Wk of Jan 28--WISH Walking/Running Club

I interviewed for a position last Friday and I got the call tonight that I will be receiving an offer next week :banana: :cool1: :yay:

Congratulations! How exciting.

Its cold outside and I don't want to go run. Just stopped by for a little inspiration and motivation before I head out this morning.

Have a great day everyone!

Cecilia--well, we're giving each other the motivation--it's COLD here as well--in the 20s BRRRRR!!! I'm hoping the sun will be up soon and warm it up a little. Gotta get out there, though, got somebody meeting me at the trail

Jim--That's really interesting about your Garmin. I swore last week that I had charged mine before hitting the trail. But once I got out of hte car it said low battery and shut off. Hope I'm not going to have to deal with returning it--as my dad got it for me as a gift (meaning, no reciept!)

Minnie--congrats about your new job!!!

ETA: OMG I just saw a report on the new about the LR marathon and there are around 8000 people registered (that includes the half as well) Cool! And they just released the picture of the new medals for hte marathon as well, of course they are the biggest marathon finisher's medal (about 5X4inches weighing just over a pound) and they have pink for women and blue for me! Cool! Okay, really gotta get out there!
A quick post before I get roped into Saturday chores/activities. It was nice enough to be raining this morning so the long run has been postponed until tonight. I am beginning to think the weather just doesn't want me to get the long runs in. ;) If only I could get a little faster so it doesn't take so long, I could probably squeeze it in the breaks of rain.

Well, did you get one?

I have not caught up on the posts so you may have already answered, but just in case you didn't.....we need to know.

I did go out yesterday and ordered one. It should be here within a couple of weeks. Although when we did it for Lynnda, it took a little longer than 2 weeks. :rolleyes:

Good morning!

Hoping everyone's Saturday is starting off well, and hoping all of our central Flordida team mates are safe and secure.

Been busy all week with the renovation at work. Thursday was the only day I was able to get home at a decent time and get a run in. 4 miles on the TM.

It's now "Honey DO" time. I can't wait. :rolleyes1

Y'all take care.

Cam - You should have given that doctor a knuckle sandwich. ;)

Erica - Sorry to hear of your loss.

Minnie - Congrats! :thumbsup2
Minnie - That IS great news!!!! congratulations!!!!

Stephanie - i'm going to have to check the wweb-site to see the medals!!!!! Did you see my post about the mean girls 1/2 ironman? I was serious. (you may have actually responded to it and i missed it while skiming!) The LR marathon would be fun to do just to get to go to LR and see old friends! I miss little rock often.

Mike - I've been on the bike trainer a lot this week! I'm not sure how you handle the torture!!

I think i'm not doing much aerobic today. Phil is on call this weekend and it is still pretty cold! That would leave me w/ the bike trainer or TM options as the boy would not be interested in tagging along in the cold! I did mention kayaking to our neighbors, but i'd have to give the boy something really special to get to go out in a kayak in sub-freezing temps! Maybe we'll go to the gym and swim tomorrow???? I would actually love to go and do some orienteering today b/c the snow on the ground would make it so fun. Last time i went in the snow, it was beautiful. The snow told lots of little stories about little bunnies and deer and turkey. I loved looking at the tracks and where they went (i did a terrible job orienteering that day though!!)
Good Morning Team: :surfweb:

First of all, I want to thank everyone for your well-wishes and support regarding my princess, DD9 princess:. I really appreciate it. Cam, your post especially gave me goosebumps. You described exactly how DW and I feel as far as being drained for days and yet DD9 bounces back instantly from the meltdown. I plan on sending you a PM to chat more about it. Jen, I plan on sending you a PM to chat more too. I just need to find a little more time to get my thoughts together.

Second, I wanted to send my best out to all of our team mates in Florida. I hope everyone is doing well after the tornadoes that ripped through the area. Stay safe.

OK, here's my training report. It was a balmy 10 degrees (not including any wind chill) when I headed out for my long run this morning. I did a gentle 8 miles in 1:22.48 (10:21 mpm). It felt really good. I'm working on cutting out the walking breaks, and I ran the whole way for this run without a stop (except when a car refused to move over for me). I want to see if I can do the Flying Pig Half marathon with no walk breaks. So I completed 4 days of running this week and 22.5 miles for the week, and my legs feel pretty good. So far so good!

Minnie- Congratulations on the job offer. That's fantastic news!

Cecilia- How'd your run in the cold go? Hope you found your motivation.

Stephanie- I'm excited for your marathon, and that big, honkin' medal. You have to send us a picture!

