WISH Away The Pounds - Marvelous March Challenge ~~ All are WELCOME!

I feel like I've done pretty well making more time for workouts. Virtually eleminating all soda :cool1:. I think I had 2 w/ Splenda the entire month so considering I was a 3 a day diet coke girl I'm pretty happy w that. I feel like my sugar cravings have seriously subsided w/o all that artificial sweetener. I'm so glad I did that and thank some of you WISH-ers on here for encouraging me!

My only beverages are plain tea (flavored like natural vanilla Rooibos) and water.

Have a healthy day!

That is awesome! I am so glad you are feeling better. :)

Buffy--hang in there. :hug:

Pamela--are you signing up coaches starting on Fridays? I am happy to take the 8th or 15th, just let me know. :)

I was down two pounds for Feb which I was happy with. Hoping to make it back into the 140s this month. I am going to set a goal of 3 pounds. I increased my activity this week and my piriformis is flaring up a bit (ok a lot) so I am a little nervous that I am going to have to cut back my activity a bit, but she tried some new stuff today, so fingers crossed. :goodvibes

I completed at least a mile a day every day in Feb--ran all but two days that I walked, so I am calling that good. :goodvibes Two months down, 10 to go.

Welcome to all the new folks!
DisFam95 said:
I'm in for March. I lost 4.4 in Feb, just shy of the 5 pounds but I'm chalking that up to some extra sodium yesterday I caved on some popcorn popcorn::

I'm going for another 5 this month. Hey there's a couple extra days compared to Feb so should be doable. I made a big wall calendar for our big Canada trip in August (DisL is right after). That's 5 months so gives me 5lb a month plus a little buffer. Hoping that big glaring calendar keeps me in check.

I feel like I've done pretty well making more time for workouts. Virtually eleminating all soda :cool1:. I think I had 2 w/ Splenda the entire month so considering I was a 3 a day diet coke girl I'm pretty happy w that. I feel like my sugar cravings have seriously subsided w/o all that artificial sweetener. I'm so glad I did that and thank some of you WISH-ers on here for encouraging me!

My only beverages are plain tea (flavored like natural vanilla Rooibos) and water.

No time for workout this morning w/ kid and school stuff but I've already scheduled it in my brain for tonight!

Have a healthy day!

Yay!! I've vowed that soda is the devil!!! So many studies show how the diet ones are even worse. Great job battling the addiction (cause it really is, I'm in my 3rd month of soda recovery)!!
BernardandMissBianca said:
Can I vent for a second, I need to get this off my chest.

I'm pissed off.
I mean really pissed off.
I was feeling great this morning, tried on a bunch of dressier clothes because I wanted to see how they fit, tossed 1/2 in the donate pile because they were to big. Tried on my painting jeans, and I could put them on and zipper them while standing up and they felt really good. I could also squat in them which is great for when I'm using the roller.
I was going to come here and post a great inspirational story about my journey and try to hopefully encourage other people, yada yada yada.

Well then I get a phone call from a parent. Why? Because I told DS12 to tell her kid not to call my house because when I answer the phone she won't say anything and hangs up. DUH, I know it's you, it's called caller ID. And I told DS to tell the other girl not to email photos of herself to my computer. Why? Because while it was a just a head shot, I could tell she only had a bra on.
Oh but I'm the mean one and they are scared of me. What the hell ever!!!
Uh no, not saying anything on the phone and hanging up is rude and disrespectful. I own the phone, I pay the bill, I answer the phone, I get to make the rules. You're rude to me, don't call my house.

OMG, I can not let this woman take up space in my head rent free.

Crazy people!! Great observation on noticing the bra, hope u mentioned that to the parent. You were in the right; hope getting it off your chest evicted her from your thought. Need the space to continue on building the excuse for a new wardrobe. Great job!
what is our monthly challenge? Are you still doing wall sits?

I'm going to continue doing planks and add the wall sits. I've never really done a wall sit for any length of time so I guess me goal by months end is 5 minutes on toes, but I will reassess today after I do one.
Morning all! Sorry to be MIA first thing in March....:blush: I'm not feeling well plus robotics competition started today! Finally stopped for lunch in a place with wifi, so I can post a QOTD!

QOTD for Friday, March 1, 2013:

It is a food "emergency". You have to buy a lunch at the grocery store to eat now.... No prep, no kitchen, etc. What do you buy to have a healthy quick lunch that is still OP? (Presuming that eating utensils are available.)

what is our monthly challenge? Are you still doing wall sits?

I'm going to continue doing planks and add the wall sits. I've never really done a wall sit for any length of time so I guess me goal by months end is 5 minutes on toes, but I will reassess today after I do one.

