You Will Not Lose Us Pete Werner!

My political views would be described by most here as "Tea Party".

I don't agree with every viewpoint shared in the podcast. I don't have to. I absolutely understand where every viewpoint is coming from.

In any case, I was invited several times not to listen to this podcast if I was going to be a snowflake about it.

The very FIRST thing I did when I heard about the shooting was go to the Disunplugged forum to make sure everyone from the podcast was safe. I figured - as was said on the show - that everyone from the podcast was past the "clubbing" age, but still.

My niece was a CM for 2 years. She said she'd been to the Pulse a few times but knew lots of ppl that frequent it. All of her friends had facebooked in that they were safe.

This hit close to home for the podcast. Any regular listener knew that. Nobody is going anywhere.
The only way you are getting rid of me is to stop podcasting. And even then I will spend years listening an re-listening to old episodes!

I loved the Pulse show, I think it was exactly what was needed. I would have found it uncomfortable if it had just been a brief mention and then on with a normal show, I don't think that would have felt natural.
And by loved the show I mean that I listened with tears in my eyes and gained a whole new appreciation for the difficulties gay people still face. Hearing Kevin talk about the tickets he got when he had a pride flag on his car and Ryno talk about how he won't wear his shirt or pin anywhere but there brought things into stark reality.
Haven't lost me either. In fact, there's only one person in my life I can think of right now that officially "lost me" because of their reactions to this tragedy (I'll spare you the personal story). I may not agree with every single thought or opinion expressed on Tuesday's show, but I think we're all in agreement that it was a horrible thing that never should have happened, and that we should be exploring and implementing laws and policies to- at the very least- reduce the odds of something like this in the future. We're devastated over the loss of life and disgusted by the hatred that fueled it all.
Pete, I have some bad news for you:

You can’t get rid of us that easily. We know we can be annoying and that you were probably hoping that some of us would just go away, but nope. Not gonna happen.

You are going to have to work a lot harder than that.


One of the greatest, most beautiful things about this community that you have created here on the DIS is how very welcoming, open and caring it is. Yes, there are exceptions - I’m willing to bet that everyone here knows at least a few folks who seem to thrive off of creating drama on the forums.

But for the most part, this is the most supportive, positive Disney-oriented community that I have found online. That’s why I have stuck around. That’s why I’m not leaving.

Honestly, until recently I didn’t know for sure who was gay and who wasn’t - and didn’t give a tiny rats patootie. And I still don’t. It doesn’t matter to me. What matters is what is in your heart. All I care about is if someone is a good and kind person, someone who is honest and caring. It seems to me that everyone associated with the DIS meets those standards.

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I’ve been lurking around the DISboards for years. Finally created a profile a couple of years ago… mostly I hang out over in the DISabilites forum. Send them a sympathy card if you get the chance… I probably drive them crazy LOL.

Couple of months ago, I started trying to catch the video replays for the weekly show, and began to get to “know” you all. I like the Daily DIS, but I especially enjoy the format of the weekly shows, and I look forward every week now to the next edition

I knew that this weeks edition would be tough for everyone. I cried along with you; I had friends in the Murrah building in OKC in 1995. And while I can tell you that this *will* change Orlando forever, I can also tell you from experience that in time, it will get easier. There will always be grief and sadness, but in time you will find your way back to the light. You will feel safe again. You will be able to laugh and have fun again. Right now it’s all too recent.

Everyone here in my home state of Oklahoma is standing with you, the DIS team, and everyone in Orlando. We have stood in the rubble, and buried our dead, and tended our wounded, and tried to understand the hatred and stupidity. We know how this feels, we know it takes time. We understand the pain, the fear, and the anger.

If you remember nothing else I ever say, I hope you will remember this: Grief is love with no place to go. In time, all of Orlando will begin to find a way to channel all that love in to concrete, permanent, meaningful responses to this tragedy. It takes time, but it will happen. In the meantime, just know that you will never stand alone. We are all right here with you.
"I don't care if I lose half my audience!" Don't worry Pete, you will not lose us!! My daughter and I enjoy listening and watching your Podcasts, unconditionally, the good, the bad, the ugly, and we will continue to do so!

