You are NOT 5 Until You Eat Cake in the Castle *UPDATE 9-2-14 *COMPLETE

I'm so sad that I will be posting about our last day :( I do have some pre-trip stuff to post about though - I've made quite a few changes which I knew I would be -so that will help carry us these last 6 weeks.......
Well now we are really down to the last day of our trip.

We got up much earlier than we felt like, since Nana was leaving and had to be getting ready and saying her goodbyes. I drove her down to the ME pick up area at around quarter to nine. It was hard to say goodbye – we’d had such a fun time with her.

After we got Nana sent off, it was time to get the boys ready for their lunch. I had managed to get a Dining with an Imagineer lunch reservation at the Brown Derby for this day. This meant the boys had to be to Hollywood Studios by 11am or so. So after dropping Nana off we went back to pack up and get the boys ready.

The boys headed up to drop the golf cart off and catch a bus for their lunch. The girls and I had decided to hang out at the cabin a bit longer since Annie had a school meeting to get to. (We homeschool and she takes some online classes) I had arranged for a late check out so that was nice. They gave us an extra 2 hrs. We had to be out by 1pm.

While Annie was at her meeting, Cassidy and I had fun just playing at the cabin outside. It was a beautiful day. We just sat in the sun soaking up as much as we could, since the weather back in MN was leaving a lot to be desired.




Finally, Annie was done with her meeting and it was time to squeeze in a bit more fun. Our first stop was the Wilderness Lodge. Cassidy was missing Humphrey and wanted to go and visit him. I wanted to go there to see how I felt about it. After Cassidy was sick there in September, I was kind of mad at the VWL. :worried: I honestly wasn’t sure if I wanted to stay there again this September. Too many weird memories.

So we drove over. As soon as we pulled up I felt so good. I guess I had missed it so much this trip. I am so glad we stopped by – It made me realize that WL is our home away from home and that it always will be –nothing will change that. I have the cutest video of Cassidy going to see Humphrey….
Here is the pic


Photobucket would not let me load the video, so here is the link to You tube...

After seeing the big guy we were trying to decide what to eat. Should we eat at Roaring Fork or did the girls want to go to DTD to eat? We decided to visit the Mercantile gift shop and use up a few straggling snack credits on some bottled water – it was HOT this day.

We also decided to wait and eat at DTD.

After visiting our favorite bear we headed to DTD. We had a few gifts left to buy, so we made Once Upon a Toy our first stop. We did so well here, we didn’t need to go anywhere else!

We also went to Earl of Sandwich for lunch and then to Goofy’s. The girls wanted one more slush.

By now it was getting close to the time to head over to pick up the boys from Hollywood Studios. The boys and Annie had planned to ride ME back to the airport – they are so weird. Since our flight was at 6:50pm they had to be on ME by 3:50 pm.

I suppose it was about 3pm when the girls and I got to HS. They let us pull up to the front – there is a pick up area – which was nice. We only waited about 5 mins and the boys were walking out to us. They were chattering away about how awesome their lunch was and what a good time they had.
They really enjoyed their lunch – they got really neat name CM badges with their names on them . They also both got commemorative plates that were signed by the Imagineer. Definitely a good time.

One thing happened during lunch that made it even more memorable. There was a gal at their table who was there with her dad. She hadn’t been feeling well the whole meal and actually ended up getting sick at the table. That poor girl!

Thank goodness my DH was sitting next to her – that kind of stuff does not bother him at all. He felt so bad for her and her dad. He helped them as best as he could. Lunch kept right on going and they did a very good job with the whole thing.

I really wouldn’t bring that up at all, as I’m sure it was embarrassing for her and a situation that would be anyone or anyone’s parents nightmare.

BUT…..thank goodness it was on our last day. BECAUSE……both my DH and my son ended up getting VERY sick with the stomach flu 2 days after we returned home. I think it must have been from that since they were the only ones who got it and we were together everywhere else.

OH well, stuff happens, but what a way to end the trip! Poor DH was on the road about 4 hrs from home when he came down with it – at least Wyatt was at home with his mommy to take care of him :thumbsup2 All DH had was the front desk guy who he has gotten to know, since he stays there weekly – :rotfl:

Back on track here….so we dropped the boys and Annie off at ME and Cassie and I headed for the airport. I had opted to return the van empty and let them fill it when I rented it. I had apparently drove it further than usual as it was very empty – like so empty that I was PRAYING out loud as I was driving back to the airport – :lmao:. I CANNOT believe I made it – the fuel light came on about 10 miles from the airport. I swear I was on fumes when we coasted into the airport – at least that’s the way it felt.

Cassidy and I dropped the van, crossed our fingers that they wouldn’t notice any lingering crayon, and headed into the airport. We headed over thru security and rode the monorail to our gate area.

Cassidy rocking the Rapunzel hat – That was the only way that thing was going home – she had to wear it!


