You Know You Are In Florida In August When;


DIS Veteran-Imagination, Imagination, a dream can
Jan 13, 2004
The worms have all dried up and the birds have flown North for a cooler climate!

All the trees have moved inside to call the dogs better-they don't want to go out either!

Your skin has the prune look from being in the water for so long!

The cows are giving dry milk!

The eggs are always sunny-side up!

People from the north ever wondered why they chose to go in August!

You know why people don't buckle-up!

The bugs are bigger than your cat back home!

You actually go home with a real tan!

There is all this talk of different boys and girls names that you think are meant for babies and it is actually the latest hurricane name! :rotfl2:

Sorry folks-was bored and had to capitalize on Florida in July post!
You walk out of your room at BCV to go a park .. the heat hits you .. and you decide to spend the day at SAB instead.


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