Wow! we could've used that...


That's my philosophy leftovers from buffets, but all other meals, "YES!" :thumbsup2

We got the free dining plan this time too, and my Mom is joining us. (She lives in Florida.) So, we didn't buy the plan for her. HOWEVER, my 6-year old never eats anything--he's such a "skeleton boy!"

So, we will either let them split his meal credit or just share meals. Because, you are right about one thing in your post--you get WAY too much food on the dining plan. With the appetizer, meal, AND dessert, you are just about ready to POP when you leave the restaurant!

(Hey, but it's so much better than carrying in crackers and water bottles!) :lmao:
One thing to add to the "should've brought" list.


Our last trip our stroller was stolen while we were on a ride.
My then 3 year old was so upset(she loved that stroller and some of her toys were in it) and refused to ride in a Disney one.

It was a huge mess! Luckily it was our last day.
Poohbear77 said:
One thing to add to the "should've brought" list.


Our last trip our stroller was stolen while we were on a ride.
My then 3 year old was so upset(she loved that stroller and some of her toys were in it) and refused to ride in a Disney one.

It was a huge mess! Luckily it was our last day.

That would make me so mad! Your own stroller is such a precious commodity on vacation. Not to mention, I could NOT do without it at the aiport!

I briefly "stole" a stroller, for about 5 minutes, during a trip last August. We came out of CRT and found what looked like our Peg Perego in the sea of strollers (the CM's moved it from its original location.) I put my son in it, and we set out to Tomorrowland. I was almost to the Tea Cups when I realized that the stroller just didn't feel right. Then, I realized someone my drink holder and souvenir bag were missing! Then, I realized it wasn't even my stoller - in fact it was in much worse condition thatn mine! I hurried back to the CRT "parking lot", found mine, and returned the other.
"I briefly "stole" a stroller, for about 5 minutes, during a trip last August. We came out of CRT and found what looked like our Peg Perego in the sea of strollers (the CM's moved it from its original location.) I put my son in it, and we set out to Tomorrowland. I was almost to the Tea Cups when I realized that the stroller just didn't feel right. Then, I realized someone my drink holder and souvenir bag were missing! Then, I realized it wasn't even my stoller - in fact it was in much worse condition thatn mine! I hurried back to the CRT "parking lot", found mine, and returned the other."

LOL :rotfl2: I say as long as you returned it it was "borrowing unknowingly" not stealing.

Ours was a Peg Perego too(they were everywhere). It truly would'nt have bothered me so much, but for some reason she was soo attached to that stroller.

As soon as we got back home we went right out and bought the same one. It cheered her right up(the little booger) And yes, the airport was not fun on the way home. Luckily, it was non-stop :thumbsup2
That is horrible! I can't believe it--well, yes, I can! :guilty:

Especially at the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH! I thought Walt built the park so THE OUTSIDE WORLD COULD NOT BE SEEN FROM THE INSIDE.....

Those darn outsiders getting in again! Shame on them! I hope they lose all their pixie dust! :sad2:
dsnyfamily said:
It's nice to know I'm not the only one to buy the cheap 79-cent ponchos in the camping section at Target. We've taken then with us on every trip but they really came in handy last year during Hurricane Wilma.

Not the only one at all. I found some at the Dollar Store (guess I overpaid) and then at Walmart for $0.84. I buy lots! Specifically, two or three per person per day. Then I throw one per person in my cargo pocket, the stroller or fanny pack each time we leave the hotel. When we are done with it (heading back to the hotel for afternoon break, etc), we toss it and just bring another one per person the next time we go out. Really, who wants to dry them off and fold them up? So I consider them the pampers of ponchos - disposable!

Regarding strollers - I was worried about theft and accidental misappropriation but knew that a bike chain would be a PITA so I decided to personalize DS's stroller. I went to the craft store and bought iron on embroidery letters and a patch that he would like. Now there is a lion on his stroller that says "Devin's Wild Ride" on the canopy and "Devin" on the seat. Could they be ripped off? Yes, but not without great effort and not without leaving a mark. In the sea of strollers who is going to want one with my kid's name on it? The theives who re-sell them don't want personalized strollers since it would be hard to sell. The a$$h01e$ who are to lazy to bring or rent a stroller for their kids so they "borrow" someone elses while they need it and then just leave it somewhere would be less likely to do so since a personalized stroller stands out like a sore thumb. And the person who accidentally takes a stroller because it looks like their own won't mistake a personalized stroller, not even for 5 minutes.

