Won A Few Things...still Here

NewEnglandDisney said:
I can think of worse things. ;)


I know, it's a tough, but someone's go to do it! I personally was hoping to be the Maragrita tester for the day in Mexico! Oh well, my goal for my next trip!

I'm so happy to read all of the wonderful dreams that the OP and family recieved. I'm glad to see them going to someone who really could use them. Not like a family we ran into who said they couldn't wait to get home and sell their lanyards on ebay.
Congratulations!! That's so exciting, I would use all caps to if I was having that magical of a trip. I saw your from Beaver Dam, my brother just moved from there to Winnipeg ( He's in the army) He always said it was super small.. I guess its a "small world afterall..."
I am so happy for both of you! You both really deserve it! I hope your son feels better soon! :sunny: pixiedust:
SaraMc said:
Congratulations!! That's so exciting, I would use all caps to if I was having that magical of a trip. I saw your from Beaver Dam, my brother just moved from there to Winnipeg ( He's in the army) He always said it was super small.. I guess its a "small world afterall..."

There are a lot of army families around me. What street did he live on? The cap thing was by accident. I was using my son's laptop and it is always in cap mode....I didn't realize, that caps were screaming. Then again, we could scream happiness.

Tonight Jacob looked under the mat at Muppets and found the key. he got a certificate for milliom dreams...He was excited for that!

Thanks for your thoughts!

Charleyann :wave:
This is such a minor thing, but when we were at WDW in August, I think they were coming up with million dream ideas ?? We finshed riding Test Track, and as our car pulled up for us to climb out, 3 Disney officals with clipboards came over to us and asked, "Stop, do you want to ride again??" and we all yelled YES, and off we went. We were laughing and having a great time, and I thought later, maybe they were trying some things out........ My 16 yr old son was with us, in our group of 6, he has Downs, autism, orthopedic issues that have him using a wheel chair much of the time at WDW (but he can get out of chair for rides of course). I thought maybe they picked us because of Sean, but anyway it was a quick little thing that we still talk about months later.

I am so happy for you and your son. The magic couldn't happen to more deserving people.

I do see one problem for you though...he's never going to stop talking about this trip. He'll talk about it constantly and excessively...over and over and over again...morning, noon, and night...he'll never shut up...he'll just keep talking and talking and talking.


Seriously, though, God bless you and best wishes to you both.

Gosh, please don't shoot us, but we won several dreams yesterday. First of all DS was made tester for doors, metal helmets etc; at innoventions complete with white lab coats, glasses and clipboard and certificate for YOAMD. After that excitment, we headed for the racing game where you make free robots. While we started playing the dream team approached us with YOAMD landyard and pins! DS was so excited because on Halloween night at MNSSHP he got two Halloween Limited editions pins and a regular landyard with four trading pins....that started him on trading.

Well, DS got so excited he started dancing in his wheelchair, rocking that chair back and fourth laughing his heart out. The dream team was estactic. Some came to me with tears in there eyes. They were so excited for him. They said he was a reason why they enjoyed giving out these wishes! Then another dream cast member approached and gave us a third landyard for DS to share with a special friend. By that time, I was tearing too. Then they took our picture with some of the dream team. After the game, we were stopped again by another member of the dreamteam. They presented us with a cetificate of dream family and gave Ds an Exclusive Pixie Dust Collector Pin of Tinkerbell. there were two pins, he was instructed to keep one and pass the other to a deserving person and spread the magic! Then the castmember who was running the game stopped us too. She gave us a voucher for two trading pins up to fifteen dollars. she too was touched by DS excitment and joy!

Then we stepped outside, a man approached and said I saw what just happened with your son, I too want to add to his magic. He bought and gave a Jack Sparrow trading pin. He said I needed to do something too! I was speechless....couldn't believe what was happening.

Next we went to test track where we were given VIP passes upstairs in test track. We were given all the refreshment we wanted and did a tour and were able to get a breathtaking view of Epcot and beyond! We took pictures and DS was awarded with a collector car test track and another YOAMD certicficate!

Then when the ride was finished we were asked if we wanted to ride again. DS was on for that. Getting off the ride we were given a fastpass to use anytime we wanted to come back!

I still can't believe this has happened this us. I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall and for us to coming crashing down on reality. Holy cow, I can't believe we were blessed with this many dreams. DS has had many obsticles, to overcome in his short exsistence and many more to come. I've had to pinch myself to make sure I'm alive and breathing.

thank you all for listening to me and for the great tips from this board. All good things have to come to an end. Just three more days and I have to go home! Gosh, I wish I could live in Disney Dreams forever :sad2:

God Bless,

I could feel the excitement in your post! I couldn't help but smile widely while reading it. I am so happy for your son. Continue to have a great time (I am sure you will ;))!

So glad to hear about all this magic happening to a deserving little boy and his family! As an ordinary joe who didn't get nothin' last week, I have to say I think they are doing things right down there at WDW!!!
Congratulations! And type in all caps anytime you feel like it!!!!!!!


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