WISH Away The Pounds - Marvelous March Challenge ~~ All are WELCOME!

Ended up doing the race this morning. I ran when I could and walked when I had to. Came in dead last, well 4 walkers were behind me but they peeled off. But I finished and I PR'ed. 40 minutes and 35 seconds, 13:32 pace.
There is some serious motivation when you have a cop car tailing you!!
DS16 also PRed at 18:40, came in 9th over all and 2nd in his age division. DS11 ran in 30:27.

I did what I wanted to accomplish, I made my knee hurt. Sounds odd doesn't it?? But it hadn't hurt in quite a few days and I have a Dr appt Monday so I wanted to mark where it hurt so he could see it. It's very specific.

It was nice finishing as having a lot of friends cheering me on at the end.

Oh and it was uphill, both ways! Lol that I didn't know or I probably wouldn't have done it. So I'm kind of glad I didn't know.

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Oh Buffy you inspired me! I was having such a lazy day yesterday until I read your post, after I read it I went over to the High School track and ran my own 5K. 48 minutes flat, damn I'm slow :) but it is only the second time I've run since October. Congrats to you Buffy!

Happy Easter to all
QOTD: Looking back at March, tell us one thing in your weight loss efforts that you are proud of that you accomplished that is not about the pounds you lost.

Not directly related to my weight loss, but the thing I did in March that I am proud of is that I set my alarm 15 minutes earlier (6:00am instead of 6:15) so that I have more time to 'get myself together' in a morning before work.

I always seemed to be rushing......no time to enjoy the hot shower, wolfing down breakfast, giving the poor cat no cuddle time.....so those 15 minutes have made a big difference and I feel calmer and more able to face my day.

A big difference for a small adjustment I feel.
Oh Buffy you inspired me! I was having such a lazy day yesterday until I read your post, after I read it I went over to the High School track and ran my own 5K. 48 minutes flat, damn I'm slow :) but it is only the second time I've run since October. Congrats to you Buffy!

Happy Easter to all

Good job!! Glad I could inspire someone! I really hemmed and hawed about doing the race but I reminded myself of a quote " you'll never regret a run, but you do regret skipping one". (Or something like that)

48 minutes is pretty darn good if you ask me.
And you were lapping everyone still on the couch!

I will admit I felt a bit like a loser when there were people in their 60's getting trophies for finishing in 20 minutes but then I was like they have been running for 40+ years and I've been running sporadically for 2.

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QOTD: Looking back at March, tell us one thing in your weight loss efforts that you are proud of that you accomplished that is not about the pounds you lost.

Not directly related to my weight loss, but the thing I did in March that I am proud of is that I set my alarm 15 minutes earlier (6:00am instead of 6:15) so that I have more time to 'get myself together' in a morning before work.

I always seemed to be rushing......no time to enjoy the hot shower, wolfing down breakfast, giving the poor cat no cuddle time.....so those 15 minutes have made a big difference and I feel calmer and more able to face my day.

A big difference for a small adjustment I feel.

That's a good one! The morning routine really sets the tone for the day. I know when I'm late and rushing, it makes a huge impact on how I treat the kids. If we are late, I'm very short with them.

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You are an amazing person with one of the worlds hardest and most thankless jobs ever! I would be happy to spend my day covered in isolation gowns splattered with (shall we say... bodily secretions) rather than spend an hour teaching high school kids!! :worship:

Good luck and take lots of deep breaths!! You will make the right decision for you and your family. Everything works out the way it should, sometimes we just need to vent to get a new perspective. :thumbsup2

Thank you for the kind words! My DH works in an ER & I tell him that I could never do his job. I guess everyone was meant for something :)

I've been gone a lot lately. We've been looking at a new vehicle and when I get a "project" like that I throw myself into full research and obsession mode! Just got a new Honda Odyssey ex-l. Yep I'm living the minivan dream.

I had a slight loss this week but my monthly goal hit about half. I've not been focused and not gotten in the workouts I wanted.

And me and Reese's peanut butter eggs have a bit of a thing going on lately. ;)

I think I might do my smoothies for a couple days. They make me feel good but I just don't have the commitment to do them longer.

Off to the treadmill!

Yay on a new minivan! And I hear ya about those Reese's eggs. They are dangerous!

Jill, so sorry for the tough time at work. :hug: It does not sound like a good situation at all. Any change is tough, even good change. Hang in there! :flower3:

Happy Easter all! :goodvibes

Thank you! Happy Easter!

So sorry you are having a tough go of it, I certainly know how it feels to be frustrated at a thankless job and want out! I think you will make good decisions for your family, just give yourself some time to really think about what you want your future to look like...

