Yo ho: Pirate makeover coming to Magic Kingdom in June: Updated with the prices

Thanks there chief. :thumbsup2 I'm happy I have your approval to rant'n'rave, though truth be known you threw the first condescending jabs at Mouseoholic didn't you? Come on, admit it. ;)

Further it was you, the now admitted fanboy, who threw out the ever so clever and never seen before chide of "why do we even go to..." if we hate it so much gem. That's a good one that only someone who has no understanding of Disney history would dare utter. Maybe some of us LOVE Disney for what we remember, for what it once stood for, for the sheer quality of product. Is it so wrong for us to stick up for that, to rail against schlock like this makeover crap? I agree you have your right to fawn over the plastic, well advertised, all PR Disney if you want to but don't talk down to us for it.

Remember, you started this little disagreement, not me.popcorn::

Nice one Sparky! I assume you are reffering to the "nevermind Mouse" comment, that's the only thing I see that maybe comes close to "talking down". Which it wasn't, i was just making an observation on some of his recent posts that tend to be anti Disney. You know what's worse than a fanboy? a puritist. Someone who cannot accept change and must have something the way they want or else it's all about fail. The Disney that was is still there. It's just wearing a new coat. the core of what was never left, just a different coating. i used to like McDonalds, but I don't anymore because the menu changed. I don't go to Ronald's fansite and whine because they took away my Reeses McFlurry, why? Because it doesn't do any good.
Whining about "I want Disney back to when it was like this" on a fansite THEN assume people are ignorant and blind because they don't neccessarily agree with you won't do any good either, except make for some entertaining debate. You're preaching in the wrong church. Got complaints? Take it to the man or mouse.
This deserves a response of its own ... well,:lmao:no it doesn't. But boy am I glad I don't live in your self absorbed world of "rationality" and "reality" ... It must be very lonely in your head.:eek:

It's a quote from a movie. It's not mine, but I thought it fitting..
What movie? I hate to miss those references (I genuinely enjoy them) and I obviously did this time.
Well I remember how my dad said he enjoyed playing cowboys and indians when he was growing up. They would even dress the part. It was all fun make believe. So do little boys not want to dress up anymore? I think they do. Where else but at Disney is it more acceptable for kids to dress up and pretend? So many kids have their lives scheduled for them that they don't get to do the whole make believe thing. So I am glad that they are opening the pirate place. My daughter did the BBB, she chose the castle package and to this day she talks about it. She said it was nice to have someone do her makeup and hair, dress up in a pretty costume and have a picture session. Was it cheap? No. In the end am I glad that I paid for it? Yes. On our next trip our son will be old enough and if he wants to dress up as a pirate at MK, then we will let him do it.

When I visit WDW, I go knowing that things are not cheap. But I am not going to moan and complain about it because to me that would ruin my vacation.
It was Billy Madison towards the end during the quiz bowl segment.
It was Billy Madison towards the end during the quiz bowl segment.

To the subject, we can go back and forth and no one is right or wrong because it's all perspective and timing. I'm passionate about my Disney memories which is why I go crazy sometimes but I do understand that today's families are making their own memories just as I made mine. I feel my time was 'better Disney' but yopu know what? There is a large group that thought my time was crap and theirs was better as well. Ah well...

All in fun on my part.:wizard:
thank you for your post!

children as young as 17 months do remember!

