Wow how things have changed.

Just returned from a one day trip to AK. Genie+ is awful. After we used up our first one at 9am, we couldn't get another return time before 1pm. Luckily there are trails and the train to Rafikis, so we were able to pass the time. But for a park with only 5 rides (Kali is down, and Triceratops spin is not on Genie+) it honestly feels like a scam. And my youngest was deemed too short for FoP, so we lost the money we spent on his ILL, and my friend's kid took the chicken exit on EE, so she lost that money too. At least with FP+, since it was free, you may have had a time or opportunity cost with things like that but you didn't lose (more) money than you had already spent on your tickets. Plus now you're crisscrossing the parks more since you can't book rides in advance so that they're close together, and you're always on your phone checking wait times and trying to book your next ride. Oh - and you can't purchase individual digital photo pass photos, it's a package or nothing. The only thing I can praise is Mobile Order, which genuinely does save time, and the CMs, who were courteous as always.

But when I look at what we've enjoyed in the past that's likely gone for good - free magic bands, free dining, free magical express, and free FP+ (and yes, I know those things weren't "free" just included) I do think the magic is gone, at least for our family.
And my youngest was deemed too short for FoP, so we lost the money we spent on his ILL, and my friend's kid took the chicken exit on EE, so she lost that money too. At least with FP+, since it was free, you may have had a time or opportunity cost with things like that but you didn't lose (more) money than you had already spent on your tickets.

omg. can you just picture the meltdowns to come this summer when little Johnnie or Jane suddenly changes their mind or gets scared off a ride a parent already paid ILL for? It's hot, humid, crowded and Mom/Dad is already feeling stressed, broke and mentally unhinged.

Talk about ILL effects! :crazy2: Disney better expect to manage substantial CM turnover....because I see many quitting in disgust. Too many guests already have anger issues...they're hardly going to be kinder or more tolerant in the above situations.
omg. can you just picture the meltdowns to come this summer when little Johnnie or Jane suddenly changes their mind or gets scared off a ride a parent already paid ILL for? It's hot, humid, crowded and Mom/Dad is already feeling stressed, broke and mentally unhinged.
Hadn't thought about that as our kids are older. But, if you didn't look at the height requirements before and purchased ILL$, there will be some very unhappy guests. Though, technically, not Disneys fault as they didn't check requirements prior to purchase.
True but in the beginning I don't think that you had to pay to go into the parks. My mom remembers as a kid going to Disneyland in the late 50s and she said it was free to just had to pay for the rides. She said people would go just for dinner or whatever since you didn't have to pay to get in.

Actually, both Disneyland and Walt Disney World charged a nominal entrance fee when they opened and then separate fees for rides and some shows.

Hadn't thought about that as our kids are older. But, if you didn't look at the height requirements before and purchased ILL$, there will be some very unhappy guests. Though, technically, not Disneys fault as they didn't check requirements prior to purchase.

This gets a little tricky though. Your child's official height according to the doctor's measurements may meet the posted requirement. However, when you go to measure up against Disney's stick, it may not be exactly accurate. Since you need to buy the ride at 7am, before the park opens, it can be hard to measure it yourself. I have also heard of kids passing the height at the queue entrance but failing at the ride vehicle entrance, where there are two measurements, rare though. I have also heard of kids passing the same height requirement at one attraction but not another. Your best bet is either to not risk it if your child is close or to go to Guest Services/the blue tent, explain the situation, and ask for a refund. I bet they would refund in this situation.
omg. can you just picture the meltdowns to come this summer when little Johnnie or Jane suddenly changes their mind or gets scared off a ride a parent already paid ILL for? It's hot, humid, crowded and Mom/Dad is already feeling stressed, broke and mentally unhinged.

Talk about ILL effects! :crazy2: Disney better expect to manage substantial CM turnover....because I see many quitting in disgust. Too many guests already have anger issues...they're hardly going to be kinder or more tolerant in the above situations.

It isn’t just about kids height. There are many situations where someone pays for ILL or Genie + and won’t have a great result.

Free FP+ didn’t always work well but your expectations were tempered because it was free! Disney has created a situation where they make more money but many people will be unhappy with their experience when inevitable problems happen.
We are done with Disney with the exception of any after hour events or parties. My life is stressful enough and I go on vacation to relax. All this planning and paying for things that used to be free have done me in. We are a family of 4 who used to visit 2-3 times a year for at least a week each time.

We went to Universal last year for a week, bought annual passes and will be going back for another week starting Saturday. It was fabulous. We have not been to Disney since 2019, but will be going for the Holiday party this year. That is it. We have chosen to spend our money elsewhere that allows us to actually have a relaxing vacation.
Hadn't thought about that as our kids are older. But, if you didn't look at the height requirements before and purchased ILL$, there will be some very unhappy guests. Though, technically, not Disneys fault as they didn't check requirements prior to purchase.