Thank you for your encouragement!

Ended up doing the race this morning. I ran when I could and walked when I had to. Came in dead last, well 4 walkers were behind me but they peeled off. But I finished and I PR'ed. 40 minutes and 35 seconds, 13:32 pace.
There is some serious motivation when you have a cop car tailing you!!
DS16 also PRed at 18:40, came in 9th over all and 2nd in his age division. DS11 ran in 30:27.

Congrats and great job!

Happy Easter to all of you!!!

So, here is the question of the day:

Looking back at March, tell us one thing in your weight loss efforts that you are proud of that you accomplished that is not about the pounds you lost.

Happy Easter! One thing that I did was spring clean & purge! I know it's not directly related to my weight loss & pounds lost, but it's about the mental aspect. Organization & order helps me in all parts of my life.


Happy Easter everyone! I'm just popping on while I'm waiting for my aunt & grandma to swing by to give DSs cards. I am hosting dinner at 4:00 so I have some cleaning to do before I start cooking.

I hope everyone enjoys their day! I am sooooo ready for April & hopefully some warm weather!

Off to get DSs to clean up a bit. Ttyl!!

March was a horrible month due to mandatory overtime at work so I'm ready to start fresh for April. Is there a new thread started?

Hope everyone has a great Easter, that celebrate!
Happy Easter! No time to chit chat right now, but I wanted to wish everyone a wonderful Easter Sunday! Hope your day is filled with love, family, and peace. I'll BBL to chat...maybe on the ride home tonight..........P
Happy Easter to all of you!!!

And a huge Congratulations to all of us for keeping going for another month during the weight loss journey. If you have made your goal or not, at least you are still here, trying every day to make the best choices possible. And that is the only way to acchieve the goal we have set us!!!

Not sure whether I am still coaching during the Easter weekend - but I guess I am (at least I offered to that a while ago). So, very sorry that I did not make it onto the DIS yesterday to give you a question of the day. First I was still suffering from my migraine, then I had to go into work (I kind of was on call), then had to run errands and finally started to feel better in the afternoon and then had plans to meet some friends in the evening. I had about one hour at home and had two options: Do my Ripped in 30 DVD which I have been slacking with over the last couple of days or go online. I picked the exercise thinking that all of you would understand that...

But here I am now, enjoying a lovely quiet Easter Sunday, backing some Easter bread (a sweet yeast loaf) to take to my parents later this afternoon. On Friday I started a new project: trying to convert my trip report from my 2010 trip to WDW with my sister into a photo book. I am already looking forward to working on that a bit more today. I am afraid it is a project that will take me a long time as I am still only at our first night at WDW and it was a 11 day trip!!

So, here is the question of the day:

Looking back at March, tell us one thing in your weight loss efforts that you are proud of that you accomplished that is not about the pounds you lost.

My answer is that I finally managed to eat a healthy breakfast on a regular basis. I have struggled over the past months with getting out of bed early enough to have breakfast at home, but I tackled that and got into the habit of having just a basic müsli: It's a mix with different grains and some crunchy granola, I add berries (using frozen at the moment which I thaw in the microwave) and milk. And I have some Earl Grey tea with it. Puts me into a good mood every morning!

If you have it today still (hosting)--cool. I do have to work then go to my Mom's.
I think my greatest accomplishment so far this challenge is to finally realize that my fat intake is totally wrong. I have spent so many years avoiding it that for my poor body to make up for that I only end up eating bad fats. I'm going to start checking labels for trans fats, eating more fish high in omega 3's, cooking more with olive oil ( I already do but obviously I need to find more things to cook that involve it). I also love avocado I just need to get to Costco more to grab those big packs. I also love kalamata olives. I think I'm going to break down and finally learn how to make pasta dishes by myself instead of hamburger helper lol. Also have no problem with nuts-- pistachios are kind of a great diet food anyway. Just hardly ever eat them...stuff i could do is make my breakfast steel cut oats more often, and maybe bake some muffins with nuts-- that sort of thing. Really this is huge for me.

Happy Easter everyone! :sunny::flower2::daisy:
Hi Guys

Hope you're having a good Easter - been out shopping this morning (we're 5 hours ahead of you Floridians at least) and you'd think the end of the worl was nigh!!! Shops in the UK have to close on 2 days of the year - Christmas Day and Easter Sunday. Peeps were out today panic buying because they won't be able to get anything tomorrow!!!

