Xander - Wish Trip - Wish Granted - Dates TBD


Earning My Ears
Sep 11, 2010
Wooohooo! Xander has been granted a Wish!! We haven't commited to any specific location yet but we will soon and we would like it to be GKTW/Disney. From what I have heard from other wish families, this vacation is ALL about the kids. That is what I want for him. His life has been full of pain and sadness and it's time for some fun!

While we haven't nailed down the dates, I am excited to start planning for our trip. Are there sample itineraries around? I don't know how to go about figuring out where to go and what to do every day. There is so much and I know it isn't all geared toward my sons' age groups. Where can I go to find out age appropriate rides, shows, events, etc...?

Thanks in advance!

About Xander
Shortly after birth, Xander was diagnosed with the life threatening liver disease, Biliary Atresia. At 7wks old, he had surgery to try and save his native liver. Unfortunately, the surgery failed. Since the surgery was unsucessful, his only chance for survival would ultimately be a liver transplant.

Following Xander's surgery, he deteriorated pretty quickly. He was placed on the transplant waiting list at nine months of age. He was at end-stage liver disease. The day after he was listed, he was admitted to the Johns Hopkins hospital due to complications of liver disease. He remained there until 'the call' came.

Thanks to a most caring family, Xander recieved his gift of life at ten months old. His donor was a 16yr old boy. We thank God every day for Xander's angel donor and pray for his family. Their son gave our son the most beautiful gift one person can give to another. Life. We are forever grateful.

Since transplant, Xander has been in and out of the hospital but for the most part, he and his new liver are getting along famously. He is full of energy and I believe he understands how great life is. He enjoys every single second and makes the most out of each day. He has taught us what is important in life. We are so very blessed he chose us to be his Mommy, his Daddy and his brother. We wouldn't want it any other way.




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