You are NOT 5 Until You Eat Cake in the Castle *UPDATE 9-2-14 *COMPLETE

We scheduled two non park days into our upcoming trip. I figure if we change our mind maybe they will just be more laid back park days. Looks like a great plan for your upcoming trip.
We scheduled two non park days into our upcoming trip. I figure if we change our mind maybe they will just be more laid back park days. Looks like a great plan for your upcoming trip.

That's kind of my plan to. I kind of expect we will end up in a park at some point - esp DH and the big kids while Cassie and I are at the Tea. But then again, maybe not. We love WL so much and it will be nice to have some "planned time" to just enjoy it!
We had another movie night tonight. In the past we've done one maybe once a month leading up to our trip, but this time we are all so darn excited and ready to go that we've been doing one once a week!

I try and alternate "big nights" where I have some themed food and activities, with smaller nights where we just watch the movie.

E.g - our first one was Honey I Shrunk the Kids. We had mini everything - mini tacos, mini corndogs, mini tater-tots etc. We made shrinky-dinks and had a blast.

Then the next week we watched Saving Mr. Banks - we didn't do anything special other than watch the movie.

Then came Mulan - SO much fun - I posted some pics in an earlier post, so I won't bore you with them again.

Then last week it was The Rescuers - nothing special just movie time.

You get the idea now.

So this week was Aladdin. We had K-bobs, Genie's beans (the magical fruit :rotfl2:), Gold coins (corn) and Abu's Monkey Bread. We played find the magic lamp, like Aladdin had to do in the Cave of Wonders. It was so fun. It's really neat to re-watch some of the movies we haven't seen in a while - some that we've never seen. Really gets us excited!! :cool1:

Next week is: The Great Mouse Detective! I am so looking forward to this one. The last time I saw it was when I was about 6-7 years old - in the theater!
This is amazing! Where did you get those glass slippers? The look on her face is priceless!
That's kind of my plan to. I kind of expect we will end up in a park at some point - esp DH and the big kids while Cassie and I are at the Tea. But then again, maybe not. We love WL so much and it will be nice to have some "planned time" to just enjoy it!
Showed our Cassidy the story of your Cassidy and how she is doing better. She is so glad that she is feeling much much better and that she finally got cake because according to her "Cassidy's love cake" I hope you have a lovely mommy daughter tea with both girls!
This is amazing! Where did you get those glass slippers? The look on her face is priceless!

For these glass slippers, I actually ordered them ahead of time from They have a few different packages to choose from or you can order items by themselves. I know you can also buy them at a few different places in Disney World. One place for sure is the crystal/watch shop on Main Street. I believe they have 2 different sizes (maybe 3).

I wanted to order from the special events place because I wanted them delivered during dinner. I also wanted them engraved. The size I bought was $60 each - engraved. Worth EVERY penny.

And thanks for reading along, let me know if you have any more questions :goodvibes
Showed our Cassidy the story of your Cassidy and how she is doing better. She is so glad that she is feeling much much better and that she finally got cake because according to her "Cassidy's love cake" I hope you have a lovely mommy daughter tea with both girls!

Awwww that is so sweet :goodvibes I am still touched at how many people really followed her story and are glad she's doing so much better! And I love the idea of a Love Cake! So appropriate. And I still cannot get over that you have a Cassidy born around the exact same time! SO neat! We may have to get your mailing address and send her a birthday card from Disney! lol

And that tea cannot get here soon enough. It's been a crazy few weeks with end of school testing and activities. And the next few don't look any better. Bring on the summer and then Disney World!!
Just wanted to stop in and say that I'm following along and subbing. I just started so I'll have some catching up to do, but I'm glad to hear that your Cassidy is doing well and I completely understand the purpose of the trip too. Being sick or having a sick family member is hard on a family and even when they're better, you just sometimes need a way to have time without even thinking about it, so good for you :)
Day 10:

Finally another EPCOT day. We plan on spending more time touring the countries today. Maybe eating lunch by getting our favorites from around the world. I know DH loves the fish and chips. The girls and I love the ham and cheese from France and Wyatt loves Nachos from Mexico. Unfortunately, I don’t think these countries could be anymore spread out if we tried, but oh well. :lmao:

I’m sure we’ll head back to swim at some point and cool off. September is so brutal.

This day has another undecided evening. I currently have a BOG for 8:55pm, but only for 3 people. I think I will just try and get a FP lunch as we get closer. I’m thinking this won’t be a problem in Sept, as I was able to get one for March only a few weeks out (that we never used).

If we do keep this reservation, I’m thinking Daddy and the girls will go, while Wyatt and I head somewhere on a “date”. Wyatt and I will either head back to EPCOT for some country snacking or else to DTD for Earl’s and Ghiardelli. YUM!

Day 11:

DHS is on the plan for today. I have a lunch reservation for Sci Fi at 1:25 for all of us. DH, Cassie and I have never eaten here. The big kids ate here with Nana and Papa last year after we left to bring Cassidy home for her surgery. The thought the food was OK, but really loved the atmosphere. It’s right up our alley and DH really wants to try it. So I think we will! :thumbsup2

Again, I ‘m sure we will take an afternoon break at the pool.