Well, I have to say that March has been my best month so far, I set myself a target of 7lbs, and so far have lost 10 (and there are 2 days left!!!) I've been really focussed on the food, and it's showed on the scales for sure. Now managing to get into some clothes 3 sizes smaller than when I started in January.

Got my exam results this morning (14 days early!!) thought it was going to be bad news, but no, I passed the third unit of my diploma. so just waiting for the results of my final assignment, then it will all be over until September.

Feeling really positive, might even volunteer to be coach for a week if I don't need the PM feature to do it (infraction for speaking my mind!! - no PMs for 30 days!!) Going to even try some exercise now my exam results are in as I thought I would have to spend time revising. Got Garmin Fit downloaded to my android, so may give it a go tomorrow.

Hope you're all having a good time for Easter.

So glad you have had a good March (minus the issue here)!

We would welcome you to coach!
Looking back at March, tell us one thing in your weight loss efforts that you are proud of that you accomplished that is not about the pounds you lost.

I am proud of meeting my exercise goal and then some! 1615 minutes and my goal was 1300! :cool1:


Hi all and Happy Easter (or just a happy Sunday)! I am getting the April thread up and running today... don't forget to send your last chance weigh-in to Pam if you haven't already! Please include me in the PM if you are planning to use that as your starting weigh-in (or PM me tomorrow if you so choose). Either way, don't forget to include a goal or if you are maintaining :)

I am proud to say that I finished the month strong with a 10 lb loss, 3 more than my goal! Wishing you all a great weekend and a great start to Achieving in April!
A big thank you to everyone who has taken part this month. Have really enjoyed your support.

Hope to see you all on the new thread in the morning...off to bed now (well it is 10pm here!)
Good Easter evening all! Had a wonderful day with family again. Enjoyed some healthy foods along with a bit of goodies, but feeling ok with how I ate over the two days. Got in a good workout Saturday morning that started my weekend off on the right track.

Not going to take the time to chat a lot right now, as I am on mobile wifi and it can disappear without warning...plus I'm tired and will probably doze off here in the car for a bit :rolleyes1

I will get page one updated tomorrow, so there is still time to send in a final March weight! But other that that we should be all moving our chatter to the new April thread tomorrow! ...............P
Hi everyone! Back just under the wire in March...we had a great spring break. DDs loved Camp Grandma, and DH and I had a great time on the Dream. I started out great - ran three days in a row (Beach Club, treadmill on the Dream, and then got a PR the Castaway Cay 5K!), but then...oof. I think I had one of those vacations where I was so pent-up with needing to get away that I let things get a leeetle bit out of control once I was on vacation. I pretty much ate and drank what I wanted, and then some. I continued my annual affair with jelly beans (Brachs traditional, all the way). We got back late this afternoon, and after I unpacked, started laundry, and went out for dinner, I got out for a run to get back on track. I have some serious work to do - Nike Women's Half is in less than a month (!), and I definitely have some vacation pounds to shed. Looking forward to the April thread - I need it!

Ended up doing the race this morning. I ran when I could and walked when I had to. Came in dead last, well 4 walkers were behind me but they peeled off. But I finished and I PR'ed. 40 minutes and 35 seconds, 13:32 pace.
There is some serious motivation when you have a cop car tailing you!!
DS16 also PRed at 18:40, came in 9th over all and 2nd in his age division. DS11 ran in 30:27.

I did what I wanted to accomplish, I made my knee hurt. Sounds odd doesn't it?? But it hadn't hurt in quite a few days and I have a Dr appt Monday so I wanted to mark where it hurt so he could see it. It's very specific.

It was nice finishing as having a lot of friends cheering me on at the end.

Oh and it was uphill, both ways! Lol that I didn't know or I probably wouldn't have done it. So I'm kind of glad I didn't know.

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The point is you FINISHED!!! I think I can safely say everyone here in the DIS is PROUD of you!!:thumbsup2:goodvibes::cool1:

Hi Guys

Well, I have to say that March has been my best month so far, I set myself a target of 7lbs, and so far have lost 10 (and there are 2 days left!!!) I've been really focussed on the food, and it's showed on the scales for sure. Now managing to get into some clothes 3 sizes smaller than when I started in January.

Great Job!pixiedust:

Got my exam results this morning (14 days early!!) thought it was going to be bad news, but no, I passed the third unit of my diploma. so just waiting for the results of my final assignment, then it will all be over until September.

Congratulations! Now enjoy the downtime!::yes::

Happy Easter to all of you!!!

And a huge Congratulations to all of us for keeping going for another month during the weight loss journey. If you have made your goal or not, at least you are still here, trying every day to make the best choices possible. And that is the only way to acchieve the goal we have set us!!!

