You & Me & A Bottle Makes 3 (UPDATED! 4/7/14)–F&W Fest & the Rest in 5 days!

So sorry to hear you've had so many struggles! Not fun! I think your plan to focus on your trip memories is a good one! Hang in there!
There has continued to be a lot keeping me busy but for the past month it has been Mostly good.
By Best friend got Married and I was her "Lady of Honor"

So for awhile now my spare time has been focused there including Bridal shower, Bachelorette party, rehearsal, decorating the hall and the wedding itself.

The week before the wedding "S"'s grandmother passed away and I ended up staying at his house dog-sitting while he and his son took a trip for the memorial services and such.
Very sad.

The good news is that he made it back the night before the wedding. Which also happened to be a Big game for the ACHA championships for which he is the local broadcaster. So after I decorated the hall for the hall for hours we went to the game (which ended up in a loss for our team in overtime).

The BIG day went off without a hitch. The bride was amazing and lovely and everything a bride should be.

Now I will subject you to a few photos of the day, although most of you (I have maybe 3 readers?) would prefer I return to the Trip Report.


(Me on the Left)


Being silly with the bride


Huddled for warmth and giggling over who knows what (there was a very cold breeze, thankfully the ceremony was inside, they just had us outdoors for pretty photos)

So the lovely Bride is a big fan of my relationship to my DBF, she really want to see us make it in spite of all the crazy complications. Me too. I really love him.
So of course the Bride lobbed the bouquet toss straight at me and I caught it. That was planned. I had been warned. What I was not expecting was for a couple of the more drunk girls to drag "S" forward and yell "Kiss your future Bride!" I turned 10 shades of red.
Poor commitment hesitant "S". I half expected him to take of running but he played along nicely.


I think his face may be more red than mine.

We were wondering aimlessly, not sure what to do next.
I snapped a few nice detail shots of the Tree.


It really is an amazing work of art.



We eventually wandered as far at the entrance to "It's Tough to be a Bug" and as usual "S" was dying for some AC so we decided to go for it.

He was rather entertained by all the Posters in the Q area as he is a big fan of bad puns.


(Not my image)

Ok, it had been a long time since I had seen this. Did I mention I have issue with spiders?


The upshot is that my DBF found my reactions to be very entertaining.

No really, it is still a cute and entertaining show.

When we released back out into the park we discovered that we were rather trapped by the afternoon parade.
I was ok with this.

"S" not being a big fan of parade's I felt a little deprived during this trip. Being trapped meant we had no choice but to watch it.

I climbed up on a rock.

The only pictures I got were on my cell phone because "S" had the camera in the back pack and I was on my rock.

Most of them were not very good but I posted this gem to my Mother's FB wall.
She loves Rafiki.


When the parade was over we went to use our fast passes for Kali River Rapids.

"S" really had no desire to get his jeans wet, so he held everything and sent me on alone.
S'ok. I sometimes need me time. Actually I think the biggest mistake we made all trip was not to separate at all.
We could have used a little solo exploration time now and then.
We don't live together so we are not quite used to this much time spent together all at once.
So anyway he got to find a shady spot and play with his smartphone (something I constantly nag him to do less of) and I got to put on my poncho and ride.

The ride had JUST come back up after being shut down so the Fastpass was a true walk on.

I had a good fun group and we did get nice and wet.
Bonus, is I did manage to keep my feet mostly dry. I had forgotten to put my flipflops back in our backpack so I was stuck in sneakers and socks for the duration.

As we were walking of the nice lady behind me stopped to warn me that my poncho hood was FULL of water and could make a mess of me if I tried to remove it.


She helped me dump it and I was on my way back to "S"

He offered me the second FP if I wanted to ride again but I declined and we gave it away.

We decided we were done with the Park and while we hated to call our last day an early day, we really had run out of things to do and the waits were too long and Fast Passes all gone. (and that was a sloppy sentence)

"S" wanted to check out DTD and I had never really been aside from a dinner at Planet Hollywood once, so we figured out a bus plan and headed out.

I threw a "playful"(fake) temper tantrum on my way out.

"I don't wanna go!" "this CAN'T be my last day at Disney!!!"
"S" laughed and kissed me and said at least we were going to Downtown Disney so it didn't count as leaving yet.

We stopped for one last Photopass on the way out.

You can see my hair is still wet from the rapids.


