You think of a wonderful thought ... TR

Awww Elsie is so cute in her Belle dress. Glad she got to meet Belle in the end too. Sounds like some great interaction :)
Just caught up on your TR (can't believe I've only just found it!) and am really loving it so far. Loving Elsie's outfits and all the character interactions as usual, keep it coming! :goodvibes
Tinks you should start making and selling these dresses you'd be perfect at it imagine all the orders youd get from here (me defo) alone.:rotfl2::rotfl2:

I loved Askerkas too it is the same credits for breakfast as well as lunch? I love lunch like you didn't fancy the lunch time menu but was very pleasantly surprised nice food Cant wait wait to go back:dance3:
All the photos are just so cute! All the outfits are so special and must add to her expereince.

Thank you we have a lot of photos. I cant decide which ones I want to print.

I am so glad you liked T-REX! I really liked it, and can't wait to go back in December! xx

Yeah the atmosphere was nice and loud and kept Elsie amused the food was ok a bit like a TGI nothing special but I enjoyed it there.

Awww Elsie is so cute in her Belle dress. Glad she got to meet Belle in the end too. Sounds like some great interaction :)

Belle was so amazing


I just love this photo.

Just caught up on your TR (can't believe I've only just found it!) and am really loving it so far. Loving Elsie's outfits and all the character interactions as usual, keep it coming! :goodvibes

Hello you,

Glad you like her outfits. There are plenty more to come.

You got so many great pics - :) - also love all the outfits you made - inspires me to get out the sewing machine!

I haven't made the ones for this holiday I have made 2 for the next one. :D

Loving the trip report Leanne :goodvibes

Thanks Gem. Are you planning your return?

Tinks you should start making and selling these dresses you'd be perfect at it imagine all the orders youd get from here (me defo) alone.:rotfl2::rotfl2:

I loved Askerkas too it is the same credits for breakfast as well as lunch? I love lunch like you didn't fancy the lunch time menu but was very pleasantly surprised nice food Cant wait wait to go back:dance3:

I havent made these ones just Mary Poppins. I have made another surprise dress I will share when I have finished it. I have run out of thread.

Yeah 1 credit for Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Glad you saw Belle..I've never known Akershus not to have Belle there :confused3

I haven't either. But they day we went was the day Belle's new dress and hair styled was released so may be it was because they were keeping it for the enchanted tales.
Usual routine and at Hollywood Studios for opening. We had a reservation at Hollywood and Vine at 9.25am so we went straight there.

Silly silly me charged my camera battery but forgot to put the battery back in the camera :( So I apologise for the picture quality they are from my phone and Dave's camcorder.

Not long after sitting down they started their dance and character parade Oso came over to Elsie for a dance and took her off.


then they danced together.


She loved it. Oso come over not long after the parade finished and spent ages kissing and cuddling Elsie



The food here was really good here. We were really impressed we loved the breakfast Buritto.

Jake was our next character to visit. He was impressed by Elsie's t-shirt.



She hasn't watched much of Little Einstein's so I'm not sure she really knew who June was but she was happy enough to twirl and dance with her.


Another song and dance and again she was lucky enough to have a character to her self. This time it was Manny



After another dance Manny brought Elsie back to the table for and signed her book.


I dont think Elsie wanted him to go.

We really enjoyed our selves here the interaction was great and we never felt rushed. It will be a must do for us next time.

After breakfast we made our way over to the Little Mermaid show. This is lovely but really short and misses out almost all the storyline.

It was almost time for Beauty and the Beast so made our way over. We parked the pushchair and slipped Elsie's Belle dress on for the show. They weren't letting people in yet so we made our way over to the Tower of Terror gift shop. I was on a mission to get a t-shirt for a certain some one ;) and I saw they had the film of Tower of Terror that I have had on my lovefilm list for nearly a year so Dave treated me.

When we were finished they were letting people in. We got great seats about 6-7 rows back in the middle on the end. Elsie loved this show. I mean LOVED IT! We have watched it probably 100 times since we have been home. Dave recorded it and you can hear Elsie roar at the beast and she laughs at herself!

Gutted she wasn't the little girl picked to get the rose from Belle though she would have love to go up there.

We made our way over to Starring Rolls to use some snack credits! WOW! These cupcakes are huge and are a snack!



We also had a drink each and Elsie got some more of her Mickey Cheese biscuits.

We had discussed going on the Great Movie Ride as it is my favourite but Elsie was kind of tired and it was pretty hot today so we decided to go back for a rest.

