yesterday I went to pilates, first time going to pilates since before I was sick with cushing's. funny how everything again is like the first time...my body is so different and so weak. but I went and I was pleasantly surprised how much I was able to do. now, let's talk about my absolutely SORE muscles today! :hyper:
Pam -- when you say you eat low-carb for a few days or week, do you have a specific ratio of carbs/fat/protein you aim for? or a carb count you stay below?

Tuesday 4/15/14 QOTD -- Happy Tax Day! Anyone using tax refunds to support your healthy lifestyle?

sadly, tax refunds here are going into the college fund :thumbsup2 that's good, but not anything fun or motivating!

well I can report that I did get back on track yesterday and journaled every bite and stayed in range. thanks for the accountability

yesterday I went to pilates, first time going to pilates since before I was sick with cushing's. funny how everything again is like the first time...my body is so different and so weak. but I went and I was pleasantly surprised how much I was able to do. now, let's talk about my absolutely SORE muscles today! :hyper:

Thanks P - I am doing ok.. mostly because I know she (and my parents who were caring for her) is much better off the last month was just HORRID and the 8 months prior due to her stoke was more and more difficult each day.. she had a nice long life (almost 87 yrs old) and had 6 children, 11 grandkids, and 23 great-grandkids who all loved her.. plus my grandfather and my Uncle were waiting to welcome her in the gates..

QotD --- tax refund.. nope.. I get back very little from federal and had to pay a very small amount to state so I pretty much am even.. well I guess about 2 months ago we spent the federal on a family dinner including my sister and her GF, Hubs, Myself, the kids and my mom! so that was fun..
Pam -- when you say you eat low-carb for a few days or week, do you have a specific ratio of carbs/fat/protein you aim for? or a carb count you stay below?

Tuesday 4/15/14 QOTD -- Happy Tax Day! Anyone using tax refunds to support your healthy lifestyle?

sadly, tax refunds here are going into the college fund :thumbsup2 that's good, but not anything fun or motivating!

well I can report that I did get back on track yesterday and journaled every bite and stayed in range. thanks for the accountability

yesterday I went to pilates, first time going to pilates since before I was sick with cushing's. funny how everything again is like the first time...my body is so different and so weak. but I went and I was pleasantly surprised how much I was able to do. now, let's talk about my absolutely SORE muscles today! :hyper:

Tax rebate equals zilch but I do get a rebate for gift aid to charity, so that goes back to charity.
We cleaned out the garage... I found my old step and dusted it down... Guess what I am using to workout with Cher tomorrow:laughing: I think I can sense sore muscles will be the order of the day:confused:
Tuesday 4/15/14 QOTD -- Happy Tax Day! Anyone using tax refunds to support your healthy lifestyle?

Tax refund ?!? :laughing: Dh and I are both self employed, so we had to write Uncle Sam a very large check yesterday. :headache:

As for weight loss, well :rolleyes1. I am still on medical restriction. I went to my OTF class twice last week and then this morning. My trainer knows I am injured, so she is torturing me extra special lately. She has said multiple times "sucks to be injured, doesn't it?" in such an evil voice. :laughing: Despite her best efforts, I GAINED this week. It was only half a pound, but it was a major disappointment. We cruise in 3 weeks and this injury thing is really killing my goals.
qotd Sat: I did a whopping one minute plank. That was my exercise. Today I will do a yoga video then it's back to the regular week day routine.

qotd Sun: nothing crazy for me; I'm too much of a chicken to be radical!

Susan-hope you are getting better. Tomorrow my son is auditioning for the choir at the OR Bach Festival held in Eugene every summer. I'm nervous because his choir teacher hasn't written his letter of recommendation yet. She has promised she will give it to him in the morning. He's also waiting on another letter from a regular teacher for a scholarship for voice lessons. Gotta figure out how to make a CD or post a video for them to review. It would be very nice to have somebody else pay for his lessons!

Pamela--fantastic job on the popcorn! Oh, we know all about college bills. DS1 is in his second year. Hope DS2 gets lots of scholarships, because we have no idea how we're paying for the second kid! :upsidedow

After church today DH and I are going to a used book store in Portland (Powell's!) hoping they will buy some of the books my in-laws made us take when we took a bookcase from their house (I took some to the local bookstore and got a check for $130-which I sent to them). We are trying to assimilate all the stuff they gave us, but it's hard. A ton of our stuff has been moved to the attic. But the piano is pretty much in tune, says DS. Also gonna hit Ikea to get a chair for DS. I realllly want to move a bed out of the teeny bedroom and get a chair that turns into a bed. May have to wait til DS1 is out of college and hopefully on his own before I do that!

