You Can't Give Yourself a Nickname! Updated 6/30!


Jan 5, 2012
Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

We returned last Sunday from 8 wonderful days in Walt Disney World. It was me with my best friend/boyfriend/Disney partner in crime, Ricky, and we had so much fun!

This trip was to celebrate Ricky’s graduation and his birthday, our 5 year anniversary, and the end of the world’s longest winter. We spent May 25-29 at Pop Century and May 29-June 1 at the Wilderness Lodge. This was my graduation present to Ricky.

So who are we?

(Please ignore the blurriness) I’m Becca! By day, I pretend to be an adult with a full time job and taking classes online to get my Masters. By night, I’m a Disney fan who loves everything Disney and everything Disney is doing with Marvel. I grew up going to Disney so I consider myself a vet (although I had my noob moments this trip). My favorite park is a tie between the Magic Kingdom and EPCOT. My favorite ride is Splash Mountain. And my favorite character is Buzz Lightyear and currently my favorite princess is Ariel. I also feel the need to add my favorite World Showcase pavilion, UK, because I’m pretty much in love with all things British.

This is Ricky. He’s the graduate who got a big boy job back in December. He worked so hard in school and I’m so proud of him. Ricky also grew up going to Disney, his sister was even a cast member for a while! His favorite park is EPCOT, his favorite ride is also Splash, and his favorite character is Brer Rabbit. I also think its noteworthy to say that he absolutely LOVES Ohana.

We flew out on May 25 and returned home on June 1. We ate, danced, became secret agents and joined the rebel alliance (as best as either of us knew how). We laughed. I cried. And we just wanted to enjoy each others company. So please, come and relive our magical vacation with me, won’t you?

Time to get this thing rolling! Sorry there won’t be too many pictures. Travel day and all.

The day before we left was pretty hectic. Actually, the week before we left really was. I only worked for 3 days because I had gone out with my sister, brother-in-law and nephew to a Phillies event on Monday. Then Wednesday was Ricky’s graduation, so I took the day off for that.

The weekend wasn’t any less crazy. We went out with friends on Friday night, then saturday night was my cousin’s graduation party. Ricky packed all day saturday and came to town to hang out for the party. I, of course, was not packed. I had at least done a load of laundry! We got home from the party around 7ish and I packed the night away even though I promised this year I wouldn’t. We finally went to bed around 11 to be up for a 4:30 am flight. But I couldn’t sleep. At all. I was way too excited and my sister had come in around 2 am, and after that I was awake. I spent my time browsing Facebook and Buzzfeed and wishing I had food and had packed sooner so maybe I would’ve been fast asleep.

4:30 finally came and I got up and got ready. My dad was driving us to the airport (aren’t Dad’s the best?). We got everything ready, got our wonderful Magical Express tags on our bags and we headed out to Philadelphia. Can I just say I think that the Philly airport gets a bad rep? I’ve had more delayed flights in other cities in the past 3 weeks than in the last 10 years going out of Philly. And bonus! There’s Chickie’s and Pete’s in the terminal we usually leave out of. Going through security is also always a breeze.

We got to the airport around 5:30 and passed through security. We got to our gate with time to spare, and nothing was open except for McDonalds so I pulled out my laptop pretending I was going to do school work and wait for ABP to open. The one downside to PHL is that apparently they haven’t yet discovered Starbucks. Oh well! We boarded around 6:30 and we were on our way!

The flight was uneventful. We watched part of the Avengers until Ricky fell asleep and I realized it would be a good idea I do the same. By the time we woke up we were getting ready to land!

On the ground at 9:30 and we headed to an empty Magical Express line.

We were on our way by 9:35 and I just couldn’t believe we were there!

So what did we do first? You’ll just have to stay tuned to find out!
Time for another update!

When we last left off, we were on the Magical Express heading to POP.

We got to POP and headed straight for check in. Last summer we had a great room in the 70s building. It was super close to Classic Hall which we absolutely loved. So we made the same request this year: 70’s building with a king bed.

