Yet another Jello Response


DIS Veteran
Jan 17, 2003
Hi all. I sent WDW an email several weeks ago & April called me today. She said WDW has received MANY emails & calls regarding this & there is a meeting next week with the Executive Chefs & they will be addressing this issue which so many people feel passionately about. She explained that, if nothing else, your child currently should have a choice between the sugar-free jello & apple sauce. I explained that while I had not been to WDW this year yet & nor last year, many people on the boards have not been offered ANY choices. She said that was also going to be addressed.
Do they think that a choice between Jello and Applesauce is enough? It still comes back to the same question as to why Disney is "ONLY" providing "healthy" desserts for children instead of allowing the parents to decide what desserts our children should have. Just my opinion though.

Two choices is double what a lot of folks have been told to expect up until now, and I think it is reasonable, given how inexpensive the child meals are, though surely not ideal for everyone.
Jello is not a healthy choice. I think that they should be served it at their meeting and every day for the next 12 days (which is what I'm worried my son will be forced to do), then they may have an idea why people are upset.
Prior to the dining plan, what type of desserts did parents buy their kids?

Also did you buy a dessert for every CS and TS meal?
I've never been to disneyworld but I can make a comment here - as a DLC veteran and AP holder, I have always let my son choose a dessert if he finishes all his meal. Also, my son, when he was younger, would never have eaten chicken nuggets, hamburgers or that crappy pasta they call spaghetti. My son likes grilled fish and chicken, a salad and other healty stuff. He would never even eat a hotdog. I am not sure exactly why this happened because I love "crappy fast food", but he just won't eat it.

Also, one or two appetizers per group is sufficient. One or two desserts as well since they are not small. Sharing is wonderful so therefore the dining plan is not a big savings to us. On the other hand, I was at DCL yesterday and in New Orleans Square they have a CS where you can get gumbo served in a sourdough bread bowl. That and a small dasani water was $12.25. It was wonderful but not worth 12.25.
Prior to the dining plan, what type of desserts did parents buy their kids?

Also did you buy a dessert for every CS and TS meal?

TBH I bought the kids what they wanted and didn't get them desserts very often. DS2 ate the apple sauce stuff, yoghurt, fruit or ice cream. DS1 eats chocolate fudge cake (or any cake), ice cream or fruit.
She said WDW has received MANY emails & calls regarding this & there is a meeting next week with the Executive Chefs & they will be addressing this issue which so many people feel passionately about.

They are going to addresss it...........
She said WDW has received MANY emails & calls regarding this & there is a meeting next week with the Executive Chefs & they will be addressing this issue which so many people feel passionately about.

The are going to address it.....
I may be the minority here, but DD4 likes applesauce, plus it travels well! I usually buy a few 4 packs of applesauce and fruit cups when we stop at the grocery store in the beginning of our trip, in case DD gets hungry at off times, or doesn't eat her TS meals. We've never tried the jello, so I can't comment on that. If DD wants cake/ice cream, she can share with me (I never eat a whole piece), or we can make use of the snack credits. I don't blame people who are upset about only being offered jello for their kids, though. Maybe they can have one of those extra small sized bags of cookies as a choice.
My daughter is not a fan of we just said no thanks to the jello and she shared my dessert that I got on the dining plan. It was *so much up a few bites of my carrot cake was not the end of the world! :lmao:
My daughter is not a fan of we just said no thanks to the jello and she shared my dessert that I got on the dining plan. It was *so much up a few bites of my carrot cake was not the end of the world! :lmao:

I am not sure why others cannot follow along with your idea. This is exactly what I would do. :thumbsup2
I am not sure why others cannot follow along with your idea. This is exactly what I would do. :thumbsup2

Anyone CAN "follow along", but I have 2 problems with that.

#1 Who is Disney to offer something I consider dangerous to my child as the only option. We do not use artifical sweetners in my house. If someone wants soda there is a choice at WDW diet & regular, but there is no choice of regular & sugar-free jello.

#2 I am being charged for something I am not getting, & to me that is a waste of $. They do not only serve 1 entre, but a choice, not just 1 beverage but a choice, all we are asking for is a choice - & a healthy one at that. If I am paying for the DDP for 8 days it adds up.
My daughter is not a fan of we just said no thanks to the jello and she shared my dessert that I got on the dining plan. It was *so much up a few bites of my carrot cake was not the end of the world! :lmao:

I guess that was my point. When we went with extended family, the adults never ate all their desserts so we let the kids pick out something they liked and shared. It a week's time there was more than enough dessert to go around for kids and adults.