I checked my son's height, but he was just right at the edge. It was a gamble, and I knew that, but I decided to err on maybe he would be tall enough and could ride, rather than risk him being tall enough and not being able to ride because I hadn't paid.
I've had the opportunity to use Genie+ twice on this trip now. One day I paid for. The other was given to me free as a guest recovery situation. Whether I paid for it or not, it is a huge fail. I'm so disappointed in Disney right now. The bloom is not only off the rose, but the rose is wilted and dying.

We will never purchase Genie+ again.

Frankly, i had trouble booking the paid lightning lanes as well. The app crashed, timed out, threw me errors and log ins constantly.

The biggest issue is the bait and switch Disney does with the return times. You click on 12:10 and then when you click to finalize your party and time they've changed it to a different time.

I'm glad other people like the system, but it is not for us.
I agree, but we don't live in a society that holds people accountable for taking personal responsibility: for themselves, their kids, their own actions or any lack of preparation/effort. Everything that goes wrong is automatically someone else's fault.

Thanks for the implication that I don't take accountability for my own choices, but I did check my son's height, and he was just at the requirement at home. I have absolutely seen kids not make the second marker after passing the first, or making it on one ride and not another, or making it the first time they ride the ride and not the second time. I prepared my child for the possibility that he might be deemed too short, and neither he nor myself had a meltdown. But not everyone wants to waste expensive park time going to guest services for refunds, so you cut your losses. Same thing for my friend, her son had ridden EE at rope drop and then wanted to go again, so she bought the ILL, then he needed the chicken exit right as they were boarding. She couldn't have predicted that change of heart, but it happens, kids are kids. But the move to a paid system means that families will perceive Genie+ not just as a cash grab, but a potential waste of money as well. The value isn't there at Disney anymore. Sadly, the suits who have made these changes won't be held accountable either, they'll be long gone when the post-pandemic demand drops and the parks are scrambling to replace their jaded former guests.
The biggest issue is the bait and switch Disney does with the return times. You click on 12:10 and then when you click to finalize your party and time they've changed it to a different time.

Yeah, that is completely unacceptable. It's freaking reservations 101. Eveyone holds the time for x mins until you complete.

This shouldn't be that had for the customer or for Disney. Boy I hope there is an express pass for next xmas. I am actually considering a split stay next xmas (once I cancel 2021) cause I love they way UO handles it. Completely stress free and you can enjoy yourself and come and go as you please - you know like a vacation should be. lol
We are done with Disney with the exception of any after hour events or parties. My life is stressful enough and I go on vacation to relax. All this planning and paying for things that used to be free have done me in. We are a family of 4 who used to visit 2-3 times a year for at least a week each time.

We went to Universal last year for a week, bought annual passes and will be going back for another week starting Saturday. It was fabulous. We have not been to Disney since 2019, but will be going for the Holiday party this year. That is it. We have chosen to spend our money elsewhere that allows us to actually have a relaxing vacation.

This is pretty much us now too. Used to go 2-3x a year and haven't been back since 2017 when we tacked a couple of days on to the end of a cruise because DH wanted to see Pandora. We've swapped over to Universal and love it! Last trip we did pop over to Disney Springs a couple of nights to get a bit of my Disney fix and we did The Void, which was a blast! We get at least two trips out of an annual pass and you can't beat getting the express pass if staying in one of their Deluxe resorts.
We are done with Disney with the exception of any after hour events or parties. My life is stressful enough and I go on vacation to relax. All this planning and paying for things that used to be free have done me in. We are a family of 4 who used to visit 2-3 times a year for at least a week each time.

We went to Universal last year for a week, bought annual passes and will be going back for another week starting Saturday. It was fabulous. We have not been to Disney since 2019, but will be going for the Holiday party this year. That is it. We have chosen to spend our money elsewhere that allows us to actually have a relaxing vacation.
I have a big family thing planned in February but I don't see us going back for some time.

I never saw Disney as relaxing at all as we never went to any of the resorts or parties or whatever, but it's just gotten too expensive for the same boring rides that we've ridden 100 times already. I mean it's always been pricey, but now it's pricey and really more of a hassle and headache than fun. Nostalgia only goes so far in this family.