While we were still there, "S" kept wishing that his son was with us. I suggested that we maybe take him next summer but my DBF want to go to Scotland instead if we can manage it. (Sept 2015)

Now we will not be able to do both.
Well not all of us.

I need to figure out a way for me to do a solo trip or just me and my sister in the next 12 months and still have enough money to do Scotland.

I feel greedy that I want to do both, but there it is.

I need a higher paying job, or a winning lottery ticket.
Glad you got to catch the parade and go on Kali River Rapids! Nice photo of the two of you at the exit. Ah it's always so sad leaving your final park :( At least you were extending the day and heading to DtD!

Wow Scotland sounds like it will be a great trip! Don't feel greedy about wanting vacation and adventure! I hope you are able to swing a Disney trip like you want to.
Glad you got to catch the parade and go on Kali River Rapids! Nice photo of the two of you at the exit. Ah it's always so sad leaving your final park :( At least you were extending the day and heading to DtD!

Wow Scotland sounds like it will be a great trip! Don't feel greedy about wanting vacation and adventure! I hope you are able to swing a Disney trip like you want to.

I have a bit of time to figure it out. I really must say I am already pretty stoked about the idea of Scotland.
I guess I need to find a different message board for that PTR huh?
We waved goodbye to the Disney Parks (ok, I did, "S" was busy loading a podcast") and hopped on a bus for Downtown Disney.
My spirits were a little low but still I was excited to be doing something new.

The bus dropped us near the West side. As I saw the building for Cirque de Soleil I yet again made myself a promise that I would someday save enough money for tickets.

There was smooth sounding music coming from the House of Blues so we got drinks and decided to mellow outdoors for a bit.
I ordered a Margarita and "S" a beer.
It was pretty early in the evening and neither of us felt much in the need to hurry.


The Man who invented "chill" relaxing with his beer.

The margarita was disappointing and weak, but the music was good.

We moved along after we finished figuring we'd get another drink elsewhere.
We swung by Disney Quest to have a gander but the Admission Price was too steep.

So we continue to wander.


We had a slow stroll through, checking out a few of the shops on the way. We both really like the Pop Gallery and "S" was rather interested in the Cigar place.

After awhile I started to get hungry so we decided to wander till something grabbed out attention.


1. "S" is very indecisive.
2. The people

It's my own fault really. I never stopped to think about the fact that it was Friday evening. You loose tract of the meaning of days on a vacation.
By Dusk the place was packed. All my earlier complaints of crowds are a joke compared to the sardine can we soon found ourselves in. We crossed into Pleasure Island and pure madness.

I was really unhappy and very hungry. After about the 5th or so Place that I suggested for dinner was met by a shrug I was really to melt down. Hunger turns me into a real bear. Add in crowds...
I informed my DBF that I was very close to a full blown melt down and he just took me to whatever seemed closest.
Pollo Campero.

Another mistake. My dinner of chicken was overcooked, boring, and flavorless. Even worse it took an hour to procure. Finding a place to eat it took 15 minutes. The place was packed and loud.
I liked the salsa bar, but I could barely get to it.

I was feeling very Frazzled but tried to calm down. I was really trying not to ruin my last night of vacation.

We waded back into the crowds and into the Lego store. I wanted to love it, and was impressed but some of it, but I really could not move around much. There were so many kids running a screaming I wondered if the parents had just dumped them all there and gone off for drinks.

We did manage to spend a good bit of time in Once Upon a Toy.

I had decided to indulge my Inner Child and get a box of Mr. Potatoes Head parts. A nice lady working there showed me how to fill the body with parts, adorn it, stick it in the box, and still cram more parts in around him, to get the most for your money.
More pictures coming in the Souvenir follow-up post but I thought I would share with you the crazy creation my Sister made the night I got home from our trip.


Yes, that is Darth Vader's arm he is holding.....

We also browsed World of Disney, Spice and Tea Exchange, Mickey's Pantry and the Pin Shop.
I finally bought a few souvenirs and gifts (although not many.

At the Pin Trader's I made my last few trades of the Trip including an elusive Muppet Pin for my collection! I had not seen many on lanyards the whole trip.

We tried to wade back in and go get a last drink before heading back to pack.

We failed. The crowds were simply too much. We were tired. We were hot.
We give up.

I would like to check the place out better sometime, maybe on a weekday afternoon, but this was too much.

It was early (not even 8pm) but we knew we should call it quits. We figured we could get back to the hotel at a decent hour, and pack while maybe having a glass of the wine we still had in our room.