If the kids never eat the kid's dessert the price is still a bargain and since so many adults have complained that it is too much food and definitely too many desserts I guess I just don't see the big uproar over kid's desserts. Most kids prior to the DDP, probably very rarely even got dessert.

Many times we simply asked for fruit and they were very willing to give the kids fruit or we shared the adult dessert with the kids. Problem solved.
#1 Who is Disney to offer something I consider dangerous to my child as the only option. We do not use artifical sweetners in my house. If someone wants soda there is a choice at WDW diet & regular, but there is no choice of regular & sugar-free jello.

This is not directed at YOU, but I've seen this comment so many times on this board by the same people who are angry they couldn't get fries for their kids, or that they can't get cake or other desserts for their kids. IMO trans fats and high fructose corn syrup are MUCH more dangerous than a little artificial sweetener in some gelatin. Disney's trying to do the right thing by making meals healthier, and they're being crucified for it.

Regarding the other posts in this thread - if they would offer some no-sugar-added applesauce as a second dessert option, I would be thrilled. Why do many of you feel your kids need a sugary dessert after every meal anyway? Even McD's Happy Meals don't include dessert! I'm sure most visitors to Disney eat tons of sweet snacks during their visit - dessert at lunch and dinner is just overkill.
Anyone CAN "follow along", but I have 2 problems with that.

#1 Who is Disney to offer something I consider dangerous to my child as the only option. We do not use artifical sweetners in my house. If someone wants soda there is a choice at WDW diet & regular, but there is no choice of regular & sugar-free jello.

#2 I am being charged for something I am not getting, & to me that is a waste of $. They do not only serve 1 entre, but a choice, not just 1 beverage but a choice, all we are asking for is a choice - & a healthy one at that. If I am paying for the DDP for 8 days it adds up.

I can understand your concern about #1. However, not sure it matters much (to me) due to my feelings on number two. There are *lots of food choices offered that I don't want my child to have (or would be dangerous for said child with food allergies), it's my job as a parent to do what's best for them in any given situation.

#2...not to be snarky is a bit of stretch for me. We overpay for *most of what Disney sells. What is the total cost of 8 jello cups sold in bulk? .5 each? I am sure it was chosen with cost in mind. If they do begin offering cookies and such...perhaps they will raise the rate of the kids dining plan option to compensate far more than the .40 cent loss to the comsumer should they not take the jello cups.

There were lots of times we didn't eat four appetizers and four desserts during our stay with the dining plan. We would have exploded on site! :rotfl:
I guess that was my point. When we went with extended family, the adults never ate all their desserts so we let the kids pick out something they liked and shared. It a week's time there was more than enough dessert to go around for kids and adults.

If the kids never eat the kid's dessert the price is still a bargain and since so many adults have complained that it is too much food and definitely too many desserts I guess I just don't see the big uproar over kid's desserts. Most kids prior to the DDP, probably very rarely even got dessert.

Many times we simply asked for fruit and they were very willing to give the kids fruit or we shared the adult dessert with the kids. Problem solved.

Yes, at $10.99 for an entire days worth of food...definately a bargain in my book. We went to a local attraction this weekend and paid that for *one kids meal at lunchtime.
Anyone CAN "follow along", but I have 2 problems with that.

#1 Who is Disney to offer something I consider dangerous to my child as the only option. We do not use artifical sweetners in my house. If someone wants soda there is a choice at WDW diet & regular, but there is no choice of regular & sugar-free jello.

#2 I am being charged for something I am not getting, & to me that is a waste of $. They do not only serve 1 entre, but a choice, not just 1 beverage but a choice, all we are asking for is a choice - & a healthy one at that. If I am paying for the DDP for 8 days it adds up.

Regarding #2 I guess my view is that if the DDP doesn't work for you then don't get it. Or at least figure out what you need to do to augment the plan and see if it still works financially. You can make the argument about a lot of packaged plans including things that you don't want. I can't see how the childs plan couldn't work for someone when the price is signifigantly less than a character meal but it isn't difficult.

As for #1 I also would not want my kids to eat artificial sweetner but I don't think I would have as strong a view as you do. Places also offer lots of food, or used to, with transfat. These substances are legal and it it legit for them to offer them the same way its legit for you to not want them.

At the end of the day for some people the plan just may not work. If it doesn't then don't get it.


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