Check in was pretty smooth. Except for some reason, I can’t figure out why, they mixed up our celebrations. This always happens to us. I had said we were celebrating Ricky’s graduation and his birthday. When we checked in, I got a birthday button and he got a blank celebrating button. We just decided we’d get a customized graduation button when we went to the Magic Kingdom.

We got our room assignment, king bed in the 80s. We weren’t thrilled but the room was ready so we decided to keep it. The entire time we were there, we went a whole bunch of different ways to get back and forth to the room. I’m not sure which way even ended up being the fastest!

We headed to the room and dropped our stuff off and tried to decide what we were doing. We only made fastpasses for the night so we had plenty of time. We decided to head over to Epcot. The only issue we faced was that I had no sunscreen because we had packed it away. I burn easily, but we figured we’d manage (and I ended up fine!)

We hopped on a bus and we were at the gates by 11:30! I’d barely eaten all morning and I was ready for something. So we just decided to head over to the Electric Umbrella because it was quick and I couldn’t wait!

We got in line and I ordered some chicken nuggets and fries. We headed up to the 2nd floor and sat and watched the people walking past the entrance of Mouse Gears. We were so excited. We talked about what we were doing during the trip, what we would be doing for the rest of the day. It wasn’t busy because it was still a bit early, but it started to get crowded by the time we were done.

We had we decided to do after lunch?

Last year we fell in love with Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure. We had loved the hidden surprises and getting to discover the different nooks and cranny’s of the countries. So we decided we’d spend our afternoon playing.

But first, we had to stop at Goofy’s soccer topiary!

I played soccer for 10 years so I was excited to see that this was still up. I'm enjoying the World Cup thoroughly even though my back up team was eliminated. Now it's just the USMNT!

We chatted with one of the cast members working there. He was from our area and we got to have a little chat about Philly. It was nice!

After having fun on the pitch, we headed over to the Agent P stand. We were hoping for a mission in Mexico but none were available. More on that later!

Agent R was given a mission in China so we Mission Impossibled our way over.

We went through the mission and really enjoyed it.

I’ve never really seen the China pavilion, so I was really excited to take a look at the terra-cotta warriors.

After saving China, we decided to take a boat ride with our favorite Cabarellos. There was actually a line, but we moved pretty fast. We headed through Mexico trying to find Donald. He made it to the concert on time and all was right.

By this point, Ricky started to feel his hunger pains. He decided on La Cantina and some chicken tacos. He really enjoyed the food and decided that we should try this again some other visit.

After Ricky finished eating, I was starting to fade. I had barely slept a wink and the heat was crazy. Weather here had still been pretty yo yo like. So I wasn’t used to the heat.

We caught a bus and ended up back at POP around 1:45.

We walked through the parking lot and saw this really awesome car.

We got back to the room and opened the door and only saw my luggage and had a minor panic. Until we opened the door more and found his hiding behind it. Silly us!

After the luggage was situated, I laid down for a bit of a nap.

So what happened after? What did we have in store for the night? You’ll just have to wait and see!
I can't wait to try Agent P's adventure when I go in 8 days time, as it seems such a good way to explore more of the countries!
Love the photos of you both in goal! Who was your back up team in the World Cup?!?
That car is so cool, they must love Star Wars!!
I can't wait to try Agent P's adventure when I go in 8 days time, as it seems such a good way to explore more of the countries! Love the photos of you both in goal! Who was your back up team in the World Cup?!? That car is so cool, they must love Star Wars!!

We love Agent P! A few countries even have different missions. The cast members also told us that they're getting new smart phones for the game soon! So if you get the chance to play please report back and let me know if they changed. Also, my back up team was England. I even thought they'd do better than the US!

Where are you staying? I hope you have a great time!!!

We flew out of Philly this year (and several other times) and rarely, if ever, had a problem.

The Goofy soccer topiary was really cool, but we never got a chance to get a photo there. Well, we got a chance, but didn't take it.

I'm also coming up with my own explanations for Ricky's blurred-out t-shirt logo. I'm sure they're more interesting and controversial than the actual explanation :)
joining - congrats to Ricky on graduating!