Is the personalized stroller guaranteed not to go missing? Of course not, but its less likely to go missing if nobody wants it. And I'm not worried about someone knowing my child's name. A person could just as easily hear me call his name.

Good luck to all who use strollers. Theft of one is really horrible - especially since the theives are taking from a child.
KimberlyC said:
Not the only one at all. I found some at the Dollar Store (guess I overpaid) and then at Walmart for $0.84.

I bought them at the dollar store too. But mine came in a two pack for a dollar.
For those of you with strollers I can certainly understand getting them mixed up, especially at a eating place so I would think that personalizing them would be essential. I read one thread on here where they suggested putting a specific "tag" like a brightly colored bandana or I liked the idea of truly personalizing with something like "Devin's Wild Ride". Like she said, it doesn't mean that it won't get stolen but it would be easy to spot.
The best deal I found on glow bracelets was at Michael's of all places, in the $1 bins near the registers: a tube of 15 bracelets for $1!
I just read through 18 pages and love all the great tips. :cheer2:

Here's one I don't think is mentioned. For larger people...sometimes all that walking in the parks can give you a little heat rash where the skin rubs togeter (thighs, underarms) I bring Balmex (baby diaper rash ointment) and put it on at night and by morning it feels much better.

Trying to lose more weight by my May, 2007 trip so maybe I won't have that problem this time but will bring it just in case. :confused3

I'm seeing lots of posts about 'Glow Sticks' and I have to say we have been taking our own for a while. We buy them a craft store called 'Pat Catans' they always have them by the registers but they are in a can of 100 multi color glow sticks/bracelets for about $7. Its an awesome deal! :thumbsup2
Gabkatt said:
I'm seeing lots of posts about 'Glow Sticks' and I have to say we have been taking our own for a while. We buy them a craft store called 'Pat Catans' they always have them by the registers but they are in a can of 100 multi color glow sticks/bracelets for about $7. Its an awesome deal! :thumbsup2

Glow sticks and bracelets are great, just don't let the kids over-click them. My DNiece did this and hers broke. Not only did she stain her skirt (I got it off) but she got it on her lip and it was burning her. I tried cold water, neosporin, etc but we still had to make a trip to MK first aid and she said the nurses stuff made it burn worse. More neosporin and she eventually stopped complaining. Lesson learned.
Some of these posts made me laugh so hard. Thanks I needed it after such a long day!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
BANDAIDS are #1.

I also pack chapstick with SPF since our lips seem to hurt after a long day in the parks. :Pinkbounc
Just wanted to post a quick note about the glow bracelets tube at Michael's.

After reading that post yesterday, I immediately went to our local Michael's to check it out today. Guess what? SLAP OUT!

We asked an employee, and she said those are SEASONAL items, so there is a good chance they WON'T be back in stock. However, they do receive seasonal merchandise in once or twice a month.

So, if you are going to WDW any time soon, I'd run and check your Michael's. That is an excellent price in comparison to W/M's, Party City's, and Oriental Tradings!

Yeah, that's the problem with a lot of the stuff I've been buying for our trip - SEASONAL!! I'm not kidding....last week I was at Wal-Mart and it was 105* with the heat index...they had just received a shipment of LONG UNDERWEAR!! Mister fans, sandals, bathing them now if you live in the midwest because if you look around in the stores, all you'll find is winter jackets, boots, etc. I was at Hobby Lobby the other day and they actually have CHRISTMAS stuff out already!! :sad2:
littleladykaty said:
:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

the is the grossest, funniest thing I've ever read!!! I spit diet coke out and choked a bit when I read it!!! :rotfl:

Don't mean to high jack this thread (thanks everyone for helping me pack!) but saw littleladykaty's ticker and just wanted to give her an early congrats. We are a few days after you. Maybe we'll bump into each other - We'll be the ones in the bide and groom ears and just married t-shirts. :lovestruc

Anyone ever try that "Instead" cup thing? I hated it ... leaked and was a mess!

Can anyone compare the DivaCup to Instead? Is it any better?

Thanks in advance. Im spending waaaaaay too much on Tampons now-a-days!
Just my two cents, and I'll keep it brief...

Never tried the Instead, but the Diva Cup is wonderful....used twice and little to no leaks.

Good luck!
I must have missed original thread. What is the benefit of the glow bracelet? Is this just a child's thing?


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