We headed out.

Oh God. The crowds.
I cannot describe the chaos we found.
We could not find the right bus at first. The stop was not marked properly and we were misdirected by the CM twice. When we did finally get to the right place it took at least a half an hour for a bus to arrive. It filled before we got on. We had to wait for another. People were pushing, shoving, and cutting in line.
When we did get on the bus we sat in TERRIBLE traffic. More than 40 minutes just to circle around to the other entrance and "pick up" more guests. (maybe one or two more managed to fit in).

I could ramble on about our nightmarish trip back to the Ticket and transportation Center but I will leave it be.
It is enough to say that is was standing room only. It is enough to say that in Spite of leaving by 8 we did not get back to the TTC until 11ish.

It really was a very BAD experience.
Yes, I did end up in tears.


"S" was great with me as usual. He was frustrated too but he still tried to keep me calm and even gave me one of his ear buds so that I could listen to podcasts with him and try to take my mind away from things.

We were back in the hotel around Midnight, and we still had to pack.

Packing wasn't too bad, we eventually got it mostly under control and went to bed, leaving the rest for the morning.
What an exhausting end to our Disney Vacation!

Next: Travel Home, Souvenir Post, & Trip Summary (favorites, lessons learned & wishlist for next trip)
Wow, I really cannot believe we have reached the end. Sorry it is slight downer folks, but a 4 hour trip back to your hotel is just not fun no matter how you spin it.
Wow, I really cannot believe we have reached the end. Sorry it is slight downer folks, but a 4 hour trip back to your hotel is just not fun no matter how you spin it.

That is a shame to end such a great trip on that note but I'm sure the dancing at HS and all the other fun things you experienced will be what you most remember. I have to agree with you on DtD on a weekend. We had never been and went on our first night there which was a Saturday. Never again! The crowds were horrific as well as the parking and traffic. I too came undo but instead of crying I was snapping at everyone!
Can't wait to see your souvenir pictures and your trip to Scotland sounds amazing!!!
That is a shame to end such a great trip on that note but I'm sure the dancing at HS and all the other fun things you experienced will be what you most remember. I have to agree with you on DtD on a weekend. We had never been and went on our first night there which was a Saturday. Never again! The crowds were horrific as well as the parking and traffic. I too came undo but instead of crying I was snapping at everyone!
Can't wait to see your souvenir pictures and your trip to Scotland sounds amazing!!!

Oh yes, there were certainly enough wonderful memories to make up for it.
I will simply chaulk it up to a lesson learned and never, EVER go back there on a weekend again.
Ah I'm so sorry your last night was stressful and not as enjoyable as you wished it to be. It's easy to forget how crowded DTD can be on a weekend. Can't wait to read your summary post!

The alarm sounded bright and early. We scrambled to finish our packing so we could have a quick breakfast and meet our airport shuttle in front of the hotel.
I SHOULD have had plenty of room. I had left some coming down, also I had brought several “edibles & disposables” items that should not be coming home with me.
We had not consumed nearly enough of the food, and I am incapable of wasting so I tried to bring some it back home. Snacks in the carry-on and the rest in the checked back. Any perishable (there were not many) were dumped. We polished off the OJ while packing.
I STILL should have had plenty of room.
I had purchased very few souvenirs right?

The problem was that 3 of them took up a lot of room.
My beloved Mr. Potato Head & special parts was not small (the box did end up squelched and mangled).
Also the night before I had purchased glass Christmas tree ornaments for myself and my Mom. They were not big at all, but the wonderful ladies at the store had wrapped them well in yards of packaging paper/padding so that they would not break in transit. However, no each was almost as big as my carry-on tote!
Eventually everything was crammed in, a few things thrown away including a half a box of Mickey Mouse tissues (Gah! I hate waste) and several of my items shoved in my DBF’s suitcase. (He, I believe, had purchased NO souvenirs aside from a Disney Pin or two)
I reminded “S” to grab a key card and we went to the lobby to eat. We had 45 minutes so I figured we could eat and then return to the room to grab our bags before checking out.
We ate our final round of waffles and walked back to our room. Let me mention that our room was towards the back of the property, which while not large was still a couple minute’s walk.

“S” did not have a key card. He thought it was in his wallet. HE did not check when I asked him if he had one, he just assumed he did.
No problem. (ok, yes it was irritating, but I really tired not to make a big deal about it)
I walked back to the lobby and, after waiting 5 minutes for someone else to check out I explained my situation and got another.