Not sure whether I am still coaching during the Easter weekend - but I guess I am (at least I offered to that a while ago). So, very sorry that I did not make it onto the DIS yesterday to give you a question of the day. First I was still suffering from my migraine, then I had to go into work (I kind of was on call), then had to run errands and finally started to feel better in the afternoon and then had plans to meet some friends in the evening. I had about one hour at home and had two options: Do my Ripped in 30 DVD which I have been slacking with over the last couple of days or go online. I picked the exercise thinking that all of you would understand that...

But here I am now, enjoying a lovely quiet Easter Sunday, backing some Easter bread (a sweet yeast loaf) to take to my parents later this afternoon. On Friday I started a new project: trying to convert my trip report from my 2010 trip to WDW with my sister into a photo book. I am already looking forward to working on that a bit more today. I am afraid it is a project that will take me a long time as I am still only at our first night at WDW and it was a 11 day trip!!

So, here is the question of the day:

Looking back at March, tell us one thing in your weight loss efforts that you are proud of that you accomplished that is not about the pounds you lost.

Even with battling BAD ITBS in both knees, I still managed to finish my Half and under goal time!:hyper:

Hi everyone! Back just under the wire in March...we had a great spring break. DDs loved Camp Grandma, and DH and I had a great time on the Dream. I started out great - ran three days in a row (Beach Club, treadmill on the Dream, and then got a PR the Castaway Cay 5K!), but then...oof. I think I had one of those vacations where I was so pent-up with needing to get away that I let things get a leeetle bit out of control once I was on vacation. I pretty much ate and drank what I wanted, and then some. I continued my annual affair with jelly beans (Brachs traditional, all the way). We got back late this afternoon, and after I unpacked, started laundry, and went out for dinner, I got out for a run to get back on track. I have some serious work to do - Nike Women's Half is in less than a month (!), and I definitely have some vacation pounds to shed. Looking forward to the April thread - I need it!


Don't feel bad Liz. I think they put something in the air around WDW that makes you forget about sticking to your plan. Must be all that Disney Magic! pixiedust:
Ended up doing the race this morning. I ran when I could and walked when I had to. Came in dead last, well 4 walkers were behind me but they peeled off. But I finished and I PR'ed. 40 minutes and 35 seconds, 13:32 pace.
There is some serious motivation when you have a cop car tailing you!!
DS16 also PRed at 18:40, came in 9th over all and 2nd in his age division. DS11 ran in 30:27.

I did what I wanted to accomplish, I made my knee hurt. Sounds odd doesn't it?? But it hadn't hurt in quite a few days and I have a Dr appt Monday so I wanted to mark where it hurt so he could see it. It's very specific.

It was nice finishing as having a lot of friends cheering me on at the end.

Oh and it was uphill, both ways! Lol that I didn't know or I probably wouldn't have done it. So I'm kind of glad I didn't know.

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Well done!!

Inspired by you all talking about exercise, I'm going out in the lovely british sunshine for a walk around the park.

Been on the scales this morning and I finish March at 209. I set myself a target of 7lb off, but actually lost 10, which I believe is 143% of target.

Will check back in later to let you know how I got on. HAPPY EASTER everyone.

I am glad that we could inspire you to get out!! And congratulations on your fabulous loss!!

Well, I manager 3.78km, which is apparently 2 miles, 614 yards to you guys!!!!

Took an hour and 5 minutes, but that was mainly because I stopped to feed stale bread to the ducks, then walked around the animal enclosures feeding the parrots some peanuts I 'happened' to have in the car!!!

There were a lot of families out in the park enjoying the spring sunshine, but it's still only 2 degrees here! When I got back home I fely inspired to go outside and fold the tent, the canopy and the groundsheet that we used a couple of weekends ago so that they all fit back into their original bags.

Might even go out for another walk after lunch if the sun stays out.

It is so much easier to exercise when the weather is warm and the days are longer!!

Oh Buffy you inspired me! I was having such a lazy day yesterday until I read your post, after I read it I went over to the High School track and ran my own 5K. 48 minutes flat, damn I'm slow :) but it is only the second time I've run since October. Congrats to you Buffy!

Happy Easter to all


QOTD: Looking back at March, tell us one thing in your weight loss efforts that you are proud of that you accomplished that is not about the pounds you lost.

Not directly related to my weight loss, but the thing I did in March that I am proud of is that I set my alarm 15 minutes earlier (6:00am instead of 6:15) so that I have more time to 'get myself together' in a morning before work.