Have a great rest of the weekend! :thumbsup2

Hope you had fun at Powells and Ikea! She didn't mention that both places are really fun lol. Good luck to you guys with the voice lessons-- bach festival is huge here.

I'm back! I'm at school with no plans to speak of, but I figured out some stuff to do for reading and math and the teacher did leave a plan for science/writing, so we should be good.

DD called last night to announce that her proposal paper was accepted to be presented to the International Marine Congress (... something like that....IMCC) and so in August she will be heading to Scotland!!!:cool1: I"m so jealous I could spit, but SO excited for her! And doubly excited that this trip will be paid for with a GRANT, so other than paying to extend her stay so she can do some sightseeing, this won't cost me an arm and a leg!

I went out for my walk/run yesterday after school and definitely felt like the "exercise gods" were conspiring against me. First of all, it was MUCH colder than I thought and I was freezing in my yoga pants and zip-up hoodie. I ended up pulling the sleeves down over my hands and even put up the hood! Then, of course, my old lady bladder was totally feeling weak and every run segment was an effort in HOLDING IT! :lmao: Plus I started running and realized I forgot to change into my running bra and my regular bra just doesn't cut it! I gave in and cut my walk/run short by half. Sure, it was better than nothing, but it felt like a failure. If tomorrow's scale number isn't what I want, I have NO ONE to blame but myself!!

Tonight is Taco salad night at my house.... anyone else have something more interesting planned for dinner?

Kiddos are here! TTYL.....................P

This post made me LOL.:rotfl: Been there done it...

Sorry I've been non existent. Been busy with taking daughter to appointments etc. BTW still don't know the sex since the little turd was turned around the last 2 ultrasounds...Also been pretty involved with the union lately over an ordinance the city council is going to vote on soon mandating first day sick pay. I got to meet with the Mayor lately (who I adore) and spoke last night at a city council meeting. We have sick pay but it isn't until your third scheduled missed day lol. It's like not having it at all. Part of my speech was about how bad my back was in the past--the first time I really did it I had to have a wheel chair and I remember my husband actually having to carry me to the toilet. Made me realize how far I've come with it. I now virtually have No back pain. I may not be skinny but this was my whole motivation for losing weight and it was good to remember it.
Well I have to go work out. Been barely squeezing in workout between meetings, and my daughter added to my schedule lately. Today's my birthday too so I'll be going to a killer chinese buffet--better work out good lol.
Sorry I've missed weigh ins-- decided this month is a bust but I'd still like to hang out when I can till May. I'm still maintaining anyway guess that's good.TTFN
No tax day here for me! We are not even required to file a tax declaration if your only source of income is your regular pay check and you are already getting taxes deducted from that. BUT you would be stupid not to file as most people will get money back. However because the state would rather like to keep your money longer, you have actually up to three years to file (if they owe you money, if you owe them money you have to file by the end of May).

I am hoping to get my taxes done before my vacation though. Hopefully when I come home I will have a nice letter that they sent me some money! :lmao: Which would go into my travel funds and my general savings - won't use it for anything healthy.

Hope you all had a better start to the week than me. I ended up with a massive headache yesterday so that I did not do my exercise. And the headache was still around when I got home from work today. I was so not wanting to do my program. But then I took Pam's advice and thought I should just start it and if it still feels bad after 10 minutes I will be allowed to stop. And the opposite was the case. It did me so good!! Now i am feeling happy and energised! Off to doing a little bit of housework before heading to bed for hopefully a good rest!
Yay! We booked a night at Swan post cruise. I have never stayed at a non-disney disney hotel before, but we got an awesome rate and we used amex points so it was "free." We are also planning on having a car for the first time since the 90s, so we won't have to go back to the hotel to grab our bags and wait for ME giving us at least an extra hour or two in the parks. So exciting! I hope the floating FP+ thing is in play and that 7dmt has FP+ when we are there. Also it is the last day of flower and garden, so we will have to swing by there and see the new booths. So much to do in 36 hours at WDW! :scared1:
Yay! We booked a night at Swan post cruise. I have never stayed at a non-disney disney hotel before, but we got an awesome rate and we used amex points so it was "free." We are also planning on having a car for the first time since the 90s, so we won't have to go back to the hotel to grab our bags and wait for ME giving us at least an extra hour or two in the parks. So exciting! I hope the floating FP+ thing is in play and that 7dmt has FP+ when we are there. Also it is the last day of flower and garden, so we will have to swing by there and see the new booths. So much to do in 36 hours at WDW! :scared1:

we :love: the Swan! you will have a great night stay there, the beds are heavenly after all! the rooms are very spacious

well my QOTD flopped a big one today :crazy2: hopefully tomorrow there will be much happiness and cheer for