the first time we took my grandaughter we thought she would be too young and went anyway because we did not want to wait any longer because my grandson was soon going to be too old for his first visit.;)

to make a long story short, she is 8 yrs old now and still remembers her first breakfast with mickey (that may have been the clincher) and could tell her father, who was not with us, exactly how to get to the castle, and all the little kid rides behind it. she has been in love with wdw since that age. we were amazed that 6 months after that first trip when she saw a box that said walt disney on the outside (no pictures) she immediatly started yelling mickey mouse, mickey mouse.:yay:

so i try to take my grandchildren as often as possible. my grandson is 16 now and does not talk about disney to his high school friends too much because their family's do not seem to understand (and maybe have not been able to afford) the joy of disney. -----but he loves it as much as the rest of us and is always asking when we are going back. we are dvc owners now and the children feel at home at disney.:goodvibes it is absolutely the most perfect place for a family vacation and i don't mind paying for the memories that a grandmother wants and that my daughter and grandchildren will also cherish.pixiedust:

i will someday be too old to make that trip and hope that i will have given my family a big bunch of beautiful memories to carry with them after i am gone.:thumbsup2
This will provide serious competition to the Simpsons ride, Manta, Rip Rockitt n ride and Harry Potter land :rotfl:
I am glad my grandson's finally get a "boy" thing to do! We have done the haircuts at the barber shop. He liked it. We took my niece to the BBB and my 4 year old grandson wanted to do something so much. We found he could get the cool dude, he did and loved it. The problem was he knew my niece got an outfit, her hair done and pictures. He didn't! This will be perfect!! 4 out of the 6 children going this year will be pirates for a while anyway! Enjoy your youth, all too soon you are grown!!!!!
wow.. Thats a bit pricey, but it will be interesting to see how everyone looks coming out of it
Our family is very excited about this! We don't usually spend money like that on a vacation . . . but when we are in Disney, just about anything goes. We have two years between each visit, so we have all that time to save up money so our kids can have basically anything they want. Is this Pirate makeover right for everyone? No. Is everyone going to think it is worth it money wise? No. But is it a good thing that Disney is gearing something new towards boys (and some girls)? Definately.

And I just have to ask why the real life Pirate problems were brought up. I'm not sure about others, but my children don't know anything about that, so how does the Disney Pirate makeover have anything to do with those other real life ones? I'm sure the children getting the makeover will be thinking more along the lines of Captain Jack.
i can not understand why anyone would associate a disney fun event, in the magic kingdom no less, with something going on in the world that is unpleasant. would that person want the mk to shut down pirates of the carr. also?:confused:

i am so pleased that they have something that the boys will enjoy!:worship: i am a woman and i will enjoy it myself too. i can not wait! i am going to make resv. for the full treatment for my grandson and the smaller treatment for my daughter, granddaughter and myself.pirate: we all went to mnsshp as pirates one year and it was fun.
I don't understand the vehemence against this either. If you don't like it, that's one thing and is ok. But to actively HATE it, makes no sense (at least in my mind) at all.

Who exactly does this hurt? There is a market for this and why is it so wrong?

For those who want to take their children there, please know that not everyone thinks you are evil or wrong to do so. Enjoy and have fun!
I don't understand the vehemence against this either. If you don't like it, that's one thing and is ok. But to actively HATE it, makes no sense (at least in my mind) at all.

Who exactly does this hurt? There is a market for this and why is it so wrong?

For those who want to take their children there, please know that not everyone thinks you are evil or wrong to do so. Enjoy and have fun!

Really? You can't understand that some of us consider this a form of obvious and tasteless brand exploitation? I mean, you can't even see this possibility? ... I fully understand how people like/love this stuff. I disagree with the premise and am happy that I personally never was drawn to it but I do, at least, understand the other side of the argument and see how people get pleasure from it. But it doesn't change the fact that I (personally) see it as schlock.
Really? You can't understand that some of us consider this a form of obvious and tasteless brand exploitation? I mean, you can't even see this possibility? ... I fully understand how people like/love this stuff. I disagree with the premise and am happy that I personally never was drawn to it but I do, at least, understand the other side of the argument and see how people get pleasure from it. But it doesn't change the fact that I (personally) see it as schlock.

Yep, really. I don't get it. If you don't like it, fine. No worries. But the hatred seems a bit over the top to me. JMHO.
This will provide serious competition to the Simpsons ride, Manta, Rip Rockitt n ride and Harry Potter land :rotfl:

Ok, I get this now....hahaha.

