

NOT just an ambulance driver
Apr 25, 2006
Ok, I guess this will be my "pre-trip/trip report"...but it is starting a little early.

For those of you who haven't read my ramblings lately, I'll try to give a brief "backstory"...

Me: Disney addict.....DH: Not....

I convinced (bribed) DH into buying a 100-point contract at AKV, planning on going EOY over spring break. Well, I'm frugal and figured out that we can go two out of three years, using the same AP's, if we go June/April. He was OK with that (like he had a choice:lmao:). Now, what to do with that off year? Oh, I know! Let's buy 50 points at HHI!! That's not "Disney";)! So, on January 21, I called our guide and added on 50 points at HHI. We have a Feb UY so I called the next day (when our points showed up in our account) and had them bank the 50 points from 2010. Woo Hoo!!! 100 points to play with, just like that.

We are leaving on April 1 for our FIRST TRIP to HHI...yup, bought it sight unseen...and next year, my awesome parents are treating the ENTIRE family (15 of us!) to a weeklong stay at OKW in June:banana:.

So, that leaves me with 100 HHI points and another 11 AKV points (2012 UY) that will not be used before they expire. This gives me an idea:idea:...why not use my longevity bonus from work and take a long weekend trip in October for my birthday? I did this in 2009 with my BFF, but we had to stay at Pop Century....no points:sad2:. I call up the BFF and she says, "Sure! It was fun at F&W". Well, then the tranny on her truck went out and she told me that she has to use her vacation money to get it repaired:headache:. Now what? DH doesn't want to go in October and then AGAIN in June (oh, the horror!! 2 trips in 8 months:scared1:) so I ask my DSiL.

DSiL and I have never been really close, but we started talking about wine tastings and such over Christmas. I mentioned the F&W festival to her and she said it sounds like it would be a blast. She has NEVER been to WDW before so she is really looking forward to June 2012. When BFF backed out of my birthday excursion, I casually asked DSiL if she'd be interested. I never thought she'd say yes. She told me that she'd have to sit down with my brother, go over finances, etc, etc, and I just took it to be a very polite declination.

Today was the opening of my 7 month window. I really wanted a value studio at AKV for my first two nights, but only the first night was available. I called at 8:59am ....and again at 9am when they opened...and the ONE value studio that had been available for both nights just 2 days ago, was booked for the Friday. So, I took a standard studio at Kidani instead. I'm not disappointed since it is only 5 more points.

I e-mailed my DSiL to let her know that I had booked a room and I will be booking the rest of the stay on Tuesday. I told her that I didn't need a definitive answer quite yet, but soon, because I need to start watching airfare. If I need to buy it for me and DH, I want to get two tickets at the same time. To my utter amazement, this is what showed up in my inbox...

"Kris -

Good news - DH and I worked it out and I should be able to go. I just have to check with work tomorrow to make sure the calendar is open and I can have the time off.

I will let you know as soon as I know for sure.

Yea - how exciting!!"


I almost screamed and woke up the household!

Oh my goodness....the planning I get to look forward to now:banana:. I have three options for our 1BR stay and I am hoping that one of them will be available on Tuesday....

Option #1: 1BR at BCV...a long shot since it is a Sat-Mon during F&W, but you never know...

Option #2: 1BR at BWV...again, a long-shot, but who knows?

Option #3: 1BR at SSR....probably a no-brainer. I figure this would be a nice option so that we can hop over to OKW and she can scope it out for our trip in June 2012.

And, if all else fails, I would take a 1BR standard at AKV, preferably Kidani so we don't have to share a bathroom. This is my last choice for 2 reasons: One, I've stayed at AKV three times already and I really want to try something new; and two, it would leave 7 points that would end up going to waste.

Hmmm....I actually just checked out the points for BLT and a standard 1BR would be doable...but I highly doubt it would be available. I'll add it to my list of things to check out. I love the split stays:love:...it's like two little vacations in one!

Wow....OK....this is all sinking in now....I'm so excited but it is 12:30 in the morning and I have kiddos to get up in 6 hours. I'll keep my ramblings and random thoughts and ideas to this thread. I welcome anyone to read it, but I can't vouch for it's entertainment value.
That sounds SO exciting, congrats! This will be good bonding time for you and your SiL! On that note, I might rethink having that second bathroom... you two haven't traveled together before, so you don't know each others habits well yet... Depending on how long each of you needs for showering, hair, makeup, etc, that second bathroom could be a real peacekeeper...