Elsie had a nap and I did some washing. We went over to Down Town Disney for Dinner at Earl of Sandwich. I had the tuna melt and Dave had something meaty. Elsie had the mac and cheese side salad for I think $1.75 which was perfect portion for her we were really pleased.

When we got back I did another shop with Garden Grocer for delivery on Thursday. This company are amazing and I highly recommend them.

We watched Nancy Grace talk about Jodi Arias case and went to bed very early.
It was almost time for Beauty and the Beast so made our way over. We parked the pushchair and slipped Elsie's Belle dress on for the show. They weren't letting people in yet so we made our way over to the Tower of Terror gift shop. I was on a mission to get a t-shirt for a certain some one ;) and I saw they had the film of Tower of Terror that I have had on my lovefilm list for nearly a year so Dave treated me.

Hehe! Tom loved his t-shirt... I gave it to him as a late Valentines Day present! He couldn't work out how I got it ;)

Hi, your little girl is so cute, I wish I could get some good boy costumes for my LO for our trip! Can I ask how you got on with the dining plan with your DD? We are off in October on free dining but wondered if we would end up buying food off plan for him (he'll be under 2). We plan on sharing a lot of the time but wondered how convenient this really is?

I'm reading your TR with interest, I know this is going to be so different from all our other trips!
Hehe! Tom loved his t-shirt... I gave it to him as a late Valentines Day present! He couldn't work out how I got it ;)


He he glad he liked it.

Hi, your little girl is so cute, I wish I could get some good boy costumes for my LO for our trip! Can I ask how you got on with the dining plan with your DD? We are off in October on free dining but wondered if we would end up buying food off plan for him (he'll be under 2). We plan on sharing a lot of the time but wondered how convenient this really is?

I'm reading your TR with interest, I know this is going to be so different from all our other trips!

Oh it's such a shame that there is such a small variety for boys.

Where are you eating? We mainly ate buffet or family style (all you can eat but brought to the table). We found having a good breakfast we didnt need much for lunch. We often ate back in the room made a sandwich or something. Then saved a QS for dinner. QS was harder as she doesn't like chips chicken nuggets etc. if we found some where that had mac and cheese one of us would order it and share with her. Or if there was ever a side order that we thought she would like we ordered that. She isn't a big eater though she eats small meals but snacks quiet often. Probably (why she always has so much energy) hence the mention of Mickey cheesy biscuits most days lol.

If you ever have any questions feel free to ask. We were really surprised how easy we found it with her. Only had one terrible melt down unfortunately it was the day it was just me and Elsie.

Hi Tinks can I ask a question about taking a little one please. I am currently pregnant and due sept which is when we usually go Florida all being well we we will be over there for babies first birthday Plus our 10 year wedding annivesary :lovestruc:lovestruc Booking 2 Sept 14 nights POL - Our first stay ON SITE.....

have a couple of questions
Where did you stay ??? and what items did you order for delievery ????

the Disney junior meal at hollywood and vine sounds perfect for "1st birthdays" noticed from your trip report you recommend having big breakfast then QS for tea later are they all 1 credit ?? Thinking baby will be better having a big morning then sleep in afternoon ***prays for sleep****:rotfl: Can you think of any where else to celebrate 1st birthdays ??? cafe Mickey???

where would you recommend for our 10 year anniversay meal??? we are taking grandparents who have offered to babysit so will be just me and DH for the night :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: a first at Disney:woohoo::woohoo:
Hi Tinks can I ask a question about taking a little one please. I am currently pregnant and due sept which is when we usually go Florida all being well we we will be over there for babies first birthday Plus our 10 year wedding annivesary :lovestruc:lovestruc Booking 2 Sept 14 nights POL - Our first stay ON SITE.....

have a couple of questions
Where did you stay ??? and what items did you order for delievery ????

the Disney junior meal at hollywood and vine sounds perfect for "1st birthdays" noticed from your trip report you recommend having big breakfast then QS for tea later are they all 1 credit ?? Thinking baby will be better having a big morning then sleep in afternoon ***prays for sleep****:rotfl: Can you think of any where else to celebrate 1st birthdays ??? cafe Mickey???

where would you recommend for our 10 year anniversay meal??? we are taking grandparents who have offered to babysit so will be just me and DH for the night :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: a first at Disney:woohoo::woohoo:

Of course you can. Congratulations on the pregnancy.

We stayed at SSR it was amazing we had a 1 bed villa and the space was lovely.

We ordered bread, milk, crisps, bottles of drink, snacks, stuff to make sandwiches, cereal. Just stuff so we could eat in if we were too tired to go out and get something to eat.

The only 2 credit we did was Cinderellas Royal Table everything else was 1 credit.