Oh, I forgot to say that I had a wierd dream last night. I was running the Disney full marathon again with Melissa and Colleen. Steve, I don't know where you were - maybe running away from the 5 hour pace group. Anyhow, I lost Melissa and Colleen in the crowd, and you were way up ahead of me. So I kept running faster and faster to catch you guys, but I couldn't find you. I was even doing 8 min miles, but I still couldn't cath you. Don't know what that means, but I thought I would share.

OK, I'll send a longer post to catch up with everyone later, but I need to shower. Have a great weekend everyone!
Jim--That's really interesting about your Garmin. I swore last week that I had charged mine before hitting the trail. But once I got out of hte car it said low battery and shut off. Hope I'm not going to have to deal with returning it--as my dad got it for me as a gift (meaning, no reciept!)

I don't believe I was ever asked for a receipt. You should be fine, just deal with Garmin direct and expect to spend a lot of time on hold.
A quick post before I get roped into Saturday chores/activities. It was nice enough to be raining this morning so the long run has been postponed until tonight. I am beginning to think the weather just doesn't want me to get the long runs in. ;) If only I could get a little faster so it doesn't take so long, I could probably squeeze it in the breaks of rain.

I did go out yesterday and ordered one. It should be here within a couple of weeks. Although when we did it for Lynnda, it took a little longer than 2 weeks. :rolleyes:


I wish you would have told me about the rain before I left the house this morning for a 10 mile run. The first 3 miles were pretty good and then the rain came. Thanks for sending it may way! :rotfl:
I miss 1 day and there is like 100000 pages to catch up on! WOW!

Cam - OUT OF CONTROL! THat is all I can say!:headache:

Dave - Drama is my DD's middle name! I understand meltdowns! Lotts of :wizard: :wizard: to you with this one!

Judy - Beautiful baby!

Does anyone have a Wii??? We do and Thursday (the snow day) we played it all day. I bowled, played tennis, and boxed and now I can barely move!:rotfl: I also jumped rope and did a power Yoga video.:confused3
Friday I had rehearsal for most of the day...burned over 600 cals dancing!:yay: :eek: :yay:
Today I did 11 miles...it was 24 when I started. I did the 1st 5 by myself (at around 8 something MPM)then sis met me for the last 6 (at around a 10 MPM). It was icy! When I met sis, she asked how far I ran...I had sweat pouring off my face...what is up with that? It was 24 degrees!
Good morning!

Yesterday was my first day on my tm in weeks....I only did 30 mins., but hopefully I'll do my full hour tomorrow. It's been freezing here....-37 wind chill factor, snowing, blowing, white out driving...ugh! The good news is that a co-worker gave me a pair of snowshoes! I can't wait to get out there and try them out:cool1:
Hi Team,

I am so sorry to hear about the tornado in FL. Glad you all checked in to say you are okay.

Carole, yes I am a walker. Tried running last year and injured myself. Turns out I really like walking. I am new here too. I kind of disappeared last year once I wasn't able to walk. I plan on doing my first half marathon this August. Welcome.

To all you teammates who head out in the cold weather :worship: . It is single digits here with windchill making it something below zero. Way to cold for me. Although, I tend to stay inside in anything less than mid 30's. I just don't like to be cold.

I got my LW of 4 miles on the treadmill today. Completed it in 65 min including warm up time. It takes me about .5 miles before I feel in my groove. After that I fluctuate between 4.0 and 4.2. Kept treadmill at .5%. Stretched for 30 minutes. It felt good, but I was ready to be done by mile 4.

Time to make lunch for the kiddos. Great day to all.
Happy Weekend Everyone!!!
Here's an entry from my journal I wanted share with you all:

Are we having a boy or a girl?!?!

Can you believe we actually told her NOT to tell us the sex at our appointment today??? :eek: Wow, that was hard. So now someone in the world knows what we're having and we don't. Kind of exciting mixed with a little bit of torture!

But we are so THANKFUL everything looks great. Baby is 18 weeks 2 days and weighs 1/2 pound. I have gained 30lbs already! :rolleyes1 Adam was most excited to see that baby has 4 heart chambers. (I guess it's a pediatric nurse worry kinda thing.) I was just really happy to see that I was indeed pregnant! Baby was really active and wouldn't stay still long enough for her to get a long recording of the heartbeat. We certainly have a little wiggle worm! :bounce: I'm so excited!!!

Kayla loved seeing the ultrasound and understood that baby was in mommy's tummy. She loved showing off the pictures we got. She is at the perfect age to get a little brother/sister. She is so interested in wanting to help. She is always thinking and talking about the baby. :cutie: Oh, and I have to brag on her a little bit. Tonight I made eggs and she cracked an egg all by herself without getting any shells in the bowl! What a big girl!!! :love:

Please keep baby in your prayers as s/he continues to grow!