Let us know what you book and how it turns out!
You are off to a good start on your addonitis and the 1000 point club!!!:goodvibes
Enjoy all your trips:thumbsup2
Your post was quite fun to read and made me laugh! :laughing: How awesome that everthing seems to be falling into place for you. I am sure your trips with your DH and DSiL will be great! :cool1: Your DSiL who has never been to Disney is now going twice, after those trips she may have to convince her husband to buy some points as well. ;)

Hope it all works out for you! I wish my DH felt the same as yours (okay there are pros and cons) but I would LOVE to have a "gals only" trip every year. We have the points but DH loves WDW and always wants to come. I have suggested he do "guys only golf trip" or whatever and he will not take me up on it!:sad2: I love traveling with my DH and DD's but it is always nice to go away and only have to worry about yourself!
I hope it all works out! DH doesnt have as many vacation days as he used to, so very often, he leaves WDW before me, and I get to invite a friend for additional days.

I called MS today...

As expected, still no value studio availability, but when I asked to waitlist for our standard at Jambo (instead of Kidani), she said that there are now 2 standard studios available at Jambo! Well, let's just change that then! So we are now booked for our first two nights in a standard studio at Jambo. That's perfect because now it is a shorter walk to Mara for my zebra domes:lmao:.

I'm starting to get a little nervous though...

I'm thinking that BWV and BCV are going to be full...so do I want to try for a standard 1BR at Kidani, if that's even available? Or do I want to try out SSR? I just don't know:confused3. Since we won't have a car, I am a little concerned about SSR since I've heard that the transportation isn't always the best. I could always go for OKW to give DSiL the "full preview" of 2012...
VWL is definitely out simply do to the fact that it is too many points. BLT is mostly out because LV and MKV are both too many points.

What would your order be for a 1BR? I *think* this is my order of preference...
BWV (preferred, standard won't be available I'm sure)
AKV (assuming Kidani, but consider Jambo if Kidani is booked)

There are far worse decisions that I could be faced with right now so I shouldn't let this one bother me:cloud9:.

Oh, I have to stop looking at the points charts...I'm confusing myself! If I pick OKW for my 1BR, that would free up about 15 points. I could switch my standard studio at AKV over to a LV studio at BLT (if one is available). Then, for DSiL's first night in WDW, we could go to TOTWL and watch Wishes! What a great initiation! Ughhh....so many choices....I LOVE DVC!!

Here's hoping either the BCV, or the BWV is available for you. You want a 1 bedroom, you're right at 7 months, you may get pixie dusted!pixiedust:
It doesn't matter which resort you get, they are all beautiful. That's why DVC is so much fun. Enjoy!!!
OMG!!!! I am beside myself!!!

I called MS this morning and they HAD a BCV 1BR available. I said "GRAB IT!!"....but then I thought "well, maybe there was a 1BR standard at BWV:rolleyes1....the CM said that there was, but I'd have to give up the 1BR at BCV and risk not getting either....:headache:...

....luckily, as a paramedic, I am pretty good at making split-second decisions:cool2:....I told her to grab the BWV standard. She put me on hold for what seemed like forever:rolleyes1...I was getting worried, thinking I'd lost both of them. When she came back on, she told me she was able to "unborrow" the points she'd used to secure the BCV ressie and I was able to get the standard 1BR at BWV:banana:! SCORE!!!! Although I know that BCV is closer and more convenient to Epcot, I really like the look and feel of BWV better. It is a more "adult" environment which is exactly how I want to introduce my DSiL to Disney.

So, that freed up quite a few points. The CM moved our standard studio at Jambo over to a Savanna View at Kindani!! With the freed up points, I was also able to waitlist a LV studio at BLT:cheer2:.

If the waitlist comes through, this trip will be AWESOME!! We can do TOTWL during the first part of our trip and then enjoy BWV for F&W during the second half. The CM also noted that the 16th is my birthday and that the trip will be a first visit for my DSiL....hmmm....I might be smelling a little pixie dustpixiedust:.

I'm off now to tell my DSiL about my major score...but she won't understand it like you all do!:disrocks:
That is awesome! Congrats on scoring those awesome reservations, it is easy to tell how excited you are, I would be too! Maybe next month when I have to call at my 7 month mark I can have you sprinkle some of your pixie dust on me! ;)

Your trip will be fantasic no doubt and your DSiL is in for such a treat, she has no idea. :goodvibes
I have to explain my logic on the waitlist thing too..