Time to start watching Harry Potter and those Lego movies.
Thanks for the implication that I don't take accountability for my own choices, but I did check my son's height, and he was just at the requirement at home. I have absolutely seen kids not make the second marker after passing the first, or making it on one ride and not another, or making it the first time they ride the ride and not the second time. I prepared my child for the possibility that he might be deemed too short, and neither he nor myself had a meltdown. But not everyone wants to waste expensive park time going to guest services for refunds, so you cut your losses. Same thing for my friend, her son had ridden EE at rope drop and then wanted to go again, so she bought the ILL, then he needed the chicken exit right as they were boarding. She couldn't have predicted that change of heart, but it happens, kids are kids. But the move to a paid system means that families will perceive Genie+ not just as a cash grab, but a potential waste of money as well. The value isn't there at Disney anymore. Sadly, the suits who have made these changes won't be held accountable either, they'll be long gone when the post-pandemic demand drops and the parks are scrambling to replace their jaded former guests.

Huh? o_O Totally lost as to this "implication". I wasn't even referring to or thinking about your situation or post. I was referring to how GENIE has the potential to further ignite the powder keg of anger that WDW CMS already must deal with: the screaming and violent guest behavior, especially since covid. It was a comment about guests in general and the escalating anger felt in the parks.

Guests are already erupting over situations often of their own making, (referring to all the bad behavior seen and discussed on these boards over the years that gets blamed on CMs or others) and my point was that it's going to boil over further with Genie. Because MORE anger will result from this new system that genuinely DOES screw people over.
Hopefully that clarifies my post. If not, I tried.pixiedust:
Dang, I just feel bad that some family of ours is heading to wdw for the first time, but I know they don’t know any better.
Trams are starting to come back! Honestly I would have cancelled our 12/22 trip if they weren't back. They're a huge part of the trip to me. We drive to the parks and they start and end our day and we talk about what we're excited about and what we loved most.

I love mobile ordering, it saves time and a headache of trying to figure out in less than 5 minutes what exactly everyone's order is. Less stressful. Also remember you can bring in food still.

That being said, this may be our list trip. I am a planner and I had it down after our 12/19 trip. I am not looking to planning an all new trip. For reasons, we will not be purchasing Genie+ but my daughter and I may purchase a LL if the SB line for TOT is very long.

We will probably take different trips for a while after 12/22.
I agree, going to Disney is never truly a relaxing vacation, but where it's headed is a whole different level. We haven't been in a decade and were planning on a possible trip in 2021, but then the real world turned upside down. I've watched as WDW has changed with the park reservation system but now this new genie+ deal is a lot to have to navigate while on the vacation. It was one thing to get up and book fast passes and dining reservations for a whole week's trip six months out, but once you did was such a relief on some level. Then it was all gravy and the rest of the smaller planning could begin. With this new system and having to get up at 7am *every* day....ugh. And the park reservations....and mobile ordering. It's the *daily* stress of it....having to do that every day and not really knowing what you're going to get.

I'm sure it's been discussed, but since Disney is going in this direction....why not offer something like Genie Platinum. I would pay a lot extra for say a genie+ pass per person/per day.....daily park reservation (and ability to hop), four "anytime you want" fast passes per park/per day (includes the most popular rides), 2 dining reservations daily, and after hours event. Charge $250 extra...per person/per day. extra $1,750 for seven days...per person. It would be worth it to me to avoid having to deal with the stress of all of it. You would get a 30 minute call with a "Genie Platinum Cast Member" at the 90 day mark to book the park reservations, choose your fast pass rides, book dining reservations and the after hours event.
Just returned from a one day trip to AK. Genie+ is awful. After we used up our first one at 9am, we couldn't get another return time before 1pm. Luckily there are trails and the train to Rafikis, so we were able to pass the time. But for a park with only 5 rides (Kali is down, and Triceratops spin is not on Genie+) it honestly feels like a scam. And my youngest was deemed too short for FoP, so we lost the money we spent on his ILL, and my friend's kid took the chicken exit on EE, so she lost that money too. At least with FP+, since it was free, you may have had a time or opportunity cost with things like that but you didn't lose (more) money than you had already spent on your tickets. Plus now you're crisscrossing the parks more since you can't book rides in advance so that they're close together, and you're always on your phone checking wait times and trying to book your next ride. Oh - and you can't purchase individual digital photo pass photos, it's a package or nothing. The only thing I can praise is Mobile Order, which genuinely does save time, and the CMs, who were courteous as always.

But when I look at what we've enjoyed in the past that's likely gone for good - free magic bands, free dining, free magical express, and free FP+ (and yes, I know those things weren't "free" just included) I do think the magic is gone, at least for our family.
So no refund for daughter being too short or the chicken exit ?? What In the world. I’m sure Disney would have refunded people in the past.
I know staffing is short but we had dinner at WL tonight and the wait for a boat is insane...I'm pretty sure they are only running 1 boat from MK to WL.

I've been hearing guest complaints all week about how it wasn't like this before. They are right.


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