WISh check-in week of 4-7


<font color=blue>The TF is busy trying to tag peop
Sep 4, 2000
Happy Monday morning WISHers!!!!! How has the week gone for you!!

Well THe happy meal promotion is FINALLY over!! I gained .5 this past week. MAking a total gain of 3 pounds over the last month. Not good but not bad considering I have been paying absolutely no attention to points what so ever!!! So as hard as it may be today I need to get back on points no excuses!!! Hold me to that please. ask me everyday what I have eaten!! I reallyy want to get back on track. I haven't even really been drinking my water!!

Ok on the excercise front I have done good I have been going to curves faithfully!! so that is not to bad!!

Let us know how everything is going WISHers!! Have a great week. Spring seeems to be popping in and out here in Pittsburgh so I am hoping to be able to get the bile out of the basement soon!!

Welcome to all the new WISHers!!

Have a great week everyone!!!

Happy WISHing
Well...I think I've hit my bottom for this go around....I have gained back 10 pounds of what I lost before going to WDW in December. I guess it's good that I haven't gained all of it back...I was down 24 so you can see I am only down 24 right now. This weekend was really hard and I was deeply miserable after eating....so today I'm hoping to get back on some sort of track. The funny thing is my clothes are NOT getting tighter...so I must be gaining it back in my feet or something :rolleyes: ROFL.

Another thing I have to get back on doing is CURVES so tonight I am starting to hit that again. I have not gone for 3 weeks - 1st week dd was sick and then we went to Boston, 2nd week I was sick and I was having a hard time breathing and I can't do much when I can't breath, 3rd week (last week) was just a very bad week and I really had no excuse not to go. I wasn't feeling totally well yet but I could breath. So I've made a commitment to myself to get 30 pounds off by the end of the summer...that's a pretty reasonable goal and hopefully I can do above that!

Good luck to everyone this week!!!! Drink Drink Drink!
Hi WISHer’s.

I am actually enjoying my nutri/system diet.

I feel like I’m a Jetson when I prepare my food packs.

I feel better/lighter every day.

I do a lot of walking and I am doing 25 sit ups a day. (it’s a start)

I lost 4 more pounds last week.

So it’s: 268-> 261-> 255-> 251

Have a GREAT week.

Let’s DO it!
I am back, no promises but I am starting a new eating plan (not going to say diet).

WISH me luck :)
I had a discouraging weigh-in this past Saturday. I gained 1.6, and I'm not sure why. I'm not giving up though. I did Tae Bo tonight for the first time in a LONG time, so that's a step in the right direction for sure. Congrats to all the losers!

99, don't feel bad. I am in a similar situation (I had lost about 21 lbs. total, now I have lost 11.4 because I gained quite a bit back), so I know how you feel. We CAN do this!!! PM me if you need any encouragement at any time. :)
I lost 0.5 pound last week. After going halfway with WW since 3/26, I've finally been totally faithful to my points since Saturday. Something has finally clicked, and I'm determined to get rid of this weight for good this time! My goal is to lose 60 pounds by the time we head to Disney at Thanksgiving. :D :D :D

December99...I'm in the same boat as you, so don't beat yourself up about it. I lost 21 pounds last July-September, but then I injured my back and gave up. I gained back 15 pounds!!! :eek: I finally had to quit thinking about where I could have been right now. This weekend I threw away all my old journals/stats/etc. and decided that I've just got to let go of everything.

Jiminy and ead79...Don't let the gains get you down! You're here and sticking with your routines. The weight will come off!

Kelsie...Good luck with your new eating plan.

Charlie...You're doing an amazing job!

Have a good week everyone! :D
my first week was a good one. lost 8.4 lbs. i hope everyone has a great week.
Wow...way to go guys!Sorry I didn't get here yesterday to posty,but I was busy with work.I'm not sure HOW much I've lost this last week,but I know I've stuck to my eating plan and workout plan.Today I even worked for FOUR hours pulling weeds in my backyard.:)
Keep it up guys.
We can do it!

I'm still stuck at 143lbs!!! Ugh! Its my own fault. We've had lots of company & we've been eating out a lot. This weekend we're going to SeaWorld; hopefully, I won't eat a lot there! Looks like half the group is doing great & half is struggling. Why do all the major holidays have candy connected to them? I do ok thru the holiday its the clearance sales that do me in!
Hey losers! :D How you doing?

Sometimes I am unable to explain how in the world the scale dropped. My weigh-in today showed a 2 pound loss for a total of 34.6 since 12/3/01. Totally mystifying.
Hi everyone,

I have barely been paying attention to points the last couple of weeks and after a 12.5 lb loss, I gained 2.5 back, not a huge amount but I basically wasted the entire month of March gaining and losing the same few pounds. I am getting my journal out right now and adding up everything I ate today and planning my meals for tomorrow. I am so frustrated because I joined over three months ago and should have lost a lot more than I have, other people that I started with have lost 20 or more pounds and have less to lose than me. But I won't give up and even if it takes me a year, I will lose this weight.

Well, congrats to everyone that lost and good luck to all!

Sorry I checked in late. I weighed myself and I am down 1 pound. A positive thing since it has been a while since I budged. Now I am going to stick to it and see if I can loose another one. These last 15 pounds are a killer. I would love to actually get a bathing suit this year that doesn't have a skirt or shorts to cover me up. Probably just wishful thinking, but still hoping.
Lets all keep trudging forward. Good luck everyone I know you guys can do it!


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