On other posts, I kept saying I wasn't interested in waitlisting since I was dealing with borrowed points. Well, I'm still dealing with borrowed points, but as it played out, my current reservations are only using 106 points. I have 100 banked and current HHI points and 11 AKV points in my 2012 UY.

Next year, my parents are treating so we will not be using any of our points. I'll bank our 50 HHI points into 2013 so that we can travel to HHI that year using the banked, current and borrowed 2014 points. This was our plan when we bought the 50 point add on. That will leave us with 11 AKV points still in our 2012 UY. I don't think that banking them into 2013 will do us any good since they won't even get us one night at HHI and they can't be used until 7 months out. Since we aren't traveling to WDW again until 2014, those 11 points would go to waste. (I used my 2012 transfer to get points for our 2012 vacation so I can't even transfer them to someone).

To make a short story long, I was ideally trying to use up 111 points on this vacation. Since my current plan is only using 106, I would be letting 5 points go to waste. So, I waitlisted for the LV studio at BLT. If it comes through, I will only be letting 3 points go to waste. Either way, I'm OK with it.
I called today and added a request for an upper floor at BWV. I also had them start a waitlist for a MK view studio at BLT. I would really like to see the TOTWL and since staying at BLT is the only way to do it, I figure I need to maximize my chances.

The way it works out with my points is tricky. If my LV studio comes through, I will end up with 5 AKV points that go to waste. If the MK studio comes through, it will use up all of my borrowed AKV points (11 of them, which I want to use up) and I will need to borrow 6 of my HHI points from 2012. In order for us to take our HHI trip in 2013, I would need to bank a minimum of 35 points so the MK studio is still doable. I would prefer not to use up the HHI points, just in case there is another reallocation. I will need 135 points for 2013 and since we only own 50, I will need to maximize my banking and borrowing.

Enough with that boring junk....on with the planning stuff:cool1:...

DSiL and I got together last night for over three hours to talk Disney. We went over pictures, maps, menus, airlines....everything I could think of. She surprised me when she asked me if I would be ok with doing at least one sit-down meal per day:cloud9:. Absolutely!! She said that she can't take fast-food for every meal. I showed her some of the menus from the counter-service places, like Sunshine Seasons and Cosmic Ray's, and she said she didn't realize that it wasn't all chicken nuggets and hamburgers:laughing:. She told me to plan whatever I think is best and as long as I don't break the bank, she's on board with it:banana:.

Since we won't have kids this trip, we're planning on "skimming" the MK. We'll probably do BTMRR, Space Mountain, Pirates and Buzz Lightyear, but other than that, it will depend on the lines. Splash Mountain will be entirely weather-dependent. I am planning our MK day to be Friday, since I hear Saturday's are brutal.

Here's where I have to hop back to the dining plans. I think we'll add the DxDDP to our first two nights. *IF* we're still at Kidani, we'll eat dinner at Sanaa on our arrival night. Then, Friday morning, we'll hit MK at rope drop, eat the latest possible "breakfast" at 1900 PF and hop back to the MK if we missed anything. Then, we'll toodle over to Epcot for a bit before dinner. We'd like to do the luau for dinner and I'm going to try for the 8pm show. That should give us either ample time at the MK, or at least a "teaser" of Epcot.

Saturday morning...no ideas yet for meals, but it will be our AK day. Since it is also our resort switching day, I'm thinking that we'll hit the AK early and make a dinner reservation for Boma around 5pm or so. That will give us time to go back to a park (not the AK) or just back to the BWV for some "adult" entertainment.

With those 4 meals using up 5 of our 6 credits, our OOP cost would only be $3 less than the DxDDP:teacher:....and that does not include 4 snacks, the mug AND another meal! I'm thinking that we might "waste" a meal and get a CS meal to go and bring it to the room for later in the trip.

That's my "working plan" so far. It will all go to crap when the park hours and show schedules are released. Of course, that happens at the same time the 180-day ADR window opens:headache: so I'll have to plan fast.
I see I've been a little slacking in my Pre-Trip Reporting...I have an excuse! I took a full 8 days off to go to HHI!:goodvibes

Now that I am back from vacation and into reality, I am back to planning my birthday trip.

So far, no waitlist success, but there is still plenty of time. If I have to stay in a savanna-view studio at Kidani, I suppose I can live with it;).

Today, I added the DxDDP to our first two nights. I've altered our dining plan since I have to make ADR's on Saturday. Here's the plan so far....subject to constant tinkering, of course:tinker:.