QOTD Wed 4/16 -- WOO HOO Wednesday :woohoo:
Yay! We booked a night at Swan post cruise. I have never stayed at a non-disney disney hotel before, but we got an awesome rate and we used amex points so it was "free." We are also planning on having a car for the first time since the 90s, so we won't have to go back to the hotel to grab our bags and wait for ME giving us at least an extra hour or two in the parks. So exciting! I hope the floating FP+ thing is in play and that 7dmt has FP+ when we are there. Also it is the last day of flower and garden, so we will have to swing by there and see the new booths. So much to do in 36 hours at WDW! :scared1:

Not sure when you will go, we are going end of July. We were talking about Fp plus today. We booked through travel agents who we think will send us the 'old style' paper tickets. Not sure how we can book the rides, if you have any tips please let us know ... So excited for you :cool1:
well my QOTD flopped a big one today :crazy2: hopefully tomorrow there will be much happiness and cheer for

QOTD Wed 4/16 -- WOO HOO Wednesday :woohoo:

Woo Hoo, I got that old step out from the garage yesterday. Put the Cher DVD on today, did the 40 mins, couldn't keep going with the arms :eek: kept going with the step though and was near the top end for working heart rate, so not so upset about not managing arms :yay:
Took the dogs on a long walk, got two loads of washing done, :laundy: third is just finishing. Stripped the beds and did some housework :littleangel: ( but boring I know). Bit scary, off to watch a friendly match tonight (rounders, which is a bit like baseball) and then realise how good other teams are :scared:
Still pretty WOO HOO for me though.
Hope you all had a better start to the week than me. I ended up with a massive headache yesterday so that I did not do my exercise. And the headache was still around when I got home from work today. I was so not wanting to do my program. But then I took Pam's advice and thought I should just start it and if it still feels bad after 10 minutes I will be allowed to stop. And the opposite was the case. It did me so good!! Now i am feeling happy and energised! Off to doing a little bit of housework before heading to bed for hopefully a good rest!

I hope you got rid of that headache Magdalene and that you feel better now. You sound like you are back to yourself :cool1:
I have been going back through posts to take your advice on the plank. My BMI is obese and I worry about stress on my joints, but I wanted to give it a go.:yay:
Not sure when you will go, we are going end of July. We were talking about Fp plus today. We booked through travel agents who we think will send us the 'old style' paper tickets. Not sure how we can book the rides, if you have any tips please let us know ... So excited for you :cool1:

Easy peasy. If they send you the paper tickets, just go the WDW website and enter the code on the back. That will link them to MDE. If they booked you a package it is likely there won't be any tickets though. They should give you a confirmation number that you can plug into the WDW website and everything should pop up (tickets, room, food, photos, etc)
Today was the 2nd day on a row I went to my OTF class. It was not my main trainer teaching today, so I "snuck" on to the treadmill for 2 blocks (there are 4 blocks per class) and did the bike the other 2. My foot hurts pretty bad, but I was up slightly again this morning, so I am officially headed in the wrong direction on the scale, so I have to do something. A little extra pain is worth it to me to see the scale go back to moving down! :blush:
Easy peasy. If they send you the paper tickets, just go the WDW website and enter the code on the back. That will link them to MDE. If they booked you a package it is likely there won't be any tickets though. They should give you a confirmation number that you can plug into the WDW website and everything should pop up (tickets, room, food, photos, etc)

It is a package - thank you for the info. We should get their paperwork in the next week or so. I will check for the confirmation number. We have only been in the foyer for Swan to pick up a rental car ( or maybe it was the dolphin :confused3) but it looked very clean and continental - if that makes sense. I bet you are really looking forward to it.
I am losing a tiny bit of weight, but desperately trying to up the exercise to try and lose a bit more each week. It is a battle. Fingers crossed for you that things improve pixiedust:
Man o Man I am behind on things!

