Would you be uncomfortable....

Would you be uncomfortable dining solo at Teppan Edo?

  • Yes

  • No

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i don't know, i think i would be a little uncomfortable, but if you can be open to it, you could possibly meet great people. you could have wonderful conversation, and not really feel like you're "alone". i would say go for it if you really want to try to eat there.
I went to a Luau by myself, and sat at a table full of honeymooners...I wasn't uncomfortable at all....everyone made me feel very welcome, and for the most part, so did the staff! I think it's all in how you portray yourself. I would do it in a heartbeat if I really wanted to try a place. I have two philosophies in life: 1) never wait for other people - if you do, you may never do what you want...2) you will never be on your death bed wishing you had worked more (meaning - try everything, and do everything that you want....don't wait for a "better" moment).
I want to try out the new Teppan Edo, but I'm not big on sharing a table with 7 strangers.

know the feeling.
Learned this from a sunday school teacher:
just remember one thing - they are more scare of you than you are of them.

believe me this is true.

lots of people who act stuck up - are shy and very scared - try talking to them about their families. You might be surprised at how friendly a stuck up person really can be.

some people are so scare of being silly or a fool - that they can't enjoy life.

make mistakes who cares, will you see these people again in your life - probably not.
I would, but I know plenty of people that would rather eat at a table with 7 strangers than at a table alone. I'm the opposite.
Well, I think I'm going to go for it. The worst that could happen is that I'll end up having to sit next to some child that ends up having a meltdown.
I would, but I know plenty of people that would rather eat at a table with 7 strangers than at a table alone.
Excellent!!!! Never thought of that. That'd be me. I've met the most interesting folks by just striking up a conversation.
i wasn't alone when i ate at teppan edo last, but we (my boyfriend and i) had a good time. we met 2 nice guys who sat next to us (who were there for a conference, i believe) and we had a good conversation with them. the other 4 people were together (they were couples in their late 20's) and they didn't really talk with us at all. as long as you are outgoing, you won't have a problem at all. go for the food, don't worry about the talking! :)
I had a solo dinner at Biergaarten and had a great time. To give you an idea of how akward it could have been...I am 26 and had dinner with three retired older adults, a 30-something mom and dad, and their two young children. We ended up having a blast! We had a lot of things in common, specifically we were all AP holders and had disney dining experience cards. We talked about our trips to WDW and what we were planning on doing for the rest of our trips.
I also say go for it. If it's a big group they'll probably be very friendly to you, and if it's a few groups, what better group dining could you ask for? Instant conversation topics with all the cooking going on! When I'm with others, I love to talk to people not my companions.
I'm going to Biergarten solo and am looking forward to itand that will be sharing a table with strangers!!
Often when my fiance is working to close at his job & I don't feel like cooking for one, I go to my local Japanese Restuarant and sit at the grill by myself. Personally, I love it. It wasn't ackward to me but then again, I learned that if you want to go somewhere and no one will go with you do it by yourself. I've gone to movies by myself & not felt ackward. I've gone to meals by myself & not felt ackward. The Japanese grill is a fun interaction with the chef and you get to meet some interesting people when you get sat with strangers.
I voted "yes"-I wasn't uncomfortable about dining solo at a shared table until my experience there. I got seated next to a teenaged girl, who obviously felt that WDW was putting her thru some kind of cruel torture seating her next to a middle aged woman solo. I work with teenagers, so I wasn't surprised at her monosyllabic, unenthusiastic responses to my questions. Unfortunately, the resturant is too loud to yell across the table to attempt to talk to others more than a seat away, and I was at the end of a table, so she was my only hope for conversation. I'm not sure which one of us was more relieved when the meal was over. And with so many people right around, I didn't feel comfortable whipping out a book to read. In retrospect, though, I probably should have just given up and done it!
My mom ate there solo two years ago and sat with a table of others. It was fine and she enjoyed herself~and this is a person who always requests single tables alone while cruising solo on ships!
I would go for it if you want to try it out. She loved the food:goodvibes


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