WISH Check-In Week Of December 2


<font color=blue>The TF is busy trying to tag peop
Sep 4, 2000
Can You believe it is December already!!!! It is very hard to believe!! Just about 3 weeks until Christmas!!! How did everyone do during Thanksgiving? Who went shopping oon Friday and got the great sales going on!

We went Friday And by 6:10 we were done at Wal Mart and had gotten everything on the list of things on sale!!! Then about 7 we went to JC Penny's and even managed to get the free snowglobes!!! Ok My Goal for the holidays is to maintain. I just hoped on the scale and it says I lost .5 So I guess I am doing good on the maintaining!!

Remember to keep some healthy things around to snack on while making those cookies and have a great Week everyone!!
Started LowCarbing 6/17/02. As of 11/30/02 I am down 29 pounds with lots more still to go!;) I totally pigged out on Thanksgiving and felt HORRIBLE! I will surely do better for Christmas -- and limit my carbs -- because I never want to feel that bad again! I had a generous serving of turkey and that was it for the low carb food --- then small spoons of mashed taters/gravy/corn/sweet potatoe/stuffing and then a piece of pumpkin pie to boot! For Christmas I will be going to Mom's -- BUT I will be contributing some low carb food/dessert to our meal.

Good Luck to all the WISHers during the Holiday Season!
I finally hit the 25 pound mark! I will be turning 32 next month and am going through a divorce but I feel better than I have in years!!!!! It is amazing how people look at you differently when you are not carrying around excess weight - both men & women! Even my soon-to-be ex (we are working hard to remain friends) said that he sneaked a peek at my butt the last time he saw me. :p

Good luck to all the WISHers! For me physical activity truly is the key to weight loss! Muscle tone is a very good thing. :)
Weigh today at WW. I lost 1.6 pounds which is pretty darn good considering it including Thanksgiving. I think I can do this.


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