Then I have the evening marked down for EPCOT, if we haven’t gotten our fill yet. Sheesh, we don’t get to EPCOT until day 6, then I must feel the need to make up for it! :lmao: So this evening may or may not be up in the air. If not EPCOT, then probably MK. We always seem to end up in MK in the evenings. It’s just so convenient to hop on the boat from the WL.

Day 12:

Gasp, our last day. These trips always seem so short when I am planning them. It always gives me anxiety. The days just seem so short. :rotfl2: I think this every year.

Today is another special day. It will be September 17th. One year since Cassidy’s surgery. We plan on doing something special this day, though I’m not sure what yet. It will kind of depend on what we have left to do that we haven’t gotten to. I really would love to do another Castle dinner, but just am having a hard time coughing up the dough for it. It’s not the money itself, but the principle. That is just a lot of money for one dinner.

Other options include dinner at WCC – we LOVE this restaurant and if we haven’t eaten there by now, that is a very good possibility. Another option would be to see if we can get our BOG lunch for this day.

Our last day is usually spent hitting all of the last minute “must do’s” One more ride on Everest, one more trip to DTD etc.

Day 13:

This day is very much up in the air. DH has to be back to MSP for a meeting by 2pm. That is early for the rest of us – :scared1:

So then my brain got to thinking…maybe the kids and I should stay later and take a later flight home. Then DH can take an early flight, while the kids and I sleep in and pack etc.

DH’s meeting (it’s a monthly thing) lasts from Thursday at 2pm until Friday at 3ish or so (obviously not that whole time, but you get what I’m saying). So then my brain REALLY got to thinking….why don’t the kids and I spend another night down in FL and come home in time for DH to pick us up at the airport after he’s done on Fri.

We already have our points rented with us leaving on Thurs, so the kids and I would have to find somewhere else to stay – which could be exciting.

HOWEVER, DH is not on board with this plan yet. :rotfl: But in my mind he does not have a good reason why. He just doesn’t want to drive back down to the airport after his meeting. The suburb where his meeting is, is on the wayyyyy NW side of MSP and the airport is on the pretty far SE side. Sooooo, he’s thinking that he’ll just want to be getting home on Fri, not traipsing back down to the airport to pick us up. *boo.

So…we’ll see who wins this battle…..;) Because the kids and I do NOT want to sit in a hotel from Thursday afternoon, until Friday afternoon. *ugh. We are also looking at the option of driving down to MSP separately and leaving one car at his company. That just does not sound like as much fun though!

*IF the kids and I do get to stay, we’d like to try AOA possibly or else a regular room at WL. It just kind of depends on how much money I can save until then! We’d also maybe try a waterpark. The big kids have been to both with Nana and Papa, but Cassidy and I have never been. She’s either been too little for me to want to take her or sick.

Thus concludes our trip. I know that I will change these plans many times over, but the bones of them should stick for the most part. I’m at that goofy stage in my planning. Kind of right in the middle – the 180 day mark has come and gone along with that excitement, but the FP windows aren’t here. So we’re just focusing on being excited for the trip – and that we are! :thumbsup2
Just wanted to stop in and say that I'm following along and subbing. I just started so I'll have some catching up to do, but I'm glad to hear that your Cassidy is doing well and I completely understand the purpose of the trip too. Being sick or having a sick family member is hard on a family and even when they're better, you just sometimes need a way to have time without even thinking about it, so good for you :)

Thanks for following along - I'm so glad to have some readers - it's so much fun :goodvibes

I'm so glad to have the DIS to have people who understand Disney trips and the need for them :lmao: I don't think even WE realized how much we needed this last trip. I also don't think we really understood how much stress we were under when she was sick and recovering. It all just happened so fast and the diagnosis was better than we thought, so it just seemed like we should be happy and grateful.

This trip was just what we needed as a family to enjoy each other and get some time to decompress. It did wonders for us. Again, I don't think I even realized how much stress this caused each of us - including the big kids. I really think that mentally, Cassidy was the one of us who was the best off in this regards! :lmao:

Again, thanks for following along - I still have so many fun things to post about.
Following on from my last post in your previous trip report - just read through this so far and am so glad that everything went so well on this trip - and really does look like CRT was a fantastic experience for everyone!

I want to know what happened with the Snow White dress!
Following on from my last post in your previous trip report - just read through this so far and am so glad that everything went so well on this trip - and really does look like CRT was a fantastic experience for everyone!

I want to know what happened with the Snow White dress!

Glad you are here - and Wow - that was a roundabout way that you found my last trip report! Crazy what internet searches will generate sometimes.

I'm hoping to get an update up soon - it's our city-wide rummage sale this weekend and I'm going crazy trying to get ready for it. Gotta earn that Disney money, you know!
Just found this report! Haven't had much Dising time lately so I didn't know you'd started your report. Subbing and coming back to read all about it!
Love your trip report and your kids are so cute! But I must know, are you guys big fans of the old West or are your kids' names just coincidence? Because the first thing I think of when I see them is - Wyatt Earp, Annie Oakley, and Butch Cassidy. :)
Just found this report! Haven't had much Dising time lately so I didn't know you'd started your report. Subbing and coming back to read all about it!