Well, I wanted to pop on for a minute to see how everyone's weekend was and all.... but I see I'm here alone, talking to myself! :rolleyes1

Indoor skydiving was great (or so says DS). It looked like fun and he can't wait to do it again! But there is definitely a learning curve!
glad to hear he enjoyed it! It's something I want to try...I think I'm too afraid to do regular skydiving!

well I had been doing sooooo good with my food journaling until this weekend! GRRRR!! I had a busy weekend, away from home all day Saturday and I let myself slip into..i'll get back on it tomorrow. well, tomorrow I must come and tell you on that I'm back on MFP journaling faithfully!!!

QOTD Monday 4/14/14 -- What is your favorite way to get yourself back on track?

I just reset. Each week is a new week to work hard at my goals. I just get back to planning my week: workout, cooking, and work

Oh seems I missed a board when I was updating - my gram finally passed (for the good of all) on 4/5 .. we had the services last Wed 4/9..
I'm sorry to hear about your gram. I know even though it's for the good it doesn't make it any easier. My grandmother passed a few years ago after a long battle with Alzheimer's. Even though she was better, it wasn't any easier.
Hubs and I live in a nice mobile home park and so we have a great place to walk so it's likely we'll cancel.. soon..

Tuesday 4/15/14 QOTD -- Happy Tax Day! Anyone using tax refunds to support your healthy lifestyle?

I'm actually saving 99% of the refund to put to my student loans. Guess I'm an adult now. Ok, and a little tiny bit is going to my May Disney trip. We really only have to pay for the last bit of the hotel so I don't feel toooooo bad

QOTD Wed 4/16 -- WOO HOO Wednesday :woohoo:

WOOHOO! I started to go down again! And I've been able to increase my weight when lifting!

I'm have a short week so I can go on a "weekend trip" on Monday and Tuesday. I'm really excited for a little less stress through the next week. I've been on my schedule and even though things have been busy I'm really sticking to it! I'm really excited.

It snowed here last night and there's still snow on the ground!:crazy2: I will say even though it is nicer out, I still love working out in the gym because there's just a lot more to do and sometimes I like there being other people around.

Well I'm off to run errands and start dinner! Salmon again tonight because DBF is working late so I get to have all the fish I want!
Pam -- when you say you eat low-carb for a few days or week, do you have a specific ratio of carbs/fat/protein you aim for? or a carb count you stay below?

I try to stick to 20 gr. carbs or less or things OTHER than fruit and vegetable carbs. Things like dairy carbs, low carb breads, high fiber grains. Those are the things I try to count and limit. I totally eliminate potatoes (white and sweet), any starchy veggies (peas, corn, parsnips, winter squash), high sugar fruits (bananas, mango, oranges, pineapple, grapes), brown rice, cereals, real sugar (white and brown) and any other starchy foods. I eat a lot of greens, lean turkey, egg whites, tons of veggies, plain fat-free yogurt with berries, some lean beef and pork, some nuts, an occasional bit of natural sugar-free peanut butter, berries, the occasional apple or grapefruit. It is a bit restrictive because I would occasionally like a sweet potato or a handful of pretzels or some high fiber cereal for my yogurt parfaits, but honestly it isn't a whole lot different than the way I eat on a regular basis.

Tuesday 4/15/14 QOTD -- Happy Tax Day! Anyone using tax refunds to support your healthy lifestyle?

sadly, tax refunds here are going into the college fund :thumbsup2 that's good, but not anything fun or motivating!

Sounds familiar!! Unfortunately our refund wasn't quite as large as usual PLUS we sold some stock for DD that we had bought when she was a baby.... it was intended for college tuition and that is where it went. The unfortunate part is that we/she got a big capital GAIN from that sale and we ended up paying for that gain with half of our refund. :headache: Oh well... easy come, easy go!

well I can report that I did get back on track yesterday and journaled every bite and stayed in range. thanks for the accountability

yesterday I went to pilates, first time going to pilates since before I was sick with cushing's. funny how everything again is like the first time...my body is so different and so weak. but I went and I was pleasantly surprised how much I was able to do. now, let's talk about my absolutely SORE muscles today! :hyper:

Woohoo for GOOD sore muscles!!

Thanks P - I am doing ok.. mostly because I know she (and my parents who were caring for her) is much better off the last month was just HORRID and the 8 months prior due to her stoke was more and more difficult each day.. she had a nice long life (almost 87 yrs old) and had 6 children, 11 grandkids, and 23 great-grandkids who all loved her.. plus my grandfather and my Uncle were waiting to welcome her in the gates..