I always seemed to be rushing......no time to enjoy the hot shower, wolfing down breakfast, giving the poor cat no cuddle time.....so those 15 minutes have made a big difference and I feel calmer and more able to face my day.

A big difference for a small adjustment I feel.

Sounds great! Being more in charge and organised always does help me a lot with being able to focus on weight loss.

Happy Easter! One thing that I did was spring clean & purge! I know it's not directly related to my weight loss & pounds lost, but it's about the mental aspect. Organization & order helps me in all parts of my life.


Happy Easter everyone! I'm just popping on while I'm waiting for my aunt & grandma to swing by to give DSs cards. I am hosting dinner at 4:00 so I have some cleaning to do before I start cooking.

I hope everyone enjoys their day! I am sooooo ready for April & hopefully some warm weather!

Off to get DSs to clean up a bit. Ttyl!!


Yay for the spring clean!! And I agree that having everything organised does help in many ways!

If you have it today still (hosting)--cool. I do have to work then go to my Mom's.
I think my greatest accomplishment so far this challenge is to finally realize that my fat intake is totally wrong. I have spent so many years avoiding it that for my poor body to make up for that I only end up eating bad fats. I'm going to start checking labels for trans fats, eating more fish high in omega 3's, cooking more with olive oil ( I already do but obviously I need to find more things to cook that involve it). I also love avocado I just need to get to Costco more to grab those big packs. I also love kalamata olives. I think I'm going to break down and finally learn how to make pasta dishes by myself instead of hamburger helper lol. Also have no problem with nuts-- pistachios are kind of a great diet food anyway. Just hardly ever eat them...stuff i could do is make my breakfast steel cut oats more often, and maybe bake some muffins with nuts-- that sort of thing. Really this is huge for me.

Happy Easter everyone! :sunny::flower2::daisy:

I am a huge fan of making sure to get good oils!! One way of getting more olive oil is to eat your vegetables as a salad which you dress with some oil (or EVOO - finally found out that this not a brand of fancy non-fat oil, but an acronym for extra virgin olive oil... :goodvibes).

I am proud of meeting my exercise goal and then some! 1615 minutes and my goal was 1300! :cool1:


Hi all and Happy Easter (or just a happy Sunday)! I am getting the April thread up and running today... don't forget to send your last chance weigh-in to Pam if you haven't already! Please include me in the PM if you are planning to use that as your starting weigh-in (or PM me tomorrow if you so choose). Either way, don't forget to include a goal or if you are maintaining :)

I am proud to say that I finished the month strong with a 10 lb loss, 3 more than my goal! Wishing you all a great weekend and a great start to Achieving in April!

Congratulations on both exceeding your exercise and your weight loss goal! What a fantastic month!!

Hi everyone! Back just under the wire in March...we had a great spring break. DDs loved Camp Grandma, and DH and I had a great time on the Dream. I started out great - ran three days in a row (Beach Club, treadmill on the Dream, and then got a PR the Castaway Cay 5K!), but then...oof. I think I had one of those vacations where I was so pent-up with needing to get away that I let things get a leeetle bit out of control once I was on vacation. I pretty much ate and drank what I wanted, and then some. I continued my annual affair with jelly beans (Brachs traditional, all the way). We got back late this afternoon, and after I unpacked, started laundry, and went out for dinner, I got out for a run to get back on track. I have some serious work to do - Nike Women's Half is in less than a month (!), and I definitely have some vacation pounds to shed. Looking forward to the April thread - I need it!


Sounds like a wonderful trip!! And good luck with the half marathon training!!

Thanks for hosting Pam!

Thanks for hostessing, Pamela! :flower3: See you all on the April thread. :goodvibes

Also from me: Thanks for hosting Pam!!! And thanks to Amanda for taking up the new month!!
Okay friends.... the MARCH CHALLENGE is finally caught up. Page one has been updated with any and all weights that have been sent to me in the past week. If your number isn't correct or if you have forgotten to send it in, here is your LAST reminder!! Lots of pretty color on page one! Great job to our 100% folks ........







And our 90% folks.....




And of course EVERYONE ELSE who stuck with it through a TOUGH March month!

If you lost.... WONDERFUL JOB! :worship:

If you maintained.... WAY TO GO! :thumbsup2

If you had a gain, but NEVER GAVE UP.... WOOHOOOO!!!:cool1:

If for some reason you did give up.... COME ON BACK! We miss you! You can do it this time! I have confidence in you! We saved a spot for you in the April challenge and we would LOVE to take this journey with you! :hug:



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