I was having some trouble with neck pain, so I'm holding off on the planks for now....but if others think it sounds good I will throw out the idea of a wall-sit-a-day! Let's aim to start with 30 seconds if you are a "beginner" and 1 minute for the rest. Arms up or down, your choice.

Head is literally pounding and I'm coughing and hacking plus have a sore throat....not such a great day, but on a better note, DS's team is doing well today! I' m cheering and the resting between matches...but hard to get comfy.

May or may not BBL to chat. :rolleyes2..........P
Morning all! Sorry to be MIA first thing in March....:blush: I'm not feeling well plus robotics competition started today! Finally stopped for lunch in a place with wifi, so I can post a QOTD!

QOTD for Friday, March 1, 2013:

It is a food "emergency". You have to buy a lunch at the grocery store to eat now.... No prep, no kitchen, etc. What do you buy to have a healthy quick lunch that is still OP? (Presuming that eating utensils are available.)


Today's lunch was a the Market Basket Cafe for us! I bought myself a light cheese stick, a single serving of hummus and pretzels, and a small salad. Not too pricey, reasonably healthy, and quick and easy to eat. ...........P
Oh boy go home and REST Pamela!!!

Now to answer the QOTD?

To me that is not a "food emergency". I often get lunch at the grocery store. The other day I was at WalMart and got a chicken ranch salad.

Things I pick up are veggies, fruit, nuts, "health drinks", cheese/crackers, and then you have the whole deli with food. You can buy fish at our grocery store and they will cook it for you right there. Then there is sushi, salad bar with soups and other stuff.

Heck some of our grocery stores have "restaurants".

So next time you are out, stop into a grocery store once in awhile instead of swinging yourself through a drive thru.

I am sure I am not the only one who does this.:thumbsup2
I didn't exactly have a healthy lunch today. (Chinese....shrimp fried rice)

But, I love my fortune I got in my cookie.......... (yes, I did eat the cookie. lol)

"No obstacles will stand in the way of your success this month"

Love that fortune and that I got it at the beginning of the month.
I'm pissed off.
I mean really pissed off.
I was feeling great this morning, tried on a bunch of dressier clothes because I wanted to see how they fit, tossed 1/2 in the donate pile because they were to big. Tried on my painting jeans, and I could put them on and zipper them while standing up and they felt really good. I could also squat in them which is great for when I'm using the roller.
I was going to come here and post a great inspirational story about my journey and try to hopefully encourage other people, yada yada yada.

Well then I get a phone call from a parent. Why? Because I told DS12 to tell her kid not to call my house because when I answer the phone she won't say anything and hangs up.

OMG, I can not let this woman take up space in my head rent free.

:cool1: First off - congrats on the baggy clothes! Secondly that's nuts. Did you mention the issues you had to the parent and they not care their precious innocent little girl is possibly one step away from sexting. Oh well, stand up for what's right for sure just do it with a smile on your face.

Yay!! I've vowed that soda is the devil!!! So many studies show how the diet ones are even worse. Great job battling the addiction (cause it really is, I'm in my 3rd month of soda recovery)!!

Soda recovery!! lol too true. I'm really loosing the cravings for them - it's great. Congrats on your success!

Morning all! Sorry to be MIA first thing in March....:blush: I'm not feeling well plus robotics competition started today! Finally stopped for lunch in a place with wifi, so I can post a QOTD!

QOTD for Friday, March 1, 2013:

It is a food "emergency". You have to buy a lunch at the grocery store to eat now.... No prep, no kitchen, etc. What do you buy to have a healthy quick lunch that is still OP? (Presuming that eating utensils are available.)


Hope you feel better.

Hmm QOTD: I know they have the prepacked veggie/fruit packs and hummus/pretzel packs in the produce and deli section. That would probably be my 1st choice since it's 'real' food. If I was craving a sweet I might hit the health aisle and there's as abundance of protein bars - just watch the sugars.

And an ice cold water or plain tea!

I didn't exactly have a healthy lunch today. (Chinese....shrimp fried rice)

But, I love my fortune I got in my cookie.......... (yes, I did eat the cookie. lol)

"No obstacles will stand in the way of your success this month"

Love that fortune and that I got it at the beginning of the month.

Great fortune to start the month! Of course being in the chinese restaurant was an obstacle in itself :goodvibes but oh so yummy. I need to plan ahead and figure what the best choices are for chinese. I know they are often not what you'd think. Nothing fried/batter coated for sure.
Morning all! Sorry to be MIA first thing in March....:blush: I'm not feeling well plus robotics competition started today! Finally stopped for lunch in a place with wifi, so I can post a QOTD!