QotD --- tax refund.. nope.. I get back very little from federal and had to pay a very small amount to state so I pretty much am even.. well I guess about 2 months ago we spent the federal on a family dinner including my sister and her GF, Hubs, Myself, the kids and my mom! so that was fun..

Sorry to hear that Gram pass, but glad she had loved ones to meet her in her new better place.

Tax refund ?!? :laughing: Dh and I are both self employed, so we had to write Uncle Sam a very large check yesterday. :headache:


As for weight loss, well :rolleyes1. I am still on medical restriction. I went to my OTF class twice last week and then this morning. My trainer knows I am injured, so she is torturing me extra special lately. She has said multiple times "sucks to be injured, doesn't it?" in such an evil voice. :laughing: Despite her best efforts, I GAINED this week. It was only half a pound, but it was a major disappointment. We cruise in 3 weeks and this injury thing is really killing my goals.

I understand the frustration with the gain, but take care of yourself!!

This post made me LOL.:rotfl: Been there done it...

Glad to make you chuckle!

Sorry I've been non existent. Been busy with taking daughter to appointments etc. BTW still don't know the sex since the little turd was turned around the last 2 ultrasounds...Also been pretty involved with the union lately over an ordinance the city council is going to vote on soon mandating first day sick pay. I got to meet with the Mayor lately (who I adore) and spoke last night at a city council meeting. We have sick pay but it isn't until your third scheduled missed day lol. It's like not having it at all. Part of my speech was about how bad my back was in the past--the first time I really did it I had to have a wheel chair and I remember my husband actually having to carry me to the toilet. Made me realize how far I've come with it. I now virtually have No back pain. I may not be skinny but this was my whole motivation for losing weight and it was good to remember it.
Well I have to go work out. Been barely squeezing in workout between meetings, and my daughter added to my schedule lately. Today's my birthday too so I'll be going to a killer chinese buffet--better work out good lol.
Sorry I've missed weigh ins-- decided this month is a bust but I'd still like to hang out when I can till May. I'm still maintaining anyway guess that's good.TTFN

Wow, you have been busy!! And I never knew that about your back. That is an amazing recovery AND a great reason to keep your weight under control!

:dance3:HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance3:

No tax day here for me! We are not even required to file a tax declaration if your only source of income is your regular pay check and you are already getting taxes deducted from that. BUT you would be stupid not to file as most people will get money back. However because the state would rather like to keep your money longer, you have actually up to three years to file (if they owe you money, if you owe them money you have to file by the end of May).

I am hoping to get my taxes done before my vacation though. Hopefully when I come home I will have a nice letter that they sent me some money! :lmao: Which would go into my travel funds and my general savings - won't use it for anything healthy.

Hope you all had a better start to the week than me. I ended up with a massive headache yesterday so that I did not do my exercise. And the headache was still around when I got home from work today. I was so not wanting to do my program. But then I took Pam's advice and thought I should just start it and if it still feels bad after 10 minutes I will be allowed to stop. And the opposite was the case. It did me so good!! Now i am feeling happy and energised! Off to doing a little bit of housework before heading to bed for hopefully a good rest!

So glad I could motivate you to keep moving.... but I MUST give the credit back to Rose (Rose&Mike). It was she that told me about that idea in the first place.... and I used it today myself and ended up walking 40 minutes!

Yay! We booked a night at Swan post cruise. I have never stayed at a non-disney disney hotel before, but we got an awesome rate and we used amex points so it was "free." We are also planning on having a car for the first time since the 90s, so we won't have to go back to the hotel to grab our bags and wait for ME giving us at least an extra hour or two in the parks. So exciting! I hope the floating FP+ thing is in play and that 7dmt has FP+ when we are there. Also it is the last day of flower and garden, so we will have to swing by there and see the new booths. So much to do in 36 hours at WDW! :scared1:

CAn't wait to hear about the night at the Swan AND the cruise!

well my QOTD flopped a big one today :crazy2: hopefully tomorrow there will be much happiness and cheer for

It was NOT a flop.... just a sore subject for some folks!;)

QOTD Wed 4/16 -- WOO HOO Wednesday :woohoo:

I walked 20 minutes at school with my students (Walking Wednesday for Health week) and another 40 walk/run when I got home (despite the COLD temps that nearly had me turning around!)!! Woohoo!!