The whole time I was so worried about my husband making it on time. They had 2 bags that RAC couldn’t check due to my husband and son having the same legal name. Due to this they had to check in at the actual airport. This meant DH had to get the kids and check 2 bags and make it thru security and find our gate. I was nervous….:bitelip: But not nervous enough to wait down at ME for them –:rotfl:. I like to make it thru security at the airport and get settled at the gate.

Cassidy and I made our way to our gate – after stopping for some McD’s for her (she was hungry again). So we had a picnic right next to our gate.
Cassidy really enjoying her burger….


I mean like 2 handed enjoying…


After awhile, I see them coming. Yay! After that it was the usual – get on the plane, land in MSP (unusually late this time) Get into our FREEZING car – it was SO SO SO SO SO cold when we landed – it was miserable. We landed a 9:40pmand we still had a 3.5 hr drive home. Ugh. But we made it.

That’s it. Kind of anti-climatic huh…..

I can't believe that the last pic of the trip was of Cassidy two fisting a hamburger from McDonalds. *sigh
Also here is the link to a small video that I made - our family copy is much 25 mins long, but I made a short one to share with our other friends and family etc.

I won't bore you guys with the looooong version....

So here it is...
Great Trip Report! I enjoyed it and look forward to the september one to keep me going until Nov princess:
Great Trip Report! I enjoyed it and look forward to the september one to keep me going until Nov princess:

Thanks! I'm so sad now that it's over. Though we only have 45 days till September!! :cool2: I cannot believe how fast it's gone - I'm starting to plan outfits and grocery orders now - we must be getting close!

I'm looking into a Disney photo session package now - wonder if any of you have experience with them?
Originally Posted by MusicMicha View Post
Showed our Cassidy the story of your Cassidy and how she is doing better. She is so glad that she is feeling much much better and that she finally got cake because according to her "Cassidy's love cake" I hope you have a lovely mommy daughter tea with both girls!

Awwww that is so sweet I am still touched at how many people really followed her story and are glad she's doing so much better! And I love the idea of a Love Cake! So appropriate. And I still cannot get over that you have a Cassidy born around the exact same time! SO neat! We may have to get your mailing address and send her a birthday card from Disney! lol

And that tea cannot get here soon enough. It's been a crazy few weeks with end of school testing and activities. And the next few don't look any better. Bring on the summer and then Disney World!!

Oh my goodness, I was just rereading some of these posts - I must have replied late at night to this one - I totally missed the boat. Now I see what you meant - :rotfl2: not a love cake, but they (Cassidy's) love to EAT cake - I am a giant dork. too funny
Oh my goodness, we've done it again. I swear that Disney has you pay your trip off by 45 days out, so that you feel like, wow, I've paid that off, maybe we should upgrade etc. :lmao:

I got to thinking that we should upgrade from a studio to a 1 bedroom for half of the trip.....but then my mom called me after having a VERY bad day and she was all crying etc., so I thought, hmmmm maybe I should take that upgrade money and buy her a trip. SO.....

That is what I did!!! Nana will be joining us for about 5 days!! Yay!!!! The kids are So excited and so am I actually :rotfl:

Only crappy part is that all of my ressies are for 5. BUT....I figure in most cases if a table fits 5, it will fit 6. That's what I'm going with anyway...

I wouldn't even care, but I am NOT messing with my Doc Breakfast on Cassidy's bday - if my mom has to sit on my lap, so be it!

So...I will be refiguring some of my pre-trip plans and will try and get them posted soon. Darn Disney and their fuzzy math!
Glad to see Cassidy's appetite is back.

Looking forward to hearing about your upcoming trip. Looks like we might overlap.

I can wholeheartedly understand praying to make it to your destination w/o running out of gas. Wait until you read our TR and trying to find a gas station in France in an RV.
Glad to see Cassidy's appetite is back.

Looking forward to hearing about your upcoming trip. Looks like we might overlap.

I can wholeheartedly understand praying to make it to your destination w/o running out of gas. Wait until you read our TR and trying to find a gas station in France in an RV.

I'm getting so excited!! Only 6 weeks from today - I'm going to make a point to take more pics and write down some notes this time. I was a little fuzzy after this one.

An RV in France looking for gas...sounds like a great read! I can't wait! :)
I haven't checked in here for awhile. I will probably have to reread to figure out where I left off. Hubby took a new job and summer has flown by no matter how much I've protested. Glad to see Nana is going on your trip even if that wasn't your original plan. Less then six weeks! Bet you guys are so excited. I am lacking on everything post trip. I finally downloaded our memory maker onto a backup disk and two laptops.
I haven't checked in here for awhile. I will probably have to reread to figure out where I left off. Hubby took a new job and summer has flown by no matter how much I've protested. Glad to see Nana is going on your trip even if that wasn't your original plan. Less then six weeks! Bet you guys are so excited. I am lacking on everything post trip. I finally downloaded our memory maker onto a backup disk and two laptops.