Glad you are here! I'll give you time to catch up reading before I post another update....:lmao: That's the excuse I'll use anyway. My big garage sale is finally over. Made enough to finally pay for our airline tickets - so as soon as SW drops to where I feel comfortable buying then I will have the money. Yay!

On the serious side, I should get one up by Mon night at the latest. Can't wait to post pics of Annie in her dress :goodvibes
Love your trip report and your kids are so cute! But I must know, are you guys big fans of the old West or are your kids' names just coincidence? Because the first thing I think of when I see them is - Wyatt Earp, Annie Oakley, and Butch Cassidy. :)

Thanks for reading. And I'm not really sure if we were/are fans of the Old West or not - the names just kind of happened.

I actually fell in love with the name Wyatt from the movie Pure Country. George Strait's name in the movie is Wyatt (his stage name is Dusty, but his real name if you pay attention is Wyatt). I also liked the Wyatt Earp connection - in fact, my DH wanted his middle name to be Earp (I *think* he was kidding :confused3 - lol)

Then Annie is actually named after Annie in the movie Father of the Bride, which is my fave movie of all time. I guess at that point I did notice the connection, and thought it was cool. But she is definitely not named after Annie Oakley.

Then my poor Cassidy had about 6 names before she was born - She was Maggie for about 3 solid months. We only changed because my husband wouldn't budge on the middle name (Marjorie) after his mother. I felt that Maggie was already a tribute to his mother as it *can be a nickname for Marjorie and I really didn't like Maggie Marjorie.

Then she was Elizabeth for another few weeks, but I really didn't like the nickname Lizzy, which is what he kept calling her (nothing against the nickname, just a bad association)

Then for a few crazy hormone induced weeks she was Imogen - Idgy (from Fried Green Tomatoes) for short.

FINALLY, I found the name Cassidy and it just stuck. We did notice the connection at that point, but didn't really care - lol. Hoppalong Cassidy is the connection I prefer rather than BUTCH though :rotfl:

So I apologize for the hugely long reply, but now you have the whole story!
Thanks for reading. And I'm not really sure if we were/are fans of the Old West or not - the names just kind of happened.

I actually fell in love with the name Wyatt from the movie Pure Country. George Strait's name in the movie is Wyatt (his stage name is Dusty, but his real name if you pay attention is Wyatt). I also liked the Wyatt Earp connection - in fact, my DH wanted his middle name to be Earp (I *think* he was kidding :confused3 - lol)

Then Annie is actually named after Annie in the movie Father of the Bride, which is my fave movie of all time. I guess at that point I did notice the connection, and thought it was cool. But she is definitely not named after Annie Oakley.

Then my poor Cassidy had about 6 names before she was born - She was Maggie for about 3 solid months. We only changed because my husband wouldn't budge on the middle name (Marjorie) after his mother. I felt that Maggie was already a tribute to his mother as it *can be a nickname for Marjorie and I really didn't like Maggie Marjorie.

Then she was Elizabeth for another few weeks, but I really didn't like the nickname Lizzy, which is what he kept calling her (nothing against the nickname, just a bad association)

Then for a few crazy hormone induced weeks she was Imogen - Idgy (from Fried Green Tomatoes) for short.

FINALLY, I found the name Cassidy and it just stuck. We did notice the connection at that point, but didn't really care - lol. Hoppalong Cassidy is the connection I prefer rather than BUTCH though :rotfl:

So I apologize for the hugely long reply, but now you have the whole story!

Hahaha!!! Thanks for sharing! I love Father of the Bride, too. I really like your names and it is neat to know how you picked them. (And I agree Maggie Marjorie would be a mouthful!)
I am so enjoying your trip report!! It's so much better to read about your Disney days than hospital days! :goodvibes Cassidy looks great and I cracked up at how many times you had to ride Kali River Rapids! Your dinner at the Castle was so special; I LOVE those glass slippers! What an awesome idea! The special dessert plates for Annie and Wyatt are impressive too! I agree with you about the price but have to say every time we've gone it's created a very special memory. Your Mom's trip was a little nerve-wracking, huh! We have Allegiant here so I know what you mean about only having flights on certain days. So glad she made it. I know I'm forgetting something I wanted to comment on, but, suffice it to say I'm so glad you're having a wonderful trip and thanks for sharing it! Oh, I love your movie night ideas! What a great way to build excitement for an upcoming trip plus who doesn't love to watch Disney movies anytime?!?! Ok, now it's your turn! :)
Hahaha!!! Thanks for sharing! I love Father of the Bride, too. I really like your names and it is neat to know how you picked them. (And I agree Maggie Marjorie would be a mouthful!)

:goodvibes It's funny when people make the connection. lol It's probably a good idea we found Disney AFTER we had kids. I can only imagine their names if we had discovered our passion *read obsession* before they were born :rotfl2:


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