Woo Hoo, I got that old step out from the garage yesterday. Put the Cher DVD on today, did the 40 mins, couldn't keep going with the arms :eek: kept going with the step though and was near the top end for working heart rate, so not so upset about not managing arms :yay:
Took the dogs on a long walk, got two loads of washing done, :laundy: third is just finishing. Stripped the beds and did some housework :littleangel: ( but boring I know). Bit scary, off to watch a friendly match tonight (rounders, which is a bit like baseball) and then realise how good other teams are :scared:
Still pretty WOO HOO for me though.

Great busy day!!

Man o Man I am behind on things!

That's okay!!

WOOHOO! I started to go down again! And I've been able to increase my weight when lifting!


I'm have a short week so I can go on a "weekend trip" on Monday and Tuesday. I'm really excited for a little less stress through the next week. I've been on my schedule and even though things have been busy I'm really sticking to it! I'm really excited.

How wonderful for a mini-vacation!! Enjoy it~!

It snowed here last night and there's still snow on the ground!:crazy2: I will say even though it is nicer out, I still love working out in the gym because there's just a lot more to do and sometimes I like there being other people around.

Well I'm off to run errands and start dinner! Salmon again tonight because DBF is working late so I get to have all the fish I want!

We woke to snow as well.... not a lot, but enough to coat everything white and make the roads slippery this morning... and it was a COOOOOLD day!


Well, happy Wednesday all! Page one is updated with colors, but I must say that I only got weigh-ins last Friday/Saturday/Sunday from a handful of folks! It's not too late for me to update your weight for last week!

Worked again today in the same 2nd grade class.... they definitely are a challenging group and I was warned that I will PROBABLY be in there again tomorrow. Plus that same teacher has already requested Friday off, but I'm not working Friday.... but I don't envy whoever their sub might be! They will be SO NUTS by Friday!:eek:

Off to have a last bit of dinner. I realized when I was finished eating that my dinner wasn't nearly enough calories (egg whites scrambled with just a bit of low fat cheddar and lots of veggies), so I need to go eat more! :thumbsup2

I'll try to pop on in the morning again tomorrow! .....................P
QOTD Wed 4/16 -- WOO HOO Wednesday :woohoo:

I have one this week! On Saturday, I ran my first 5K. And I did it under 40 minutes, which was my goal. I was very sick the 2 days prior and so worried that I would not be able to do it, but I did! I am trying to take some baby steps towards doing the 2015 Princess Half, and I feel like I accomplished one of them.

Then I ate terrible food all day :sad1:.

How is everyone in getting ready/finishing up Seder/Passover/Easter?
GREAT :woohoo: woohoo's this week!! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

flyby, have to get moving and get out the door early today,but i'll be back this afternoon to answer the QOTD and catch-up

QOTD Thursday 4/17/14 -- Name 5 things you are grateful for
I have one this week! On Saturday, I ran my first 5K. And I did it under 40 minutes, which was my goal. I was very sick the 2 days prior and so worried that I would not be able to do it, but I did! I am trying to take some baby steps towards doing the 2015 Princess Half, and I feel like I accomplished one of them.

That is WONDERFUL! Congratulations!!

Then I ate terrible food all day :sad1:.

Uh-oh.... well, onward from there, right?? But think of it as a learning opportunity. What will you do different after your next race? Plan your meal ahead? Save some calories for a splurge? Maybe you were dehydrated more than you realized. Our bodies often mask thirst as hunger.

How is everyone in getting ready/finishing up Seder/Passover/Easter?

I have almost NO Easter prep to do and of course, I've done very little of the small bit that I AM supposed to do! I still don't have everything I need for DS's Easter basket, but I think I'm all set with DD. So Saturday morning's grocery stop will have to include some "bunny" shopping as well.

QOTD Thursday 4/17/14 -- Name 5 things you are grateful for


2. My Heavenly Father.

3. My family and their health.

4. My beautiful home.

5. My freedom.

Thanks for reminding us that we have SO MUCH to be grateful for!!


Morning all! Subbing as a 3rd/4th grade reading/math specialist. It won't be a tough day, but I was hoping to get out early and the schedule doesn't really work for that. I've talked to a few teachers and the office about it and we are working on a plan to have me out of here by 2:15. That would help a lot!

Looking forward to weigh-in day tomorrow! I truly feel that I have done ALMOST everything I could to make sure that my weigh-in will be a good one. I say almost because there is always SOMETHING more I feel I could do (more exercise, more green tea, more water, less junk), but overall, with my busy schedule the last many days, I feel I have made the best choices possible.



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