Guessing you probably didn't sleep too well last night either after the US Soccer Game

Oh, and I am going to guess that Ricky's t-shirt is blurred out because it had the name of a University he originally thought he was going to go to but ultimately didn't - like if you get your girlfriend's name tattooed on your arm and then break up with her and you have to get it scratched out
We love Agent P! A few countries even have different missions. The cast members also told us that they're getting new smart phones for the game soon! So if you get the chance to play please report back and let me know if they changed. Also, my back up team was England. I even thought they'd do better than the US!

Where are you staying? I hope you have a great time!!!

Ooh I definatly will report back, that's so exciting!
England are terrible, but we've got so many expensive players!:rotfl:
Saratoga Springs for 15 nights!! Thank you, I'm so excited :goodvibes

We flew out of Philly this year (and several other times) and rarely, if ever, had a problem.

The Goofy soccer topiary was really cool, but we never got a chance to get a photo there. Well, we got a chance, but didn't take it.

I'm also coming up with my own explanations for Ricky's blurred-out t-shirt logo. I'm sure they're more interesting and controversial than the actual explanation :)

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. We’re really close to PHL and I enjoy it way more than other places I’ve flown out of. And unfortunately the short of Ricky’s shirt is that he’s just nervous about the whole internet thing and his profession, but it’s from where he grew up! I blurred it out just messing with it and I haven’t thought about it since. Hopefully no one hunts him down! (I should’ve thought of a much more interesting story!:rotfl:)​

joining - congrats to Ricky on graduating!

Guessing you probably didn't sleep too well last night either after the US Soccer Game

Oh, and I am going to guess that Ricky's t-shirt is blurred out because it had the name of a University he originally thought he was going to go to but ultimately didn't - like if you get your girlfriend's name tattooed on your arm and then break up with her and you have to get it scratched out

Thanks for stopping by! And that game! All weekend I was saying they would win because Ronaldo was playing injured, but he just showed why he’s one of the greatest players in the world. It was a beautiful cross and a great header, I admired it even though I was mad. And sadly the Ricky explanation isn’t all that exciting, but the girlfriend analogy was great!:thumbsup2

Ooh I definatly will report back, that's so exciting!
England are terrible, but we've got so many expensive players!:rotfl:
Saratoga Springs for 15 nights!! Thank you, I'm so excited :goodvibes

When I played I hated watching, playing 3 seasons out of the year I didn’t really want to spend my down time watching games, but I have a new appreciation for it now that I’ve been out of the game for more than half a decade :-)scared:). My dad’s a fan of the premiere league, he watched CPR until they were dropped and my sister is a West Ham fan because she lived there. I chose Aston Villa just because I wanted a team but I didn’t want a big name team. And I’ve never stayed at Saratoga Springs! That’s so exciting.
Hello! I'm really enjoying your trip report so far. I love reading trip reports where there aren't kiddos around, it gives me a better idea of what my trip will look like. Looking forward to reading the rest! popcorn::
When I played I hated watching, playing 3 seasons out of the year I didn’t really want to spend my down time watching games, but I have a new appreciation for it now that I’ve been out of the game for more than half a decade :-)scared:). My dad’s a fan of the premiere league, he watched CPR until they were dropped and my sister is a West Ham fan because she lived there. I chose Aston Villa just because I wanted a team but I didn’t want a big name team. And I’ve never stayed at Saratoga Springs! That’s so exciting.

We're Norwich City fans in this house, due to all the family coming from there! (I even had a Norwich City baby grow, but luckily there is no photographic evidence :rotfl2:) My cousins support West Ham, (they're 6 & 7) and for Christmas it was just all West Ham related presents!
We've never stayed there either, we've walked round it but that was in 2008, so it will be very exciting!
Hello! I'm really enjoying your trip report so far. I love reading trip reports where there aren't kiddos around, it gives me a better idea of what my trip will look like. Looking forward to reading the rest! popcorn::

Welcome! I hope you enjoy and can get a feel for what’s going to happen on your trip. Will it be your Honeymoon trip? Just saw your ticker! :love:

We're Norwich City fans in this house, due to all the family coming from there! (I even had a Norwich City baby grow, but luckily there is no photographic evidence :rotfl2:) My cousins support West Ham, (they're 6 & 7) and for Christmas it was just all West Ham related presents!
We've never stayed there either, we've walked round it but that was in 2008, so it will be very exciting!