Here's our little miracle!!!
Oh, and I have a question: Does anyone know when they open registration for the Disney 5k and kid's races on marathon weekend? I missed it last year because I didn't know they would fill up so fast.
Dena--How exciting!!! I can already tell that your baby will be beautiful. :cloud9: I will keep you and your baby in my prayers that he/she (I just can't call a baby "it" :) ) continues to be healthy. Congratulations!!!
Dena--Beautiful baby!!!:goodvibes I remember that 20 week ultrasound and just being in awe of what you could see--but unlike you guys, we HAD to know the sexes of both--I'm a bit of a control freak, so I needed to know!;)

Well, here's the jist of today's run. COLD!!!!!! How is it that I move AWAY from Wisconsin only to be running in Arkansas in 20 degree weather with the wind chill in the teens. Ugh! Positively, I finished the 13.1 in 2:00:24. So, not a PR but good none the less. The wind was at our back for the first half--funny that I didn't realize it until we turned around. We did our first couple of miles sub-9:00 (who did I think I was: The Evil Queen!:lmao: ) but after the turnaround those 8:50-9:05 miles turned quickly into 9:30-9:40 miles--Gotta love the wind!

Christa--great on the 11 miles! :banana:

Dave--Great LR today--10 degrees!:scared1: Who needs an ice bath after that!!;)

MelR--Yeah, I posted a few pages back about the half--definitely keeping it in my mind (I am a terrible swimmer--so we'll have to see about that) Come on down to LR--after your 50K a marathon would be nothing!;)

Okay, off to the shower I go! I already did my frigid soak and have somewhat warmed back up! Hope everyone else that had LR/Ws today had a great time, and wishing luck to those with LR/Ws tomorrow!:yay:
I am now a victim of the psychotic treadmills!

My treadmill is a secondhand - gift from a neighbor - who warned us when she gave it to us that the display sometime didn't work. Translate "doesn't ever work." That's been okay - I've been running for time, but it would be nice to have some idea of what kind of distance I'm doing instead of assuming that since I usually run 3 miles in about 40 minutes then that's what my normal morning run on the TM equates to.

A couple of weeks ago DD taped a picture of the Donald logo and medal over the display, so I haven't even looked at it lately (other than to say "good morning" to Judy, since that's whose medal she copied!). Today, on a whim, at the end of my run, I peeled the picture back, and lo and behold, the entire display was working! However, I was at 44:00 by my clock, and the display read 25:00, so apparently it didn't start until halfway through my run. The weird part is that the mileage said 3.5.

Is it possible that the mileage began at the beginning of my run and the clock didn't, or did I REALLY do 3.5 miles in 25 minutes? (And if so, how far did I really run? Today really would be a long run!) I was doing 4R/2W intervals, but the runs weren't really fast runs. The last 5 minutes were a cooldown walk (that was the last 1/2 mile - I was staring at the display by then about to fall off the darn thing!)

I think I need to break down and buy a real treadmill!

MelR--Yeah, I posted a few pages back about the half--definitely keeping it in my mind (I am a terrible swimmer--so we'll have to see about that) Come on down to LR--after your 50K a marathon would be nothing!;) :yay

Stephanie - you can be a terrible swimmer to do the mean girl's! I would actually want to pm you to tell yoou my swim time it was so bad! We had our husbands (and kids) paddle next to us in kayaks/canoes in case we got into trouble. :)
Stephanie - Oh after I tell you this, you will be glad you don't live in Wisconsin anymore.... HIGH OF MINUS 3!!!! YES NEGATIVE!!! And that isn't counting the wind chill. It just plain sucks here and is supposed to be negative all week!!!!!

So on that note... I did not run today, inside or out. I still have my head cold and currently I am at work. Maybe tomorrow I will jump on the home treadmill. I am a wimp in the cold, tho I think because these temps are normal for this time of year that I can handle the cold better than many of your southerners!!! :rotfl2:

Dena - Congrats on the healthy u/s. We didn't know the sex of either kids. It drove me nuts, but I am glad I did it that way. Tho I swear I thought my second was a boy and she turned out to be a girl - 1/2 tomboy, 1/2 princess.

Dave - just PM me whenever. Good job on the run!
Just a couple of quick replies...

Meghan: I'm sorry to hear about the events at your DD's school. I'm glad to hear she's okay and you're working through all the trauma and confusion.

Minnie: Congratulations on your new job!

RunningLilo: Great news for your family! I'm excited for you and it's delightful to hear Kayla's reactions.

As for my training, I'm still plugging away at it. Another healthy workout at the gym, mostly XT with 30 minutes on the TM. I've also discovered a previously undiscovered love for the rowing machine...can't figure it out.

It's in the negative double-digits here in ND, with a wind-chill advisory. But when I was walking into the gym, I encountered an outside runner who waved at me and kept going. Wow. Just wow. I'm in awe.


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