We now had only 20 minutes until shuttle time.

I walked back

The new card would not open the door either.


We walked to the lobby again together.
Once again we had to wait for someone ahead of us, and 5 minutes later the lady at the front desk said, “Ready to check out now?”

I explained, now sounding pretty frantic, and she called the housekeeper. The housekeeper apparently stayed on property. Apparently she was also still in bed. We were told she would meet us back at the room “soon”.

We walked again back to our room and I was nearly out of my skin frantic, looking at my cell for the time!
A few minutes later she arrived and let us in.
We snatched our stuff, threw some cash of the bed and bolted back up front to check out.

Yet again someone was there, but this time the clerk asked if it was ok to check me out first since my shuttle was due to arrive any moment. (We now had like 2 minutes)
We were processed rapidly and back out front in no time. Good thing too because the shuttle was only 3 minutes or so late.
Of course Meers had us to the airport a few hours before our flight departed and security was pretty fast. I HATE having to kill so much time in an airport when I could have been sleeping in. Especially when I only got 5 or less hours of sleep the night before. I mind it less on the way to a vacation, when I have anticipation in my favor, than I do on the way home.
We shopped around a little then collapsed onto some comfy chairs to wait until closer to our flight time to go to our terminal. I used the last of our Starbucks gift cards to procure us both much needed caffeine.
We eventually meandered over to our gate and fished waiting there. They made an announcement offering to check peoples carry-on’s for free to save space and I submitted my small suitcase (keeping the tote bag of snacks and such). I was more than happy to have it off my hands by now.

When they finally boarded us “S” made a terrible discovery.

He had lost his ID. The last time he had seen it was at Security and there was no time to go back now.

He was frantic.

Still we got on the plane and flew back to Ronald Reagan.
Our return flight was smooth. “S” stayed anxious.

Being an anxiety victim myself I understood, but tried to be reassuring.
He could get a new one next week, and in the meantime if he got pulled over, he could explain the situation as best as he could to the officer in question. There was nothing else to be done. (We did place a few call to the Airport, but nothing ever turned up)

We had a very long drive home. “S” took the wrong highway at one point and drove and hour south instead of North. That extended our drive from 2.5 hours to 4.5 hours.
We saw the following on the road home. It was too priceless not to share:

Check your spelling!

We stopped at a Denny’s for some lunch/dinner (we were starved) and the service was so bad it took two hours to complete the experience.

In other words, our trip home was NOT exactly smooth.

I got home late evening. “S” dropped me and my belongings off and headed back to his own home.

I was beat but spent some time telling my sister about my trip and showing her some of my souvenirs, including Mr. Potato Head, which we played with for a bit.
Ugh travel day is stressful enough, I'm sorry it was made worse by all the problems and the rushing. And I'm sorry S lost his ID :( Glad you made it back safely and had time to play with Mr. Potato Head!
I am not sure if I am ever going to wrap this report up.
Real life got in the way again.

First the DBF had a fiscal crisis that we are trying to deal with (to the level that his house is under threat of foreclosure).

One of my childhood friends died last month in her sleep (sleep apnea related)

Now I have my own mess.
My house was broken into and robbed.
I was not home.

They broke a window to get in, took what they wanted, and left through the front door.


I have no words.

I am devastated.

They stole my jewelry, my computer, and the contents of my wine rack. (well that's the primary stuff)

I have no documentation on the jewelry, no receipt for the computer, and a $1000 deductible on my theft insurance, I cannot afford this.

I no longer feel safe in my own home and cannot sleep.


I need a vacation now, more than ever, now more than ever I cannot.

I know things have GOT to get better.
Something's gotta give.
Oh goodness, I am so sorry for all the troubles you have been going through :(

Having your house robbed is devastating :( I am glad to hear though that you are safe. Things will get better, even though it doesn't seem like it right now :hug:
I have replaced the window and now have a new security system. My camera was stolen too but when I get a new one, I will see what I can do about a way past due souvenir post.
I am just catching up on this and so sorry and troubled by all you are going through.

I hope things are improving for your DBF and that you are doing ok getting over the loss of your childhood friend.

And to not feel safe in your own home just must be devastating and unnerving. If there is a bright spot it is that you were not home and were not harmed.

Definitely sending positive thoughts your way! :hug:


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