That’s such a fun Christmas! I’m sure they absolutely loved it.
When we last left off I was playing Sleeping Beauty.

I woke up around 3:45, I’m not sure if Ricky napped or sat on his iPad and watched cartoons. :happytv:

We both got ready and headed out to the Magic Kingdom.

But wait! We had a dinner reservation. Where you ask?

Our first two trips together we started our dinners off at Ohana, but this time there weren’t any reservations that we liked so we decided to try Kona.

We checked in at 5:15 and we wandered around the top floor of the Poly.

The walls were up so it was a bit of a nuisance but it really wasn’t that big of a deal.

We searched through the gift shop looking at pin lanyards because Ricky decided to try his hand at pin trading, he really didn’t want a lanyard though so we headed back to the front of Kona.

We really were only waiting about 10 minutes before we were called in for dinner.

I wasn’t really wowed with Kona. I’m not sure if I just couldn’t find something I really wanted to eat or if it was our waitress (she was slow and not exactly thrilled) or what but I think we’ll stick to Kona breakfast.

We finished dinner around 6:25 and skipped dessert because now we were really heading to the Magic Kingdom!

We stopped by the front of the waterfall to say goodbye to it because we knew it would be completely closed off in the next few days.

After our sad goodbyes, we got ready to walk outside to take our stroll to the Grand Flo and then to the monorail to the Magic Kingdom.

And then the heavens opened up and the thunder cracked and we knew we were stuck. So we decided to walk around a little more and check out the temporary Captain Cooks because we really wanted to stop and get some Tonga Toast one morning.

We walked in and Ricky had said he read that it was a converted cast member break room. I’m not sure where he heard that but I definitely believed it! It had that break room quality to it, but they definitely did a good job making it guest friendly.

After that we wandered around some more, walked outside, walked inside, walked outside, and then decided we might as well take the monorail and resort hop until the rain stopped.

But first, some strolling pics:

Please ignore my straight arms. I don't know how to play the drums.

So then off to the Grand Floridian!

I’ve always wanted to stay here. Ricky thinks it’s too fancy, but he swears one day that he’s going to stand on the staircase and call my name ala Full House (Steve and DJ, he’s got the same vision for Indian Jones and calling out Steve’s name during the show). But this time I was sparred!

We walked through the stores and waited for the rain to let up. We really enjoyed Basin.

I even wrote down the name of one of the scrubs but totally didn’t buy it. There’s always next time of course!
After some browsing we walked outside and saw that it had stopped raining, but it was sticky and gross. We pushed on and headed over to the magicalest of all kingdoms that had extra magic hours.

Our first order of business was to meet Mickey since we didn’t in August.

We saw some awesome Ducktales references which was exciting because I had just bought and watched the first season!

We also got to talk with this great family while we waited. They really liked my shoes and I was caught off guard and excited that someone said something. It was so sweet of them to say so.

After a really short wait, it was finally our turn to meet Magician Mickey…and he talked! We were ecstatic.

He showed us a card trick but unfortunately he wasn’t too practiced at it so he asked us for a picture instead.

After our magical meeting we decided to pick up some Sorcerer’s cards because we enjoyed the game last time. The process was simple, we picked up our new packs and decided we’d start our Frontierland adventure later in the night.

Hello Humphrey!

We had some fastpasses burning a hole in our phone. Our Big Thunder one was moved back because of the weather. We checked out Splash and got on just in time. It had closed right after we got off.

Since it was a stormy night, we headed over to the Haunted Mansion for a ride with our favorite hitchhiking ghosts.

After a great ride, we walked out into the pouring rain, so we made a mad dash for Small World and waited, because I forgot the ponchos! I made sure that wouldn’t happen again throughout the trip.