QOTD for Friday, March 1, 2013:

It is a food "emergency". You have to buy a lunch at the grocery store to eat now.... No prep, no kitchen, etc. What do you buy to have a healthy quick lunch that is still OP? (Presuming that eating utensils are available.)


Well. I work at a grocery store and after many different lunch ideas I have finally decided on fruit for lunch. it's easy and if I forget to bring some then I can just go to the produce and pick out something nice and ripe. Of course I work in the meat dept. and am always cooking samples of things so I do have a bite here and there throughout the course of a day or night. If I have v-8's around I'll bring one of those too.
I'm in for March! Hopefully this time I will be able to finish the month out. My goal is 4 pounds again and I would really love to hit it this month!
Morning all! Sorry to be MIA first thing in March....:blush: I'm not feeling well plus robotics competition started today! Finally stopped for lunch in a place with wifi, so I can post a QOTD!

QOTD for Friday, March 1, 2013:

It is a food "emergency". You have to buy a lunch at the grocery store to eat now.... No prep, no kitchen, etc. What do you buy to have a healthy quick lunch that is still OP? (Presuming that eating utensils are available.)


Feel better oh fearless leader!:love:

QOTD: Since I LOVE our Publix stores down here, I can see myself going right for the hummus and whole grain crackers, maybe a salad, or a turkey whole wheat wrap. Of course, some yogurt and fruit or veggies would work as well. I find myself spending a lot more time in the produce section than I used to :thumbsup2 and barely any time in the aisles anymore.:littleangel:
QOTD for Friday, March 1, 2013:

It is a food "emergency". You have to buy a lunch at the grocery store to eat now.... No prep, no kitchen, etc. What do you buy to have a healthy quick lunch that is still OP? (Presuming that eating utensils are available.)

A bag of prepared salad, a cooked chicken breast and some cottage cheese. It's what I'd have for my lunch one day a week anyway.....:)

And on the soda subject, I'm now down to 1 2liter bottle (about a quart??) a week which is a real cut for me. I've become hooked on fruit infusions (teabags with no tea!!!) Cherry & Cinnamon is my favourite at the moment. They're good hot or cold.
I'm here :)

My last couple days have been crazy, but I'm crossing things off my to do list like crazy! Whoop! Anyhow, I don't have much time right now. I have some phone calls to make & DS9 has scuba tonight so I need to get ready to sit in the hottest pool I've ever been! I keep hoping I sweat off some weight, but no.

QOTD~our one grocery store has prepared soups & a salad bar, so I would probably make a big salad full of veggies (and a tad of dressing or lemon) and grab a fruit depending on what looks good. I would probably get a banana, apple, or pear.

Okay-I'm off to make phone calls while I unload the dishwasher & get dinner organized. Have a great night :)

Morning all! Sorry to be MIA first thing in March....:blush: I'm not feeling well plus robotics competition started today! Finally stopped for lunch in a place with wifi, so I can post a QOTD!

QOTD for Friday, March 1, 2013:

It is a food "emergency". You have to buy a lunch at the grocery store to eat now.... No prep, no kitchen, etc. What do you buy to have a healthy quick lunch that is still OP? (Presuming that eating utensils are available.)


I do this every Friday when I grocery shop for the week and have lunch, so I can't call it an emergency, but...here goes! We are blessed with Wegmans. :) I love the sushi bar there, and when I arrive at the store (before launching into the weekly shop), I pick up a small seaweed salad and a salmon/avocado roll with brown rice. I get a fountain Diet Coke (my big vice), and then I take it all upstairs where I enjoy lunch and my book du jour for half an hour or so before I start shopping. Friday lunchtime is one of my favorite times of the week! :)

QOTD for Friday, March 1, 2013:

It is a food "emergency". You have to buy a lunch at the grocery store to eat now.... No prep, no kitchen, etc. What do you buy to have a healthy quick lunch that is still OP? (Presuming that eating utensils are available.)


Salad bar or like tonight, I got the shrimp and corn chowder with oyster crackers. 8 oz is 270 calories and the crackers are 66 calories. And a bottle of water.

I was having some trouble with neck pain, so I'm holding off on the planks for now....but if others think it sounds good I will throw out the idea of a wall-sit-a-day! Let's aim to start with 30 seconds if you are a "beginner" and 1 minute for the rest. Arms up or down, your choice.

Head is literally pounding and I'm coughing and hacking plus have a sore throat....not such a great day, but on a better note, DS's team is doing well today! I' m cheering and the resting between matches...but hard to get comfy.

May or may not BBL to chat. :rolleyes2..........P

Feel better!!!!!


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