You can have a cake delivered to the restaurant even for breakfast. The table next to us had a cake delivered and also had a birthday card from all the characters. Cafe Mickey was OK we weren't that bothered by it. Garden Grill at Epcot was great they do dinner if you think a cake at dinner would be better.

10 year anniversary The Yachts mans steak house is lovely. DH can't wait to go back there for an adult meal. After dinner you can watch illuminations on the beach or Narcoosses at Grand Floridian is also really nice. It is a very small restaurant lovely and quiet. You can watch wishes from inside or you can go out on to the decking area. The water pageant also passes by.

Any thing else I can help with I am more then happy too!

Another great day, it sounds like you had the best time.

Thanks it was sooooo amazing!
Ok so todays update will make up for the lack of photos yesterday. There are is a lot of character meetings in today's update.

We were at Magic kingdom for opening again and watched the opening ceremony not quiet the view we had last time though.


Elsie still loved it though.


Today we were on a mission to get as many characters as we could to fill up the pages in Elsie's book.

First up Marie


They had a lovely long cuddle together.

We stopped in front of the castle to have a photopass picture together but it was the photographers first day and she literally just took one photo.


Next was Merida. We were there before the meet opened but it wasn't long before it did open. This place was lovely for the kids they had archery practice and colouring. I bet Elsie can't wait to be old enough to join in but she just watched for now.


Merida was lovely


and the CMs loved Elsie's dress kept telling us to go straight to Jessie she would love to see her. Wait there we have other people to see yet.

After seeing Merida we saw Pooh had a 5 minute wait and as it was still only 9.40 and Gaston wasn't out till 10 we decided to have a go.


Elsie loved bouncing with Tigger and the ride is so cute for little ones.

Gaston still wasn't out when we got there so I stood waiting whilst Dave and Elsie played bubbles and ran around.

He did eventually come out and well Elsie was not impressed by him. See Elsie loves the Beast. He is her favourite of all at the moment all we get is Beast and have watched Beauty and the Beast sooooo many times in the last couple of months I know all the words.


Mum why have you brought me here?

He was really funny saying Elsie was speechless from his good looks. His character was great and had a lot of fun. Again we were told to go and see Jessie!

But we still have to see a mermaid.

Ariels Grotto was showing 20 minutes but we probably queued a bit longer. It was lovely though Elsie really liked it we call her mermaid as she loves the water.


Again great interaction with Ariel. Elsie was memorized by her fin it was so sparkly a lot of work went in to that.

Before we head over to see Jessie and Woody we decide to grab a snack and drink. I love le fous brew. It is sooooo yummy. Very sweet but I love sweet. The detail in here as well is so amazing. Really feel like you are in the film.

Now it is time to see Woody and Jessie.




Elsie loves Toy Story we have just had a Toy Story birthday party. Jessie was very taken with Elsie and offered to come with us.


Elsie would love to have a big Jessie to play with. Might not lose her hat like Elsie's toy version lol.

We wanted to squeeze in one more meet before lunch and decided Peter Pan would be best as Tinkerbell was showing 50 minutes on the wait app. We asked a CM where could we find him? To be told he only comes out for special events like MNSSHP! What? That CM needs training.


See here he is


Just finished in time for lunch at Crystal Palace.


Elsie was very happy here with Tigger.


Pooh Bear




And Piglet.

Now the characters were great here but the food and service wasn't. Food was really boring nothing exciting really. The service was so slow! Trying to get refills was really hard she would disappear for ages. Think we will try an early breakfast next time.


We watched the beautiful show after lunch. It was so hot stood here watching it we went and cold down in the Air Coned shops.

Elsie spent some more of her gift card. Ariel beauty set and Cinderella in her carriage she is happy. We make our way back to the room and Elsie falls asleep on the bus.

We went over to the Paddock for a swim to try the new swimming pool. But the pool was empty :( We did play in the water play area but Elsie wasn't sure the other bigger kids were a bit scary for her.

We walked over to the main pool and had a little splash there.

After wearing our selves out we went back for an early night as we had a full park day tomorrow.
Great update :) I was really looking forward to seeing that dress on Elsie, she is soooooo cute!! That was funny about Gaston, Elsie's little face is priceless lol. Some great pics that day :goodvibes
aw i love her outfits she is so cute !!

must say have really enjoyed your tr and its made me sooo excited for our own holiday !! my 3 year old is loving all your character photos !!
So funny that Elsie didn't like Gaston :laughing:

She is wonderfully confident with the characters, I mean they are just HUGE next to her and yet she seems to enjoy meeting them so much :goodvibes


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