I just watched the you tube video for Manta - DH and a couple of our DVC friends are planning half of our next vacation at US and SW. I will be steadfast in the gift shop or standing in as trip photographer but I can't wait to watch them when they come off the rides.
if you think this is obvious brand exploitation, what do you think mickey mouse is or disney? come on. are you on this dish because you enjoy disney or just for the fun of argument?:confused3

also, why do you call yourself peter pirate 2?:confused:

the hatred thing may not be you but another disser. but people seem to use words that carry very strong emotion where they do not belong. i try not to ever use the word "hate" unless it refers to the terrorist that destroyed new york on 9-11.:sad1:

disney is for fun!!!!!!:goodvibes

have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup2
if you think this is obvious brand exploitation, what do you think mickey mouse is or disney? come on. are you on this dish because you enjoy disney or just for the fun of argument?:confused3

also, why do you call yourself peter pirate 2?:confused:

the hatred thing may not be you but another disser. but people seem to use words that carry very strong emotion where they do not belong. i try not to ever use the word "hate" unless it refers to the terrorist that destroyed new york on 9-11.:sad1:

disney is for fun!!!!!!:goodvibes

have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup2

It's all fun!:goodvibes Whether I like the Pirates or Princess treatments is irrelevent. IMO.:wizard:

I admit I use a lot of hyperbole which oft times seems more harsh than perhaps the ironic or sarcastic tone in which I meant it but it's never out of hate...Geez, it's just Disney.

As for the exploitation, yes MM is the main mouse when it comes to exploitation BUT there was also a lot of creativity and imagination involved in getting MM to that point. I just don't view these makeovers in that same light. Seems like just a money grab to me and if you're OK with that, that's fine, but I'm not and that should be fine too. I like my Disney entertainment to be a bit better than average schlock which I personally consider this (and not Mickey Mouse) to be, but again to each their own.

I'm Peter Pirate 2 because back in the annals of the DIS the original Peter pirate got lost in a password snafu and was never able to be retrieved ... I was also Captain Crook for a time (which makes sense now, right?).
Wow, some seriously angry people around here. :mad:

About a year ago I seriously objectified my Goddaughter for her 9th birthday, and poor misguided dupe that she is, the BBB experience was one of her happiest memories. She can't stop talking about it (don't worry, I'm sure she'll become appropriately cynical and dismissive when she hits her teenage years, and a good therapist will help her deal with the memory of her exploitation at the hands of the soulless Disney Corporation). :sad1:

I'm taking her 7 year old brother this December, and the poor naive waif was jealous of the experience his sister got (if not the dress & make-up). When I read about this experience, I mentioned it to his mother and asked if he'd like it (Mom's just as shallow and susceptible to crass commercialism as I am). She asked him and he lost his mind, he was so excited. So yet another child objectified and exploited. I'm so proud. :cool2:
Wow, some seriously angry people around here. :mad:

About a year ago I seriously objectified my Goddaughter for her 9th birthday, and poor misguided dupe that she is, the BBB experience was one of her happiest memories. She can't stop talking about it (don't worry, I'm sure she'll become appropriately cynical and dismissive when she hits her teenage years, and a good therapist will help her deal with the memory of her exploitation at the hands of the soulless Disney Corporation). :sad1:

I'm taking her 7 year old brother this December, and the poor naive waif was jealous of the experience his sister got (if not the dress & make-up). When I read about this experience, I mentioned it to his mother and asked if he'd like it (Mom's just as shallow and susceptible to crass commercialism as I am). She asked him and he lost his mind, he was so excited. So yet another child objectified and exploited. I'm so proud. :cool2:

My sister's college level feminist class mutilated barbies as a sort of protest (more complicated than that I know, but for simplicity's sake...) of the objectifcation of women and unrealistic expectations of beauty and body image. There are a lot of angry people out there :rolleyes:. I'm sure your godchildren will be okay once they get into college and mutilate dolls ;).


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