I hate when that happens! (when you have to go back to reread to figure out where you left off - happens to me all the time on here) You can blame it on me due to the length of time in between updates! :rotfl2:

Isn't it crazy how fast the summers go - every year I say the same thing - once you hit the 4th of July, it's all down hill - back to school clothes are out etc. I even saw HALLOWEEN candy today!!!!!! YIKES!

We are getting so excited, now if we can just stop trying to spend all our money on upgrades before we go, we'll be good! I keep wanting to upgrade to a one bedroom, but am trying to be strong. A few months ago, we had no choice as there were none available. There are some now ( I have a feeling due to the pool closure), so we are tempted!

But for now are being strong..... :lmao:

Will keep you all updated as to our room When I think of all that money we'd save and what we could do with it, it makes it easier...but then I think of that tiny studio and I almost cave....:confused3 Only time will tell what will happen....

Also, now that you have those pics downloaded - let's see some!! :D
DO YOU PEOPLE SEE WHAT MY TICKER SAYS!!!!!! 4 days!!!!!!!! Holy cow, how did time fly by so fast!???

I wasn't sure where else to post this - so here is where it goes! lol

Cassidy had her recheck on August 21st. She had an ultrasound done to see how much of her lymphatic malformation had grown back.

Her and I drove down to Minneapolis (3.5 hrs) early in the a.m., had her U/S at 1pm and then met with the vascular anomalies Dr. at 2:15.

She did amazing during her U/S - laid there like a champ. I was a nervous wreck - cause guess what?! Every thing in your abdomen looks like a giant fluid filled cyst to an untrained eye! Plus it didn't help that we had the most poker-faced, slightly unfriendly U/S tech ever.

I understand that they can't tell you what they are seeing/measuring etc., but she didn't even crack a smile when I asked her if she could see the fries that Cassie had for lunch.

Therefore, I was convinced that the results were bad etc. and it was the longest hour of my life waiting for that Dr. appt to find out the results.

My face must have said it all, because when he walked into the room, the FIRST thing he blurted out was.....

EVERYTHING LOOKS COMPLETELY NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lost it. Poor Cassie - she was wondering why her momma was sobbing - I had to quickly tell her that it was because I was so happy.

Not only did everything look normal, but he couldn't even find where the original cysts were. She will still need to be monitored yearly for the rest of her life probably, or at least her childhood, but this is a VERY good sign.

Here she is in the lobby after we left her appointment:

I honestly have not stopped smiling. :goodvibes

And here we are, 4 days away from taking our healthy child back to Disney. :cloud9: - literally. We are so so blessed.

Planning has been scarce, and so now I am in a blind panic - lol I think I was more worried about the recheck than I even knew and so I was just distracted. I also started a new job - very part time, but still. Couple that with school lesson planning for the kids etc. and I am wayyyyyy behind on the Disney planning. - that is the one nice thing about Sept - it's quiet enough that tons of planning is not needed (for us - watch me have to eat those words)

Super quick rundown of highlights to come on this trip.....

Arrive Sat 6th

Sun - AK and MK

Mon - Epcot and DHS

Tues - Family Pirates League appointment - then a 7DMT FP - followed by the first of 2 MNSSHP!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo - awesome day!!!!!

Wed - DHS and Campfire Sing a Long

Thurs - Annie and Larry horseback riding and my mom arrives. Annie and I have afternoon tea this day also.

Fri - MK and ? in the evening

Sat - Family Pics at GF - I was so torn about these - I have always wanted to do this. I just about cancelled due to the fact that I am not super excited about having my pic taken right now - Right before our trip last year I had lost about 60lbs. After all that went on with Cassie I gained it all back and then some. *sigh. BUT - that being said. I realize how short life is - especially drama free normal life - so who knows what might happen between now and next year - we're getting the pics done :D

Then after pics Larry and Wy go to Dining with an Animal Specialist, while the girls and I head to BB, where we will be joined by the boys when they are done.

Then Epcot to end the day

Sun - Cassie's 6th Bday - BEST. DAY. EVER. Breakfast with Doc, followed by a 1pm appt at the BBB in the Castle for her and Annie. Then dinner with the Step-Sisters followed by ANOTHER MNSSHP. Seriously - could there be a better day?! :lovestruc

Mon - AK in the AM/Afternoon. Cassie and I have tea in the late afternoon. Then MK EMH

Tues - Nana leaves at 11am - we have a Trex at 1pm Then ?

Wed - Free for all day - :D

Thurs - leave at 2pm.


It's gonna be a great trip and I can't wait - and I guess I don't have very long TO wait!
I just started reading your report and so far I am loving it. I am starting to plan a trip for next year and I really want to stay in a FW Cabin. They seem like a great place to stay for a family of 5.

If you have any tips for staying there please share.


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