You Will Not Lose Us Pete Werner!

I admit that I cried while listening to this week's show. I don't even necessarily agree with every viewpoint on every show, but respectful discussions can challenge your point of view and be good for personal growth. Whether it is a discussion on guns or a restaurant review, I appreciate everyone's varying perspectives. I'm not ashamed to say I'm a moderate-conservative southern raised Christian, and you won't lose me over this episode either. I enjoy and appreciate what you guys do.
While my heart is too heavy to listen to that podcast episode yet, I commend you for fearlessly speaking about it. That's continually been one of my favorite things about The Dis - generally not being afraid to speak the truth, whether it's about what's going on at Disney or in the real world. <3
It is rare to find people who can tak a stand and respectfully discuss emotional topics. I was already a fan. You gained my respect as I listened yesterday.
I agree with some of what was said during this week's episode. I disagree with some of what was said as well. But regardless of whether I agree or disagree, the podcast team expressing their heartfelt emotions and honest opinions about this tragedy is not going to make me stop watching.
To Pete and the DIS Team,
I remember the day I stumbled onto your Podcast. I could not believe I found a "Home" of fellow Adult fans of Disney. I thought I was only the adult,
without children, who is a fan of the theme parks. There were other times in my life I thought I was "the only one." You Podcasts came into my life when I really needed a friend. For a time your Podcasts were like virtual visits from friends. I will always be grateful. When I saw the news about club Pulse as a breaking news item at 2am, my Heart sank, as I was just in Orlando days prior, and I thought about my friends in Orlando. As details came forth days after the attack, about the gunman being a "Muslim" who previously visited Pulse and used Gay Dating/ 'meet-up' (I know this is a family site) apps.
I thought now we will see if we have learned to Love each other as Brothers & Sisters, regardless of race, creed or Sexual orientation.
My fear, will there be people, who in their
prejudice against Gays show their ugly side. And sure enough, although I was surprised that it was "Christian" Religious professionals who spewed "Support" for the shooter. I could not believe what I was reading and later heating, that people who claim their are Reverends or Preachers who love Christ, where celebrating the shooter by saying "He should have taken out more gays."[sic] That is Not Brotherly Love. Where is the LOVE? Where is the Peace?
I have not been able to keep myself from tears, when I think of the family members who lost loved ones.
My Friend, Pete, if you lost half of your audience, because "they" can not see, what the World needs now is "Love, sweet Love."
I will remain a loyal fan, because I know the half that that remains, practices Brotherly Love. So I will be in Good Company.

I wish the entire DIS Team,
Peace & Love,

Just got done listening to the podcast (due to my schedule I can't listen on Tuesday).

This was the podcast I knew Pete would have this week.

It hit too close to home for them to have anything other than a frank discussion about the massacre last weekend. Tuesday wasn't the time for hilarity; Tuesday wasn't the time to talk about Disney Coach purses. It was a time to reflect, to discuss, to opine.

I don't agree with everything discussed on Tuesday. But they were open, they were candid. I expect nothing less from the podcast team.

The only thing I strongly disagreed with Pete...things will be back to normal this Tuesday.
It won't. That's due to the tragedy Tuesday night. But no one could foresee the future.
It has taken me a few days to think carefully about what to write in response to the podcast.

In some ways it is easy to feel detached from the situation being over here in the UK, but as a gay Christian guy this senseless tragedy left me feeling numb and broken inside. Listening to the podcast left me in tears. Many of the things which were said were exactly how I was feeling.

It is very unlikely that I am ever going to meet any of the team but over the last couple of years of listening to the show they have become like family to me in my mind. When you see someone in your family hurting you want to help, or at the very least stand with them.

The podcast was one of the most real things I have listened to in a very long time and I truly thank you for your honesty, openness and vulnerability. Listening to the discussion was very helpful to me as it enabled me to articulate how I felt and I am very grateful for that.

You have not lost a listener here but cemented my admiration for the team and all that you do.

I had listened to the podcast live but did turn the volume down really low due to having small children in my home. I have an 11 year old and an 8 year old who has special needs both girls. That night I listened again with my 11 year old daughter in order to be able to have a discussion with her over the issues. While she normally makes fun of me listening to all my various dis shows she does love watching the videos of Dis Pop (Ryno she is planning on sending you some scans of a bunch of her drawings as soon as we can make the trip to the library in order to use the scanner or we have a day that is not windy here and we can take some pictures outside in the light of them). This is what she has to say on the issue.
People should not be allowed to own a gun that is designed to kill people.
Not going anywhere either! If anything my love of the podcast just got stronger! It's not just about Dining reviews, ticket prices and dole whips. What sets this podcast apart from other Disney podcasts is the amount of heart that the team has and that's why it will always be my favorite.


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