Yet another weird system problem today


DIS Veteran
Mar 24, 2009
Anyone else getting the sign in screen for DVC member, you can fill in your info but it's missing the actual Sign In button so you are just stuck on that screen? Only have Safari at home so not sure if it's all browsers.

Working a lot with IT in my job, I've got to say (not that this is a new theme here at all) that from a customer experience perspective the Disney systems are ridiculous. It's about the 4th time in the last month I can't get on or get error messages, and when I logged into dining (bypassing DVC member) to do my 180+10 split stay reservations, of course it doesn't let me do the whole trip, just the first reservation.

Just saying that heads would be rolling at my retail employer if customer issues continued at the pace I've seen them for the past 5 years at Disney.
I totally agree!! The IT situation at Disney is shameful for a company of their size. I've come to expect about a 50% success rate when dealing with their on line system. I am current on hold via phone as on-line dining would not work for me, I keep getting the "sorry for the PAWS" message.
Within the past week I have had numerous issues with the My DVC pages in particular, keep getting an error message....called and was told Google Chrome is now the preferred browser to use (I use Internet Explorer). No plans to improve access via I.E., but the Google Chrome did work a lot better when I tried it, but no explanation as to why this problem would start occurring within just the past week for me.
A good friend of mine worked on the magicband and ticket conversion years ago. He said they didn't budget hardly anything for load testing and burn-in. Hence, all the issues when they first rolled it out. (Basically, the customers get to test it for them.) The dvcmember site is just too many incompatible pieces hacked together. And, all Microsoft garbage too. C'est la vie.


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