You Snooze, You Lose at BWV. Boardwalk and Standard Views already gone for NYE


DIS veteran
Aug 29, 1999
Yikes! My friends think that I am obsessive compulsive about DVC and my habit of calling day-by-day for our annual NYE reservations. Those same friends were on the waitlist for 1/1/07 up to almost a month before NYE.

I called yesterday for my SV studio and got it with no problem. We're planning to share a 2BR with said friends and I emailed them a couple of days ago to let them know that the first day for 12/31 was yesterday. They're not 100% sure that they are going, so I am booking a studio back-up. They called today and we decided to go ahead and book our 2BR today :). Maybe my DVC-OCD is rubbing off, LOL. We selected a SV to save on some points. So ... I call at about 9:30 AM Central Time and low and behold ... there are no Standard View 2BRs left for NYE! Okie dokie. If I'm going to pay Preferred View prices, I want a Boardwalk View. Sorry, they're all gone too! Okay ... how about a SV studio for our friends for 12/31 and we'll move into the 2BR on the 1st? Nope, no can do. We booked a regular Preferred View and wait listed for the Standard View.

There was availability for 12/28, 12/29 and 12/30 in a SV studio and then again on 1/1. There must be a lot of people just coming in for one night!

Anyway ... I feel very sorry for the folks who are waiting until next week to book their vacations at the 11 month window of their check-out date!
We are staying at SSR 1BR Dec 26th-Jan 1st.

I called day by day starting last Saturday.

I know that because SSR is bigger, I probably could have waited until yesterday to call, but I didn't want to take a chance of a particular night not being available.

When I talked to a CM yesterday, she said that BWV and BCV were low in inventory but there was still a bunch left at SSR.

My guess is that they will all be sold out pretty quickly, at least for NYE.
I will be in a SV studio at BWV for New Year's Eve this year for my first NYE at Disney. I will see you guys there!!
I ran in to the same problem. I wasn't able to call util around 3:30PM on 1/31 for the night of 12/30. I wanted a BW view studio, and they were already gone. I called at 10:45AM yesterday, sat on hold until 11:15, and BW view studios were already gone. Here's to hoping for success on the waitlist.
Holy cow! Boardwalk views gone by 10:45 AM?!? I called right when they opened yesterday for my SV Studio.
I made a ressie for BWV standard studio 11 months out of my checkout date- same day all standard views were booked. This was for October!
I made a ressie for BWV standard studio 11 months out of my checkout date- same day all standard views were booked. This was for October!
That's why I always book day-by-day. But as you can see by Debi's experience not even that works sometime. Especially in October which is the Food and Wine Festival!
How does the calling MS day by day thing work. Do you have to cancel each previous ressie then book another for each day you add on until you have all days you require?
How does the calling MS day by day thing work. Do you have to cancel each previous ressie then book another for each day you add on until you have all days you require?
Your reservation will have the confirmation number assigned to you on the first day you call, then you just tell MS your real check-out date and they keep the reservation "open" until it is complete. Once you add your final day, MS will send you your confirmation letter.
RobinB's right, when you call for your first day, let them know your anticipated checkout date, and your reservation will be kept 'open' until you get to your last night. If it is a very high demand time (NYE, early December, etc.), be sure to call exactally at 9AM on the first day you can book.
We had the same issue. Called on 1/31 to get a SV BWV 2BR for our first night (the 30th) - no problem. Called again on 2/1 (the 1st day to make NYE ressies) to get the night of 1/31. I tried from 9:15 - 9:35 and got the "all circuits busy". Finally got thru at 9:35 and was on hold for 20 minutes. I was at work and had to hang up. My DH finally got thru around 11:30 and all SVs were gone. We had to switch to Preferred for the entire trip. We're on the waitlist, but I'm not holding my breath. And, I'm so totally excited that we're getting to go at all!

Next time I guess I'll have to take the day off work, tee hee! Maybe we'll all be true neighbors for NYE this year!

See ya,
FWIW, we bought DVC in April 2006. I called in late April for NYE 2006 reservations. I was able to book the nights of December 27-30 in a 1BR Boardwalk view, but had to waitlist the nights of December 26 and 31. The waitlist for the night of December 26 cleared at the beginning of June, and the waitlist for the night of December 31 cleared on Halloween. So, there is hope! Be patient, and the waitlist might clear!
We have our 2BR Boardwalk View all set for New Years. I have told this stoy many times but will repeat it for those who haven't heard it.

The first year we went over New Year's I waited until 11 months from our checkout date to make the whole reservation. Everything was available for a 2BR SV except NYE. Over the course of 11 months the wait list never came through. Disney took care of things so we didn't have to change rooms but it taught me a lesson for NYE and that's to call day by day at 9 A.M. for any of the special rooms. We did this year and are all set.



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