We have a lot of friends who have "followed their heart" and we commend you and your crew for speaking about this horrific tragedy.

My deepest condolences to you all. #loveislove #followyourheart #prayforlando #weareorlando

Agreed! I was very touched by everyone's passion. I cried when Ryno was talking about his friends.
I fully support Kevin and John's views on gun control as well.
I listened to the episode again this morning. Not on purpose, but because my 1 year old had got hold of my iPod and somehow queued it up even though I'd been listening to an older episode recently. Deciding it was a sign, I listened again while settling my daughter for her nap.

As I was listening and looking at my daughter's sweet, innocent little face, I thought about how helpless I feel because I don't want her growing up in a world where she can't be completely free to be whoever she wants to be unless who she wants to be happens to be the accepted social norm. But I also realised that what I CAN do as her mum is to make sure I raise her to be loving and kind, and raise her to know that her family will stand by her and love her no matter what.
We're not that easy to get rid of, Pete.

I could never imagine how hard it was to do that podcast - but I know how hard to watch it was, and how necessary this discussion was. I applaud you all for speaking out and respect you for the strength and courage it took. If anything, I love you guys more for it all.
I've been listening for a little over a year now and I can unequivocally say I stand by The Dis. We're all human beings first and Disney fans second.

The only reason I would leave is if things got really :rolleyes1
Not going anywhere. I appreciate the open and honest discussion that you shared, and I am so sorry that you are feeling this pain. We stand with Orlando and with the DIS!
Pete, I have some bad news for you:

You can’t get rid of us that easily. We know we can be annoying and that you were probably hoping that some of us would just go away, but nope. Not gonna happen.

You are going to have to work a lot harder than that.


One of the greatest, most beautiful things about this community that you have created here on the DIS is how very welcoming, open and caring it is. Yes, there are exceptions - I’m willing to bet that everyone here knows at least a few folks who seem to thrive off of creating drama on the forums.

But for the most part, this is the most supportive, positive Disney-oriented community that I have found online. That’s why I have stuck around. That’s why I’m not leaving.

Honestly, until recently I didn’t know for sure who was gay and who wasn’t - and didn’t give a tiny rats patootie. And I still don’t. It doesn’t matter to me. What matters is what is in your heart. All I care about is if someone is a good and kind person, someone who is honest and caring. It seems to me that everyone associated with the DIS meets those standards.

°o° °o° °o° °o° °o° °o° °o° °o° °o° °o° °o°

I’ve been lurking around the DISboards for years. Finally created a profile a couple of years ago… mostly I hang out over in the DISabilites forum. Send them a sympathy card if you get the chance… I probably drive them crazy LOL.

Couple of months ago, I started trying to catch the video replays for the weekly show, and began to get to “know” you all. I like the Daily DIS, but I especially enjoy the format of the weekly shows, and I look forward every week now to the next edition

I knew that this weeks edition would be tough for everyone. I cried along with you; I had friends in the Murrah building in OKC in 1995. And while I can tell you that this *will* change Orlando forever, I can also tell you from experience that in time, it will get easier. There will always be grief and sadness, but in time you will find your way back to the light. You will feel safe again. You will be able to laugh and have fun again. Right now it’s all too recent.

Everyone here in my home state of Oklahoma is standing with you, the DIS team, and everyone in Orlando. We have stood in the rubble, and buried our dead, and tended our wounded, and tried to understand the hatred and stupidity. We know how this feels, we know it takes time. We understand the pain, the fear, and the anger.

If you remember nothing else I ever say, I hope you will remember this: Grief is love with no place to go. In time, all of Orlando will begin to find a way to channel all that love in to concrete, permanent, meaningful responses to this tragedy. It takes time, but it will happen. In the meantime, just know that you will never stand alone. We are all right here with you.

This post brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I hope to see you on our little part of the boards more often. :hug:


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