This was my favorite ride as a kid. I tried taking pictures of some of the cultures I like/represent me, but they didn’t turn out fantastic. So here are two I like:

After our happy journey, we headed over to Tomorrowland to use another fastpass. Space Mountain! I’m kind of bummed out that you can’t see the cookies in the milky way. Does anyone know if they are gone? Have I just been oblivious for years?

The fireworks were about to start so we hopped on the TTA to see what the view was like on there.

And it didn’t disappoint!

Since we were in the area, we decided to head on over to Buzz and…

I FINALLY BEAT RICKY. He always beats me on Buzz and I am batting a thousand for TSMM, but I couldn’t believe it?

So much so that I was still in shock when I found Zerg.

Ricky stopped for a bathroom break and I found a spot to watch the castle show since I’ve never seen it. I absolutely loved it! Ricky on the other hand, his opinion wasn’t so positive.

Moving on!

We headed over to Adventureland to see what we could get into over there.

I’ve never done Jungle Cruise at night so we made our way through the jungles of the world. Our skipper was…interesting. He was funny and loud, but he acted like he was crazy so it was a little on the strange side. He had some great jokes though.

We headed back out into the wilds of Adventureland and walked our way over to Pirates. As we made our way over, this family walked by in their ponchos and were talking about how it was a water ride and we just laughed.

Until we were sorely mistaken. I’ve heard that the boats are different and it causes some water to get in the boats, but boy did we get wet from the drop. We felt like such noobs for laughing at those poor people!

Pretend like your pushing that keg!

We made our way through the ride and got stuck underneath the dirty pirate with the creepy legs and all I could think was that George was keeping us there by backing up the boats. I tried to tell Ricky after the ride but he said I was just being silly.

We walked over towards Big Thunder and stopped for the Electrical Parade to pass.

We got in line for Big Thunder using one of our other weather-related fastpasses. There was a little boy in front of us who was so scared of the ride and the wonderful cast member at the 2nd fastpass stand was trying to calm him down. Unfortunately it didn’t work but this was the first of many great cast members we encountered.

After our ride (we thought) extra magic hours were coming to a close. We decided to look for the Sorcerer’s portal on our way out but we had the hardest time locating it. We’d just have to stop at the booth next time we were in Magic Kingdom.

We decided to stop for some ice cream. I got a kids cone with birthday cake ice cream and Ricky got the cookie sandwich with chocolate ice cream. We sat on the curb outside of the ice cream parlor and people watched and relaxed. And then we realized it was time to leave.

Can I just tell you that this was noob mistake #2! For some reason Ricky had said something about 1 and I couldn’t believe that they had shortened extra magic hours until we left and saw people walking in and realized the mistake we had made. How could we! We’re supposed to be Veterans! But we hung our heads in shame and headed back to the bus stop to get back to Pop.

And that was the end of our very first, long day. The next day was Memorial Day and it was shaping up to be the most patriotic day ever!
Bummer you didn't like Kona more. We ate there for the first time our last trip and really liked it, but can see how the menu could not appeal and having a not-so-great waitress sure wouldn't help.

Oh, and I just saw a picture of what the waterfall in the Poly currently looks like. Only going to post a link rather than the actual picture so as to not sadden people who don't want to be:

bummer about all the rain to! But sounds like you did get on a lot of rides. love BTMRR at night! I heard they changed out the boats at Pirates to the version they have in Disneyland and they are heavier thus making more of a splash

That is a really cool view of the fireworks from the Peoplemover!
It's a shame about Kona, but I'm a bit worried as there isn't much I like on the menu, for when I eat there on 4th July! Hope your other meals were much better
I can't wait to see the. castle show, it looks so different and cute!
Well done for beating Ricky on Buzz :thumbsup2
Your ice creams sounded such a good end to a lovely day :)
I'll miss the waterfall too, it was always the best part of visiting the Poly for me, but I'm also sure the redesign will be pretty. I'm impressed with how much you got done in the Extra Magic Hours, I have always heard it makes the park crowded, I'll have to rethink that in the future.

It will be our honey-moon, we're actually getting married next June but I'm a sucker for WDW during the holidays.


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