Yellowstone in June


DIS Veteran
Sep 16, 2006
We are planning to go to Yellowstone and Tetons for the first time this upcoming June. There will be 8 of us. 2 adults and 6 children ages 1 - 16. We are planning to camp in our RV 4 nights in Canyon and 2 days in Grant. Do you think we should camp in GTNP also or is staying in Grant an alright commute to GTNP. Also, we aretrying to decide whether or not to go the 3rd or last week in June. We would really love to see lots of animals, but don't want to be too cold since we are camping (we do have heat in our RV though) and will have the little ones with us. Also, we know that there will be some crowds, but would the 3rd week be any better than the last week of June for crowds? The less the better. :thumbsup2 Is there much difference in weather between the 3rd and last week in June.

I know lots of questions :) It is just that we have never been there before and do not know what to expect.

This is one of our favorite times to go to Yellowstone! We usually plan our trip around Fathers day, so either the week leading up to or following. The thing about weather in Yellowstone in June is it's totally unpredictable. On our last trip we were there the Monday thru Friday after Fathers day and I wore everything from capris with short sleeves and sandals to my winter coat. We even saw snow fly for about 45 minutes in West Yellowstone. Didn't really stick, but still upsetting to see snow in June. The key to YNP in June, is preparedness. And don't expect perfect weather the whole trip.

Crowd wise, June will feel busy. A lot of schools are out and the international tourists will be there too. But keep in mind that July and August are worse, so be glad for that, I guess.

As far as camping goes, I've never done it in YNP. We don't have an RV and I'm to chicken to tent it in bear country. But, I will say, if you can, have a tow vehicle with you that you can tour the parks in. Unless you're in a trailer/5th wheel? It will save you a ton in gas and you will have a much easier time getting in and out of parking lots, on Dunraven Pass and other cliff hugging roads, the side roads that often have uexpected animals or amazing sights, and finding a place to pullover for animal viewing.

One more thing to remember: since you're travelling with littles, make sure you have plenty to entertain and snack on. This trip is a LOT of driving.

Good luck with your trip! We love it there.


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