"You have to go .... it's for work!"


DIS Veteran
Sep 14, 2008
First, let me just say, I debated starting a PTR for this trip as I almost feel I'm jinxing myself. The last 3 Disneyland PTRs I've started have resulted in the trip being cancelled for one reason or another. But, in the end I just couldn't help myself. Planning is just too much fun and this is part of my planning!

"You have to go .... it's for work!" Those were the famous words my Hubs said to me yesterday that made me love him just a little bit more (if that's even possible!). Let me explain...

I work for a Travel Agency (authorized by Disney) and every year they hold an annual Summit at one of the Disney Destinations. Last year, I had barely started when they held their event in Disney World, so I missed that one. When that happened I told the Hubs "there's no way I'm missing it next year!" Well, wouldn't you know it, dates were released and I couldn't go. Why you ask? Great question! Well, we already had a trip booked for Disney World that fell smack dab in the middle of those dates. We talked about changing our vacation dates, but we were so darn excited with our plans that I put it off "until next year." Then we ended up having to cancel that trip. You're asking why again aren't you ;) Well, for the first time ever I wasn't sad to be cancelling a trip because we're expecting a new addition to our family!


Since I'm not due until August 31 we cancelled the trip. I just can't fathom taking a 2(ish) month old on a 2 week adventure in WDW. I know there are people who do it and I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but it's just not for us.

So, all this occurred in December. Now, fast forward to yesterday. I was talking on the phone to Hubs and mentioned that "the brochure for Summit went out today, I'm kinda sad I'm going to miss it again." He paused for a minute and then asked me for all the details. And, that was that, the subject was shifted, I love you's were exchanged and the phone call ended.

When he got home last night we packed up our little man and the stroller and headed to the mall to walk laps. Yes, I'm a mall walker :rotfl: It's too cold to walk outside still and walking helps me not feel so "icky" pregnant. At 9 weeks my belly has already "popped." That whole 2nd baby shows earlier myth is no joke! :laughing:

Anyway, we are making our laps stopping in stores that look intriguing, when Hubs asks me if I really wanted to go. I'm pretty sure my exact answer was "I really, really, really wanna go; but, I really, really, really, really don't want to leave the baby." He then proceeded to ask if I would feel better if they (him and both kiddos) tagged along. I said, of course, but I will be in events all day for 2 days and would feel mean leaving them alone. And do we really want to take a 2ish month old on a trip. And would he be able to handle both kiddos alone in the park (of course I knew he would, I'm just infamous for coming up with excuses). And, and, and....

At the end of all my rebuttals and excuses he made that infamous statement - "You have to go ... it's for work!"

So, it's settled, we're going. Or, at least, I'm going. The rest of the details are still being ironed out...
So, as I mentioned I am definitely on board for this trip. The Hubs is right, I will regret it if I miss out again. I know it's important to get out there and network with my fellow Agents. Plus, I'm positive it will be an event I won't soon forget and will learn many, many things along the way. But, again, as I mentioned, I really don't want to travel without the family. We already cancelled the toddler's big trip for the year due to the pregnancy so I would feel horrible heading off to Disneyland without him. And, at 2ish months old I just plain have Momma guilt about leaving the baby behind. The Hubs? Eh! Totally kidding! Truth be told, I don't do well being away from him either. I guess you can say my family is my BFF :thumbsup2

However, having a baby a couple months prior to the trip will be putting a strain on our financial situation so we just aren't sure if we can afford to fly all of us out there. Since the toddler is now two he no longer flies for free and round trip flights for three can be quite pricey ::yes::

Right now we are working on a basic budget to see what the actual cost would be and if we can swing it. Of course, Southwest is putting a wrinkle in my plans by not having their November flights released yet. Then there are a few things I'm not sure of. For instance, the two nights of the conference I am required to stay in the room block set up at one of the on-site hotels. Now, I am DVC so usually I get free parking at the Disney resorts. Do I still even though I will be paying cash for the room? Need to call and check on this - along with a few other things...
Congrats on the pregnancy! Sometimes life happends and you just have to go with the flow and enjoy it in a way that you can. I hope you have so much fun!


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