Thursday (arrival day)... Grab a quick snack at AKV or DHS before the 8pm showing of Fantasmic. IMMEDIATELY after Fantasmic (I'm going to try to get a seat near the back), head straight back to AKV and *try* to get a walk-up at Jiko. I don't want to make a reservation on the chance that we are delayed and won't make it there by 9:45pm. If we cannot get in at Jiko, we'll grab a CS meal at Mara.

Friday: Breakfast at Boma, hopefully around 7:45am, followed by a day at the AK park. After the park, we'll take the bus to OKW and eat dinner at Olivia's. The purpose of this meal is to show DSiL the OKW resort since that is where the entire family will be staying in 2012.

Saturday: I'm planning on booking a "brunch" at Akershus, hoping for the last breakfast seating available. If we are able to get our walk-up at Jiko on Thursday, then I will cancel Akershus. Otherwise, this will be DSiL's introduction to character dining. We'll play around in Epcot for a while and then head over to BWV to check in. Then, it's just a leisurely stroll through Epcot to the monorail to the TTS. From there, we'll walk over to the Poly and take in the 8pm luau. The MK is open until 10pm that night so I'm hoping to catch the monorail from the Poly to the MK and then hop the bus to BWV.

I still want to pick a TS restaurant for my birthday dinner on Sunday. I'm tossing around Artist Point, Yachtsman, LeCellier, Sanaa and Via Napoli. I do NOT want a character experience, but I don't like getting too dressed up for dinner either. I've eaten at some of the signature restaurants before the dress code was introduced. What I consider "dressed up" is still fairly casual. Would I be OK in a polo shirt and khaki shorts? I've been to Disney enough to know that pretty much anything is acceptable to be worn in public:scared1:, but I have not actually been to a Disney establishment that has a published dress code.

I'll probably try for a TS meal on Monday as well. I might get adventurous and just call and see what is available for the day on that morning. Since we are not on a DP (but we will have the TiW card) we won't be out anything if we have to eat CS meals. I think "winging it" might be fun since it might get me to try a restaurant I wouldn't normally consider.

That's it for this installment....stay tuned for more!:surfweb:
I got up at 5:45am today in order to make our ADR's:surfweb:.

Here's what I got...

Thursday: Jiko at 9:45pm I'm planning on sitting in the back at the 8pm showing of Fantasmic so that we can make a quick exit. (My dad suggested leaving a little early:scared1:...WHAT?! The end is the best part....apparently, my dad has "some imagination, huh?":smickey:) If the line for the bus is too long, I think we might grab a cab back to AKV.

Friday: Breakfast at Boma at 7:45am, then heading to AK for the day. Dinner is at 5:20pm at Sanaa. After dinner, we may head over to the Boardwalk for some night time entertainment.

Saturday: Epcot day in the morning (we'll probably grab breakfast in France). Around 3, we'll pop in to the BWV to check in to our 1BR. Hopefully the room will be ready. Then, back to Epcot to catch the monorail to the TTC. We're doing the Polynesian Luau at 8pm to cap off our night.

Sunday: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! So, we'll either do MK or DHS in the morning (probably DHS) and I got us LeCellier for dinner at 5:50pm. We'll close out the night at Epcot.

Monday: Not sure where we'll start the day....but we'll break for lunch at noon for a 1pm lunch at Olivia's. After lunch, we'll be closing out our vacation at the Magic Kingdom. There is a MSEP that night and evening EMH so that will be a great "farewell" for us.

Tuesday: Our flight leaves at 2:30pm so I am planning on an 11:30 DME pick up. I booked breakfast at Kouzzina at 10am. Hopefully, that will give us enough time. I will do RAC before breakfast so we should be able to go straight from breakfast to DME.

Now, I'm off to figure out a ballpark figure to give to DSiL to budget for food. I initially told her I budget about $400 which includes meals, snacks and alcohol. Now that I have some restaurants booked, I can get her a more accurate total. Thursday, Friday and Saturday's table-service meals will all be included in our DxDDP ($160) so that leaves about $240 to cover the rest. I'll have the TiW card and we'll probably eat light at LeCellier and Olivia's.
I must stop messing around with my reservations:rotfl2:. After looking at my dining plan, I decided that I should probably stick with AKV for our first two nights. So, I changed my waitlists to a LV studio at BLT and a concierge studio at AKV. The MK view studio would have borrowed points that I would have preferred to leave alone. If the concierge WL comes through, it will use the exact amount of points that I want to use, but I'm really not holding my breath. I opted for the 7-day waitlist because if it comes through, it wouldn't mess up our DME or dining plans.


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